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Books reviewed: PETER CLARK (ed.), Dover Bronze Age Boat. PETER CLARK (ed.), The Dover Bronze Age Boat in Context: Society and Water Transport in Prehistoric Europe. NIGEL NAYLING and SEÁN McGRAIL, The Barland's Farm Romano‐Celtic Boat. RONALD BOCKIUS, Die Römerzeitlichen Schiffsfunde von Oberstimm (Bayern). OLE CRUMLIN‐PEDERSEN and ATHENA TRAKADAS (eds), Hjortspring—A Pre‐Roman Iron Age Warship in Context. LARS JORGENSEN et al. (eds), The Spoils of Victory: The North in the Shadow of the Roman Empire. ANNE C. SORENSEN, Ladby—a Danish Ship‐grave from the Viking Age. JEREMY GREEN, Maritime Archaeology: A Technical Handbook. BRIAN LAVERY, Ship. JEAN‐PAUL BRAVARD and MICHEL MAGNY (eds), Les Fleuves ont une Histoire: Paléo‐environnement des Rivières et des Lacs depuis 15,000 ans. STEFANO MEDAS, De Rebus Nauticis. L’arte della navigazione nel mondo antico. JOHN BLAKE, The Sea Chart—An Illustrated History of Nautical Maps and Navigational Charts. GEOFF HUNT, The Marine Art of Geoff Hunt: Painter of the Naval World of Nelson and Patrick O’Brian. SEÁN McGRAIL, Boats of the World—From the Stone Age to Medieval Times. JOSÉ MARIA UNSAIN (ed.), Urpeko Oroimena: Euskel Herriko Urpeko Arkeologia eta Ondarea (la memoria sumergida; arqueología y patrimonia subacuático vasco). SEAN KINGSLEY, Shipwreck Archaeology of the Holy Land: Processes and Parameters. DAVID RUDLING (ed.), The Archaeology of Sussex to AD 2000. KIERON HEARD with DAMIAN GOODBURN, Investigating the Maritime History of Rotherhithe: Excavations at Pacific Wharf, 165 Rotherhithe Street, Southwark. GEORGE INDRUSZIEWCKI, Man, Ship, Landscape: Ships and Seafaring in the Oder Mouth Area AD 400–1400: a case‐study of an ideological context. MICHEL L’HOUR (ed.), The Sunken Treasures of Brunei Darussalem. TØNNES BEKKER‐NIELSEN (ed.), Ancient Fishing and Fish Processing in the Black Sea Region. DAVID EVANS, Building the Steam Navy: Dockyards, Technology and the Creation of the Victorian Battle Fleet 1830–1906. DAVID LYON and RIF WINFIELD, The Sail and Steam Navy List: All the Ships of the Royal Navy 1815–1889. EDWYN GRAY, Nineteenth Century Torpedoes and their Inventors. MATTHEW A. RUSSELL, Comet: Submerged Cultural Resources Site Report. Channel Islands National Park. MICHAEL STAMMERS, End of Voyages: the Afterlife of a Ship. L. M. COLLINS, The Sinking of the Titanic: the Mystery Solved. MÅRTEN TRIEWALD, The Art of Living Under Water.  相似文献   

Books reviewed: G. F. BASS, S. D. MATTHEWS, J. R. STEFFY, and F. H. VAN DOORNINCK Jr, Serçe Liman?: an Eleventh‐Century Shipwreck. Volume I: The Ship and its Anchorage, Crew, and Passengers YAACOV KAHANOV and ELISHA LINDER, The Ma’agan Mikhael Ship. The Recovery of a 2400‐Year‐Old Merchantman. Final Report Volume II HORST NOWACKI, Archimedes and Ship Stability HORST NOWACKI and LARRIE D. FERREIRO, Historical Roots of the Theory of Hydrostatic Stability of Ships SIMON HILLSON, Teeth VICKI CUMMINGS and CHRIS FOWLER (eds), The Neolithic of the Irish Sea: Materiality and Traditions of Practice JOHAN HENRIK SCHREINER, Two Battles and Two Bills: Marathon and the Athenian Fleet ALEC TILLEY, Seafaring on the Ancient Mediterranean: New Thoughts on Triremes and Other Ancient Ships DAVID J. P. MASON, Roman Britain and the Roman Navy R. A. HOUSLEY and G. COLES (eds), Atlantic Connections and Adaptations. Economies, Environments and Subsistence in Lands Bordering the North Atlantic JOHAN RÖNNBY (ed.), By the Water: Archaeological Perspectives on Human Strategies around the Baltic Sea ANGELO FORTE, RICHARD ORAM, and FREDERIK PEDERSEN, Viking Empires JOHN HINES, ALAN LANE and MARK REDKNAP (eds), Land Sea and Home: Proceedings of a Conference on Viking Period Settlement BENJAMIN HUDSON, Viking Pirates and Christian Princes: Dynasty, Religion, and Empire in the North Atlantic GREGORY G. MONKS (ed.), The Exploitation and Cultural Importance of Sea Mammals UWE SCHALL, URSULA FELDKAMP, ERIK HOOPS, Deutsches Schiffahrtsarchiv No. 26 (2003) PATRICE POMEY and ÉRIC RIETH, L’Archéologie Navale FRANCISCO CONTENTE DOMINGUES, Os Navios do Mar Oceano. Teoria e Empiria na Arquitectura Naval Portuguesa dos séculos XVI e XVII FILIPE VIEIRA de CASTRO, The Pepper Wreck: a Portuguese Indiaman at the Mouth of the Tagus River ALEX HILDRED (ed.), Report on the Excavation of the Dutch East Indiaman Vliegent Hart JOHN ROBSON, The Captain Cook Encyclopaedia MYRA STANBURY and JEREMY GREEN (eds), Lapérouse and the Loss of the Astrolabe and the Boussole (1788): Reports of the 1986 and 1990 Investigations of the Shipwrecks at Vanikoro, Solomon Islands MICHEL DAEFFLER, Formes de Carène et Navires de Combat: L’invention du Vaisseau de Ligne en Angleterre (1560–1642) NICHOLAS BLAKE, Steering to Glory: a Day in the Life of a Ship of the Line SPENCER TUCKER, Stephen Decatur—‘A Life Bold and Daring’ SARAH C. WOLFE, Naval Edged Weapons in the Age of Fighting Sail 1775–1865 RICHARD TUFFIN, GREG JACKMAN and JULIA CLARK (eds), A Harbour Large Enough to Admit a Whole Fleet: The Maritime History and Archaeology of Port Arthur ALASTAIR R. WALKER, Stroma Yoles: their construction and development JANE DOWNES and ANNE RITCHIE, Sea Change: Orkney and Northern Europe in the Later Iron Age AD 300–600 MARINELLA PASQUINUCCI and TIMM WESKI, Close Encounters: Sea‐ and Riverborne Trade, Ports and Hinterlands, Ship Construction and Navigation in Antiquity, the Middle Ages and in Modern Time KLAUS BRAND and HANS JOACHIM KÜHN, Der Prahm aus dem Hafen von Haithabu. Beiträge zu Antiken und Mittelalterlichen Flachbodenschiffen JAMES DODDS and JAMES MOORE, Building the Wooden Fighting Ship  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: The Skuldelev Ships I: Topography, Archaeology, History, Conservation and Display (Ships and Boats of the North: 4.1), OLE CRUMLIN‐PEDERSEN, OLAF OLSEN (Eds) III‐starred Captains—Flinders and Baudin, ANTHONY J. BROWN Facing the Ocean. The Atlantic and its Peoples, 8000 BC‐AD 1500, BARRY CUNLIFFE Archaeology and Seafaring: the Indian Ocean in the Ancient Period (ICHR Monograph 1), HAMINSHU PRABHA RAY The Sea in Antiquity (BAR International Series 899), G. J. OLIVER, R. BROCK, T. J. CORNELL, S. HODKINSON (Eds) Lost Warships: an archaeological tour of war at sea, JAMES P. DELGADO ‘A ship cast away about Alderney’—Investigation of an Elizabethan shipwreck, JASON MONAGHAN and, MENSUN BOUND (Eds) Archeologisch onderzoek in het tracé van Willemsspoortunnel te Rotterdam. Sluizen en schepen in de dam van de Rotte (BOO Rbalans 4, 2 vols), M. van TRIERUM, A. CARMIGGELT, A. J. GUIRAN (Eds) Schutz des Kulturerbes unter Wasser (IKUWA conference 1999 proceedings), CHRISTOPHER BÖRKER et al. (Eds) Construzione navale antica, PIER0 DELL'AMICO The Voyages of the Discovery: the illustrated history of Scott's ship, ANN SAVOURS Chicago Maritime: An Illustrated History, DAVID M. YOUNG Deux siècles de constructions et chantiers navals (milieu XVIIe‐milieu