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This paper examines the causes of the current economic crisis in the industrial region of South Wales. The authors maintain that past as well as current government policies have played a major role in bringing about the crisis by contributing to the vulnerability of communities in South Wales. The authors review the history of the policies which have contributed to the current steel and coal crises. They then provide a brief discussion of current legislative policies designed to combat the crises. Finally, they critique alternative strategies: continued monetarism; a return To Keynesian/‘corporatist’ policies; and the radical restructuring demanded by an ‘Alternative Economic Strategy’ (AES).  相似文献   

江南 《旅游纵览》2009,(2):20-24
博南帕克的玛雅遗迹是凋谢的古文明之花,或是被历史长河中暗流甩上沙滩的卵石,粗看毫不起眼,却会在打磨之后闪光如金器银皿。数世纪以来,这些精彩绝伦的古代生活细节被封藏在墨西哥南部尤卡坦半岛洞穴的壁画中——宗教祭神的放血、野蛮血腥的搏击格杀、彩衣华服的君王和冷酷的战士。我们关注艺术的美和远古文明的信息,古玛雅人却以不经意的方式把文明延续进了现代生活。  相似文献   

<正>"努力建设美丽中国,实现中华民族永续发展。"十八大报告中使用的"美丽中国"生态文明"等概念,迅速成为了社会各界关注的热点。"生态文明"并不是十八大首次提出,但报告中直接提到环境和生态的字眼达到45处之多,可见,生态文明正被提到一个前所未有的历史高度。近日,中国野生动物保护协会副会长陈建伟在"中国生态摄影网"他的个人专栏中提到:生态文明社会的大厦需要生态文化来支撑,生态文化中的一项重要内容就是生态摄影。记录社会变革过程中产生的生态环境问题,引发当代社会的关注和思考,留给后来人我们的认识和轨迹,是时代赋予摄影的神圣历史使命。用影像来"反  相似文献   

In everyday language and in historiography, influential events are commonly described as “historic” but are rarely defined from a theoretical standpoint. Discussing temporal demarcations of events by scholars—in particular William H. Sewell Jr.'s foundational study of the Storming of the Bastille—this article considers the contemporary urge to define the event's temporal boundaries to better evaluate the alleged importance of certain events in history. Rather than perpetuating the constructivist idea that any event possesses a fundamentally interpretable character, it crafts a theoretical definition of the historic event that distinguishes between its flexible fringes and its rather stable core. Fixing an event as an anchor point on the timeline of history is thus presented as a process that provokes political, social, and—last but not least—financial controversies. As this article shows with examples from the history of revolutions reaching from the late eighteenth century to the early twenty‐first century, such epoch‐making events are essentially shaped by their flexible beginning and ending points. Although the cores of these events remain strikingly stable, their temporal fringes become objects of highly controversial discussions.  相似文献   

尼罗河流域文明与地理环境变迁研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王会昌 《人文地理》1996,11(1):12-16
本文根据对尼罗河流域文明区地理环境变迁研究的结果,认为正是由于距今9000-4000年前亚非季风势力增强、季风雨量增加给尼罗河流域带来的湿润气候,为文明的形成和初步发展创造了优越的地理环境。因而尼罗河流域文明不仅仅是"尼罗河的赠礼",而应当更准确地说它是"季风雨的赠礼"。也正是由于季风雨的多寡在很大程度上制约着文明的盛衰,因此,由于从距今4000年前后开始的季风势力衰退和季风雨量锐减而导致的干旱化、沙漠化,则逐步吞噬了这一古老的文明。  相似文献   

<正>尼罗河是埃及的母亲河,准确说更是生命线,一条郁郁葱葱的绿色生命线,置于茫茫的沙漠之中。埃及90%的人口,生活在这全国1/30国土的尼罗河畔。这条河见证了埃及古老文明的形成和兴旺,主导了两岸生灵的繁荣与衰落。跟随这条河,人们在历史的时空穿梭,跨过河上河下,遍看古代现代,游走神庙田舍,拥抱沙漠绿洲。我们在阿斯旺下火车,行李直接就送到斯蒂芬妮游轮了,我们要在尼罗河上航行三日,这是期盼许久的心念。有多久呢?算起来有40年了。自从1978年电影《尼罗河上的惨案》  相似文献   

