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Abstract. This article compares the ‘new nationalism’ in post-communist countries since the 1980s with the ‘classical’ national movements o the nineteenth century. Looking for analogies and differences between these two processes, it seeks to achieve a better understanding and more profound interpretation of contemporary ‘nationalism’. Most important analogies are: both national movements emerged as a result of (and as an answer to) the crisis and disintegration of an old regime and its value system; in both cases we observe a low level of political experience among the population, the stereotype of a personalised nation, and of a defensive position. Similarly both movements define their national border by both ethnic and historical borders: in both cases, the nationally relevant conflict of interests plays a decisive role. Among the differences are: the extremely high level of social communication in the twentieth-century movements, combined with a ‘vacuum at the top’ (the need for new elites) and with deep economic depression. The ‘contemporary’ national movements fought for the political rights of undoubtedly pre-existing nations (above all, for full independence), while the ‘classical’ ones fought for the concept of a nation-to-be, whose existence was not generally accepted. Nevertheless, in both cases, similar specifics of the nation-forming process under conditions of a ‘small nation’ can be observed. The author does not view nationalism as a ‘disease’ or external force: but rather as an answer given by some members of the nation to new challenges and unexpected conflicts of interests, which could be interpreted as national ones.  相似文献   

In this paper I document the history of hunting and foraging in the Eyasi Basin, northern Tanzania, from about 130,000 bp to contemporary times, by reviewing the available archaeological, palaeontological, historical and ethnographic data. The review reveals a complex co-existence and interactions between hunter-foragers and herders and farmers from about 3,000 bp until the present. In addition, the review exposes intricate opportunities and at the same time risks/constraints that face extant Hadzabe hunter-foragers in the 21st century. The Hadzabe are a group of about 800–1,000 people who live in the Eyasi Basin. Traditionally, they are viewed as hunter-foragers—people who acquire nearly all of their food by hunting wild animals and foraging wild plant foods and honey. Although Hadzabe have been closely surrounded by other ethnic and cultural groups with whom they have interacted, for at least the last 100 years, their existence as a cultural group in the 21st century is in doubt. Mitigation measures are required in order to enhance the existence of this important cultural group.
Résumé Cet article est une présentation de l’histoire de chasse et d’affourragement au Bassin Eyasi dans le nord de la Tanzanie, dès les environs de 130.000 ans avant présent, aux périodes contemporaines. On fait une revue des données archéologiques, anthropologiques, paléonthologiques, historiques ainsi que éthnographiques disponibles. La revue indique qu’il y a une coexistence et interaction complexes entre les chasseurs-fourrageurs, bouviers, et cultivateurs il y a 3.000 ans jusqu’au présent. En outre, la revue présente des occasions et en même temps des risques et contraintes complexes qui se posent aux Hadzabé: un groupe d’environ 800–1000 personnes (chasseurs-fourrageurs) qui vivent dans le bassin Eyassi. Traditionnellement, les Hadzabé sont regardés comme, les personnes qui obtiennent présque toutes leurs nourritures de la chair des animaux sauvages, des aliments végétaux sauvage et du miel. Bien que les Hadzabé aient été étroitement environnés et qu’ils aient interagis avec d’autres groupes éthniques et culturels au cours de 100 années passées leur existence au 20ème siècle en tant que groupe culturel est incertaine. Donc, des mesures sont exigées pour soutenir l’existence de ce groupe culturel important.

本文旨在探讨美国华语文学的历史变迁、社会意义及其文化特性。美国的华语文学初始于19世纪中叶华人首次大批移民来美之际。时至今日,美国华人社会已成为亚洲之外最大的华语文学中心。近年来经济全球化及跨国文化交流之影响,更使得美国华语文学风行于世界各地华人社会。那么,美国华语文学有何特性?其作品对华人生活有何影响?与美国华裔英语文学相比,华语文学有何异同?其作品的文化内涵与社会功能之间有何关联?本文拟对上述问题作一探讨。  相似文献   

本文是在查阅有关文献和考察访问的基础上撰写而成的。 194 5年 8月日本投降以后 ,朝鲜华侨在中国共产党的领导和广大华侨知识分子的努力下 ,在朝鲜半岛北半部重新恢复和新建了华侨学校。这一时期 ,由于华侨教育得到了朝鲜政府的支持 ,朝鲜华侨学校发展很快。朝鲜战争的爆发使华侨教育受到严重破坏 ,但在中国政府的大力帮助下 ,大多数华侨学校仍能坚持上课。从 195 3年 7月停战到 196 6年 ,由于多方面的有利因素 ,朝鲜华侨教育进入了鼎盛时期。但其后 ,朝鲜政府按本国教育体制全面改造了华侨教育。从此 ,朝鲜华侨教育沿着“朝鲜化”发展。作者认为 ,当今的朝鲜华侨教育何去何从 ,到了应该考虑的时候了  相似文献   

Abstract: Around the European Union, the implication by large sections of society is that there is something intrinsically different about Islam that makes it difficult to integrate Muslims into European societies. Some of these sections of society are non‐Muslim, and are reluctant to allow such integration to take place; others are Muslim. These sentiments raise a number of issues relating to plural identities and their compatibility with modern day Europe and Islam, with such issues finding variable expressions in member‐states. The British example represents an illustrative case study, having a long history of interaction with Muslims and being the home of a large Muslim population. History bears witness that in terms of religious diversity, the U.K. was never a monolithic society based on a monoculture. From the Middle Ages until the beginning of the twentieth century, there is strong evidence to show that there was, at the least, British contact with Muslims. In Britain, just as all over Europe, Islam has a long lineage: “For British Muslims, the past does not have to be ‘another country.’”  相似文献   

吴潮海 《民俗研究》2007,(3):125-135
在距今7000多年前,中国历史进入新石器时期。这是中华民族的祖先跨入文明门槛前的最后一个历史时期。在这个时期,先民们在衣、食、住、行、生产、宗教、  相似文献   

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