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金虎是一只狗的名字,关于它的事还得从头说起。受我之托,孩子小舅于去年3月上旬从玉树捎来一只小狗崽。那是星期六上午,我正在家里看电视,孩子小舅打来电话,说他们的车子在我们楼院大门外,他还有别  相似文献   


This article addresses the puzzle of why Ireland has proved so open to immigration. It compares responses to immigrants in the Republic of Ireland during the Celtic Tiger era and during the post-2008 economic crisis and finds no evidence of a political backlash during the latter period even though opinion polls suggest that opposition to immigration had increased and other evidence suggested that there had been an increase in racist incidents within Irish society. Nor did the resumption of large-scale emigration trigger political hostility to immigrants. The outcome of the 2004 Referendum on Citizenship, which removed a constitutional right to Irish citizenship to the Irish-born children of immigrants, suggested that that nationalism still matters hugely and a latent tendency towards ethnic chauvinism amongst the host population. Yet, a decade after the 2004 Referendum it looked as if the old mono-ethnic sense conception of the Irish nation had been disrupted, at least a little bit.  相似文献   

The Longwu Tiger DanceTheLongwuTigerDance¥byQingYangResidentsinLongwuTownintheHuangnanTibetanAutonomousPrefecture,QinghaiProv...  相似文献   

杨海鹏 《收藏家》2010,(4):48-48
虎,是世界上最漂亮、最雄壮、最威猛的野生动物,人称"百兽之王"。中国上古时期称君主为"王",其基本概念就来源于虎在自然界中至高无上的地位。从考古的实际情况看,中国的虎文化由来已久,1987年河南濮阳县西水坡出土的著名的龙虎蚌塑可以证明,早在7000年前,中原地区就已有了  相似文献   

AllmonasteriesoftheGelugSectandhousesofGelugsectmembersarepaintedwithaDortraitdepictingaMongolianheroharnessingafiercetigerwithironchains.Thereisastorybehindthisfresco.Duringthetimeofthe3rdDalaiLamaSoinamGyaco(1543-1588),theGelugwasthenweakinTibetbutworke…  相似文献   

This article explores the cultural and ideological management of mass migration in twenty-first-century Ireland, arguing that narratives of return have come to dominate representations of emigration. The almost universal focus on the moment or experience of return distinguishes the current era from other periods of high emigration in Ireland. The phenomenon of the surprise homecoming video is scrutinised alongside recent cinematic releases, newspaper articles, blogs and cultural events including The Gathering (2013) and the Marriage Equality Referendum (2015). By drawing these sources together, the article exposes how cultural representations of emigration have been shaped to fit with official narratives of a business-friendly nation in recovery. By repeatedly showcasing the emotional pleasures of return these popular culture forms support a fantasy of easy return and mask the real economic and social problems driving the latest wave of emigration.  相似文献   

This paper explores intersections between political economy and nature in the so-called Tiger economies that have risen to prominence since the 1960s. Whilst Tiger states are in many ways emblematic of the extremes of late capitalism, they are nevertheless characterized by socio-natural environments that are distinctive, both in terms of the political and economic interests that have underpinned them and their rates of production. Whilst produced under a distinctive set of capitalist social relations, the dialectical reading offered herein chooses to foreground the agency that socio-nature itself possesses in relation to prevalent class interests. This agency is conceptualized in terms of a series of cultural wars over transformed nature. Using a theoretically provocative case study that examines the politics of waste management in Ireland, the paper argues that in reflecting upon the role of such culture wars in the constitution of dominant social relations in Tiger states, the concepts of scalar strategies and struggles over scale may prove useful. Whilst social contests over the scaling of governance have tended thus far to focus upon the dialectical relations between scale and political economy, the paper argues that ecological projects too are fundamentally produced by and implicated in the structuration of scale. In calling for dialogue between political ecological studies and recent work in geography that has sought to theorize scale as a social process, the paper hopes to contribute towards the development of a political ecology of Tiger states.  相似文献   

老虎看着威猛,咆哮起来震动山林,其实只是一位弱者.半个多世纪以来,人类已侵入大自然的各个角落,森林被大面积砍伐,野山被过度开垦,捕猎者枪声不绝,野生动物生存空间越来越小,越来越恶劣.大劫难中,许多野生动物濒临灭绝,或者已诀别"人"世.即使是林中之王的虎,也难免陷入悲哀的绝境,尚存的一息生机也忽明忽暗.  相似文献   

