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彭舟 《南方文物》2001,(3):26-27
近些年来,考古学界开始反思过去,认识到单纯地将考古发掘遗物简单罗列起来存在着很大的不足,提出了考古学的意义在于重现当时社会生活,还历史的本来面目。这是一次重大转变,因为传统的考古学凭借其来源于生物学和地质学的类型学和地层学方法在积累实物材料方面做出重大成绩的同时,在如何实现重现当时社会历史生活原貌的考古学意义方面存在着局限性。传统的考古学是设在历史学科下,它承继其严谨治学之长,又沿袭其“静态”固守之短。随着社会发展对学科意义深化的需要,传统的考古学体系正寻求着突破与完善。许多先行者很早就意识到并…  相似文献   

王婧 《东南文化》2001,(9):13-16
关于中国考古学的学科归属问题一直存在着争议,一种意见认为考古学属于历史学的范畴;一种意见认为考古学应是人类学的分支学科之一。本将考古学与历史学、人类学的学科体系加以比较,论述了在学科起源、研究内容、研究方法、研究对象、分支学科等方面,考古学与历史学和人类学的差异。从而认为考古学与人类学、历史学有极其密切的联系,但它作为独立学科的趋势是必然的。  相似文献   

关于水下考古学的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在世界范围内,科学的水下考古学的出现是二战以后的事情;在中国,则迟至上世纪八十年代才逐渐引入。目前我国的水下考古事业正处在从单纯的水下考古向全方位的水下文化遗产保护转变的关键时期,本文重点讨论了水下考古学的定义、水下考古学理论建设、水下文化遗产保护管理等几个水下考古学的基本问题,并提出若干初步看法。  相似文献   

(一) 考古学与民俗学,乍一看来是两门互不相关,各有独自规范的学科领域;考古学主要是通过田野调查与发掘,并运用地层学、类型学以及一切可能的技术手段,专门研究古代人类物质遗存的内涵性质及时空关系,并进而探讨古代人类行为与社会文化的本来面貌及其发展过程的一门人文科学;而民俗学则是以人们在日常的物质和精神生活中,通过语言与行为所世代传承的各种民俗文化事象为研究对象的一门人文科学。就此而论,在考古学与民俗学之间的确存在着一系列基本的差别,除了研究对象领域的差异之外,在研究方法与技术上,在各自学术传统的背景上以及在理论分析的框架上,也都存在着许多不同之处。一般地说,考古学只对  相似文献   

在美国考古学史上,泰勒(WalterW.Taylor)的《考古学研究》(A study of Ar-chacology) 犹如一座巨大的纪念碑,它诉说着过去,也预示着未来.这本仅256页的小书,足足影响了一代考古学者.新考古学派大师、美国著名考古学家路易斯·宾福德(LcwisBinford)在他70年代初出版的第一本个人论文集的前言中说,每当他遇到难题,他便翻开《考古学研究》,这本书象一位无声的导师给他排忧解难指点迷津.读着这本40多年前出版的小书,一个始终迷惑着我的问题再一次向我袭来:考古学是天生客观的吗?  相似文献   

金石学在现代中国考古学中的表达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
闫志 《华夏考古》2005,(4):98-106
本文将考古学与金石学的关系分为三个时期,首先,从源头上探明金石学与考古学内在学理上的相似甚至一致之处;其次,阐明考古学进入中国的前后,金石学是怎样起到了铺垫作用,并且对考古学的走向产生了怎样的影响;第三,金石学,乃至其背后的史学、经学背景,仍然影响着现代中国考古学的许多方面,体现在报告编写的思路、论文题目的选定等……  相似文献   

陈胜前 《南方文物》2013,(2):94-100,112
问题通常是研究的中心,而考古学研究的问题来自哪里却长期困扰着中国考古学研究者以及即将进入研究领域的学生,因此有必要梳理考古学研究问题的形式、内容、来源与背景关联。文章侧重指出考古学研究的问题来自于考古学"透物见人"多层次推理的过程,我们需要从外在与内在的关联之中来审视考古学所研究的问题,唯有如此,考古学研究的问题才可能丰富精彩。。  相似文献   

20世纪50年代以后,西方考古学完成了考古学物质文化史的构建,积极转向考古学文化的功能性研究及其社会研究。20世纪80、90年代之交,中国考古学的研究范式从考古学文化向聚落考古转变。18世纪至今,在全球范围内考古学的空间概念经历了地点、考古学文化、聚落考古等三次的嬗变。考古学史研究表明考古学空间概念的三次嬗变均使学科取得了巨大的进展。这些不同的空间观源自于考古学及社会学用来理解人类行为的各种各样的观点及其各不相同的哲学理路。考古学的空间性研究包括文化、生计、社会组织等,尤其是文化秩序与社会秩序互动是考古学必须从经验和理论上解决的基本问题。聚落内和聚落间社会关系的处理是古人每天必须面对的基本问题,因此聚落考古为研究不同区域从居无定所到城池林立的社会关系的异质性和社会组织变迁提供了战略出发点。  相似文献   

民族考古学是什么   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本从学科分类、研究对象、研究方法、边缘学科、研究成果等五个方面分析后认为“民族考古学”不是考古学的分支学科,而是考古学的一种阐释方法论。  相似文献   

