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张勇  辜萍 《巴蜀史志》2009,(6):28-30
2007年续修科技志工作启动以来,在学习借鉴第一轮修志和外省修志经验的基础上,结合四川科技发展的特点,在组织管理、谋篇布局、编纂流程、突出特色、质量控制等方面进行了探索,对存在的问题进行了归纳,并制定了措施。  相似文献   

由宁夏科技信息研究所主持续编的《宁夏科学技术志》,目前基本框架已经初步形成,全书共设11篇52章,该志主要突出“科学技术是第一生产力”的基本原理和尊重知识、尊重人才的基本原则,反映了宁夏科技发明和发展的脉络、地方特点、成果水平、重大影响和贡献。  相似文献   

突出地方特色是科技志的生命力,续修《广西通志.科学技术志》要从时代特征、独有特色、特色经济建设、科学技术成就、人物形象反映地方科技特色,并在编撰中运用新颖的体例和手法突出地方科技特色。  相似文献   

通过全面查阅全国已出版的28部首轮科技志所记述的规划内容得出:首轮科技志书中主要记述了科技发展规划和城乡建设发展规划等内容。在此基础上,对首轮科技志记述规划问题进行研究,阐述写出规划制订中的科技特色,如何体现科技内容等,分析研究如何处理好科技志书中规划记述的四个问题:求实避虚、主线辅线、取舍标准、失败事项的记述。  相似文献   

根据云南省人民政府的部署,《云南省志·科学技术志》(简称云南科技志)的编修由省科委牵头,有关部门协作共同完成。并于1987年列入省科委科研软科学课题计划。自1985年10月成立省科技志办公室,省科委发出《关于编写(云南科技志)初步意见》以来,经历了组织队伍、设计篇目、收集资料、试写与评议、修改志稿,以及分纂、总纂等阶段,于1995年底完成送审稿,经专家组评审修订后送省志编委会审查验收。1998年10月由云南人民出版社出版。  相似文献   

中华文化五千年,自古文明史可见。“盛世修志”,是中华民族的优良传统,但编修科技志则是社会主义新中国才有的事。我国劳动人民、科技工作者、能工巧匠们,在漫长历史进程的劳动实践中,创造出了大量科技成就,为世界文明与进步做出过卓越的贡献,但在我国浩瀚的史籍中却鲜见详记,难寻脉络,更不曾有过地方科技志的编著。  相似文献   

张汉祥在《山东史志》2010年第3期上发表文章指出,志稿的评议工作,是提高志书质量十分重要的一个环节。在志稿评议会上,评议者对一部志稿进行全面评议,既评议这部志稿在思想观点、篇目体例、资料运用、突出地方特点和时代特点等大的方面存在的问题,又详细地指出这部志稿在语言表述、数字换算、引文标点等细微之处有哪些不妥当、不确切、不完整的问题。  相似文献   

本文从地方科技志的篇章结构、科学技术发展的不平衡和科学技术的综合化趋势等方面提出了关于新一轮科技志编修工作的若干思考。在篇章结构方面,本文主要探讨地方科技志篇章结构的全国统一和地方差异,分析了地方科技志篇章结构的现状和造成现状的原因,指出了地方科技志篇章结构的全国统一所具备的理论和实践基础,提出了地方科技志篇章结构全国统一的若干益处。在科学技术发展的不平衡方面,主要探讨了在突出“带头学科”和“主导技术”的同时,要考虑学科和技术门类的整体平衡。在科学技术的综合化趋势方面,探讨了基础研究中的交叉学科的问题,探讨了如何体现技术发展的综合性,探讨了如何区分科学研究与技术开发以及如何处理科技志与部门志或行业志的关系。  相似文献   

近来,参加《广州市志》总纂工作,阅读了部分工业分志送审稿。总的来看,这些志稿观点正确、资料翔实、体例运用得当、文字记述也比较流畅。但是,普遍存在着一个突出的问题,就是体现生产力观点不够充分。本文仅就此谈一些看法。  相似文献   

第二轮省志专业志的记述时段大多只有十余年,但篇幅却普遍较首轮更大,不少志稿的篇幅是首轮志书的一倍左右,百余万字的志稿不在少数。溯其根源,主要有五个方面的原因:1.专业志编写入员的方志专业素质有待提高;2.专业志行业特点不突出;3.纵向的组织系统或领导关系的指令出现频繁;4.记述部门领导的内容在志稿中所占篇稿较大;5.正文记述过细,导致篇幅失控。  相似文献   

