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当代土家族地区木匠的收徒条件、收徒仪式、拜师礼节、学艺时间、传艺方式、木匠工具、木匠技艺、做工地域、行业领域、从业方式、信仰文化、禁忌文化、歌谣文化、行规及组织结构诸方面受多种原因的影响,发生了较大的变化。笔者在田野调查的基础上,对此进行了深度的人类学、社会学的勾描,以便我们能够清楚地认识到土家族木匠所包含的传统文化内涵。  相似文献   

国史研究与地方志编纂关系密切。国史尤其是当代地方史研究成果值得地方志工作者高度重视。在开展国史研究和地方志编纂以及构建国史和地方志学科体系中,整合两支队伍资源,建立史志学术联盟,加强国史研究与地方志编纂两个领域的学术交流与合作意义重大。本刊从2011年第1期开始,增设地方志与国史研究栏目,并将陆续刊登相关文章,旨在促进地方志与国史研究领域的理论工作者相互关注,彼此借鉴,优势互补。  相似文献   

Ranajit Guha, (ed.) A Subaltern Studies Reader 1986–1995
Peter Heehsm, Nationalism, Terrorism, Communalism: Essays in Modern Indian History
Sumit Sarkar, Writing Social History
Achin Vanaik, The Furies of Indian Communalism: Religion, Modernity And Secularization  相似文献   

张艳国 《史学月刊》2003,2(11):44-51
国性论、国粹论,滥觞于晚清。在五四新文化运动中,它们成为旧文人旧思想护圣守旧的工具;同时,又是新文化新思想排孔开新的靶子。由对于国性论、国粹论的批判,到主张国民性改造,标志着新文化运动由关注思想文化问题到关心社会主体——人的问题,这本身就体现着新文化运动的深化和进步。因此,理所当然地说,文化新人对国性论、国粹论的批判,既是五四时期排孔开新文化主题的题中本义,更是新文化运动的重要内容。因此,研究晚清思想史学术史固然要重视国性论、国粹论,而研究五四思想史学术史也不能忽视国性论、国粹论。  相似文献   

《民族区域自治法》是我国的一项基本法律.是少数民族和民族地区经济化发展和各民族共同繁荣的法律保障。《民族区域自治法》颁布至今.民族地区在各个层次各个领域都取得了较大的发展,这有力地促进了民族关系的健康发展。与此同时.《民族区域自治法》自身也有许多不完善之处。我们必须根据社会主义市场经济的总体要求.修订《民族区域自治法》.确保民族自治地方的自治地位.最终达到促进民族关系深化发展的目的。  相似文献   

城墙是人类文明发展史上阶段性的产物;城墙文化伴随城墙自始至终,是人类城市文明史的重要组成部分。即便当物质城墙消失以后,城墙文化仍然肩负着解读城市历史的功能。中国的城墙发端于新石器时期,发展于春秋战国,普及于秦汉,颠峰于明代大部分消亡于20世纪。其中有三次筑城高潮。现存的中国地面遗存城墙绝大多数为明清时期建造或修筑。到了近现代,重型火炮等先进军事设备在中国的出现,昭示着冷兵器时代城市防御工事——城墙原始功能上的蜕化与不足。最终导致大量地面城墙的消失。这种消失主要由自然界因素,战乱摧残和人为拆除三种因素造成,最严重和最彻底的是后者。  相似文献   

伊尼斯认为,文明在确立、生长、扩张与绵延的过程中会不断遭遇传播问题:政治权力与经济利益是否合理流动分配、文化价值是否被大多数社会成员共享共信,是这一文明能否实现内部整合的基础;而在外部扩张上,文明对自然的开发是否超过自然所能忍受并自我修复的限度、文明是否能合理对待其他文明中的社区与人群,更成为文明生死存亡的关键。文明在传播过程中时常出现的“偏向”与失衡,往往致文明以死地。文明传播的悖论在于:文明在物质、技术以及媒介层面的进步,常常打乱了固有的文明传播秩序,尤其是文化信息的骤然增加与分歧杂乱,使原本共享共信的文明价值被怀疑并否弃,最终使文明成为传播的牺牲品。文明由于传播的偏向而堕入战乱、崩溃等非文明的野蛮状态。  相似文献   

