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In this paper, we discuss the methodological implications of combining feminist and geographic research. In feminist research efforts, theory, method, and purpose of research are inextricable. We examine the meaning of this blending for the language, conceptualizations, methods, and scale used in feminist geographic research. Through feminist geographic research, we can build a continuity of women and men as feminist writers inside the academy and in the community. The goal of this more inclusive research and knowledge is the transformation of gendered power relations.  相似文献   

Reecia Orzeck 《对极》2012,44(4):1449-1469
Abstract: This paper examines the conservative critique of higher education in the USA. I argue, first, that the right's call for greater “intellectual diversity” in American higher education should be understood as an attack on the professional self‐regulation and disciplinary autonomy that are central to academic freedom in this country. Second, I suggest that the right's politicization of politics in the academy brings to light the importance of our developing a vision of the university that accounts for rather than disavows the political nature of the work we do.  相似文献   

'Power' and Politics in Human Geography   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Encountering Poverty: Space,Class, and Poverty Politics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Stuart Elden 《对极》2001,33(5):809-825

Australia has the worst rate of recent plant and animal species extinction of any continent or country of its size, and a large number of surviving native species are also threatened with extinction Extinctions and endangerment are concentrated in those parts of the country where the transformation of native ecosystems into cultural ecosystems has been most complete. However, a considerable number of species have become extinct, or are now threatened because of the introduction of two organism. The fox has had a massive impact on the medium-sized mammal fauna and the cinnamon fungus threatens the extinction of many of Australia's most floriferous heathland species Institutional responses to the threat of continued loss of our unusual species have been belated and unco-ordinated, Only Victoria and Western Australia have adequate legislative provision for endangered species, and there has been some dispute on the adequacy of implementation in Victoria. A nationally funded endangered species programme was only initiated in 1988. The two million dollars per annum it distributes does not address the scale of the problem. Most non-government conservation organizations use endangerment as an argument for preserving large natural areas, but have yet to place the prevention of extinction near the top of their agenda Nevertheless, their activity has been, and will be, vital in the maintenance of Australian biotic variety.  相似文献   

This essay outlines a theoretical framework for investigating the links between the production of urban space (Lefebvre) and the production of ideology (Althusser) and hegemony (Gramsci) by proposing the concept of “the urban sensorium”. With a view to the aesthetics of urban experience and everyday life, this concept aligns Fredric Jameson's “postmodern” adaptation of city planner Kevin Lynch's research on “cognitive mapping” with Walter Benjamin's insights on “aestheticizing politics” in order to ask: how does urban space mediate ideology and produce hegemony while aestheticizing politics? In so doing, the spotlight falls on a conceptual constellation including four key theoretical terms: “ideology”, “aesthetics”, “mediation” and “totality”. While working through them, the essay argues that Jameson's outstanding contribution to a spatialized understanding of “postmodernism” lies above all in his Marxist (Lukácsian, Althusserian and Sartrean) theorization of mediation and totality; whereas radical students of the city can find the richest dialectical elaboration of these two concepts with special attention to space and urbanism in the oeuvre of Henri Lefebvre, especially in the recently translated The Urban Revolution.  相似文献   

The Whereabouts of Power: Politics, Government and Space   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Abstract In a world where it has become almost commonplace to talk about power as centralised or distributed, concentrated or diffuse, deterritorialized or dispersed even, it is all too easy to miss the diverse geographies of power that put us in place. The binary talk that forces us to choose between a centred or a decentred view of power, or to shuffle between them in an effort to blur clearly demarcated scales, leaves little room to move beyond defined distances and settled proximities in relation to the exercise of power. In this paper, a more spatially‐curious dialogue of power is opened up which foregrounds associational as well as instrumental forms of power which can make a difference to how we act politically.  相似文献   

This article addresses the link between state feminism and democratization in the global South. The authors use the contrasting cases of Chile and Nigeria to show some of the factors that encourage women to exploit the opportunities presented by transitions to democracy, and link the outcome of state feminism to the strategies and discourses available to women during democratization. Based on evidence from the cases analysed, the authors propose that the strategic options available to women are shaped by at least three factors: (1) the existence of a unified women’s movement capable of making political demands; (2) existing patterns of gender relations, which influence women’s access to arenas of political influence and power; and (3) the content of existing gender ideologies, and whether women can creatively deploy them to further their own interests. State feminism emerged in Chile out of the demands of a broad–based women’s movement in a context of democratic transition that provided feminists with access to political institutions. In Nigeria, attempts at creating state feminism have consistently failed due to a political transition from military to civilian rule that has not provided feminists with access to political arenas of influence, and the absence of a powerful women’s movement.  相似文献   

For the past four decades a significant subset of geographers have had a strong interest in using scientific methods and tools to answer questions about society and societal change. The scientific endeavor, learning and verifying new knowledge, has been at the heart of this project. Even though the discipline as a whole seems currently less interested in the classic science project, that project continues within geography and is a part of the wider social science community's attempt to provide verifiable and useful knowledge to a wide range of stakeholders. The findings from studies of migration and the life course, and segregation and geographical sorting reemphasize the very real contribution of spatial science to understanding societal change. Recent work on the geography of neighborhoods and mobility with the context of legal contestation goes beyond academic research per se to show the continuing relevance of an informed scientific approach and the contributions of geography beyond narrow disciplinary boundaries.  相似文献   

尚洁 《世界历史》2012,(3):53-61,159
文艺复兴时期,威尼斯以其社会的繁荣稳定在欧洲享有盛誉。它独特的地理环境,以及发展成熟、高度集中的城市公共空间是其贵族政府实施社会管理的良好舞台。本文从威尼斯城市公共空间的形成历史和现状入手,以广场、街道以及剧院为具体事例,分析贵族政府管理城市公共空间的方式,指出在文艺复兴时期,威尼斯公共空间的主要作用为:1.培养民众的城市认同感;2.宣传贵族政治思想,树立和维护共和国独立、稳定、和谐的形象;3.抑制私人势力膨胀,缓解社会危机。这些手段成功地使威尼斯的城市社会生活不断公共化,城市的公共空间的发展凌驾于私人空间之上。  相似文献   

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