考古学发展到今天,已经取得了长足的进展,尤其是西方考古学,已经处在比较成熟的阶段,成熟表现为对考古学理论的关注,对其他不同学科理论的接受①。而当代西方考古学存在着众多的理论流派,如文化历史考古学  相似文献   

方酉生 《华夏考古》2003,(3):109-112
地层学与形制学是考古学的两种基本方法。本文对地层学和形制学的作用及相互关系 ,分别进行了论述 ,并得出两者在考古学中的功用 ,犹如车之两轮 ,鸟之两翼 ,缺一不可。只有在不断地实践中 ,运用好地层学与形制学的方法 ,才能建立起有中国特色的考古学体系。  相似文献   

In recent years the pace of research on the late prehistoric Mississippian societies of eastern North America has accelerated. New data, methods, and theoretical goals are changing perspectives in Mississippian archaeology. Regional overviews and site syntheses provide unprecedented insights into the Mississippian phenomenon at local, regional, and continental scales. Traditional culture history, processualism, historical processualism, iconography, and neo-Darwinian archaeology are active theoretical orientations. Important research focuses on variability in Mississippian sociopolitical formations over time, organizational diversity among contemporaneous societies, and sources of political power. The new historicism and iconography place agency, identity, origins, factionalism, ideology, and meaning at the center of culture change, while many processualists continue to focus on developmental histories, economy, and control of material resources. Advances in physical and chemical analyses and the availability of remote sensing techniques are changing how Mississippian archaeology is conducted and expanding the kinds of data that are recovered. These diverse interests, methods, and goals have created considerable eclecticism in Mississippian archaeology.  相似文献   

John Clark 《Folklore》2013,124(1-2):39-50
Based on recent Central European research concerning the history of storytelling, this article explores the transformation of apparition stories in Scandinavia and Germany from the late Middle Ages through the Reformation to about 1700. A number of motifs were kept alive throughout the entire period but the stories as a whole changed considerably. This was not only due to a changing social and religious context but also to the specific transmission conditions of these stories.  相似文献   

Historical archaeology has grown at a remarkable pace in the last decade. South America has seen a major growth in historical archaeology, with archaeologists in Argentina playing a large role in the maturation of the discipline on the continent. Much of this archaeology can be characterized as “modern-world archaeology” because of the archaeologists’ interest in issues relevant to post-Columbian cultural history.  相似文献   

环境考古中地层学研究的几个问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
赵春青 《东南文化》2001,(11):14-17
地层学研究是从事环境考古研究的基础性工作。在从事环境考古地层学研究时,既不能硬套地质学方法,也不能照搬考古地层学方法,而是应当选择典型地层,采用地质地层学与考古地层学相结合的方法进行地层划分和地层对比。另外,还需引进相关学科的科学方法从事地层学研究。  相似文献   

This paper examines processes and consequences of transforming historic sites into tourist attractions, in this case, Spring Mill Pioneer Village at Spring Mill State Park, Mitchell, Indiana. The site is considered from perspectives of history, tourism, and archaeology to show that relations among conservation, tourism, and preservation factors are neither simple nor direct, and can lead to the unintended consequence of seeing sites as unauthentic. The results demonstrate how tourism inspires multi-vocal interpretations of historic sites and underscore the importance of archaeology to inform on the historicity of tourist sites since interpretation above the ground is often at odds with what lies below.  相似文献   

The Lavras do Abade research is a historical archaeological study about a gold mining village in midwestern Brazil that was destroyed by an environmental conflict at the end of the nineteenth century. This article concerns the history and archaeology of Lavras do Abade and consists of a post-disciplinary intersection of documentary and material sources about the site. In addition, only this type of reconstruction of a long-term event permits the scientific analysis of all the possible causes and consequences of this ecological contention. In this way, historical archaeology can be used to transpose a simple narrow view of the reconstruction of the past and offer insights into understanding similar unrest and group conflict today and in the future.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the relationship between history and archaeology in general, their common concerns and links with historical archaeology. It deals with the development of historical archaeology in three related South American countries, Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay, and pays attention to recent trends in the theory and practice of the discipline in the area.  相似文献   

Archaeology and development are considered here from the point of view of the relevance of archaeological results to the problems of development, those being mainly questions of identity in this case. The weight of archaeological contribution is emphasized, as well as the basic problem caused by the association of the peoples' conceptions of their own history with the definitions provided by archaeology. In effect, here are two kinds of knowledge different by constitution: one scientific, the other not. This unavoidable fact, whether it occurs in historical syntheses or in ideological manipulations, must be taken into account by pluridisciplinary research.  相似文献   

The waters of Puerto Rico harbour the remains of thousands of years of human occupation. The island played a key role in the first decades of European exploration of the New World, and its coasts and estuaries have preserved an extensive record of the island's maritime history, before and after the arrival of the Europeans. The objective of this project is to study Puerto Rico's seafaring history through the investigation of its submerged cultural heritage, with a particular focus on the history of European shipbuilding. In 2008 the authors started with survey on the north coast.
© 2009 The Authors  相似文献   

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