XIXe) Proceedings of 124th Congrès des societés historiques et scientifiques, Nantes 1999), CHRISTIANE VILLAIN‐GANDOSSI (Ed.) Submarine Researches by C. A. Deane (1836), MICHAEL FARDELL & NIGEL PHILLIPS (Eds.), JOHN BEVAN Naval Guns: 500 years of Ship and Coastal Artillery, HANS MEHL Lords of the East—the East India Company and its ships 1600–1874, JEAN SUTTON CSS Alabama: Anatomy of a Confederate raider, ANDREW BOWCOCK The extraordinary voyage of Pytheas the Greek, BARRY CUNLIFFE Trincomalee— the last of Nelson's frigates, ANDREW LAMBERT Galleons and Galleys (Cassel's History of Warfare Series), JOHN F. GUIIMARTIN Jr.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The Rising Tide—Archaeology and Coastal Landscape, ALAN ABERG & CARENZA LEWIS (Eds)
Exploitation and Management of Marshland Landscapes in North West Europe: the Transformation of Coastal Wetlands during Roman and Medieval Periods, STEPHEN RIPPON, TIMM WESKI
Boats of Bengal: Eighteenth century portraits by Balthazar Solvyns, ROBERT L. HARDGRAVE Jr., BASIL GREENHILL
Sacred and Secular: Ancient Egyptian Ships and Boats ( AIA Monographs, New Series 5 ), CHERYL WARD, DILWYN JONES
Seafaring and Civilization: Maritime Perspectives on World History, PHILIP de SOUZA, SARAH ARENSON
Fundert Ostsee—Eine maritim-archäologische Zeitreise entlung der deutschen Ostseeküste, MAIK-JENS SPRINGMANN, WALDEMAR OSSOWSKI
The Art and Archaeology of Venetian Boats and Ships ( Studies in Nautical Archaeology no. 5 ), LILLIAN RAY MARTIN, RICHARD BARKER
Economy and Exchange in the East Mediterranean during Late Antiquity. (Proceedings of a Conference at Somerville College, Oxford, 29th May, 1999), SEAN KINGSLEY, MICHAEL DECKER (Eds), CHERYL WARD
Raising the Dead: the Skeleton Crew of King Henry VIII's Great Ship, the Mary Rose , A. J. STIRLAND, COLIN MARTIN
A History of the Confederate Navy, RAIMONDO LURAGHI, ANDREW LAMBERT
The Piraeus, from the fifth to the first century BC, ROBERT GARLAND, DAVID BLACKMAN
A Dictionary of the World's Watercraft from Aak to Zumbra , THE MARINERS' MUSEUM, OWAIN T. P. ROBERTS
Wooden Ship Building and the Interpretation of Shipwrecks, J. RICHARD STEFFY, ERIC RIETH
Deutsche Binnentankschiffahrt 1887–1994, INGO HEIDBRINK, ARVID GÖTTLICHER
Das Schiff von Mahdia im Licht Moderner Natur—und Technikwissenschaft, WILFRED STECHER, CHERYL WARD
Gestrandet bei Uelvesbüll: Wrackarchäologie in Nordfriesland, HANS JOACHIM KÜHN, FREDERICK M. HOCKER  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Nations & Nationalism》1998,4(2):273-297
Books reviewed in this article: Paul James, Nation Formation: Towards a Theory of Abstract Community. Joep Leerssen, Remembrance and Imagination. Patterns in the Historical and Literary Representation of Ireland in the Nineteenth Century. Susan Paul Pattie, Faith in History: Armenians Rebuilding Community. C. C. Barfoot (ed.), Beyond Pug's Tour: National and Ethnic Stereotyping in Theory and Literary Practice. Thomas J. Biersteker and Cynthia Weber (eds.), State Sovereignty as Social Construct Michel Wieviorka (ed.), Une société fragmentée? Le multiculturalisme en débat. Gérard Noiriel, The French Melting Pot: Immigration, Citizenship, and National Identity. David Westerlund (ed.), Questioning the Secular State: The Worldwide Resurgence of Religion in Politics. Philip Pettit, Republicanism: A Theory of Freedom and Government. John R. Lampe, Yugoslavia as History: Twice There Was a Country. Paul R. Brass, Theft of an Idol: Text and Context in the Representation of Collective Violence. K. E. Schulze, M. Stokes and C. Campbell (eds.), Nationalism, Nationalities and Diasporas: Identities and Rights in the Middle East. Dusan Kecmanovic, The Mass Psychology of Ethnonationalism.  相似文献   

