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Stephen D. Corrsin 《Folklore》2013,124(3):321-331
As contributions to this section, the Editors welcome comment and debate on topical issues or on recent articles or reviews appearing in the journal. Shorter accessibly written items of general interest, reports on work in progress, notes and queries, are all also welcome.  相似文献   

Attention is drawn to the neuronal inclusion bodies in Parkinsonism and the dementia described by F. Lewy in 1910, resulting in his eponym, as well as to his academic career and participation in two world wars on opposite sides.  相似文献   

Ruba Salih 《对极》2017,49(3):742-760
In this article I interrogate what is lost in war and displacement through the affective memories of Palestinian refugee women who remember through their body and what their body has endured. I reflect on how bodies and spaces connect and disconnect at violent junctures, and on the vital forces vulnerability and precariousness ignite in displacement. Throughout the geography of separations and shifting shelters, refugee women engaged in place‐making, transforming the transience enforced by their continuous evictions into the permanence of home, not as a static identity‐place‐nation, but as a site of dynamic affective, social relations and connections. Read through Michael Hardt's metaphor of “social muscles”, as bodily and emotional drives that blur the boundaries of intimate and social spaces, affective memories can serve as a political horizon that redesigns, in Arendtian terms, the love for the nation as love for concrete relations and for existing in the world.  相似文献   

不是因为有了草原我们就不再需要高山不是因为海洋的浩瀚我们就摒弃戈壁中的甘泉一只鸟的飞翔让天空淡忘过寂寞一匹马驹的降生并不妨碍骆驼的存在我曾经为一个印第安酋长而哭泣那是因为他的死亡让一部未完成的口述史诗永远地凝固成了黑暗!为此,我们热爱这个地球上的每一个生命就如同我们尊重这个世界万物的差异因为我始终相信一滴晨露的晶莹和光辉并不比一条大河的美丽逊色!二○○七年六月九日致他们@吉狄马加$全国青联!副主席、青海省人民政府副省长、当代著名诗人。~~  相似文献   

泉州是我国古代海上丝绸之路的名港口。公元8世纪前后,泉州在中国南力海上交通的重要性已经相当突出。北宋元祐二年(1087年),北宋朝廷在这里设立海外贸易的管理机构市舶司,从而确立了其对外贸易的重要地位历史献资料和西方旅行家的游记告诉我们,在南宋至元代(1127~1368年),作为中国的航运中心、中外商品的集散地,它同亚、非近百个同家和地区有着频繁的贸易往来,其无与伦比的高度繁盛,不可估量的财富积聚,被誉为“属于整个世界的一座城市”。在中世纪的海上贸易热潮中,数量最多、影响最大、覆盖而最广的商品,不是别的,乃是中国的陶瓷器,陶瓷的外销在泉州港的兴衰中扮演了相当重要的角色。因此展开对泉州古外销陶瓷的研究具有十分重大的意义。  相似文献   


鲁珊 《华夏地理》2001,(5):122-123
在小围村的考察 初秋的一天,<华夏人文地理>读者俱乐部的成员们来到深圳东部郊区的小围村,考察当地的人文环境和生态环境.之所以选择小围村,是因为此地具有依山、傍河、靠海等较为复杂的地理位置,且目前外界事物介入不是很多,自然生态和人文环境保持得相对完好.我们还特地邀请了仙湖植物园的陈珍传老师,使我们能较为专业化地调查小围村的植物种类和生态.此外,同行的俱乐部成员还有进行过多次田野调查和有动植物考察经验的行家里手.  相似文献   

2002年的正月里,<华夏人文地理>杂志宝鸡读者俱乐部一行六人,驱车抵达延安,途经绥德、米脂、佳县、榆林、靖边,然后过吴旗,到甘肃的庆阳.历时7天,行程约1,900多公里.陕北之行给人印象最深的,是那些多年不变的窑洞.  相似文献   

This article critically investigates past and contemporary treatments of the state within geographical scholarship. We propose that there is a silent statism within geography that has shaped it in ways that limit geographical imaginations. Statism, herein, refers to a pervasive, historically contingent organisational logic that valourises and naturalises sovereign, coercive, and hierarchical relationships, within and beyond state spaces. We argue that although the explicit, colonial statism that characterised early geography is past, traces of statism nonetheless underpin much of the discipline. While political geography has increasingly critiqued ‘state-centrism’, we argue that it is essential to move beyond critique alone. Using anarchist state theory to critically build upon perspectives in geography, we argue that statism is intellectually and politically problematic and should be recast as an active constituent of unequal social relations. In turn, we outline five core myths that form its logical foundations. In concluding, three initial areas in which post-statist geographies can make inroads are identified: interrogating intersections between statism and other power relations; constructing post-statist epistemologies and methodologies; and addressing how the state is represented in geographical work.  相似文献   

The second part of 2015 Pulitzer Prize winning author David I. Kertzer's interview with the Italian political leader Romano Prodi covers the period from the fall of Prodi's first government in 1998. Starting with the causes of the 1998 crisis, the discussion follows Prodi's subsequent career as President of the European Commission (1999–2004), the introduction of the Euro, the expansion of the EU, and the attempts to introduce a new European constitution, before moving to the second Prodi government (2006–08). Describing his subsequent role as UN Special Envoy for the Sahel and his candidacy in the 2013 Italian presidential elections, Italy's former Prime Minister reflects more widely on the current state of European and Italian politics.  相似文献   

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