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马越 《文博》2022,(3):91-96
本文以故宫藏深粉色暗八仙纹粉蜡笺纸为研究究对象,对其显微形貌、结构、材料和工艺进行分析。研究表明该粉蜡笺纸为双面涂布,在桑皮纸表面依次涂布铅白粉末层,蜡层及表面描金纹饰层。本研究基于该清代宫廷粉蜡笺纸的科技分析,阐释其加工工艺,为清代宫廷粉蜡笺纸类文物的价值认知和保护提供科学依据。  相似文献   

对纸质文物的科学认知是保护这类珍贵文化遗产的关键。本研究将热裂解气相色谱-质谱(Py-GC/MS)技术应用到中国传统的四类典型手工纸(竹纸、麻纸、桑皮纸和构皮纸)的分析中,结果表明竹纸中苯酚类物质含量较高,桑皮纸和构皮纸中含有大分子三萜类特征物(如β-香树脂醇、α-香树脂醇和豆甾-3,5-二烯等物质),而麻纸中则无此类特征物——利用这些特征化合物可以区分竹纸、麻纸和桑皮/构皮纸。将这一成果应用到一副清代蜡笺纸对联的分析中:确定了该书法用纸为皮纸(桑皮纸或构皮纸);检测出长链脂肪酸和醇类物质,表明蜡笺纸的制作使用了蜂蜡;检测出吡咯及其衍生物,表明该书法蜡笺纸装裱时所用的胶结材料为动物胶;另外检测到了生物碱类物质,表明该蜡笺纸使用了植物染料。综合以上研究表明,Py-GC/MS方法不仅能够确定中国传统纸质文物的纤维来源,同时可以确定纸质文物上蜡、胶结物及染料等信息;结合传统的赫兹伯格(Herzberg)染色法,进一步确定了皮纸的具体种类。蜡笺纸文物材料信息的检测识别可为文物保护与修复工作提供科学依据,此研究方法为纸质文物的科学认知提供新思路。  相似文献   

《乾隆御笔符望阁口号》贴落书写于青色洒金蜡笺纸上,原张贴于故宫乾隆花园符望阁内,由于文物右上角缺失,致使文字缺损。又因蜡笺纸制作工艺失传,带来文物修复材料的问题。本研究将数字复制技术应用于该文物的修复当中,首先解决了修复材料短缺问题,同时通过将数字复制技术、人工临摹技术、书画装裱修复技术相结合,最终完成该件文物的修复。此件文物的修复体现了现代科技与传统工艺相结合的巨大优势,扩展了数字复制技术的应用领域,丰富了古书画修复手段,为类似文物修复提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

故宫养心殿内纸质文物主要包含贴落与隔扇心,其中贴落集中于正殿、东西暖阁及佛堂一区。在故宫博物院“养心殿研究性保护项目”中,书画修复人员对该区域进行全面调查,并针对佛堂一区保存状态较差的贴落进行修复。“寿”字贴落原存于养心殿佛堂长春书屋,糊贴于丁香花壁布之上,其画心纸为黄色描银龙纹粉蜡笺纸。为了研究其结构和工艺,使用多角度摄影技术观察贴落保存现状;通过显微剖面观察、扫描电子显微镜及能谱分析,结合显微红外光谱扫描技术研究画心纸的显微结构;使用超高效液相色谱-质谱联用分析仪分析表面黄色染料;并对画心和背纸的纤维显微形貌进行观察。在科技分析基础上,对“寿”字贴落进行保护修复。此研究首次对清代宫廷藏粉蜡笺纸的结构、材料与工艺进行科学分析,为这类加工纸的保护研究提供科学依据。  相似文献   

"浣花笺纸桃花色",这是唐代诗人李商隐吟咏彩笺的名句(图1)。然而,引动诗人吟兴的浣花笺纸究竟是何等面目,今天已经无从获知,只能由想象中约略得其仿佛了。  相似文献   

正纸之精致华美,尺幅较小者,叫"笺"。花笺是古代精致华美的笺纸,又称"彩笺",一般选印有各种纹样,用不同颜色的纸制成。文人雅士往往自制花笺纸,以标榜其个性,高雅而不入俗流。古笺名品甚是难觅,今人少见有自制者。笺纸可用来书写诗文,称"诗笺",或用于书信,则称"信笺"。《收藏家》杂志近期将推出一套传统样式花笺,以陈洪绶小品作为笺纸纹样底本,一套6种。  相似文献   

