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An analysis is presented of the long-term mean pressure latitude seasonal distribution of tropospheric and lower stratospheric ozone for the four seasons covering, in part, over 20 years of ozonesonde data. The observed patterns show minimum ozone mixing ratios in the equatorial and tropical troposphere except in regions where net photochemical production is dominant. In the middle and upper troposphere, and low stratosphere to 50 mb, ozone increases from the tropics to subpolar latitudes of both hemispheres. In mid stratosphere, the ozone mixing ratio is a maximum over the tropics. The observed vertical ozone gradient is small in the troposphere but increases rapidly above the tropopause. The seasonal variation at a typical mid latitude station (Hohenpeissenberg) shows a summer maximum in the low to middle troposphere, shifting to a winter-spring maximum in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere and spring -summer maximum at 10 mb. The amplitude of the annual variation increases from a minimum in the tropics to a maximum in polar regions. Also, the amplitude increases with height at all latitudes up to about 30 mb where the phase of the annual variation changes abruptly. The phase of the annual variation is during spring in the boundary layer, summer in mid troposphere, and spring in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere. The annual long-term ozone trends are significantly positive at about + 1.2% yr in mid troposphere (500 mb) and significantly negative at about − 0.6% yr1 in the lower stratosphere(50mb)  相似文献   

The total ozone observations of Tromsö (Northern Norway), Sodankylä (Northern Finland) and Murmansk (Northwestern Soviet Union) for 1987–1989 have been studied. Comparisons of the total ozone with stratospheric temperatures observed at Sodankylä have been made. These values have also been compared with the long-term mean total ozone at Tromsö and the long-term means of stratospheric temperatures at Sodankylä. No severe ozone depletions were observed. The exceptionally high total ozone values at these stations in February 1989 were connected to abnormally high stratospheric temperatures. The comparison of total ozone observed at roughly the same southern latitudes revealed great differences in the springtime.The 1989 ozone sounding observations of Sodankylä, Bear Island and Ny Ålesund (Spitzbergen) did not reveal any indications of pronounced ozone depletion. A comparative study of ozone, temperature and relative humidity indicated that the springtime variability of ozone in the lower stratosphere was clearly connected to meteorological variability. The lower tropospheric ozone had two distinct maxima, one in spring with large-scale photochemical causes and the other in summer connected with the emissions of hydrocarbons and oxides of nitrogen in Europe.Temperature observations made at Sodankylä over 24 yr revealed the existence of a potential for polar stratospheric cloud formation in the lower stratosphere in winter and early spring. A trend analysis of 50 hPa temperature revealed a negative trend of −0.16 K/yr in January and a positive trend of 0.15 K/yr in April; the annually-averaged trend was only −0.02 K/yr for this 24-yr period. When the January–February mean temperatures are separated according to the phase of the QBO in the tropical stratosphere, correlations between temperatures and sunspot numbers are found.  相似文献   

This article traces the beginnings of metallurgy in the eastern half of the African continent, focusing on three regions: (1) Egypt and Nubia; (2) the Great Lakes region of Central and East Africa; and (3) southern Africa. Metallurgy was not practiced much beyond the Nile valley until the first millennium BC, when copper, bronze and iron metallurgy began in Ethiopia and Eritrea, and iron metallurgy in the Great Lakes region. The expansion of agricultural societies carried iron metallurgy south, reaching its southern limit in South Africa by c. 300 cal AD. Copper was also smelted in southern Africa, but its use was restricted to pendants, bracelets, wire and other items of jewelry. In stark contrast to the metallurgical sequence in the Nile Valley, there was no production of tin, lead, gold or silver in central or southern Africa before these regions were linked to the Islamic world system after c. 800 AD.  相似文献   

Comparison is made between 30 mbar ozone fields that are generated by a transport-chemistry model utilizing the winds from the Goddard Space Flight Center stratospheric data assimilation system (STRATAN), observations from the LIMS instrument on Nimbus 7, and the ozone fields that result from ‘flying’ a mathematical simulation of LIMS observations through the transport-chemistry model ozone fields. The modeled ozone fields are found to resemble the LIMS observations, but the model fields show much more temporal and spatial structure than do the LIMS observations. The ‘satellite-mapped’ model results resemble the LIMS observations much more closely. These results are very consistent with the earlier discussions of satellite space-time sampling by Salby.  相似文献   