Books reviewed: Stan ‐Michel Pellistrandi , Gesche Landais , and Christine Pellistrandi (eds), Le Nain de Tillemont et l’historiagraphie de l’Antiquité romaine. Ekkehard W. Stegemann and Wolfgang Stegemann (eds), The Jesus Movement. A Social History of its First Century. Kathleen Kamerick , Popular Piety and Art in the Late Middle Ages: Image Worship and Idolatry in England 1350–1500. Michael P. Carroll , Irish Pilgrimage: Holy Wells and Popular Catholic Devotion. John Wilkinson , Jerusalem Pilgrims Before the Crusades. Tomaz Mastnak , Crusading Peace: Christendom, the Muslim World, and Western Political Order. Sharon Farmer , Surviving Poverty in Medieval Paris: Gender, Ideology and the Daily Lives of the Poor. John W. O'Malley , Trent and all That. Renaming Catholicism in the Early Modern Era. Karin J. Mac Hardy , War, Religion and Court Patronage in Habsburg Austria: The Social and Cultural Dimensions of Political Interactions. Jeffrey R. Watt , Choosing Death. Suicide and Calvinism in Early Modern Geneva. Felicity Heal , Reformation in Britain and Ireland. David Boyd Haycock , William Stukeley. Science, Religion and Archaeology in Eighteenth‐Century England. Francis Harris , Transformations of Love: The Friendship of John Evelyn and Margaret Godolphin. Robert Hymes , Way and Byway: Taoism, Local Religion, and Models of Divinity in Sung and Modern China. Anthony O'Mahony (ed.), The Christian Communities of Jerusalem and the Holy Land: Studies in History, Religion, and Politics. Amanda Porterfield (ed.), American Religious History. Pat Jalland , Australian Ways of Death: A Social and Cultural History 1840–1918. Colin Holden (ed.), People of the Past? The Culture of Melbourne Anglicanism and Anglicanism in Melbourne's Culture: Papers to Mark the 150th Anniversary of the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne, 1847–1997. Kenneth P. Serbin , Secret Dialogues: Church‐State Relations, Torture and Social Justice in Authoritarian Brazil. Yamaji Aizan , Essays on the Modern Japanese Church: Christianity in Meiji Japan. Thich Nhat Hanh , compiled by Jack Lawlor , Friends on the Path — Living Spiritual Communities. Armand L. Mauss , All Abraham's Children: Changing Mormon Perceptions of Race and Lineage. Margaret Lamberts Bendroth and Virginia Lieson Brereton (eds), Women and Twentieth‐Century Protestantism. Anthony O'Mahony and Atuallah Siddiqui (eds), Christians and Muslims in the Commonwealth: A Dynamic Role in the Future.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Nations & Nationalism》1995,1(3):429-448
Books reviewed in this article: John Hutchinson and Anthony D. Smith (eds.), Nationalism Ernest Gellner, Encounters with Nationalism Mikulá? Teich and Roy Porter (eds.), The National Question in Europe in Historical Context Donald V. Schwartz and Razmik Panossian (eds.), Nationalism and History. The Politics of Nation-Building in Post-Soviet Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia Frank Dikötter, The Discourse of Race in Modern China. Frank Füredi, Colonial Wars and the Politics of Third World Nationalism. Fred Halliday, Rethinking International Relations. Hans Vermeulen and Cora Govers (eds.), The Anthropology of Ethnicity. Beyond ‘Ethnic Groups and Boundaries’. Ronald D. Schwartz, Circle of Protest: Political Ritual in the Tibetan Uprising. Amitai Etzioni, The Spirit of Community: The Reinvention of American Society.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Nations & Nationalism》1996,2(2):309-354
