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欧洲中世纪城市史研究的奠基者亨利·皮朗和马克斯·韦伯于20世纪初提出了城市商业起源论和中世纪城市自由说,在20世纪里发挥了极大的影响力,后世学者们多遵循着两位先驱的阐释展开研究。直至20世纪末,西方的研究者们方开始注重从空间维度进行城市史研究,考察城市发展背后的权力要素。这主要是受到后现代主义,特别是列斐伏尔的"空间生产"理论的影响,城市空间与权力的关系受到重视,学者们着重挖掘城市景观的深层含义。权力对城市空间的渗透、景观塑造的内涵、节日仪式等,都成为21世纪以来西方中世纪城市史研究的主题。在宏观层面,出现了从区域角度对早期现代国家兴起和建构的研究,全球化带来的跨区域的、全球的流动性元素亦体现在城市空间中,本地的和全球的要素亦构成了城市空间中彼此矛盾却又相辅相成的一对景观。本文试图阐述近二十年来从空间维度研究欧洲中世纪城市史的历程、进展和特点。  相似文献   

王宏波 《世界历史》2006,2(6):74-83
一战后的欧洲安全问题是影响两战之间欧洲政治、经济稳定的重大问题之一。20世纪20年代初期,美国在欧洲安全问题上实行不介入、不承担政治责任的孤立主义政策。美国的这一政策成为促使欧洲安全问题复杂化的主要因素之一,因此而引起的欧洲动荡局势危及美国的经济利益。因此,20世纪20年代中期,美国在坚持原有政策基本原则的基础上进行了一些政策调整,以维护其在欧洲的经济利益。主要表现为:在欧洲安全问题上实行官方不参与,不承担政治责任,但以经济的、非官方的形式参与。1925年美国在洛迦诺公约形成过程中的行为充分体现了20世纪20年代美国的欧洲安全政策。  相似文献   

2004年10月10-15日,德国汉堡大学教授汉斯-维尔纳·格茨在天津师范大学进行 了为期一周的讲学。格茨教授是德语国家中世纪学学会会长,1990年至今就任汉堡大学中 世纪史教授。他的主要著作有:《中世纪早期的公爵》、《中世纪神学》、《欧洲中世纪生活》、 《中世纪早期的妇女》、《中世纪研究入门》、《中世纪早期的欧洲:500-1050年》、《12世纪的 历史意识》、《现代中世纪史研究》等,其中《欧洲中世纪生活》一书已于2002年翻译成中文出 版。  相似文献   

中世纪早期文明与罗马文明的关系这一问题的提出,直接源于欧洲文明史研究中一直令论者关注的重大主题:从古典时代到中世纪,究竟是欧洲文明的断裂还是连续?自19世纪以来,这就是有关中世纪早期诸多问题研究中的一个焦点。灿烂的古典文明与暗淡的蛮  相似文献   

受民族主义和浪漫主义影响,法国学者让-雅克·安托万·安培在19世纪40年代最早提出了"12世纪文艺复兴"的概念。在雅各布·布克哈特对意大利文艺复兴研究的刺激下,埃米尔·格巴尔将这一概念进一步深化,并建立了相对完整的概念体系。19世纪末,英国学者哈斯廷斯·拉什道尔采取实证研究路径,以中世纪大学为切入点丰富了"12世纪文艺复兴"的内涵。到20世纪初期,学界已广泛接受了"12世纪文艺复兴"的概念。美国学界承袭并发展了欧洲学界关于"12世纪文艺复兴"的阐述,查尔斯·霍默·哈斯金斯则最终使其完全成型。对这一学说发展史的考察,不仅能反映19世纪中后期民族主义、浪漫主义等思潮与学术研究的纠葛,也能呈现中世纪研究在西欧和美国的早期专业化、系统化的进程。  相似文献   

20世纪下半叶盛行的现代化理论是50年代的美国社会学家首先提出的。他们以当时的美国社会为模式,树立了一系列衡量传统社会向现代社会过渡的标准,为二战后的发展中国家提出了现代化的发展规划。在许多以此理论为指导的发展项目失败以后,英美社会学家倾向于将现代化理论历史化,研究的重点由现实中的发展中国家,转向现代西方的形成与发展史,即18世纪晚期以来(或更早一点,16世纪以来)欧洲与北美的历史。在六七十年代,联邦德国的社会学家与社会史学派将英美的现代化理论引进联邦德国史学界,特别是引进德国近现代史(即德国19世纪与20世纪上半叶的历史)的研究。  相似文献   