The following appraisal is by Eduard M. Murzayev, physical geographer and toponymist, with interests in Mongolia and Central Asia, who was a student of Berg at Leningrad University, and since this graduation in 1930 has been associated with the Institute of Geography of the Academy of Sciences USSR, first in Leningrad and after 1936 in Moscow. This article is based on a talk given by Murzayev in March 1976 at a memorial session of the Geographical Society USSR in Leningrad.  相似文献   

河西在汉代以前的文明形式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈建华  李吉均 《人文地理》2002,17(3):75-77,89
文章首先从地理的角度论证了河西的农业形式的文明只能从乌鞘岭东边传播过去。在这基础上,结合乌鞘岭东边农业形式的文明的发展历史,从新石器时期遗址分布的地理位置、气候变化的影响和地理环境对文化传播的影响等角度分析了河西新石器时期文化的可能性质,认为虽然有挟有那样生产技能的文化曾经传播到河西,但由于游牧社会生产方式的排斥影响,农业并没有得到发展,更没有进入农业社会。整个河西在汉代以前一直处于游牧社会,并发展着游牧文明。  相似文献   

'The Road Not Taken'
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveller, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -I took the road less travelled by, And that has made all the difference.  相似文献   

<正>《世界遗产》:在我国这样一个悠久的文明古国和短暂的工业化国家里,工业遗产似乎是一个长期被忽视的遗产类别。忽视的原因除了历史长短之外,还有什么?张廷皓:中国研究工业遗产的人并不多,工业遗产也是近些年才提到日程上。我觉得它不是被忽视的问题,它是工业化发展的必然。落后的产能是要淘汰的,严重影响环境的产业也是要淘汰的,还有大量浪费资源的,淘汰是工业化发展过程中的一个必然,并不是说我们忽视它。  相似文献   

The paper, contributing to one of the research goals of the Commission on Industrial Systems, International Geographical Union, provides an appraisal of the Soviet approach to spatial organization of the economy known as the territorial production complex. The authors review the genesis of the concept, definitional criteria, and its practical formation and operation, making occasional comparison with Western approaches to spatial economic organization. An unresolved problem for Soviet planners is the provision of a coordinating administrative authority for each territorial complex that would integrate the activities of individual industrial ministries involved in the creation of the complex; the current thinking of Soviet planners is illuminated by a recent statement appended to the paper. (For a previous Western view of Soviet regional development models, see G. A. Huzinec in Soviet Geography, October 1976.)  相似文献   

在百年之际,千年之交的时候,回顾我国的钱币事业,确实令人鼓舞。过去的一百年,我国的货币,由传统的方孔铜钱,历经几次大的变革,完成了几个大的飞跃,迎来了电子货币的曙光;以钱币实物为研究对象的钱币学,从只是少数人问津的传统的古钱  相似文献   

正Ngari Prefecture of Tibet,the so-called"Roof of the World",where the mountains and waters originate,is known for bringing out the ancient secret Shangshung civilization."Shangshung"is a word from the ancient Shangshung language."Shang"is the name of an ancient tribe,and"Shung"stands for"place"or"valley".According to historical records,the Kingdom of Shangshung came into being as early as  相似文献   

姚亦锋 《人文地理》2002,17(4):12-15
自然地理环境早先与现代都对人文传统的景观有很大影响。中国古代风景园林发源于自然生态环境的审美选择,进而以顺乎自然的设计指导思想求得"虽由人作,宛自天开"的审美标准,更有人与自然相与融洽的审美理想。西方古典园林中人造的几何规则景观超越于一切自然。在现代中国盲目模仿西方城市摩天大楼景观的时候,现代西方城市规划学者正致力于研究中国古代先哲的思想精髓和古代文化遗产,为塑造现代人居环境的自然协调寻找新的灵感启迪。  相似文献   

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