Books reviewed in this article: Anthony D. Smith, Nations and Nationalism in a Global Era. Charles A. Kupchan (ed.), Nationalism and Nationalities in the New Europe. Jyrki Livonen (ed.), The Future of the Nation State in Europe. Peter Collins (ed.), Nationalism and Unionism: Conflict in Ireland, 1885-1921. James G. Carrier (ed.), Occidentalism: Images of the West. Omar Dehbour and Micheline R. Ishay (eds.), The Nationalism Reader. Juan Diez Medrano, Divided Nations: Class, Politics, and Nationalism in the Basque Country and Catalonia. Bernhard Giesen, Die Intellektuellen und die Nation. Eine deutsche Achesenzeit. Larry Diamond and Marc F. Plattner (eds.), Nationalism, Ethnic Conflict, and Democracy. Peter Fitzpatrick (ed.), Nationalism, Racism and the Rule of Law. William R. Hutchison and Hartmut Lehmann (eds.), Many Are Chosen. Divine Election and Western Nationalism. Dawa Norbu, Culture and the Politics of Third World Nationalism. André Liebich and Daniel Warner with Jasna Dragovic (eds.), Citizenship East and West. Sukumar Periwal (ed.), Notions of Nationalism. Christopher Bennett, Yugoslavia's Bloody Collapse: Causes, Course and Consequences. Kenichi Ohmae, The End of the Nation-State: the Rise of Regional Economics. Michel Cahen, Ethnicité politique. Pour une lecture réaliste de l'identité. Boas Evron, Jewish State or Israeli Nation. Florencia E. Mallon, Peasant and Nation: The Making of Postcolonial Mexico and Peru. Moses Hess, The Revival of Israel: Rome and Jerusalem, The Last Nationalist, Questions, History and Causes. Bernard Lazare, Antisemitism, Its History and Causes. Daiva Stasiulis and Nira Yuval-Davis (eds.), Unsettling Settler Societies.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Development and change》2003,34(2):357-381
Thomas D. Hall (ed.), A World‐Systems Reader: New Perspectives on Gender, Urbanism, Cultures, Indigenous Peoples, and Ecology Arif Dirlik, Vinay Bahl and Peter Gran (eds.), History After the Three Worlds: Post Eurocentric Historiographies Susan Schech and Jane Haggis, Culture and Development: A Critical Introduction Mehran Kamrava, Cultural Politics in the Third World Adrian Wood, Raymond Apthorpe and John Borton (eds.), Evaluating International Humanitarian Action: Reflections from Practitioners Richard Black, Refugees, Environment and Development Aristide R. Zolberg and Peter Benda (eds.), Global Migrants, Global Refugees: Problems and Solutions H. W. Singer with D. J. Shaw (ed.), International Development Co‐Operation: Selected Essays by H. W. Singer on Aid and the United Nations System Kristoffel Lieten and Ben White (eds.), Child Labour: Policy Options C. J. Barrow, Social Impact Assessment: An Introduction Douglas Saltmarshe, Identity in a Post‐communist Balkan State: An Albanian Village Study Anne Marie Goetz, Women Development Workers. Implementing Rural Credit Programmes in Bangladesh A. Kundu and A. N. Sharma (eds.), Informal Sector in India: Perspectives and Policies A. Haroon Akram‐Lodhi (ed.), Confronting Fiji Futures M. A. Mohamed Salih and John Markakis (eds.), Ethnicity and the State in Eastern Africa Jeanne X. Kasperson and Roger Kasperson (eds.), Global Environmental Risk James R. Bingen, David Robinson and John M. Staatz (eds.), Democracy and Development in Mali Harri Eglund, From War to Peace on the Mozambique‐Malawi Borderland  相似文献   