作为联通中世纪教俗两界的主要媒介,世俗教士历来是西方史学界关注的重要研究对象之一。随着新史料的出现与史学理论的发展,20世纪以来的英国中世纪世俗教士研究经历了一系列转变。受宗教信仰意识形态的影响,20世纪上半叶主流的中世纪世俗教士研究往往关注于道德评判,传统学派对世俗教士的负面认识也未出现大的改观。不过,在主流研究之外也有一部分学者对传统范式进行了反思和批判,并试图以更加客观的视角审视中世纪世俗教士群体。20世纪60年代以后,随着新史学的兴起,中世纪世俗教士研究出现了转向,以"人"为中心的社会史研究范式的兴起推动了该领域的进一步发展,大批新史料的编订和出版也为中世纪世俗教士研究的转型提供了契机。伴随上述转型,英国中世纪世俗教士研究逐渐发展为一个相对独立和完善的研究领域,世俗教士本身也开始成为研究的"主角",为学者们关注和讨论。  相似文献   

美国人口地理学的近期进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
张文新 《人文地理》2001,16(1):6-10
20世纪90年代以来,美国人口地理学的研究领域和研究方法有了新的发展。本文首先简要回顾了美国人口地理学的发展历史,然后重点对20世纪90年代以来美国人口地理学的新发展作了详细阐述和评价;并在此基础上指出了我国人口地理学应该借鉴的方面。  相似文献   

30年来国内骑士研究述评   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
改革开放的30年,是我国世界史研究有史以来发展最快、成果最丰富的时期.在这30年中,西欧中世纪骑士研究由起步到全面发展,形成一道清晰的学术脉络,值得重视.纵观我国的西欧骑士研究,可按时间顺序大致分为三个阶段:20世纪80年代,提出并思考了一些基本问题;20世纪90年代,对一些问题做了初步探询;21世纪以来,展开了广泛的探讨.通过总结,我们既可看到国内骑士研究的基本状况,也能认识到未来发展的大体趋势.  相似文献   

20世纪下半叶以来,西方学术界的欧洲早期中古史研究在扬弃第二次世界大战前学术传统的基础上形成了新的历史判断和史学视角,突破了传统史学对欧洲早期中古史的经典叙事,为新叙事的出现奠定了基础。欧洲早期中古史研究围绕"蛮族欧洲"、"后帝国时代的社会转型"和"基督教化"三个主题,新的研究趋向主要体现为:高度的综合性、对多种历史变迁的容纳和更大的时空视野。欧洲早期中古史研究的各项进展,正在汇聚成时空维度更大、对复杂的历史经验更具开放性的新叙事,冷战之后对新"欧洲认同"的需要客观上有助于促成这种新叙事的形成。  相似文献   

Despite criticisms, the classification of the choir of Auxerre Cathedral as Burgundian persists in recent literature. Yet the cathedral’s choir, begun c. 1215, demonstrates the problematic nature of the existing regional categories for French medieval architecture. Based on the 19th-century idea of progress, the conceptual model that conceives Gothic France as consisting of ‘centre and periphery’ and notions such as regional styles or period styles are deeply at odds with medieval concepts of innovation as inclusive of tradition, as evidenced in the biography of Bishop William of Auxerre (1207–20). Indeed, 20th-century studies in support of the classification are contradicted by recent archaeological findings, and neither the historical evidence nor the architectural evidence support a Burgundian label for the choir. The architecture’s distinctly trans-regional character with a mixture of both traditional and up-to-date architectural elements as well as the fact that patronal identities were strongly based on local affiliations and not attached to the duchy of Burgundy, invite a profound reconsideration not only of the position of the choir in the architectural landscape of the early 13th century but also of Gothic architecture of north-eastern France in more general terms.  相似文献   

‘Somatic Styles’ examines how classical modes of gender played significant roles in carving out competitive arenas between clerical and lay elites, c.600–900 CE. The paper explores the hermeneutical obstacles standing between the contemporary theorist of gender and the complex nature of the early medieval texts under scrutiny. The analysis reconstructs classicising techniques of gender deployed by early medieval churchmen, and it does so in a way that both challenges the stranglehold of the ‘one‐sex’ model on pre‐modern understandings of gender and heals the ‘rupture’ between the ‘Ancient’ and the ‘Dark Age’. Finally, the essay maps early medieval somatic and gendered styles onto an architectural space where lay and consecrated bodies met – a ninth‐century monastic basilica.  相似文献   

