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Frappé par certains grands succès de librairies récents (notamment Les Bienveillantes, JanKarski et HHhH), on a beaucoup réfléchi, notamment dans le numéro spécial du Débat consacré à « L'Histoire saisie par la fiction », sur la place, la portée et la fonction de l'histoire dans la production de textes littéraires. Nous nous emploierons dans le présent article à apprécier certains aspects littéraires de l'écriture historienne dans « l'enquête » de l'historien Ivan Jablonka, Histoire des grands-parents que je n'ai pas eus. Retraçant l'itinéraire de ses grands-parents, juifs communistes militants qui, fuyant la répression politique, quittent enfin leur shtetl polonais dans l'espoir de trouver refuge en France avant d'être emportés par la guerre et le génocide comme tant d'autres, Jablonka s'y implique pleinement, nous livrant aussi le récit de ses recherches et de sa façon personnelle de vivre ce passé dramatique. En analysant la fonction de cette implication subjective de l'historien dans la poursuite de ses recherches et l'écriture de son récit, nous verrons que Jablonka nous fait voir l'itinéraire tragique de ses grands-parents, mais aussi les grands courants de l'histoire dans lequel il s'inscrit, « comme Elstir peignait la mer », c'est-à-dire à partir de la manière particulière dont ils ont pu vivre ce passé.  相似文献   

吕莜 《旅游纵览》2016,(6):39-41
在我国幅员辽阔,南北差异较大,使得各个民族之间的物质文化、精神文化逐渐形成具有差异化特征的旅游资源,本文以民俗旅游资源规划与开发作为切入点,首先对我国民俗旅游资源现状进行分析,对民俗旅游资源在规划开发过程中存在的问题进行研究,并提出解决民俗旅游资源规划与开发问题的对策。  相似文献   

<正>曾几何时,人类不无得意地发出"人是万物的尺度""人定胜天"的口号,摆起一副高姿态,把人类凌驾于自然之上,公然做起了自然的主人,向自然任意地开发索取所需要的一切……正是在这种口号的诱导下,人类创造出了奇迹般的辉煌成就,但同时也遭到了来自自然界的报复。据联合国环境署提供的材料,目前共有十大环境因素  相似文献   

The focus of most analyses of environmental struggles and discourses in colonial and postcolonial India is on rural and forest areas, and on subalterns versus elites. Recently, however, there has been increased interest in urban environmental issues, and, to some extent, in India's (variously defined)‘middle classes’. This article reviews a range of literatures — environmental, social‐cultural and political — in order to draw out themes and arguments concerning the relationships between India's middle classes and the complex meanings and materialities of the environment. Three issues are explored in detail: civic indifference and the public sphere; environmental activism; and Hinduism and ecological thinking. The article emphasizes the importance of recognizing diversity and dynamism within the middle classes in relation to the environment. It argues the need to develop situated understandings of what constitutes ‘the environment’ amongst different middle class groups; and underlines the ways in which environmental issues reflect and are often emblematic of wider social and political debates.  相似文献   

An advocate of a unified geography adopts a biosocial, or natural-social, approach to the definition of several concepts in geography, distinguishing the landscape sphere and the geographical environment. The landscape sphere of the earth consists of the sphere of the natural landscape (comprising both untouched and man-altered nature) and the sphere of human activity, or sociosphere, which includes the sphere of the cultural landscape (agrosphere plus technosphere) and mankind itself. The geographical environment includes the natural environment (man-altered nature plus parts of untouched nature), the material results of the labor of past generations and geographical manifestations of the social environment.  相似文献   

While European integration has predominantly been addressed in terms of its common market and through questions of European identity, this article explores alternate perspectives of environment in peripheral landscapes as a practice through which European center-periphery relations are negotiated. Drawing on two case studies, namely the Bulgarian Black Sea coast and the arid regions of Almeria in southeast Spain, we highlight how these landscapes have been variously framed as explicitly European spaces through either developmental narratives or environmental activism and advocacy. We argue that European integration is realized and contested through the discursive and material transformation of landscapes. With this, we contribute to an understanding of environmentalism and the politics of the environment as instrumental in addressing broader and parallel political concerns. Combining southern and eastern European perspectives on the political geography of the environment, we show that the landscape functions as an intrinsically political arena that materializes and discursively frames the different meanings and interests of European integration at stake.  相似文献   