Using a two-dimensional model of the atmospheric circulation and composition, different scenarios of the effects of stratospheric aircraft on ozone layer destruction were calculated. It is shown that the ozone loss depends strongly on the altitude and composition of engine emissions from high-speed civil transport aircraft. The inclusion in the two-dimensional model of the effects of chemical eddies results in significantly reduced ozone losses in the high latitudes of the northern hemisphere during wintertime, when the dynamics of the stratosphere are strongly disturbed by planetary waves. This result can be connected with the increase of stratosphere/troposphere exchange.  相似文献   

The seasonal behavior of low latitude mesospheric ozone, as observed by the SMM satellite solar occultation experiment, is detailed for the 1985–1989 period. Annual as well as semi-annual waves are observed in the 50–70 km altitude region. In the latitude range of ±30 the ozone phase and amplitude are functions of temperature and seasonal changes in solar flux. Temperature is the controlling factor for the equatorial region and seasonal changes in solar flux become more dominant at latitudes outside the equatorial zone (greater than ±15). There is a hemispheric asymmetry in the ozone annual wave in the 20 30 region, with northern hemispheric ozone having a larger amplitude than southern hemispheric ozone. In this region temperature is nearly in phase with ozone in both hemispheres and is reduced in amplitude in the northern hemisphere. The equatorial region is characterized by a strong semi-annual wave in addition to the annual variation, and temperature is nearly out of phase with ozone. At all latitudes there is a larger ozone concentration at sunrise than at sunset. The sunrise sunset difference increases with increasing altitude  相似文献   

The accounts of explorers and colonists in the Kimberley region of Western Australia were searched to find records of landscape burning by Aborigines. Analyses of these records provide estimates of the spatial and temporal patterns of fire across the region in historic times. The seasonality of fire varied across the region. In northern parts of the Kimberley landscape fire was recorded from May to October with peak levels in June and September. In southern parts of the region there are records of burning as early as February and March, through to August but no records of fire were made in late dry season months. Modern fire regimes were compared with historic by superimposing the routes taken by five explorers over a modern fire history map derived from satellite imagery. Tallies of the number of modern fires that intersect the explorer's daily and monthly route were compared with actual observations of fire made by the explorers in historic times. The results indicate an increase in early dry season fires and the overall frequency of fires across the region in modern times. Explorers' accounts were also examined to derive further information regarding Aboriginal landscape burning in different environments and to distinguish landscape burning from other uses of fire such as smoke signals and cooking fires.  相似文献   

Long-term measurements of ozone concentration in the vicinity of the city of Berlin have been performed with ground-based Dobson spectrophotometers and balloon borne systems. The respective experiments cover the past 24 yr. All data have been re-evaluated and corrected towards uniform calibration standards, leading to the longest lasting European data set of total column density, altitude-dependent ozone partial pressures and the corresponding temperatures. Smoothing algorithms reveal significant longterm trends.The analysis shows an increase of ozone concentration within the middle stratosphere (below 31 km height) as well as in the troposphere over the past 24 yr. On the contrary, ongoing ozone depletion in the lower stratosphere became evident.The large scale vertical redistribution of atmospheric ozone in the troposphere and the lower stratosphere seems to be in agreement with model calculations and trend predictions that have their roots in changes of the chemical composition and the ozone photochemistry due to anthropogenically induced tracer gas concentrations.  相似文献   

During the winter of 1991–1992, ozone values over Scandinavia and northern Europe were exceptionally low. The sea surface temperatures in the southern part of the North Atlantic were 0.5–1.0°C higher than the normal, whereas the corresponding temperatures in the Greenland waters were about normal or a little lower than normal. The normal is based on observations during the period 1957–1980 (WMO, 1992). The increased temperature gradient in the sea surface resulted in an increase in the air temperature gradient. As a consequence, strong southwesterly winds with frequent low pressure activity dominated in the North Atlantic during the winter of 1991–1992.In the southwest wind-flow, ascending motion in the troposphere and the lower stratosphere was persistent, especially during the month of January 1992. The ascending motion lifted the tropopause and the lower stratosphere to higher levels and attempted to establish a secondary tropopause due to tropopause folding. The ozone partial pressure between the original tropopause and the secondary was then strongly reduced.  相似文献   

The results of the lead isotope analysis (LIA) of 15 copper‐base artefacts from the Bronze Age site of al‐Midamman, Yemen, are reported. The LIA data suggest the existence of an indigenous Bronze Age metal production and exchange system centred on the southern Red Sea region, distinct from those in neighbouring regions of Arabia and the Levant. These preliminary results are highly significant for the archaeology of the region, suggesting that local prehistoric copper extraction sites have thus far gone unrecorded, and highlighting the need for systematic archaeometallurgical fieldwork programmes in the countries surrounding the southern Red Sea.  相似文献   