‘The Good Ship’—Ships, Shipbuilding and Technology in England 1200—1520 IAN FRIEL 232 pp., freely illustrated British Museum Press, 1995, £25, ISBN 0-7141-0574-0 Nautica Genovese—Tipologia delle Imbarcazioni di Varazze allo fine del Medioevo FURIO CICILIOT 112 pp., some illustrations G.R.I.F.L., c/o Biblioteca Comunale, via Colletto 76, Rocchetta Cairo (SV), 17010 Italy, 1993, L. 24,000. A Spirit of Enquiry—Essays for Ted Wright (WARP Occasional Paper 7) JOHN COLES, VALERIE FENWICK & GILLIAN HUTCHINSON (Eds) 96 pp., illustrated WARP, NAS, NMM at University of Exeter. Available via NAS, 19 College Road, Portsmouth, Hants PO1 3LJ, UK, £8 including post, £9 overseas, ISBN 0-9519117-1-6 Ships of the Port of London—First to Eleventh Centuries AD (English Heritage Archaeological Report No. 3) PETER MARSDEN 237 pp, 175 illustrations English Heritage, London, available via English Heritage Postal Sales, PO Box 229, Northampton NN6 9RY, UK, 1994, £35, ISBN 1-85074470-X Alonquin Birchbank Canoe (Shire Ethnography no. 4) DAVID GIDMARK 64 pp., 50 black-&-white illustrations Shire Publications Ltd, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP17 9AJ, 1988, £3.50, ISBN 0-85263-940-6 The Age of the Galley—Mediterranean Oared Vessels since Pre-classical Times (Conway‘History of the Ship’series) JOHN MORRISON (Ed.) 256 pp., 275 illustrations Conway Maritime Press, 33 John Street, London WC1 2AT, 1995, £28, ISBN 0-85177-554-3 Medieval Ship Archaeology C. O. CEDERLUND (Ed.). Linguistic check: J. ADAMS, C. DOBBS 121 pp., 56 illustrations Department of Archaeology, University of Stockholm, 1995, £8 including postage from the Nautical Archaeology Society, c/o Mary Rose Trust, H. M. Naval Base, Portsmouth PO1 3LJ, UK, ISBN 91-7153-308-7 Wetland Management—A Survey for English Heritage (WARP paper 9) BRYONY COLES 126 pp. WARP c/o Department of History & Archaeology, University of Exeter, EX4 4QH, 1995, £8+£2p&p ISBN 0-951-9117-2-4 The Archaeology of Ships of War. (International Maritime Archaeology series, vol. 1) MENSUN BOUND (Ed.) 192 pp., numerous illustrations Anthony Nelson, Oswestry, Shropshire, 1995, £.32, ISBN 0-904614-52-2 Lighthouses (Shire Album 312) LYNN F. PEARSON 32 pp., illustrated. Shire Publications Ltd, Princes Risborough, Bucks HP27 9AA, UK, 1995, £2.25, ISBN 0-7478-0275-0  相似文献   

From Egypt to Mesopotamia: A Study of Predynastic Trade Routes: ( No. 4 in Studies in Nautical Archaeology ), SAMUEL MARK
Communication and Commerce along the Western Sealanes AD 400–800: ( BAR International Series 654 ), JONATHAN M. WOODING
Furstens fartyg ( The Prince's Ship ), JONATHAN ADAMS and JOHAN RÖNNBY
Archeologie van de binnenvaart: wonen en werken aan boord van binnenvaartschepen (1600–1900): ( Scheppsarcheoligie IV ), A. F. L. VAN HOLK
The History of the Ship, RICHARD WOODMAN
The Schooner—its Design and Development from 1600 to the Present, DAVID R. MacGREGOR
Roar Ege: Skuldelev 3 skibet som arkaeologisk eksperiment, ERIK ANDERSEN, OLE CUMLIN-PEDERSEN, SOREN VADSTRUP and MAX VINNER
Greenwich Time and the Longitude, DEREK HOWSE  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
"Each Man cried out to his God"—The specialized religion of Canaanite and Phoenician seafarers (Harvard Semitic Monographs 58). AARON JED BRODY
Excavating Ships of War. MENSUN BOUND (Ed.)