While Man recently celebratedthe 50th anniversary of dwarfingQomolangmo, the world's high-est peak suffered from environ-mental pollution. Statistics show,from May 1953 to the 1990s, themountaineers left behind morethan 50 tons of garbage. Over the past,decade or more,efforts were doubled and redou-bled to clean the environment.However, an increasing number  相似文献   

本文从环境角度探讨了有关中国古代农业生产 技术的发展过程,得出了一些新结论:首先,中国■土的形成是二 千多年来耕作、施肥的结晶。那种认为中国原始的黄土很肥沃、春 秋诸侯国向“无主的山林泽薮”、“无人的原野”开垦农地等观点是 错误的;其次,战国时代存在着两种农业发展路线,中国屏弃了 《管子》型农林牧渔猎多种经营的道路,走上了《商君书》式的农本 主义道路;第三,由于发展桑蚕与种植谷物在劳力与耕地方面较 少矛盾,所以中国在衣料品生产中特别重视种桑养蚕,形成了中 国古代农桑并举的生产结构;第四,中国农业生产力是不同于西 欧的特殊形态,靠精耕细作和施肥来保持地为常新,具有较高的 劳动效率。  相似文献   

谢跃平  蒋立科 《神州》2012,(27):58-60
随着全球港口海运的蓬勃发展,中国港机出口量越来越大。针对海洋环境下腐蚀和防腐蚀疲劳问题而展开卸船机钢结构和配套件防腐蚀研究日益受到人们的关注。文中通过对国内外卸船机钢结构和配套件防腐现状的介绍,分析和展望海洋环境卸船机钢结构及配套件防腐涂装体系的发展趋势,并就存在的固形物污染物的治理提出简浅的动议供从事同行工作者在对卸船机钢结构和配套件防腐蚀、增强该类设备寿命、实现在设备维护并提升我国同类产品机能和动力水平工作参考。  相似文献   

区域对比:环境与聚落的演进   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Through the comparative analysis considering environment, archaeological culture sequence, alteration of settlement quantities, relation between the change of environment and the movement of settlements, cultural embedding superposition exponent of ancient sites, ect. among three regions, the author thinks that they respectively represent three different developing patterns of ancient settlements. The middle and lower reaches of Yellow river and the Valley of Xilamulun River respectively represented different development patterns of the two native cultures, namely, the agricultural civilization of Great River and the half-agricultural and half-stockbreeding civilization of northern districts. The Valley of Hulu river, located in the northwest, can be the representation of secondary cultures, which originated from civilizations of great river, but dissimilated during the course of spreading abroad towards west.  相似文献   

略论花园口决堤与泛区生态环境的恶化   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
花园口决堤,造成黄河历史上第一次人为的改道。黄河在夺淮入海途中,挟带巨量泥沙肆意漫决,形成了大范围的黄泛区,严重破坏了泛区原有的生态环境。生态环境的恶化给泛区的经济、社会生活造成了长期的负面影响。  相似文献   

Based on field research from three regions with distinct variations in environment, population density, livelihood bases and levels of resource dependency, this study investigates the gender aspects of environmental change. It seeks to illustrate the relevance of gender factors for the patterns of adaptation to change, for the welfare impact of changes on the population, and for the ramifications for resource management and livelihood generation at the community level. It employs a gender analysis to examine the impact of such changes on population variables, particularly on health and nutrition, and to explore the more general question of whether women's socio-economic status is being threatened by the pressures of environmental change.  相似文献   

Most data-gathering tasks for eliciting information about the structure of spatial images tend to impose predetermined arbitrary dimensions or categories on the subjects' responses. This paper, in contrast, makes use of an unstructured task (word association) from which measures of semantic similarity between metropolitan areas in California are generated. The interpretation of the areal groupings derived from the analysis of these data by a clustering method reveals the importance of location and size of urban areas in cognitive organization. When the dimensions underlying perceived similarities between places are extracted by a factor analytic model, climatic and environmental dimensions are found to account for more variance in the word-association data than do social dimensions.  相似文献   

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