<正>一.引言严文明先生在为陈铁梅先生著《科技考古学》所做的序言中指出:考古学的产生,是在历史学的发展提出了寻找新的证据和拓展研究领域的要求,在地质地层学和生物分类学初步形成的学术背景下,借用了二者的基本原理,并且依据人类历史文  相似文献   

古代建筑油饰彩绘传统工艺的科学化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了获得传统建筑彩绘工艺过程中的相关科学信息,以传统彩绘工艺过程为基础,利用光学显微镜、电子扫描显微镜、红外光谱、紫外可见光谱、动态粘弹谱、冷冻干燥、化学发光、视频接触角等手段对相关物料在传统工艺操作下的相互作用进行了系统研究.研究主要集中在揭示用于地仗制作物料的功能及其原理.研究结果表明:传统工艺蕴涵着深刻的科学内涵.用于彩绘的地仗是一个典型的复合材料,这种复合材料优越的性能来自于各物质间显著的协同作用.每种物料在其中的作用均可以利用现代科学理念给予阐释.这些理念包括聚合反应、高分子薄膜的固化作用、应力分散、网络结构以及物料相容性等.这些研究结果不仅对传统工艺的理解具有重要的意义,而且对于传统彩绘修复乃至当今复合材料研究也具有重要价值.  相似文献   

The plot of the short novel La mano en la trampa (Beatriz Guido, 1961) is about a young woman who becomes a heroine while trying to find out the truth about a family secret known as “El Opa.” Her work as a spy needs to be done in complete secrecy. Her family is behind her and she needs to escape from censorship. Her family story is similar to Argentina's context at that time when many people had to avoid the control and excessive power of Peron's government. Everything seems to be double in this novel: spaces, characters, life stories, ghosts, vampires, haunting and repressive atmospheres. All of these elements contribute to the gothic spirit in La mano en la trampa that I explore in this article.  相似文献   

科学发展观与科学改革观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张学兵 《攀登》2007,26(1):63-66
从逻辑延伸、决策意图、落实机制以及社会反应等方面可以看出,科学发展观呼唤科学改革观;科学发展观从历史观、价值观以及方法论等方面规范着科学改革观;以科学发展观为依据,科学改革观要经得住历史与现实、公平与效率、国计与民生以及“普适”与“特色”几个维度的检验。  相似文献   

This paper investigates circumstances where a region loses its technological leadership after some major technological breakthrough. Input-output linkages between firms in a Cournot upstream industry and a perfectly competitive downstream industry create forces for agglomeration in particular locations, driving up prices of immobile factors. A new technology that is incompatible with the old will not benefit from these linkages and so is more likely to be established in locations with little existing industry due to lower factor prices. Furthermore, in some circumstances the old and new technologies may coexist.  相似文献   

The concentration of research and development in the San Francisco Bay area is found to have attracted related aerospace and electronics industries, thus giving rise to a new type of economic region focused on research activities. The atomic and aerospace industry of New Mexico arose because of the need of having manufacturing facilities near testing grounds and missile ranges in desert areas, but is virtually unrelated to the rest of the New Mexico economy. Industries not dominated by any particular locational factor are being attracted to the dry subtropics of the United States, where the provision of water supplies and refrigeration and air-conditioning produces attractive living conditions for a skilled labor force. Advances in computer technology and electrical communications facilitate centralized industrial management and thus affect plant location.  相似文献   

Worldviews affect human behavior, and how we behave affects the world around us. Animism and so-called higher religions remain influential worldviews; but the scientific worldview is comparably significant, and has undergone drastic change during the twentieth century. The physical science ideal of mathematical precision and predictability, as elaborated by Galileo, Newton, and their heirs, underwent an amazing transformation in the twentieth century when Big Bang cosmology substituted an expanding, unstable universe for the Newtonian world machine. As a result, a grand convergence of the sciences seems to be emerging around an evolutionary vision of how new aspects of reality emerge locally from new levels of complexity, like the heavier atoms, forged in stellar furnaces, the living molecules that arose in earth's primordial seas, and the symbolic systems invented by human societies perhaps as recently as forty thousand years ago. History, once a hopelessly inexact laggard among the sciences, might even become something of a model for other disciplines, since it deals with the most complex levels of reality we are aware of, that is, the world of agreed-upon meanings that guides our interaction with one another and with the biological, chemical, and physical worlds around us.  相似文献   


Our scientific and technological world must be accepted, whatever the reservations guarding above all the preservation of a genuinely humane existence on this Earth. The most difficult problem facing humanity is the present population explosion which appears at present insoluble, as humanity shows itself unequal to this challenge. Equally daunting is the prospect of nuclear war, and only if we can make reason and responsibility the yardsticks of our actions, is there any hope.  相似文献   

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