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张金鹏 《旅游纵览》2009,(11):34-37
<正>露易丝湖,遥望湖水中的宝藏把历史的指针回拨到1882年,露易丝湖周边还只是一片原始森林。当时居住于此的是个印第安部落,部落的族人习惯用烫热的石头蒸煮食物。白人第一次来到落基山脉时,就把这个印第安族群称为石头部落。1882年,加拿大太平洋铁路公司(CPR)的一名勘探员负责在落基山间找寻通往BC省的捷径,他在石头部落酋长的带领下来到露易丝  相似文献   

目次一生态交错带适应的一般模式二史前文化适应方式的转换三环境格局的变化与适应变迁四结语燕山-长城南北地区是考古学研究上有特殊意义的地区。其地处蒙古高原到华北平原、东北平原的过渡地带,海河流域北部、滦河下游为其南区域,滦河上游、大小凌河、辽河上游地区为其北区域。我国400毫米降水分界线即位于此,也是北方干旱区与半干旱-半湿润区的过渡地带。  相似文献   

<正>Pema from Nyilok Village is one of the many undergraduates since the beginning of China's reform and opening up who comes from a mountainous area within Shangri-la.Although his grandmother passed away many years ago,Pema often thinks back to her telling him of the story of"eating books".When he was a child,he did not like to study and was quite the neighborhood troublemaker.His  相似文献   

W. PROCHASKA 《Archaeometry》2013,55(2):179-197
This paper presents analytical data on a major occurrence of fine‐grained dolomitic marble in the Sivec Mountains, close to the city of Prilep in today's former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia. This is the first presentation of an analytical database of a large‐scale source of fine‐grained dolomitic marble, whose ancient use can be demonstrated by tool marks and archaeological evidence. Many traces of ancient mining have fallen victim to a big modern quarrying operation in this area, which for decades has produced high‐quality blocks of marble (‘Macedonian Carrara’) and exported them all over the world. A combination of different analytical methods is used to characterize the marbles and to present a database for investigating ancient artefacts made of fine‐grained dolomites. Petrographic investigations revealed the very homogeneous micro‐fabric of this marble, which is of high purity with very low silicate contamination and has a maximum grain‐size of 1 mm. In addition to analysis of the stable isotopes, trace element analyses of carbonate lattice elements (Mg, Fe, Mn and Sr) were performed. An alternative method, the analysis of the chemical composition of the inclusion fluids, was also employed. On the basis of these techniques, a multivariate discrimination analysis was performed, and a clear separation of the different dolomitic marbles (Thasos, Ephesos, Proconnesos and Karacasu) was obtained. Finds of artefacts of high artistic quality made from this dolomite prove the existence of a significant workshop in the neighbourhood of the Sivec quarries. Because of its vulnerability to weathering, this fine‐grained dolomitic marble was used preferentially for indoor applications. Sculptures of prime artistic quality made of Sivec marble have so far been found in several locations of the Republic of Macedonia.  相似文献   

Starting from around AD 800, the Chachapoya developed their own culture with monumental architecture. It came to an end in 1470 after the conquest by the Incas. At that time, a different architecture was introduced in the region followed by changes in the landscape. The article summarises the available evidence on architectural and archaeological remains dated to the period following the Inca conquest.  相似文献   

名山旅游地的空间竞争研究──以皖南三大名山为例   总被引:32,自引:2,他引:30  
本文分析了名山旅游地的特点和影响其空间竞争的因素,以皖南三大名山为例,讨论了名山旅游地空间竞争的特点和竞争策略。  相似文献   

《山海经》与《逸周书·王会篇》比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以《王全篇》为基点 ,以音韵学为工具 ,对《山海经》中的奇人怪兽进行了诠释 ,解读了《山海经》中的许多重要信息 ,对中国上古神话及人文地理等众多问题进行了积极探索。《山海经》 ,特别是《海经》 ,主要从《王会篇》采集素材 ,但也从其他文献中采集素材 ,从而合成了新的著作。特别要指出的是 :《山海经》是以隐晦的方式曲折地反映了《王会篇》的内容 ,否则就没有必要揭示其本来面目了 ,因而两篇著作的同时存世 ,是完全可以理解的。  相似文献   

