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This paper investigates a conjecture of Lowell regarding the number of neighbors on maps divided into regions. Lowell speculated that border regions have on average three neighbors and that nonborder regions have on average six neighbors. This paper investigates the conjecture and, for a large category of maps, an exact relationship is obtained. Exceptions to this large category are considered, and a further exact relationship is obtained. The results of this paper may find applications not only for geographic maps, but also for models involving planar networks.  相似文献   

珏子 《旅游纵览》2008,(6):68-68
<正>题记:因为我们把首都北京遭帝国主义铁蹄践踏当成了今天与旅游有关的日子,所以,我们就应该把北京最早的全图绘制完成日也当成与旅游有关的日志。这不仅在于地图是我们出门旅游的工具,而且更在于我们的祖上,也重视掌握山河情况,这张图,在八国联军入侵北京前150年,就郑重出炉了。  相似文献   

Moran's I, a measure of spatial autocorrelation, is affected by map resolution and map scale. This study uses a geographic information system (GIS) to examine the resolution effects. Empirical distribution of wildland fires in Idyllwild, California, and hypothetical distributions of ordered patterns are analyzed. The results indicate that Moran's I increases systematically with the resolution level. The resolution effects can be summarized by a log-linear function relating the I coefficients to resolution levels. Empirical tests that compare the distribution of fire activity in a vegetation map and in a topographic map confirm the resolution effects observed.  相似文献   

The concept of settlement field potential, a term preferred over “demographic potential,” is applied to the territory of Tyumen' Oblast in Western Siberia. The generalizad resulting pattern of potential is then compared with a convential population density, and differences and similarities are noted. The maps, not reproduced in the article, are to be published in the Atlas of Tyumen' Oblast, which is in press.  相似文献   

杨菊 《文物春秋》2007,(6):62-65
《乾隆京城全图》是北京史地考证的重要依据和了解18世纪中叶北京城面貌的最具权威的形象资料,但其尺幅巨大,查阅十分不便。2006年起,北京市文物研究所利用先进的计算机技术制成电子版的《乾隆京城全图》,以方便人们随身携带,快速查阅。本文主要介绍了这一电子地图项目的设计目的、设计思路及应用的相关技术。  相似文献   

Advanced doctoral students whose dissertations are substantially concerned with the history of cartography are invited to contact the editor of this section (Dr Elizabeth Baigent, Wycliffe Hall, Oxford OX2 6PW, UK; ) to discuss the submission of a short article. For a list of doctoral theses in progress see http://www.maphistory.info/futurephd.html.  相似文献   

This paper considers contiguity preserving map transformations (or cartograms) that have a preassigned arcal scale. Because for each such scale it is possible to construct infinitely many transformations, this paper investigates restrictions under which such cartograms are possible. It is shown that it is possible to construct transformations that preserve the location of boundaries and of any finite number of predefined points. However, these cartograms are often quite distorted. Different types of distortions and suitable measures are discussed.  相似文献   


The date commonly given for the Gough map of Britain, about 1360, is, in the author's opinion, wrong. Arguments that have been offered to support such a dating are invalid. The best indication of the date of the map is the writing on it, which is essentially in a hand of about 1400, a dating endorsed by expert palaeographical opinion. Indeed, a few exceptional features of the handwriting may suggest a slightly later date. A few specific non-palaeographical features of the map confirm a date of production close to, or a little after, 1400. Comparison with other late medieval maps of large inland areas from any part of Europe shows how precocious or advanced the Gough Map is, even for the beginning of the fifteenth century. Arguments suggesting that the map had an earlier ‘prototype’, reflecting the affairs of King Edward I, are also found to be without merit.  相似文献   

The Peutinger map is an extraordinary world map drawn c.1200 and long considered a copy of a Roman road map made for late antique travellers. This paper presents arguments against these assumptions and concludes that the lost original was more likely to be a Carolingian display map. Ninth‐century scribes had the expertise and resources necessary for creating an antiquarian work based on Roman itinerary lists, while Carolingian rulers had ample motivation for commissioning a map to display their Roman imperial ambitions.  相似文献   

<正>置身于摩肩接踵的车海人潮、鳞次栉比的高楼大厦中,我独辟蹊径,四处寻觅着香港清幽。翻开湾仔区酒店大堂备有的香港游览地图,无意间发现距离酒店不远处便有一座香港公园,于是带上我最喜爱的相机,踏入那片郁郁葱葱的"小树林"。  相似文献   

思语 《收藏家》2011,(1):78-81
台湾(包括澎湖等)约3.6万平方公里,是中国东南大陆架的延伸,与福建仅隔着130多公里的一条海沟。其北携琉球群岛,南领菲律宾群岛,乃我东出西太平洋之锁钥。  相似文献   

There is a continuing need in cartographic communication for reserarch directed toward better understanding of the perceptual properties of maps, particularly as they interrelate between map author and map reader (percipient). This research explores that area by examining the perceptions of authors of maps utilized in science fiction and fantasy, and readers who encounter these maps in the literature.

The first phase of the research demonstrates that authors generally have a positive attitude toward the literary map and view them as critical to the formulation of a story and important to proper understanding of the narrative. By contrast, readers tested in the second part of the study view literary maps as superfluous and in general have a negative attitude toward them.

The literary maps employed in this research fail to communicate effectively with the reader. Poor cartographic communication and the negative attitude of readers toward the literary map is explained in terms of functional illiteracy.  相似文献   

图经可以称之为方志的源流。浙江早在隋代就已开始修纂图经,只可惜当时所修都已散佚。自唐,图经绘制更趋完善;至宋,达其顶峰。方志地图献在浙江古代地图中占绝对数量,是研究借鉴浙江古代地图学成就的史料宝库。  相似文献   

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