Archaeological evidence indicates a complex history of settlement of the southern Lake Chad Basin from the mid-Holocene onward, in parallel with the gradual desiccation of the Sahara and reduction of lake and river systems in the region. These archaeological data can be compared with a growing body of data from historical linguistics and genetics, and the southern Lake Chad Basin is one of few areas in Africa where such comparisons can be undertaken. This paper will serve as a preliminary consideration of some of the issues generated by an initial comparison of archaeological, genetic and linguistic evidence for the peopling of the Lake Chad Basin. It focuses on the contexts of initial encounters between ancestral Nilo-Saharan and Chadic populations south of Lake Megachad and subsequent population expansions and diversifications around the Mandara Mountains.  相似文献   

Ethnoarchaeological research in sub-Saharan Africa began as a distinct study in the late 1960s and early 1970s and developed rather differently in different areas of the continent. This variability is related to a number of research circumstances in these regions: the presence of an important francophone archaeological tradition in West Africa, palaeoanthropological studies that have taken place in East and southern Africa over the last 60 years, and a concentration upon the study of forager groups in different parts of the continent. Ethnoarchaeology in West Africa, in East and Central Africa, and in southern Africa are examined in turn, with particular attention paid to the influence of research lineages in each region and to changes in methodologies and theoretical perspectives through time.  相似文献   

潘植强  梁保尔 《人文地理》2016,31(6):152-158
本文利用交通运输业、邮电业、商业、餐饮业、住宿业以及社会服务业这6个行业面板数据,在揭示2005年至2014年30个省(市、区)旅游业碳排放总量与强度的时空动态变化关系时,借助LMDI法分解出影响我国旅游业碳排放增加量的关键因素。研究结果表明:①旅游业碳排放总量在时间上呈逐年上升趋势,且中、西部地区增长速度要显著高于东部地区;②旅游业碳排放强度在时间上呈逐年递减趋势,且中、西部地区下降速度要显著低于东部地区;③影响我国旅游业碳排放增加量的关键因素取决于经济产出因子(TEO)、接待人次因子(TP)、行业结构因子(TIS)、能源效率因子(TEE)、能源结构因子(TES)5个方面,前两者为增量因子,后三者为减量因子。  相似文献   

Analysis of pressure fluctuations observed over a period of several days using an array of microbarographs has shown the existence of long trains of gravity waves with two or more waves often present simultaneously. Meteorological data from radiosonde ascents indicates that many of the waves have a velocity which matches that of the background wind at some level within the troposphere. Generally this height corresponds to that of a frontal zone marking the transition between air masses and it is suggested that the waves may have been generated by shear flow instability within the frontal layer. Theoretical considerations, based on a three-layer model troposphere, show that some of the observed waves could have been ducted in or near the frontal zone. Some evidence is found to indicate that a non-linear wave-wave interaction between pairs of waves occurring simultaneously in the frontal zone could yield secondary waves with the characteristics of the gravity waves which had been observed in the thermosphere at appropriate times and whose group paths were traced to source regions in the troposphere in the general vicinity of the microbarograph array.  相似文献   

Using a single monochromator, spectral measurements of solar irradiances of the UV and visible spectral ranges have been carried out during the midnight sun period in Arctic regions. Diurnal intensity variations are similar throughout the whole spectral region. Spectral ratios of the regions are obtained, and strong diurnal variations of the spectral ratios caused by the ozone layer are documented. The UVB region is mostly affected by the ozone layer. With UVB as the numerator in the spectral ratios the maxima of the spectral ratios occur at midday, because then the optical path of the UVB through the ozone layer is shortest. With UVA as the numerator hardly any diurnal variation between this range and visible blue occurs, mainly because of the small influence of ozone attenuation in these wavelength ranges. The influence of weather has much less influence on the spectral ratios than on the irradiances.  相似文献   