Summary. A number of settlements and other traces of occupation have been identified in the mountainous areas near to tin and copper deposits in the Erzgebirge, and some of them excavated. The newly collected evidence seems to suggest that many small sources of metals, both tin and copper, were exploited, the former metal by washing from the river and creek beds. Though these sources were more modest than the British and Spanish tin supply, they seem to have served the Bohemian and Saxon Bronze Age cultures well.  相似文献   

Settlement activity in the West Bank and Galilee mountain regions is examined to establish the extent to which the changing ideologies in Israeli society are reflected. While settlement location and settlement type are both seen to have influenced Jewish colonization over the past 100 years, it is the former that provides the dominant framework for understanding decision-making in a situation of territorial conflict. The change in dominant ideology in Israel during the 1970s is evidenced by a process of modification in settlement policies, resulting in the development of new urban village types in a mountain environment.
Ce texte examine les colonies de peuplements en Cisjordanie et en Galilée afin d'établir dans quelle mesureellesrefletent éevolution idéologique delasociété israelienne. Si le lieu et le type des colonies semblent avoir influé sur la colonisation juive depuis 100 ans, c'est le lieu qui sert de cadre dominant permettant de comprendre les décisions prises en cas de conflit territorial. Le changement d'idéologie dominante en Israël durant les années 1970 est attesté par un processus de modification dans les politiques de colonisation, ce qui a entraîné l'aménagement de nouveaux types de villages urbains en milieu montagneux.  相似文献   

From their European origin, mountain or alpine huts have spread to many of the world's mountain areas. This paper traces their development in Canada's Rocky, Selkirk, and Purcell Mountains where, in less than 100 years, they have diffused from a core area to most of its major climbing areas and are now located at 'big mountains' as well as in easily accessible valleys below tree line. Reflecting changes in the society at large and the climbing community in particular, they have evolved into homogeneous, unartistic, and environmentally alien, but practical, functional, and cost-effective structures. Considerations for their siting, architectural aspects of their design, governmental and Alpine Club of Canada policies regarding huts, as well as arguments for and against building them are discussed. Options for their role in the overall future development of Canada's ever-shrinking and environmentally sensitive undeveloped mountain areas are supplied.  相似文献   

青海高原山脉地理格局与地域文化的空间分异   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
早期人类与自然的相互作用是发生在相对隔离的种群与自然环境之间,文化的形成和发展主要受自然环境的制约和影响。但由于交通、经济、科技等的高速发展,文化的交融和渗透十分普遍。青藏高原相对独立、封闭的地理环境,形成了独特的文化现象。青海高原内部由于高大山脉的阻隔和屏障作用,文化的空间分异相对清晰,文化的交融和渗透还不十分广泛,在现代文化中保留有早期文化的特质。青海高原山脉分布的基本格局形成了不同的山地文化,在祁连山与昆仑山之间的湖盆地区产生了昆仑山文化,两山交汇处为昆仑文化的核心区;祁连山西北段为多民族融和的山地文化区,东南段的河湟谷地,是华夏文明的主要发祥地之一;在昆仑山与唐古拉山之间形成了独具特色的藏文化,将其命名为唐古拉山文化,其内部以巴颜喀拉山为界分为康巴文化和安多文化两个副区。本文通过对青海山脉的地理分布格局与文化的空间分异作初步探讨,旨在揭示青海多民族环境中形成的文化体系,为青海的经济发展和文化建设提供必要的背景信息。  相似文献   