民族族游开发以丰富的现存文化资源为基础,其开发和再生产所需投入不多,是一种低耗高效型的新型文化经济形式。因此,我省许多民族地区纷纷开发以展示多姿多彩的民族文化风情为主要内容的民族旅游,迅速实现了脱贫致富。以互助土族自治县为例:“九五”以来,互助始终把旅游业作为发展第三产业的龙头产业和国民经济新的经济增长点来扶持和培育,以独具特色的土族民俗风情为龙头,加强基础设施建设,改善旅游环境,提高服务质量。  相似文献   

民族区域自治制度是中国共产党把中国民族特点与马克思主义民族问题的理论原则相结合而确立的一项基本政治制度,它丰富了马克思主义的民族理论。在新形势下,坚持民族自治制度对于和谐社会具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Marcelo Lopes de Souza 《对极》2016,48(5):1292-1316
In the course of the 20th century, left‐libertarian thought and praxis never ceased to be present in Latin America, even during the most difficult years of competition with Marxism‐Leninism and of military repression. But it was above all from the 1990s onwards that particularly original kinds of libertarian thought and praxis began to flourish there. Alongside more or less renewed versions of classical anarchism, new forms of praxis and analysis emerged at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st century; from Mexican neo‐Zapatism to a part of Argentina's piqueteros to some expressions of Brazil's sem‐teto movement, many new movements and ideas have developed in the last two decades. These new movements are at the same time remarkably libertarian and by no means reducible to the very honourable but somewhat too restrictive label “anarchism”. In fact, many of them are clearly “hybrid”, in the sense that they are products of both left‐libertarian and Marxist influences. Typically, these Latin American movements share a commitment to principles such as horizontality, self‐management and decentralism (which have never been part of Marxism's typical repertoire of practices and principles); moreover, autonomy is a key notion for most of them. Furthermore, spatial practices, territorialisation among them, are proving decisive for many movements and protest actions. The concept of territory is one of those “geographical” concepts that have been intensely subjected, in recent decades, to strong attempts of redefinition and debugging. In this paper, the territory is fundamentally seen (as a first approximation) as a space defined and delimited by and through power relations, and it is important to see that power (both heteronomous and autonomous power) is exerted only with reference to a territory and, very often, by means of a territory. The kind of power exerted by emancipatory social movements does not constitute an exception to this rule.  相似文献   

The Journals of Charles Greville, clerk to the Privy Council from 1821 to 1859 are among the most well-known, well-respected and widely cited sources for the political and social history of their times. What is less well-known is the controversy they aroused among Greville's Victorian readers when first published (less than a decade after Greville's death) in 1874. The purpose of investigation here is to chart the course and extent of reader reaction as it unfolded during 1874–75, to explore ways of accounting for its intensity and, finally, to attempt evaluation of its impact as a cultural experience conducive to the emergence among readers of a conscious recognition of themselves as ‘Victorians’. When read in the context of the preoccupations of its first readers, Greville's Journals prove to be anything but a dead historical source. Instead, reader reaction is found to be driven by a series of contemporary concerns. They include the question of the degree of respect owing to hereditary authority; the definition of standards of honourable behaviour in protection of the private dealings of people of public reputation; and the very degree of reliability to be attributed to diary-based ‘memoirs’, given their contestable genre. Even so, participants in the controversies which broke out on all these fronts found themselves admitting common ground in acknowledging across their differences that the ‘Victorian’ age in which they lived was a decisive cultural and political break from the past world the Journals recorded.  相似文献   

