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加强少数民族地区基层干部"双语"能力建设对于提高基层干部综合素质、增强少数民族地区基层党组织的执政能力、增进民族感情有着十分重要的意义。本文主要分析了尉犁县基层干部双语学习培训的现状,阐述了加强基层干部双语能力建设的主要经验及取得的成效,分析了基层干部双语能力建设存在的主要问题,提出了加强基层干部双语能力建设工作的对策建议。  相似文献   

包欣欣 《神州》2013,(4):90-90
在我国国际交往日益频繁的今天,口译在双语互译领域的重要位置已愈发不容忽视。社会对各个层次的口译人员的需求都大幅增加,但由于多种原因,当前普通高等学校英语专业口译教学仍存在一些问题。本文对这些问题进行了深层次的剖析,并提出相关优化策略。  相似文献   

吴霞 《神州》2014,(3):107-107
高职专业教师双语教学能力普遍偏低,成为制约双语教学成功的瓶颈。专业教师双语教学能力,尤其是英语能力和素质对双语教学的质量具有基础和决定性作用。因此,分析高校专业教师在双语教学中应具备的英语能力素质,提出相应的培养策略,对提高高校双语教育质量、推动高校双语教学改革和教师专业化发展具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

本文界定了双语教学和双语教师的内涵,对国内双语教学和双语教师现状进行了研究,结合我国双语教师理应具备的基本素质,探讨了双语教师的素质构成,其中包括外语能力、双语教学能力、知识能力、教师品德四个方面。  相似文献   

唐蔚  李延林 《文史博览》2015,(1):36-37,43
随着世界经济全球化的迅速发展,中国与世界各国的交流合作日益密切。作为交流的桥梁,应用型英语口译人才的作用不言而喻。因此,为更好地满足当前中国经济和文化"走出去"的翻译人才需求,本文试从当前职业院校口译教学现状出发,结合职业译者、职业翻译能力的特点,探讨职业教育背景下以职业为导向的口译课堂教学改革。  相似文献   

陈玲玲 《旅游纵览》2013,(6):197-198
本文中,笔者通过对理工科院校英语本科口译教学中学生口译技能培养现有问题的分析,结合其教学实践就口译技能培养模式提出了以学生学习互助组为平台的学生口译技能分阶段培养模式。《高等学院英语专业英语教学大纲》明确了口译课程以技能培养为主的教学方针,也说明了口译技能训练的重要性。大多数的理工科院校的英语专业在口译教学上面临着极大的挑战  相似文献   

姜楠 《神州》2011,(12):213-213
当前经济发展环境的开放形势下,中职会计专业是为社会培养和输送财务管理人才的重要教育途径。面对激烈的人才市场竞争趋向,加强中职会计专业人员的职业道德及职业能力培养,是深化中职教育理念实现中职教育高效化的重要举措。  相似文献   

姜楠 《神州》2011,(29):213
当前经济发展环境的开放形势下,中职会计专业是为社会培养和输送财务管理人才的重要教育途径,面对激烈的人才市场竞争趋向,加强中职会计专业人员的职业道德及职业能力培养,是深化中职教育理念实现中职教育高效化的重要举措。  相似文献   

魏鸿雁 《旅游纵览》2013,(9):252-253
21世纪对我国旅游本科教育提出了更高的要求,为了利用国际教育资源培养有国际竞争能力的旅游人才,在我国旅游本科双语教学势在必行。目前我国旅游本科专业双语教学还存在诸多问题,各旅游本科院校应当根据自身实际情况,从课程选择、教师培养、教材配备、教学方法、学校政策支持等角度入手,积极稳妥地逐步推行双语教学。进入21世纪,经济全球化带来了文化的多元化和信息的国际化,这要求我国的高等教育也要走向国际,充分利用国际教育资源,培养有国际意识、具备国际交往能力与国际竞争能力的人才。在此背景下,我国高等学校推行双语教学显得尤为重  相似文献   

目前我国民办高校市场营销专业学生对所学理论知识的应用能力不能很好的与社会需求接轨。本文通过分析现阶段我国民办高校市场营销专业学生应用能力培养的状况,就目前存在的学生应用能力培养的执行力度不够,教师自身市场营销应用能力不足,市场营销专业学生的应用能力培养教学模式陈旧等一系列问题,有针对性的提出加强学生应用能力的培养力度,加强应用教学指导教师团队建设,构建应用式教学模式,增强学生的营销实战应用能力等相应的解决策略。  相似文献   

文化遗产型景区双语解说问题与探讨——以西安为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乌永志 《人文地理》2010,25(6):135-138
本文以兵马俑博物馆、西安碑林和大唐芙蓉园的解说牌为例,依据有效解说和信息创作的原则以及国际文化遗产旅游者的动机特点和需求,采用实地考察、深度访谈,中英文解说文本对比分析等方法,对这些景区的双语解说进行了研究和分析。研究发现文化遗产型景区双语解说普遍存在系统性、主题性、信息逻辑性和解说手段等问题,英语解说牌提供的信息与导游讲解提供的信息量相比有明显差异;文本分析发现翻译质量严重影响了英语解说文本的可读性,双语公示语翻译功能性差,文化因素考虑不够;深度访谈发现英语解说牌不能满足国际旅游者对被参观地遗产意义渴望了解的需求,导致了双语解说没有达到文化沟通的效果。  相似文献   


