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东城(隶属新疆木垒县)是我出生的地方,也是我成长的地方。20多年过去了,光阴没夺去什么,街还是那条土街,只是街道两道旁多了一些店铺和几栋青砖砌筑的新房。少了的,自然是旧年的土层。街巷走动的,少有相熟,许多都是陌生面孔。  相似文献   

本文运用城市历史形态学方法,结合城市历史平面空间复原图及历代相关史料记载,以明、清时期嘉兴城中的坊区为研究起点,详细考证复原出明、清两代的城内街巷及坊区。在此基础上进一步观察宋、元及明代前期的"坊"的实际形态,认为以《至元嘉禾志》为代表的宋元坊的史料系统中的"坊"实即巷弄和牌坊的混称;"以坊统巷"即坊街干道内含支巷。"以乡统坊"现象在嘉兴为常态,且城内明、清时期的坊区应与宋代的"界"有所联系,宋代嘉兴的城市管理应呈现由附郭嘉兴县管辖的乡、界、坊(巷)三级结构。  相似文献   

如果您有幸乘飞机在太原市区上空绕一圈的话,就会发现,太原的街道纵垂横直,互相交错,仿佛一个大棋盘,畅通四面八方。但谁能想象到,在1000余年前的北宋时期建起的太原城,直至解放初期,街巷还多为“丁”字街,少十字路,东西无通畅之长街,南北无直达两门之大道,有如人身上之脉络,到处被“栓塞”,气脉不舒。 这些长短不一、曲直不一、宽窄不一的街巷,都是随着太原城的诞生和发展而形成的。这些各式各样的街巷名称,反映了不同的时代特色。  相似文献   

许筱言 《神州》2011,(1):104-107
老北京叫卖也称"货声",俗称"吆喝",是旧时京城社会底层的小商小贩基于北京胡同这一特殊的居住形式,为招揽生意、推销商品和出卖手艺的需要,在街头巷尾之间自发口头创唱的一种带有一定韵律和别样情感的叫卖调。从语言、韵律、内容和反映的民俗风情上都具有强烈的京味特征。老北京小贩的吆喝声是很特殊的。老北京街巷中抑扬顿挫的吆喝声,对于许多那时的孩子来说,首先勾连起来的都是一种让他们垂涎欲滴的况味。这也是被老舍夫人胡潔青赞为"京城叫卖大王"的臧鸿关于老北京叫卖最初的记忆。  相似文献   

<正>地名是文化现象,文化有文野雅俗之别,这种区别只是文化类型不同,无所谓优劣高下。不过,怎样给地理实体取名,同一地理实体有若干个名称,人们常用的地名是什么,也就是选择的倾向怎样,却是个有意思的话题。泰州城区街巷的专名,以街巷中或紧邻街巷的寺观祠宇及其他大型建筑的名称为常见,如北山寺大街、关帝庙巷、彤华宫巷、坛场巷、义学街、鼓楼街、钟楼巷、河泊所巷等等。也有不少用街巷中的作  相似文献   

一、基本情况及经济社会发展状况 普陀办事处位于贵阳市东北面,行政管辖2.2平方公里,人口3.49万人,居民9000余户,辖5个社区居民委员会,辖区有一条主干道,5条次干道,11条街巷,有行政、企事业单位21个。辖区内的陕西路、和平路、普陀路为主要繁华街道,是云岩区委、区政府实施三产北上的主要通道,现已形成为贵阳市比较有名的餐饮、娱乐、  相似文献   

北京的胡同多如牛毛,独独八大胡同闻名中外。因为当年,这里曾是烟花柳巷的代名词。"八大胡同"在西珠市口大街以北,铁树斜街以南,由西往东依次为:百顺胡同、胭脂胡同、韩家潭、陕西巷、石头胡同、王广福斜街、朱家胡同、李纱帽胡同。其实,老北京人所说的"八大胡同",并不专指这八条街巷,而是泛指前门外大栅栏一带,因为在这八条街巷之外的胡同里,还分布着近百家大小妓院。只不过当年,这八条胡同的妓院多是一等二等,妓女  相似文献   