肖霞 《民俗研究》2001,(2):101-108
川端康成(1899—72),日本现代著名作家,1968年获诺贝尔文学奖,他的创作生涯始于1914年,止于1972年,共经历了58个年头。在58年里,发表了许多长、中、短篇小说,还写了大量的散文、随笔、评论等,丰富了日本文学的宝库。  相似文献   

国家关于西部大开发的重大经济发展战略正在紧锣密鼓地逐渐落实.这一举措的重大意义是无可质疑的,它必将推动西部民族地区的工业化、现代化和市场化.也将极大地改善西部各民族民众的生活状态。同时也无可回避的是.巨大的经济建设和社会变革又必将严重威胁着传统民族文化的生存空间。因此,如何把加快少数民族地区的经济发展与保护民族文化艺术传统很好地结合在一起,就成了具有文化意识的人们所关注的重要问题。  相似文献   

Abstract. Since the First World War, grants of territorial autonomy have been a widespread means by which regimes of diverse ideologies and political cultures have attempted to address the demands of regional cultural communities within their borders. Cantonisation, or asymmetrical decentralisation along territorial-cultural lines, has been a common form of territorial autonomy employed by these states. Yet, despite its importance, little is known about whether and why such cantonisation measures have helped or hindered the search for peace and stability in culturally heterogeneous states. Part of the answer lies in analysing the historical-political contexts, or historical paths, by which cantonisation arrangements have emerged. Comparative analysis identifies five such paths: international settlements; state-building; democratisation or transitions from authoritarian rule; democratic maintenance; and decolonisation. Each of these paths poses distinctive problems for the evolution of the cantonisation arrangement.  相似文献   

新中国民族区域自治制度的形成与发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
民族区域自治制度,是中国共产党解决国内民族问题的一项基本政策,同时也是我国人民民主国家的三大基本政治制度之一。采用这一制度是经过了几十年的探索,是历史和人民的选择。新中国成立以后,民族区域自治制度不断发展和完善,特别是改革开放以后逐步走上法制化的轨道。60年来,民族区域自治制度和基本政策的实施,使党的民族工作取得了举世瞩目的辉煌成就,少数民族地区经济与社会建设飞速发展的实践有力地证明了单一制国家中民族区域自治制确实符合中国国情,具有极大的优越性。  相似文献   

西藏文化、文物是中华民族文明的重要组成部分。中国政府历来重视西藏文化、文物的保护工作,将其纳入国家发展战略,投入大量的人力、物力和财力进行全面保护。西藏文化、文物的保护,成效显著,举世关注,意义重大。  相似文献   

梁景和 《史学月刊》2003,1(4):60-65
时至清末,中国思想文化界开始高扬中国传统社会所未见的国民意识。这是中国知识分子对中国未来前程进行探索后而得出的一个思考的结果,并为此展开了塑造国民意识的文化实践活动。  相似文献   

“文化大革命”与当代中国改革模式的选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国渐进式改革模式的选择与“文化大革命”有必然联系。“文化大革命”导致的中国经济结构不合理 ,重工业增长很快 ,能源工业呈超速增长 ,这是一种粗放型的增长 ,它为国民经济其他部门的增长留下了巨大的潜力 ;农业在国民经济体系中增长缓慢和人民生活水平的增长十分缓慢 ,使农业的发展和提高人民生活水平的潜力更大 ;整个经济活动中效益下降 ,为以后加强管理 ,提高经济效益留下了余地。总之 ,“文化大革命”把中国经济拖到了崩溃的边缘 ,为原有体制能量的释放留下了巨大的回旋空间 ,这就是中国在改革开放之初走上渐进式改革道路的一个重要的原因。经历了十年动乱的中国人民 ,普遍的心态是要求社会稳定以及中国共产党对“文化大革命”教训的客观总结 ,构成中国走上渐进式改革方式的另外两个重要原因  相似文献   

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