In this study, it is shown that during four Solar Proton Events (SPE), mostly of the Ground Level Event (GLE) type (May 1990, September and October 1989, and March 1989), inside the polar cap in the Arctic (or the Antarctic) short-term depletions were observed (up to 20%) in the ozone total content. These depletions or so-called ozone “miniholes” seem to be caused by energetic solar protons with energies of 150–300 MeV. For May 1990, the gas phase photochemical model includes only 1% ozone depletion compared with 18% observed at Barentsburg (Svalbard), and for none of the other events can homogeneous processes explain the observed depletion. The problem seems to be solved considering heterogeneous reactions in the presence of increased amounts of aerosol particles in the stratosphere which may be triggered by penetrating solar protons, or through an additional decrease of temperature, or through an increase of volume electric charge in the stratosphere (or even troposphere).  相似文献   

Eastern Sicily (southern Italy) is characterised by the presence of many natural gas emissions (mofettes, mud volcanoes). These gases are mostly carbon dioxide and methane, with minor amounts of helium, hydrogen, carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons. In this study, the extent and orientation of soil gas anomalies (He and CO2) were investigated on a wide area (approximately 110 km2) located just SW of Mt. Etna. From a structural point of view, this area lays on a typical foredeep–foreland system that marks the boundary between the southern part of the Eurasian plate and the northern part of the African plate in the central Mediterranean. No tectonic structure was revealed in this area by surface geological surveys. Very high soil emissions were found, and their spatial pattern reveals the existence of some active faults all directed about N50°E. This direction coincides with that of two major fault systems that cut eastern Sicily and are evident, respectively, NE and SW of the study area. Soil gas data suggest that these fault systems are the expression of a single continuous structural line which is probably responsible for the past and present magma uprise in eastern Sicily. Isotopic values of carbon of CO2 suggest a minor contribution of organic carbon. Moreover, in the highest degassing sites the isotopic values of He found in association with CO2 (He abundance = 11–70 p.p.m.; R/Ra between 6.0 and 6.2) suggest that both gases are mantle derived. The extent of the areas affected by high gas emissions and the amounts of deep CO2 emitted in the investigated area (several hundred tonnes per day) may provide additional supporting evidence of a mantle upwelling taking place beneath this region.  相似文献   

In this brief response to Sun et al.’s ( 2018 ) comments on our paper, we re‐emphasize that archaeological, chemical and isotopic evidence are all relevant to the discussion about the metal source of the Shang period with highly radiogenic lead isotope ratios. The southern African bronzes have much lower lead contents and quite different lead isotopic signatures than the Shang bronzes. More importantly, there was no metallurgy of any kind in southern Africa before c.200 ce , so southern Africa cannot possibly be the source of Shang bronze, which date to about 1500 to 1000 bce .  相似文献   

This essay reviews radiocarbon dates associated with the earliest evidence of domestic stock in southern Africa and reviews existing models for their introduction in light of the current evidence. Two primary models exist for the introduction of domestic stock into southern Africa: an early Khoisan wave and an Early Iron Age source. Neither model is completely supported by the evidence. Available chronological evidence suggests that Khoisan and Iron Age herders simultaneously ushered domestic stock into the northern and eastern regions of southern Africa. Early Iron Age groups in southern Zambia are likely external sources. Khoisan herders exclusively introduced domestic stock into Namibia and the Cape. However, in the northern and eastern regions of southern Africa, stock possession and transfers probably were complex and involved both Khoisan and Iron Age groups.  相似文献   

A quantitative assessment has been made of the longitude-dependent differences and the interannual variations of the zonal wind components in the equatorial stratosphere and troposphere, from the analysis of rocket and balloon data for 1979 and 1980 for three stations near ±8.5° latitude (Ascension Island at 14.4°W, Thumba at 76.9°E and Kwajalein at 67.7°E) and two stations near 21.5° latitude (Barking Sands at 159.6°W and Balasore at 86.9°E). The longitude-dependent differences are found to be about 10–20 m s−1 (amounting to 50–200% in some cases) for the semi-annual oscillation (SAO) and the annual oscillation (AO) amplitudes, depending upon the altitude and latitude. Inter-annual variations of about 10 m s−1 also exist in both oscillations. The phase of the SAO exhibits an almost 180° shift at Kwajalein compared to that at the other two stations near 8.5°, while the phase of the AO is independent of longitude, in the stratosphere.The amplitude and phase of the quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) are found to be almost independent of longitude in the 18–38 km range, but above 40 km height the QBO amplitude and phase have different values in different longitude sectors for the three stations near ±8.5° latitude. The mean zonal wind shows no change from 1979 to 1980, but in the troposphere at 8.5° latitude strong easterlies prevail in the Indian zone, in contrast to the westerlies at the Atlantic and Pacific stations.  相似文献   

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