梁颖 《收藏家》2008,(3):59-64
笺纸上用花纹衬底,最直接的办法是通过染色,这在第一章里已经做过介绍,本章要谈的,是雕版刷印在笺纸上的花纹。  相似文献   

梁颖 《收藏家》2007,(12):45-51
“浣花笺纸桃花色”,这是唐代诗人李商隐吟咏彩笺的名句(图1)。然而,引动诗人吟兴的浣花笺纸究竟是何等面目,今天已经无从获知,只能由想象中约略得其仿佛了。  相似文献   

正纸之精致华美,尺幅较小者,称"笺"。花笺是古代精致华美的笺纸,又称"彩笺",一般选印有各种纹样,或用不同颜色的纸制成。文人雅士往往自制花笺纸,以标榜其个性,高雅而不入俗流。古笺名品甚是难觅,今人少见有自制者。笺纸可用来书写诗文,称"诗笺",或用于书信,则称"信笺"。《收藏家》杂志近期将推出一套传统样式花笺,以陈洪绶小品作为笺纸纹样底本,一套6种。  相似文献   

正纸之精致华美,尺幅较小者,叫"笺"。花笺是古代精致华美的笺纸,又称"彩笺",一般选印有各种纹样,用不同颜色的纸制成。文人雅士往往自制花笺纸,以标榜其个性,高雅而不入俗流。古笺名品甚是难觅,今人少见有自制者。笺纸可用来书写诗文,称"诗笺",或用于书信,则称"信笺"。《收藏家》杂志近期将推出一套传统样式花笺,以陈洪绶小品作为笺纸纹样底本,一套6种。  相似文献   

Archaeologists are increasingly becoming aware of an approach to data investigation known as Bayesian statistics. In this paper we outline both the philosophical and statistical background to the approach. We show that it provides a logical and coherent framework in which to make inferences on the basis of both data and a priori expert knowledge. We note that adoption of the Bayesian framework is particularly timely since there have been recent dramatic developments in numerical methods which mean that a number of previous implementation problems have now been solved. As a result, many questions of archaeological interest, which require the use of complex statistical models, are being investigated using this methodology. We use a variety of recently published examples from a range of archaeological areas to illustrate the type of questions that can be answered and the nature of the methodologies used, and we make comparisons with the results obtained using more traditional statistical techniques.  相似文献   

This paper examines the thesis of the public presidency. In light of the success of Ronald Reagan, many revisionist scholars have criticized traditional models of presidential politics. Whereas traditional views emphasized the bargaining presidency, these recent scholars now argue that, today, the politics of rhetoric dominate the politics of bargaining. This paper examines the central case study of the going-public model, Reagan's 1981 tax and budget cuts, a critical case because it represents Reagan's central legislative success and because many scholars and pundits have credited this success to Reagan's frequent televised public appeals. The case reveals that a strong bargaining dynamic played a part in the 1981 process, and that going public strategies were not as dominant as previously thought.

What has changed significantly is the balance of incentives and constraints that influence strategic choice and the kinds of politicians in the Oval Office who make them. Contemporary presidents, after carefully considering their options, will choose going public over bargaining more often than did their predecessors.

–Samuel Kernell, Going Public  相似文献   

阳城犁镜是中国传统铁范铸造硕果仅存的活化石。本依据作的调查研究成果,对犁镜冶铸工艺及其历史沿革作了全面的剖析与总结。  相似文献   

王克西 《人文地理》2007,22(2):23-26
秦岭北麓环山带地区如何在经济发展过程中兼顾生态环境保护是一个重大课题。解决这一问题的根本出路在于:调整现有的不利于生态保护的经济结构,即限制传统农业,代之以特色农业和其它绿色产业,如观光农业、林业、果业、畜牧业及特色养殖种植业和特色手工业、农林产品加工业、园艺绿化业等;限制和改造工业、矿业及采石业,使第二、三产业由环境危害型向环境友好型转化;大力推广循环经济发展模式,在当地构架以绿色产业为主要内容,各产业在资源上依次或循环利用,产业相互补充、配套的生态经济模式。  相似文献   


