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Two Norwegian researchers examine the forces alternatively driving and hindering offshore hydrocarbon development in the Russian sector of the Barents Sea. The paper describes exploration activities beginning during the Soviet period and extending to the present, the status of the major development projects financed in part with foreign capital, and conflicting regional and central government interests involved in such development. Coverage includes the emergence of Rosshelf, an oil/gas conglomerate formed to facilitate defense conversion activities of major naval shipyards. Critical to analysis of the projects' potential is assessment of alternative gas supplies and energy development strategies. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: O13, Q40, R10. 3 figures, 1 table, 63 references.  相似文献   

Equatorial airglow and solar radiation measurements from 20 to 700 nm have been conducted with two spectrophotometric instruments aboard the San Marco-5 satellite from March to December 1988. The in-flight performance of the experiment and its in-flight calibration aspects are described. Preliminary results of the solar flux measurements and the planned scheme of the airglow modelling are presented.  相似文献   


This article deals with the early colonization of the Russian Barents Sea Coast (the so-called Murman Coast) in the middle of the 19th and early 20th century. It focuses mainly on the household economy and economic adaptation in the area by groups of Finnish, Russian, Karelian, Norwegian and Sami colonists. The opening up of the new territory by the colonists resulted partly in the employment of traditional methods of using natural resources and partly in the culture of these groups being transformed. Based on this, two different patterns of using natural resources were singled out within the ethnic groups that settled on the Murman Coast (western and eastern). These patterns were more suited to the new living conditions in each of the respective areas, and became the basis for different trends in the economic development of the Murman Coast.  相似文献   

Avian eggshell is a common component of many archaeological deposits, but its archaeological potential remains largely unexplored. The most obvious reasons are two-fold. Firstly, despite its abundance on many sites, eggshell is often overlooked during excavation. Even when it is recovered, small fragmented remains are difficult to identify taxonomically. Here we introduce a minimally destructive qualitative analytical technique for taxonomic identification of eggshell fragments based on highly sensitive mass spectrometry and peptide mass fingerprinting (ZooMS), and illustrate its application to eggshell recovered from the Viking Age urban site at Hungate, York. We adopt a more extreme version of the method of bleach treating used to prepare ancient eggshell for DNA analysis, followed by conventional peptide mass fingerprinting using MALDI-ToF mass spectrometry. The development of this technique will allow future research to make better use of eggshell fragments recovered from archaeological sites.  相似文献   

<正>灯红酒绿,繁弦急管,外滩缠着黄浦江,给上海一个奢华的定义。曾几何时,突然听上海行人在耳边飘过一句:看,那被高楼镶嵌得形态各异的夕阳。不知是要开心,或是苦恼。如果问你,上海的海呢?很多人知道淀山,知道西塘,知道同里,知道周庄,知道崇明,可把老上海的记忆拉扯出来时,却发现,没了那个文字里边的"海"。奉贤似乎被遗忘在了脚边。2000年以前,奉贤由于地理位置偏远,得不到一个与上海中心城区或  相似文献   

<正>灯红酒绿,繁弦急管,外滩缠着黄浦江,给上海一个奢华的定义。曾几何时,突然听上海行人在耳边飘过一句:看,那被高楼镶嵌得形态各异的夕阳。不知是要开心,或是苦恼。如果问你,上海的海呢?很多人知道淀山,知道西塘,知道同里,知道周庄,知道崇明,可把老上海的记忆拉扯出来时,却发现,没了那个文字里边的"海"。奉贤似乎被遗忘在了脚边。2000年以前,奉贤由于地理位置偏远,得不到一个与上海中心城区或  相似文献   

Arctic hydrothermal springs at Bockfjorden, Svalbard, have isotope and trace element signatures indicative of derivation from glacial melt waters with minor contribution from seawater. Downstream gradients in water chemistry, isotopic composition and carbonate precipitation rates have been documented for the Troll spring and travertine terrace system. The main controls on the downstream evolution of these parameters are carbon dioxide degassing, calcite precipitation, evaporation and biological activity. The carbonate precipitation rates not only show an approximately parabolic dependence on the calcite supersaturation levels, but depend also on local hydrodynamics. Downstream loss of light isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen can be explained as an effect of evaporation, as estimated using chloride as a conservative marker. Biological activity affects nitrate and bromide concentrations and influences the morphology of calcite precipitates.  相似文献   

海道之变迁是随着海内外贸易的对象和航海技术水平变化而变化的。清代南海帆船海道历经多次变迁。由于南海岛屿命名时代不同,难免出现同名异处,同处异名等现象,各种书籍记载难免相互抵牾。在对中英文献资料进行比对和初步考释之后,可以看到清代中外航海者先后在南海开辟的帆船海道共有13条。  相似文献   


This article describes the work undertaken by the public authorities of Bristol to construct, for this old slaving port, a collective memory of the trade in Africans. It shows how the use of urban space is necessary to resurrect that past and implies a visual model to inform a new gaze on the city. Through intensive action on the memory of slavery, the author suggests, from the work of Paul Ricoeur, the passage from silence to 'too much memory'. This excess can be viewed as the result of a political instrumentalization linked to the requirements of the British multicutural model. Further, these actions on memory reveal distinctly divergent intentions for the different communities of the city.  相似文献   