徐渊 《中国钱币》2006,17(1):29-38
“中华民国中央银行钞票”存世极少,十分珍贵。其面值见有壹元、五元两种(插二下),其中壹元票长144,宽89mm;五元票长160,宽92mm。钞票正面,上端均为篆书“中华民国中央银行钞票”、下侧均有篆书“中央银行发行”字样,中间则分别为隶书“壹元”或“五元”之面值,四角分别有“壹”和“1”或“五”和“5”的面值数,底纹均为由无数“中央银行”小字纵向排列而成的放光芒图案;钞票背面,中间分别为“壹元”或“五元”面值,面值两侧分别有“1”或“5”字面值数。吴筹中先生曾在1990年第三期《中国钱币》上刊出过一张五元票的黑白图版,当时他认为是…  相似文献   

What is time? This essay offers an attempt to think again about this oldest of philosophical questions by engaging David Hoy's recent book, The Time of Our Lives: A Critical History of Temporality, which proposes a “history of time‐consciousness” in twentieth‐century European philosophy. Hoy's book traces the turn‐of‐the‐century debate between Husserl and Bergson about the different senses of time across the various configurations of hermeneutics, deconstruction, poststructuralism, and feminist theory. For him, what is at stake in such a project is to distinguish between the scientific‐objective “time of the universe” and the phenomenology of human temporality, “the time of our lives.” Hoy's approach is to organize his book around the three tenses of time—past/present/future—and to view objective‐scientific time as derived from the more primordial forms of temporalizing lived experience that occur in our interpretation of time. In my reading of Hoy's work, I attempt to explore how “time” (lived, experiential, phenomenological) can be read not in terms of “consciousness” (Hoy's thematic), but in terms of the self's relationship with an Other. That is, my aim is less to establish a continental tradition about time‐consciousness, understood through the methods of genealogy, phenomenology, or critical theory, than it is to situate the problem of time in terms of an ethics of the Other. In simple terms, I read Hoy's project as too bound up with an egological interpretation of consciousness. By reflecting on time through the relationship to the Other rather than as a mode of the self's own “time‐consciousness,” I attempt to think through the ethical consequences for understanding temporality and its connection to justice.  相似文献   

<正>尼罗河是埃及的母亲河,准确说更是生命线,一条郁郁葱葱的绿色生命线,置于茫茫的沙漠之中。埃及90%的人口,生活在这全国1/30国土的尼罗河畔。这条河见证了埃及古老文明的形成和兴旺,主导了两岸生灵的繁荣与衰落。跟随这条河,人们在历史的时空穿梭,跨过河上河下,遍看古代现代,游走神庙田舍,拥抱沙漠绿洲。我们在阿斯旺下火车,行李直接就送到斯蒂芬妮游轮了,我们要在尼罗河上航行三日,这是期盼许久的心念。有多久呢?算起来有40年了。自从1978年电影《尼罗河上的惨案》  相似文献   

Summary.   The Treasury of Atreus, the largest and most impressive of the nine tholos tombs found at Mycenae, stands by itself at the southern edge of a bowl in the east slope of the Panagia ridge. This paper argues that the tomb was constructed on this particular spot so that it would be seen from the trackways/roads that led to Mycenae from the east, south-east and south-west and from the main pathway to the palace. The view of the acropolis hill and Mt. Profitis Ilias from the space occupied by the earthen mound above the tholos also appears to have influenced the choice of location. It is suggested that the position of the Treasury of Atreus was, like the tomb itself, a political statement, calculated to show that the ruler who built the tomb succeeded in extending the territory of Mycenae across the central Argolid.  相似文献   

TheGoddessofMercyinthePotalaPalace,measuring93cmhighand10cmwide,enjoysfameasgreatasthestatueofSakyamuni,thefounderofBuddhismintheJokhangMonaSteryThisisbecausetheTibetansbelievetheGoddessofMercyisthegoddessfromwhomSongtsanGambowasreincamatedtosavetheTibetans.CreatedintheearlydaysoftheTuboKingdom,thestatuehasbeenstandinginthePotalaPalaceformorethan1,360years.Althoughitsufferedfromtheransackingthatfollowedeachwar,itwasretumedtothepalacemiraculouslyintheend.DuringthereignofTuboKingDarmaW…  相似文献   

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