Pierre Trudeau’s vision of Canada’s cultural policy was situated within a bilingual framework. Canada, so conceived, has “no official culture” and two official languages. Nearly 50 years later, debates regarding the effects and broader significance of this policy combination persist as illustrated by the recent debate about Supreme Court judges. Yet, Canadians’ attitudes about bilingualism have received relatively little scholarly attention. This paper probes the structure and recent evolution of public attitudes toward the general idea of official bilingualism using the Survey on Official Languages (2003) and the Canadian Election Studies (1997–2011). It goes on to investigate regional differences in public support for bilingual Supreme Court judges using a large-scale survey conducted by Vox Pop Labs in 2015 (n = 291, 577). The combination of these data sources offers new insights into the contextual and individual-level determinants of regional differences in public attitudes toward bilingualism policy in Canada.  相似文献   

In this paper we provide a critical evaluation of the campaign for bilingual road traffic signs in late 1960s and 1970s Wales, examining how Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg (the Welsh Language Society) came to see English language road signs as mundane, ubiquitous and oppressive symbols of anglicisation and of British/English government authority in Wales. We suggest a rethinking of Michael Billig's concept of ‘banal nationalism’, arguing that while English language road signs may appear as banal symbols and technologies of government authority and control, their banality is only ever experienced from particular perspectives by partial constituencies. For Welsh language campaigners, English language road signs were experienced and criticised as eruptive and disruptive symbols of oppression, rule and colonisation, and in the paper we trace the genesis of the bilingual road signs campaign, British government reactions to proposals for bilingual signs, and the shift in policy which followed the very public support of hundreds of respectable Welsh professionals for the campaign from December 1970. We conclude the paper by examining the work of the Welsh Office's Committee of Inquiry into Bilingual Traffic Signs (the Bowen Committee), and the subsequent disagreements between language campaigners, government scientists and politicians on the issue of language order. Throughout the paper we suggest that it was the ubiquity, functionality and materiality of road signs which made this one of the most effective campaigns carried out by the Welsh Language Society.  相似文献   

李宝玉 《神州》2011,(2X):38-39,44
本文分析了独立学院英语专业学生的特点和英语视听说课程的教学现状,提出要改善目前的教学现状,提高学生的听说能力,必须改革传统的课堂教学模式。在人本主义和建构主义的指导下,本文构建了一个多元化、个性化、协作化的英语视听说课堂教学模式,并通过具体的教案设计分析了其在教学中的实际应用。  相似文献   

By examining the four reprints of Robert Morrison’s Wuche yun fu (Five wagonloads of words) produced during the second half of the nineteenth century, this paper outlines the emergence and evolution of Chinese-English bilingual dictionaries and their role in spreading standard English to a wider literary audience in the treaty port of Shanghai. In the language mosaic of treaty port society, bilingual dictionaries highlighted the gap between spoken pidgin and written English, demarcating two linguistic repertoires commanded by two different groups. In exploring the socio-historical background of the publication history of these dictionaries, this paper also sheds light on the publishing market, especially English study aids in late nineteenth-century Shanghai.  相似文献   

新经济下广州城市竞争力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文评述了新经济及竞争力的研究进展,认为新经济下城市竞争力的系统研究尚不多见;分析了城市竞争力发展的阶段及驱动因素,参考硅谷的发展模式,总结了新经济下城市竞争力系统的要素组成,并受经济全球化、信息技术革命、创新精神等外界环境影响。文章具体构建了新经济下城市竞争力的评价指标体系,选取北京、上海、深圳为对比城市,对新经济下广州竞争力作了比较分析,并对新经济下广州城市竞争力的内部差异作了分析。文章最后对新经济下提高广州的竞争力提出了建议。  相似文献   

A concern with the role of the ‘Other’ in geography in higher education has led to work on the incorporation of marginalized social groups into learning contexts. Recently some authors have discussed the role of language in teaching, and in particular the dominant role of the English language in marginalizing non‐Anglophonic students and subject matter. In this paper an empirical case study of the experiences of bilingual students at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth is developed. This research provides an account of the role of language in bilingual students' engagements with geography, and addresses the practicalities and the politics of enabling students with a diversity of linguistic skills to become full citizens of their geographical education.  相似文献   

Donald Trump's recent election victory has been greeted with horror and disbelief by many. In particular, the glaring inconsistencies and open self‐contradictions that marked his campaign should have rendered him unelectable by the standards of conventional reasonable political practice. But rather than being a problem to be explained away, it is Trump's open embrace of contradiction that explains much of his appeal. By holding contradictory trends and opinions simultaneously, he presents himself as being capable of embodying seemingly mutually exclusive social trends, such as an intensification of economic competition on the one hand and a radical denunciation of that competition's effects on some of the losers from that process on the other. By doing so, he presents himself as a powerful figure with charismatic abilities to contain such contradictions within himself – abilities that are not available to ordinary career politicians, but that are strikingly reminiscent of the powers attributed to so‐called ‘trickster’ figures in anthropological literature.  相似文献   

李曦 《神州》2012,(24):3-4
日新月异的科技更新与世界各国经济政治文化的交汇融合使得“国际化”成为了中国高等教育发展的重要内容之一。因此作为传播全球先进科研成果和培养国际性人才最行之有效的手段之一——“双语教学”应始终不忘“支持中国高等教育国际化”的时代使命,并坚持以国际化的视野探讨其推广的意义,目的及应采用的方式手段。研究中国高等教育国际化与双语教学的联系不仅是大势所趋,还能为两者发展历程中所遇到的问题及争议提供解决方案,从而为中国高等教育步入世界舞台,接受世界挑战贡献力量。  相似文献   

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