The prior's lodgings at Ely expanded between the twelfth and the fourteenth centuries resulting in a set of apartments with self-contained first-floor circulation, some of which served the prior's distinguished guests. The buildings have been re-examined in conjunction with the recent restoration carried out on part of this complex. The individual buildings and the complex are considered at specific stages of development, and they are also set against relevant comparative data. The documentary evidence is reviewed, shedding light on early grants of land from the bishop, and the function of the buildings and social life in the prior's department are also discussed. This paper provides a reappraisal of earlier studies that tended to present a static view of the medieval monastery at Ely, using mainly post-Dissolution documents as retrospective evidence for their medieval form and function.  相似文献   

THE LANDSCAPE CONTEXT of the early 9th-century monument known as the Pillar of Eliseg is interrogated here for the first time with GIS-based analysis and innovative spatial methodologies. Our interpretation aims to move beyond regarding the Pillar as a prominent example of early medieval monument reuse and a probable early medieval assembly site. We argue that the location and topographical context of the cross and mound facilitated the monument’s significance as an early medieval locus of power, faith and commemoration in a contested frontier zone. The specific choice of location is shown to relate to patterns of movement and visibility that may have facilitated and enhanced the ceremonial and commemorative roles of the monument. By shedding new light on the interpretation of the Pillar of Eliseg as a node of social and religious aggregation and ideological power, our study has theoretical and methodological implications for studying the landscape contexts of early medieval stone monuments.  相似文献   

This essay considers the position of Irish medieval buildings in the early years of the twentieth century. Focusing on the treatment of the oratory of St. Lua at Killaloe, it examines the ways in which the ruins of the medieval past were used to signify a range of political, religious and cultural ideas and attitudes. The rising water levels following the Shannon Scheme works (begun in 1925) meant that this stone oratory was moved from its original position on Friar’s Island to the grounds of St. Flannan’s Roman Catholic Church in 1929. The resulting paper trail reflects the complex processes of decision-making within a civil service in transition as the new Irish Free State calibrated its position with regard to the past and the treatment of medieval ruins throughout the countryside. The case study of St. Lua’s oratory is considered here in the context of the nineteenth-century tradition of scholarship on medieval buildings, the development of the idea of a national Irish architecture during this period, and the impact of this tradition on subsequent engagement with the buildings of the medieval past.  相似文献   

This article investigates the early medieval secular through the lens of clerical immunity – that is, the legal exemption of clerics from courts labelled as secular. It focusses on a short text, eventually attributed to Pope Leo, which was written in fifth-century Gaul to define this immunity. By pursuing this text’s fate as it was revised and put to use into the eleventh century, the article demonstrates how the early medieval secular was a religious category employed for different purposes at different times.  相似文献   

J. L. André 《考古杂志》2013,170(1):400-422
In 1825 Lewis Nockalls Cottingham removed Romanesque carvings from the spandrels of the great west window at Rochester Cathedral as part of a comprehensive programme of restoration and repair. The architect's preliminary drawings for this project (held by Avery Architectural Library at Columbia University in New York) permit the accurate reconstruction of these spandrels, and this reconstruction, in turn, reveals some of the principles which guided this important early nineteenth-century restorer. It can be shown that in attempting to clarify the several styles of medieval building at Rochester, Cottingham repressed some features which he saw as hybrids and emphasized others which he judged insufficiently prominent. This desire to make the fabric history more clearly legible as a sequence of stylistic cues reflected recent advances in the writing of architectural history, in particular the taxonometric approach pioneered by Thomas Rickman.  相似文献   

There has been in the last few years a rapid expansion in the archaeology of early medieval societies in the north‐west of the Iberian Peninsula. A large part of this evidence remains unpublished or has been published incompletely. This article considers the historical landscapes of the north‐western Iberian Peninsula in the early medieval period as social constructions, starting with the identification of the systemic relationships between different archaeological entities. The dynamics and articulation of early medieval societies in the Cantabrian area and in the Duero and Tagus basins will be outlined by means of deconstructing their landscapes. To achieve this, a set of variables will be analysed in comparative terms from three regions selected as case studies: Madrid, the Duero basin and the Basque Country. With the aim of explaining these systems diachronically a division between the fifth–eighth and eighth–tenth centuries will be taken into consideration.  相似文献   

Few medieval historians have turned their attention to the history of families in urban England. But the groundwork for such studies has been laid in previous scholarship on the merchant class, on women and work in towns, and on borough law and customs. Future studies, more specifically focused on families in towns, will draw upon a wide variety of sources including wills, property records, marriage litigation, coroner's rolls, poll taxes, borough customs, and, most importantly, borough plea rolls. These studies should allow us to explore how the special characteristics of the medieval urban environment – continual in-migration, economic opportunity, commercial and industrial diversity, extremes of wealth, high population density, and borough legal structures – affected family formation, life-cycle, demography, and domestic life in medieval towns.  相似文献   

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