Scotland's Historic Shipwrecks (Historic Scotland series). COLIN MARTIN
The Archeology of the Frobisher Voyages. WILLIAM W. FITZHUGH and JACQUELINE S. OLIN (Eds)
Chinese Export Porcelain from the Wreck of the Sydney Cove (1797) (AIMA Special Publication no 12). MARK STANIFORTH and MIKE NASH
Scottish Fishing Boats (Shire Album 326). MATTHEW TANNER
Eisenzeitliche Schiffsausriistungen im Bereich von Nord- und Ostsee. KIRSTEN LANGENBACH
Shipwrecks of Encounter Bay and Backstairs Passage (AIMA Special Publication No. 8). COSMOS CORONEOS
Shipwrecks of Investigator Strait and the Lower Yorke Peninsula (AIMA Special Publication No. 9). COSMOS CORONEOS and ROBERT MCKINNON
Excavations at Caldicot, Gwent: Bronze Age Palaeochannels in the Lower Nedern Valley (CBA Research Report 108). NIGEL NAYLING and A. CASELDINE
Gwent Levels: The Evolution of a Wetland Landscape (CBA Research report 105). STEPHEN RIPPON
ANCODS Colloquium on Maritime Archaeology and Maritime History (Special Publication No 3, Australian National Centre of Excellence for Maritime Archaeology). JEREMY GREEN, MYRA STANBURY and FEMME GAASTRA (Eds). Anchors: An Illustrated History, BETTY NELSON CURRYER
History of Warships from Ancient Times to the Twenty-First Century. JAMES L. GEORGE
Ships of the World: an Historical Encyclopedia. LINCOLN PAINE  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Nations & Nationalism》1999,5(1):127-152
Books reviewed in this article: Adrian Hastings, The Construction of Nationhood: Ethnicity, Religion and Nationalism Craig Calhoun, Nationalism Geoffrey Hosking and George Schöpflin (eds.), Myths and Nationhood Gary W. Gallagher, The Confederate War Valery Tishkov, Ethnicity, Nationalism and Conflict in and after the Soviet Union: The Mind Aflame Barnett R. Rubin and Jack Snyder (eds.), Post-Soviet Political Order: Conflict and State-building Craig Beveridge and Ronnie Turnbull, Scotland after the Enlightenment Dauvit Broun, R. J. Finlay and Michael Lynch (eds.), Image and Identity: the Making and Re-making of Scotland Through the Ages Kenneth McRoberts, Misconceiving Canada: The Struggle for National Unity Maurice Pinard, Robert Bernier and Vincent Lemieux, Un combat inachevé Thanos Veremis, The Military in Greek Politics Anastasia N. Karakasidou, Fields of Wheat, Hills of Blood: Passages to Nationhood in Greek Macedonia, 1870–1990 R. Andresen, B. Bull and K. Duvold (eds.), Separatism: Culture Counts, Resources Decide Ian Shapiro and Will Kymlicka (eds.), Ethnicity and Group Rights, NOMOS XXXIX  相似文献   

Geschichte im Kulturprozeß . By Jörn Rüsen History : Narration , Interpretation , Orientation . By Jörn Rüsen  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Slusegirdgravpladsen III. Gravformer og gravskikke, Bådgravene. SØREN H. ANDERSEN, BIRGIT LIND and OLE CRUMLIN-PEDERSEN Underwater Archaeology: Proceedings from the SHA conference, Richmond, Virginia, 1991. JOHN BROADWATER (Ed.) Chébec Le Requin 1750. J. BOUDRIOT and H. BERTI The Bomb Ketch Salamandre 1752. J. BOUDRIOT and H. BERTI Tugs and Towage (Shire Album 239). M. K. STAMMERS Steamboats (Shire Album 167). M. K. STAMMERS Outrigger Canoes of Bali and Madura, Indonesia. ADRIAN HORRIDGE Ampbor—omment les identifier?. MARTINE SCIALLANO and PATRICIA SIBELLA L'Amphore—vase antique aux mille usages. JEAN-CLAUDE PERRIER Second Merseyside Maritime History (Transactions & Research). H. M. HIGNETT Le Maidsfone—miroir d'une mémoire. BERNARD and MIREILLE DE MAISONNEUVE  相似文献   

