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民族志的田野作业,通常指文化人类学家在异民族文化或本民族社会的亚文化的群体中展开的现地调查。这种活动通常是为了搜集异文化、亚文化的资料或实证一些假设。田野作业的设计是事先准备好的。参与观察和深度访谈是获得资料的最好的方法。因此访谈问题的设计很重要。  相似文献   

How does oral history, based as it is on individual memory,affect beliefs about the history of a whole community? Is oralhistory compelling enough to influence an interpretation ofa community's history when powerful groups insist on a differentinterpretation? Hamilton and Shopes have chosen a collectionof articles that present a range of perspectives, a diversityof problems, and a variety of specific sites in which to testanswers to these questions. Oral history interviews often turnup surprises, and this book is full of surprises. In the first section, David Neufield begins his article, "ParksCanada, the Commemoration of Canada, and the Northern AboriginalOral  相似文献   

This paper explores some issues in relation to oral historyand memory that emerge in Alessandro Portelli's The Order HasBeen Carried Out. I examine the contemporary role of the oralhistorian, the relationship between the present and the pastin memory work, and make some comments about how we might articulatethe field of oral history with memory studies more closely forthe enrichment of both.  相似文献   

土族是我国古老的民族之一,总人口24.12万人(2000年),其中近20万人居住在青海省的互助土族自治县、大通回族土族自治县、民和回族土族自治县、乐都县、同仁县以及海北  相似文献   

口述史料主要指经过口传或为后人记录成为史料的民间传说、社会歌谣、历史人物讲话、录音录像以及访问调查的原始资料,对这些资料的发掘和整理被称作口述史学.在西方,现代意义上的口述史学建立于20世纪30~40年代前后,与这些国家相比我国至今仍充其量只有一些口述史的实践,其发展受到多方面的限制.建议成立有关组织,召开研讨会,构建相关规范,制定相关规划,形成和发展中国特色、中国风格和中国气派的口述史学.  相似文献   

The rise of oral history is a new trend in historical studies in China that began in the late twentieth century. This promising tendency has so far achieved important results in two areas: theoretical exploration and oral interviews. This article proposes the theory of oral history’s four realities and three curtains and by so doing preliminarily clarifies the relations among historical memories, historical narratives, and the authenticity of oral history. These theories represent the current understanding of the discipline of contemporary Chinese history in regard to the core questions of oral history. Oral history in China has currently reached a new phase of self-conscious disciplinary construction and has the following tentative plans: to strengthen the study of basic theories and methods of oral history; to intensify the training of talented scholars and to establish a professional group of oral historians; to promote the general implementation of oral history projects; to create new oral history websites and academic journals, and to prepare for the establishment of oral history archives in China.  相似文献   

现代口述史的产生及相关几个概念的辨析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
口述历史是针对文献证史而言的,产生于20世纪中期。它以录音为依据,是口述者与史学工作者合作的成果,所以既不同于传统的口述方法,也不同于回忆录。口述史学在学科层次上与史料学大体相当,从属于历史学。  相似文献   

This paper reviews critical developments in the internationalhistory of oral history and outlines four paradigmatic revolutionsin theory and practice: the postwar renaissance of memory asa source for 'people's history'; the development, from the late1970s, of 'postpositivist' approaches to memory and subjectivity;a transformation in perceptions about the role of the oral historianas interviewer and analyst from the late 1980s; and the digitalrevolution of the late 1990s and early 2000s. Threaded throughdiscussion of these paradigm shifts are reflections upon fourfactors that have impacted oral history and, in turn, been significantlyinfluenced by oral historians: the growing significance of politicaland legal practices in which personal testimony is a centralresource; the increasing interdisciplinarity of approaches tointerviewing and the interpretation of memory; the proliferationfrom the 1980s of studies concerned with the relationship betweenhistory and memory; and the evolving internationalism of oralhistory.  相似文献   


It is often suggested that Digenes is in some way connected with oral poetry, whether the oral folk poetry of the modern ‘acritic’ ballads or the type of oral epic tradition identified by Milman Parry and A. B. Lord in the Homeric poems and in modern Yugoslavia. Some clarification of the possible role of oral tradition in the composition and transmission of Digenes now seems overdue, and in this paper I propose to examine the texts of the poem in the light of recent work on ‘oral literature’, so as to define more precisely in what sense any of these can be described as ‘oral’, and then, more tentatively, to suggest a possible framework for the growth and transmission of the poem which might account for these results.  相似文献   


When Eduard Nielsen’s Oral Tradition appeared in 1954 the author’s main motivation for writing it was frustration with what was felt to be serious shortcomings in current methods of Old Testament research. Influ-enced by “Scandinavian” scholarship (above all Pedersen, Nyberg, and Engnell), Nielsen wishes to replace historical critical approaches with more adequate, updated methods. In particular, he wants to integrate insights into the oral processes that lead to the creation of the literature of the Hebrew Bi-ble into his exegetical techniques. For comparative purposes, Nielsen utilizes texts from ancient cultures where orality was predominant. He discusses above all Greek, Mesopotamian, and Old Norse sources. In view of the huge interest in orality and memory in academia today it is obvious that Nielsen was far ahead of his time. It is more than regrettable that so little attention has been paid to this pioneering work.  相似文献   

It took several decades for sex workers to become true speakers,rather than testifiers to the speech of others. Tensions understandablyremain about sharing authority with oral historians. This articlereflects on attempts to share authority in setting up, funding,organizing, and publishing from a UK sex work project. It questionswhether commitment to share authority compromises scholarshipand theoretical development, and how an oral historian's roleis affected by a parallel advocacy role. It explores the formationand boundaries of collaborative relationships and briefly raisesthe issue of crossing legal boundaries in less orthodox projectwork and implications for ethical permissions.  相似文献   

陈嘉琪 《民俗研究》2006,19(4):63-85
一、《黑暗传》的价值与定位《黑暗传》是一部保存着汉族的神话与历史,传唱于丧葬仪式的民间叙事长诗,大致流传于湖北省神农架林区附近,也就是古鄂西一带。这一部叙事长诗的流传,是在1980年代大陆田野采录风气盛行的时期,由地方文化工作者采录下来的。最先辑录于《神农架民间歌谣集》1之中,而后受到学界的关注,采录者胡崇峻先生通过陆续搜集,整理了其它的流传唱本,集结为《神农架〈黑暗传〉多种版本汇编》。  相似文献   

Abstract: In this article, the author argues that many of thebest practices of oral history reflect phenomenological thinkingeven though practitioners may not describe themselves as usingphenomenological methods. The author suggests that knowledgeand application of phenomenology can clarify or minimize suchpotential problems as interviewer bias and informant unreliabilityand can refute accusations that oral history is less reliablethan history taken from documents.  相似文献   

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