唐长安街道的绿化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
<正> 唐朝政府对首都长安的绿化比较重视,敕令城市官民不得私自于街道两旁随意种植树木,而对其已载种成活繁茂之树则实行保护政策,规定“不得使有斫伐,致令死损”(《唐会要·街巷》)。街道旁种树皆按一定的标准,行不正者去之(张(?)《朝野佥载》卷一)。左右街使经常检查诸街树  相似文献   

洪烛  金陵客 《旅游》2013,(1):12-17
被称作两大"国庙"之一的北京孔庙走在孔庙前那条国子监街,就像来到另一个北京。那条街又叫成贤街,既短暂又漫长,就像成为贤人的过程。街道两侧的槐树,清越如古人,默默地注视着你。告别了二环路的喧嚣,迎面而来的是别处少有的肃穆与安静。是啊,看见那座"文官到此下轿,武将到此下马"的石碑,再粗鲁的人,也会下意识地把脚步放轻。这里确实是另一个北京,孔子的北京。应该算北京最有文化含量的地方吧。  相似文献   

也不知从什么时候开始,大大小小的城市,开始热衷“最美街巷”的评选、“古街道保护方案”的征集,许多市民也热衷参与,纷纷建言献策.细想原由,也许,对于一个人和一座城市来说,但凡已经上了岁数的古街巷,就似老家当一样,让现代人日益飘渺无根的生活和越发千篇一律的城市,都能重新找回些许温情的依托.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the debate on the effects of transport infrastructure endowment on productivity by adding a historical perspective. This allows us to address the issue in a proving ground where the effects of the existing stock of infrastructure are negligible. At the time of unification, the Kingdom of Italy initiated a large infrastructure project to build railways. We find that railways had a positive effect on manufacturing productivity over the period 1871–1911. Railways also had strong spillover effects in neighboring provinces so that provinces that started with a higher endowment of railways benefited more than those who were newly endowed.  相似文献   

Roads are one of the most salient symbols of development and modernity for rural citizens of Papua New Guinea (PNG). Multinational corporations, members of parliament, and villagers frequently point to roads as a key to development. However, while roads routinely improve the incomes of those connected, many of their effects are far less scrutable. Here, we examine the economic and social consequences of two roads, the Wau‐Bulolo Highway and Highlands Highway, for two villages in PNG's Morobe Province, and consider the processes that make their outcomes so different. Tracing the history of the two highways and considering a contrasting pair of case‐studies, we explore how roads simultaneously bolster income and drive interregional economic divergence. We demonstrate how the spatial and historical contexts the Highways run through, coupled with the relationships of patronage and dependence they rely on, produce contingent social outcomes and shape local ambivalence towards the outcomes of roads.  相似文献   

敦煌文书对唐代河西通西域诸道多有详细记载,对史书记载多有补正。在前人研究成果的基础上,充分结合正史记载,对见于敦煌文书的这些道路及其相关问题作进一步考察,探究这些道路在隋唐时期的利用、维护和通行情况,以及解释由这些道路在该时期的兴衰所折射出的历史背景和与这些道路相关联的民族、政权之间斗争、交往的相关史事,应该是研究出土文书的另一重要内容。  相似文献   

In this article, the authors discuss the emergence of an integrated city-system in France one century before the Industrial Revolution, starting from two different databases, the postal roads relays and the cities and towns populations, between 1632 and 1833. They first model historical distances, weighted by elevation and connectivity (measured as a conductance). A major transformation of inter-urban exchange space is then enlightened, with new roads systematically privileged in the northern part of France and the largest cities, but avoiding mountains. They then study territorial integration processes on two different scales: the national, with the diffusion of hubs (characterized by a high betweenness centrality) all over French territory, and the regional, with the emergence of regional city-systems (modeled by a Reilly equation) in the northern part of France. The role of medium-sized cities as necessary links for connecting local and national scales is emphasized in most results.  相似文献   