春节期间中国各地时兴舞狮子,不过云南省双柏县小麦地冲的一支彝族人却有"舞老虎"的风俗。每年正月初八,全村的成年男丁到后土地庙遗址集合,先杀鸡敬"土地神",随后祭"虎神"。巫师占卜选中8位村民,让他们打扮成老虎的样子,披上画有虎斑纹的披毡,脸、脚、手上绘上虎纹,颈上挂一个大铜铃,一直到正月十五。  相似文献   

Dainzin Norgyai of the Sharba ethnic group assisted a Swiss climbingteam that reached a heightof 8,600 meters in 1952. On May 29,1953, he joined hands with SirEdmond Hillary of New Zealand asthey finally stood on the summit ofQomolangmo. For this, he won thenickname of "Himalayan SnowTiger". The "Snow Tiger" we portray here, however, does not meanDainzin Norgyai. It is used, instead,to honor the China Tibet High Mountain Exploration Team.Three Generations of "SnowTigers." Chinese m…  相似文献   

60年前,美国"飞虎队"的战机掠过滇西上空时,腾冲人看到了赶走日本鬼子的希望.他们帮助修建机场、传递情报、营救坠机的飞行员,在腾冲的20多个坠机地,还在讲述当年的故事;而地球的另一面,当年的飞虎队员和他们的后代,仍在挂 念着帮助过飞虎队的人们,甚至不远万里来寻找当年的恩人.  相似文献   

虎丘塔的维修加固与变形测量   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对虎丘塔的沉降、位移、层面倾斜等指标进行了测量,进而了解塔体的结构趋向变化。经过维修加固,虎丘塔塔体倾斜得到控制,现在塔体变化趋于稳定状态。  相似文献   

明清闽粤赣地区虎灾考述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘正刚 《清史研究》2001,(2):120-124
本文着重探讨了明清时期闽粤赣三省虎灾的成因、危害及其分布和演变趋势。指出这一时期三省虎患之所以空前绝后,主要原因就是随着大量人口不断向山区进逼和新作物的引进推广而出现的山区开垦规模的扩大,其对山林资源的严重破坏,激化了虎与人之间的矛盾:要么虎吃人,要么人杀虎。其后,山区开发已达极限,老虎不断为民捕杀,乃至造成华南虎濒于绝种的境地,虎患随之减少。  相似文献   

<正>"阿要买茉莉花……""阿要买白兰花……"对中老年的苏州人来说,这是两句充满了儿时记忆的熟悉吆喝声,往往从身板硬朗、健步行走的老妪口中传来,依然柔糯悦耳。伴随着悠扬的叫卖声,映入眼帘的先是一只精致竹篮,篮里的茉莉花、白兰花洁净素雅,三、五朵相缀,嫩绿枝叶相衬,格外清新,一股浓郁的清幽香味也扑鼻而至,沁人心脾。是的,茉莉花、白兰花,还有玳玳花,这就是令苏州人颇为自豪的、以"三花"为代表的虎丘花卉,也是虎丘山下的一道靓丽的风景线。  相似文献   

<正>在中国历史上,虎纹是一种重要的纹饰,很早就出现在商周时期的青铜器、玉器上,到了后来更是被广泛应用于铜镜、瓦当、画像石、漆器、砖瓦等制品上。商周至春秋战国时期,在宁夏贺兰山和北山岩画中,虎是重要的题材,在贺兰山和北山岩画分布区的每个主要岩画点,几乎都有以虎为题材的岩画①。汉代画像石、画象砖也常刻虎纹。南阳画像石有"虎吃女魅"图,画中刻一神为方相氏,立姿,前肢张开,一肢指穷奇,一肢指虎,当是背使穷奇与虎共食鬼魅。此虎用前右爪捺住女鬼的右前肢,张口欲吞。近代和现代民间工艺品中,也常画虎,意除"五毒",有压邪  相似文献   

我最初的目的是收集老兵的口述历史,可悲的是,许多非常有价值的人都去世了,有的因年老无法表述清楚.在今后的5到10年里,将再也没有老兵和见证人了.我常常遇到同样的回答:"某某可以告诉你这一问题,但是他在两年前去世了."  相似文献   

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