ANDREW PORTER, ed. The Oxford History of the British Empire. III: The Nineteenth Century. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999. Pp. xxii, 774. $72.00 (CDN); JUDITH M. BROWN and WM. ROGER LOUIS, eds. The Oxford History of the British Empire: IV: The Twentieth Century. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999. Pp. xxvi, 773. $72.00 (CDN); ROBIN W. WINKS, ed. The Oxford History of the British Empire: V: Historiography. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999. Pp. xxiv, 731. $79.95 (CDN).  相似文献   

《History and theory》2008,47(4):617-620
Book reviewed in this issue. Artifice and Design : Art and Technology in Human Experience . by Barry Allen . Between Mass Death and Individual Loss : The Place of the Dead in Twentieth ‐Century Germany . Edited by Alon Confino, Paul Betts, and Dirk Schumann. Reading Primary Sources : The Interpretation of Texts from Nineteenth‐and Twentieth ‐Century History . Edited by Miriam Dobson and Benjamin Ziemann. In the Light of Medieval Spain : Islam, the West, and the Relevance of the Past . Edited by Simon R. Doubleday and David Coleman. Diasporas . by Stéphane Dufoix . Was Ist Geschichte ? Aktuelle Entwicklungstendenzen von Geschichtsphilosophie und Geschichtswissenschaft . Edited by Wolfgang Eichhorn and Wolfgang Küttler. Past in the Making : Historical Revisionism in Central Europe after 1989. Edited by Michal Kope?ek. Time and History : The Variety of Cultures . Edited by Jörn Rüsen.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Towards a Hermeneutics of Aegean Bronze Age Ship Imagery ( Peleus 6 ), MICHAEL WEDDE, CHERYL WARD
Prehistoric Intertidal Archaeology in the Welsh Severn Estuary ( CBA Research Report 120 ), MARTIN BELL, ASTRID CASELDINE, MEIKE NEUMANN VERY AN HEAL
Iron and Steamship Archaeology—Success and Failure on the Xantho (Plenum no. 4 ), Michael McCarthy
Experience of the Boat—the Wooden Shipbuilding Heritage of Croatia, V. SALAMON (Ed.), RICHARD BARKER
Ancient shipwrecks of the Adriatic: maritime transport during the 1st and 2nd centuries AD ( BAR International series 828 ), M. JURIŠI, A. J. PARKER
Shipbuilding and Ships in the Eastern Mediterranean during the 18th and 19th Centuries. ( Proceedings of a conference held on Chios 1994 ), KOSTAS A. DAMIANIDIS (Ed), RICHARD BARKER
Deutsches Schiffahrtsarchiv 22 (1999), UWE SCHNALL, URSULA FELDKAMP and ERIK HOOPS (Eds) M. K. STAMMERS
Sailing Ships: Designs and Re-creations, COLIN MUDIE, N. BURNINGHAM
The Tudor Navy 1485–1603: The Ships, Men and Organization, ARTHUR NELSON, DAVID LOADES
A Demonstration of the Diving Engine by Jacob Rowe, MICHAEL FARDELL and, NIGEL PHILLIPS (Eds), RICHARD BARKER
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