The Internet is a hospitable medium for distance learning. Some geography educators fear that distance education confronts the discipline with a moral dilemma, however. One, in particular, acknowledges some of the advantages of distance learning, but contends that it cannot convey the sense of place that is 'the essence of what it means to be a geographer'. This paper is concerned with the morality of distance learning. In particular, it considers educators' obligations to deliver quality education, and to make it as widely accessible as possible. The paper stresses that the key distinction between distance learning and traditional resident instruction is not the mode of delivery, nor is it the distances in time and space that separate students and teachers. Rather, it is that distance learners are a qualitatively different, older population, with different educational needs from traditional on-campus undergraduates and graduate students. The paper argues that geography educators have a moral obligation to serve lifelong learners, an obligation that should take precedence over our allegiance to conventional notions about what constitutes the essence of our field.  相似文献   

以北京浩沙健身连锁俱乐部为例,尝试利用公众在大众点评网、新浪微博等网络社区中发布的关注度、评价等作为加权因子,分析连锁网点之间的竞争状态,建立了一个基于互联网信息的加权因子计算模型,计算各连锁店的市场竞争域,结果显示互联网空间信息能够对连锁店之间的空间竞争产生指示作用,各分店表现出明显的竞争力差异;提出对加权Voronoi图区位意义上的地理学新解释:它不仅反映连锁店基本市场域,而且其边线弯曲度和单元面积的变化还可折射各连锁店在互联网空间中的吸引力差异。  相似文献   

湖南早期楚文化的历史地理分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在对楚文化何时开始对湖南产生影响、楚人何时进入湖南、楚人何时开发湖南、楚人何时入主湖南等问题进行比较、分析与界定的基础上,运用文化因素分析法,通过对以澧县文家山、湘阴晒网场、岳阳毛家堰——阎家山等为代表的湘北地区早期楚文化遗址的考古学研究,并结合对熊渠伐杨粤称王、楚文王迁罗于湖南、楚公戈等相关历史文献和文物资料的考辨,提出:西周末期,楚文化才开始对湖南产生影响;春秋早期,楚人才自发地进入湖南。从而有力地反驳了楚人于西周中期入湘的传统观点。  相似文献   

The government in Shigatse prefecture has firmly carried forward scientific development view, and called for further innovation in thought and methods. The governments at all levels make their decisions in accordance with local condition. They have focused on increasing incomes of rural and nomadic households in this region. People in Shigatse have enjoyed continuous income increase, resulting from their transformation from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture.  相似文献   


This paper presents ethnographic, historic and archaeological data from the western Mediterranean in order to explore the variability of storage methods and the various strategies that may have existed in the past in this region. The paper includes ethnographic information on traditional storage methods collected in farming communities in northern Morocco (Rif area). We record the use of plant fibres such as canes (Arundo donax), dwarf palm (Chamaerops humilis), esparto grass (Stipa tenacissima) and dis (Ampelodesmos mauritanica) to make containers. Recipients made of cow dung and unfired clay, as well as underground silos, have been also used in this region to store food. In addition, we explore historical and ethnohistorical data on the use of large storage structures, including the study of communal granaries, a particular type of granary located at inaccessible places, such as cliff faces or mountain tops, or within fortified buildings, from which harvests can be easily protected and defended. We also examine the archaeological evidence of storage strategies in the Iberian Peninsula during prehistoric times. The paper informs of the large variety of systems and materials used, the functioning of storage structures, and more generally, provides a framework for reflecting on the enormous diversity of solutions that could have existed in the past and that may have left little or none archeological traces.  相似文献   

社会资本对区域经济增长的影响是通过对区内企业、产业集群及区域整体等三个不同主体的影响发挥作用的。在企业由传统成长模式向网络化成长模式转变,产业集群由聚集经济向创新网络转变,区域由空闻结构向网络社会转变的过程中,社会网络及内含资源起着决定性作用。社会资本对三者的作用体现空间上的层次递进特征,即依循企业、集群、区域三个不同主体网络化递进发展的“织网模型”,依次由“发散状企业网络”向“经纬状集群网络”再向“多构面区域网络”发展的织网过程。社会资本及社会网络对企业的作用是摄取关键资源、信息等;对产业集群的影响是建立学习与创新机制、成本节约机制、形成合作竞争氛围;而对区域的积极意义是保持区域良好的信任文化。  相似文献   

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