In this ethnography of India’s border roads, I follow the circular/seasonal journeys of migrant road labourers from Jharkhand to the upper reaches of the Himalayas and back. I pay particular attention to the notions of masculinity and nation-building as they reveal themselves in their travel narratives. These migrants travel every May to work as road construction labour for the Border Roads Organisation (BRO) of India working in the Himalayan frontiers. While the BRO advertises its roles through various road signs claiming to be ‘creating, connecting and caring’ (for) the nation – it is the ambivalent construction of the labourers gendered national subjectivities emerging in the narratives of and about the migrant labour that is of particular interest to this article. One of the central contributions of this article is to show how hierarchical domains of the nation and the hierarchical structures within masculinity intersect and rely upon each other to build gendered national subjects. This research is based on over five years of a very mobile ethnography.  相似文献   


In the last years, the use of geographical information systems has been common in many historical and geographical studies. Perhaps one of the least known applications is network analysis, a series of functions related to hydrology and mobility. Since 1994, researchers have used network analyses to understand costs and time expenditure in transportation in Roman times, with the aim of modeling commercial routes. Archaeological objects were employed to confirm those commercial distributions whose quantities were related basically to transport costs. The present articles go far beyond and attempt to understand decisions in building a transport network based on time series. It seems that not all Roman decisions in transport infrastructure were due to economic reasons; some parts of Roman roads were built basically for political reasons and affected later developments.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Attention to history is widely seen as a necessary corrective to the synchronic perspective of ethnography, especially as this has come to inform research in Melanesia. In fact, anthropologists turn to the study of history not only to understand ‘change’ and ‘the past’ but to delineate the ‘history’ of the people studied. However, history as a concept and discipline has a unique place in western knowledge conventions, an outcome of the distinctive ways of gauging and relating past, present and future. Historical analysis can augment ethnography but not necessarily portray the history of the people concerned, as they may have no history, as such. The article suggests that historicity is a more appropriate notion with which to register the significant ways in which the social past is entangled in what people are and do and in their future potentialities. This argument is made with reference to the Fuyuge people of highland Papua and their involvement in engineered trail and road building during the colonial and post‐colonial period and their simultaneous interest in the performance of their gab ritual. These events exemplify different kinds of power and associated historicity. Through scrutiny of each it is shown that the form of Fuyuge (Melanesian) historicity parallels that of their sociality and its distinct temporality. The events that actors perform produce not so much history, as the recurrent evocation of past actions and the foreshadowing of future ones.  相似文献   

明清时期张家口以其独特的地理位置居于张库商道、草原丝路的交汇点。中俄和汉蒙间的贸易,以及张家口厅等行政职能的设置,促进了张家口城市地域扩张和城市职能的演变。张家口城市职能的演变,历经张家口堡、张家口上下堡和张家口城市三个阶段的不同发展,随着张家口城市职能的增加与主要职能的转化,张家口城市的实体地域以堡子为中心向北推进,一度扩大到大境门以外的元宝山地区。张家口由堡子发展为张家口城市,是中外交流对交流沿线城市发展发挥积极作用的充分展示。  相似文献   

There has been noticeable development in the protection of linear infrastructure by UNESCO, whether on its cultural, technological or historical merits. However, with the exception of other means of transport incorporated within the field of industrial archaeology or recognised by the CIIC under the category of cultural routes, little or no consideration has been given to roads built from the mid-eighteenth century to the early part of the twentieth century. In view of this situation, this paper has the following aims. Firstly, to define the concept of ‘modern road’ and provide a brief analysis of the historical development and current situation of the same. Secondly, to assess the main contributions made to date regarding the heritage dimension of modern roads. Thirdly, to reconstruct the process of defining linear cultural landscapes, historic transportation corridors, cultural routes and heritage canals, railways and roads, in accordance with the considerations raised by ICOMOS and UNESCO. Finally, to contribute to the debate on the definition, characterisation and assessment of modern roads as world heritage assets, both intrinsically and in relation to established heritage categories.  相似文献   

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