王宏斌 《史学月刊》2002,1(8):58-62
德国人希理哈的《防海新论》可能是近代输入中国的第一本外国军事理论作。由于这本作所探讨的内容正切合中国海防建设的现实需要,故而引起清廷一部分官员的高度重视。他们在1874—1875年的海防大讨论中,一方面吸取了中国第一、二次鸦片战争被动挨打的经验教训,一方面接受了希理哈的海防观念,提出了比较先进的海防建设计划。此次海防讨论虽然最终未能达成共识,但我们仍应肯定希理哈《防海新论》译介到中国后所产生的积极影响。  相似文献   

Knowledge spillovers are crucial to innovation and upgrading, but it is largely unclear what knowledge spillovers are made of and how they actually happen. The importance of Marshall–Arrow–Romer vs. Jacobs externalities is also a debated matter, whereas the concept of “related variety” has recently come to occupy a middle-ground position. However, the relatedness concept is ambiguous in terms of operationalization and emphasizes codified knowledge on behalf of other knowledge resources that are important for innovation, particularly if firms cross into new sectors. This paper sheds light on the “black box” concepts of knowledge spillovers and relatedness by exploring cross-sectorial transfers from the mature offshore oil and gas sector into the emerging offshore wind industry. A qualitative research design allows for a more nuanced understanding of the contents of knowledge spillovers and (un)relatedness between sectors.  相似文献   

Experimental transit voyages along the Northern Sea Route to the north of Russia are breaking new ground each year and the route is already significant for the export of raw materials from Russian ports. National and corporate interests are now driving Russia's Arctic policy, rather than, as formerly, an exclusive focus on security, and the Russian government has ambitious plans for the development of the route. Future regular transit of the Northern Sea Route between Europe and Asia, at present facing serious obstacles, could be accelerated not only by climate change, but by overload on, or interruptions to, the existing route through the Suez Canal, which passes through some of the world's most volatile regions. Despite the formidable impediments to regular year round transit of the Northern Sea Route, governments of the non‐Arctic states with most at stake, particularly Germany and China, appear to be taking no chances, and to be jockeying for influence in the Arctic region. The interests of the non‐Arctic trading states, and of the European Union, more inclined to view the Arctic Ocean as part of the ‘common heritage of mankind’, are however potentially different from those of Russia, and indeed of Canada in respect of the North East passage, both determined to maintain their exclusive national jurisdiction over emerging sea lanes through their territorial waters. Great issues are at stake here. The emergence of new sea lanes has historically impacted heavily on the international balance of power. Where the merchant fleets go, navies will shortly follow.  相似文献   

清代以来黄渤海真鲷资源的分布、开发与变迁   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄渤海中所产之嘉鯕鱼,因其体征、肉质等方面原因,历来被视为一种名贵鱼类。清代以降,黄渤海真鲷资源数量异常丰富。造成清代山东登莱地区真鲷资源的异常丰富的原因,除了捕捞方式等原因之外,更为主要的则与海州湾真鲷资源一直未被开发有关。作为一种底层鱼类,其资源数量虽然一直比较稳定,但是清代一些重大环境变化,如明末清初和道光年间的变寒,以及1855年的黄河改道,使得真鲷资源在渔汛时间上和分布区域上都产生了变化。  相似文献   

The electroencephalogram (EEG), the graphic recording of the electric activity of the human brain, kindled far-reaching speculations about the imminent deciphering of mind and brain in the 1930s. Regardless of the thousands of neurons in the human cortex, recording from a person at rest produced a surprisingly regular line oscillating at 10 per second that disappeared at the moment of mental activity. With ever more groups specializing in electroencephalography, however, the deciphering of mind and brain did not materialize but moved further away in the information produced. In the various approaches employed in EEG research, such as the analysis of the graphic code, the search for pathognomic patterns or the imaging of cognitive processing, visualization guided research as well as theorizing, its productivity continued to keep the epistemological question open.  相似文献   

This article discusses evidence for interregional contact by sea in the Early Bronze Age Aegean. It outlines the relevant environmental background and changes since that period, and discusses the relationship between important settlements and preferred routes of movements between coasts and islands. After discussing some aspects of pilotage and navigational techniques used in the third millennium, it considers the role of different areas in reconstructed patterns of contact.  相似文献   

女性在沙漠的立足和生存 ,令国内外的许多人不可思议。在塔克拉玛干的石油队伍中却生活着一群活泼可爱的女孩子 ,她们把自己的青春完全留给了大沙漠的石油事业。姑娘们心中都有一只美丽的千纸鹤 ,那是她们时刻准备放飞的石油梦想  相似文献   

景观特征:红树林(Mangrove)是一种热带、南亚热带特有的海岸带植物群落,因主要由红树科的植物组成而得名。组成的物种包括草本、藤本红树。它生长于陆地与海洋交界带的滩涂浅滩,是陆地向海洋过度的特殊生态系。  相似文献   

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