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We argue that the search for rural regimes in particular localities can be usefully advanced through the deployment of a sensitive and suitably nuanced conceptualization of institutional thickness. Empirical validation of this theoretical framework with reference to Languedoc viticulture offers substantial evidence of the interdependency between regime building maintenance and stability, and local institutional integrity. The theoretical framework developed here, based on the notions of consensus and concrete institutions , also provides an analytically rigorous approach for understanding the complex rescaling of the political economy of rural governance, not least by offering some indication of the scalar rationale for consensus compatibility and partnership building between elites situated at different politico-geographic scales. We contend that an understanding of this shared logic of action among local and extra-local administrative and political elites is crucial to the restructuring process unfolding in European rural regions.  相似文献   

Beginning in 2002, Kenyan water governance transitioned from a monocentric, top‐down system to one exhibiting traits of polycentricity. In this paper, we investigate the changes made to water policy following the 2002 reform, outcomes produced in a collection of community‐ and catchment‐level user groups in the Mount Kenya region, and the conformance of these changes and outcomes with principles of polycentricity. A new framework is used to capture the complex institutional arrangements and interactions existing before and after the polycentric transformation. Unlike many previous polycentricity studies, the present research focuses primarily on the outcomes of the polycentric shift and determines if these correspond to predictions from polycentricity theory. We utilize survey data collected in 2013 from water managers, as well as archival research to interrogate congruence with principles of polycentricity. This study contributes to the broader discussion on polycentricity in two fundamental ways: (i) It documents the functioning of a water management system following a top‐down imposed polycentric reform, and (ii) It empirically inspects whether these polycentric reforms have produced benefits predicted by polycentricity theorists, such as experimentation by local water users, increased collective action, and improved coordination between levels of management.  相似文献   

"十三五"以来,我国文化遗产保护事业进入新阶段,但是文化遗产管理体系复杂、多头管理、权责不明等问题一直未得到解决.因此,国家文化公园建设过程中,应首先理顺国家文化公园与既有遗产保护体系之间的逻辑与关系,建立以重大文化遗产为主体的国家文化公园体系;以保护传承为首要目标,构建统一规范高效的国家文化公园管理体制;突出国家代表...  相似文献   

Francesco Salvini 《对极》2018,50(4):1057-1076
In the contemporary neoliberal urban dynamics, those agencies that are on the margin of society constantly disrupt the boundaries of civil representation and forge new institutional relations within the dynamics of urban governance. I explore how this process was enacted at the turn of the century in Barcelona, looking at two coeval social mobilisations: the lock‐in of undocumented migrants in the Iglesia del Pi (2001), and the project of las agencias at the Museum of Contemporary Arts (1999–2003), both of which unfolded in the central neighbourhood of Raval. The invasion of the boundaries of civil society emerges here as a double phenomenon—one that develops both within society and in relation to institutions, instituting new modes of urban politics.  相似文献   

19世纪上半叶,英帝国的强盛将大英博物馆推向新纪元,馆藏规模得到极大扩充,书籍、手稿、自然和人工制品的收藏增长迅速。这一时期,英国议会对大英博物馆更加重视也更加慷慨,愿意花费公共资金来扩充藏品。另一方面,严厉的参观规则得以变更,进入博物馆参观或学习的限制被放宽,繁杂的参观时间规定得以改进,阅览室的空间不断扩充。作为大众文化空间,博物馆为公众服务的宗旨和理念随着国家的重视和精英人物的努力逐渐由虚设变为现实,其由国家掌控的特性及作为国家文化工具的使命第一次得到明确的认可和界定。  相似文献   

1931年九一八事变后,日本由向中国输入鸦片逐步发展到在中国占领区大量种植鸦片,1936年前后蒙疆地区被强迫大面积种植罂粟。1939年到1945年,日军和伪政权通过调整鸦片政策,实行清查制、“大鸦片政策”,致使蒙疆地区鸦片烟毒极度泛滥。日本侵略者利用毒品这把双刃剑,在把中国人变成“东亚病夫”、“大烟鬼”、亡国奴的过程中,不断膨胀着长期占领中国、奴役中华民族的狂妄野心。一方面制造着荼毒生灵的罪恶渊薮,一方面满足着侵略者掠夺占领的强盗欲望。日伪在蒙疆推行的毒品政策,是蒙疆烟毒的祸根,是日军在精神上侵华、彻底灭亡中华民族“国策”的一个重要组成部分。  相似文献   

抄录、编撰、刊印、传播、参阅防疫方书,是清代疫情期间常见的医疗实践活动。防疫方书的大量涌现是一次次疫病流行激发的结果,是疫情防控实践本身的重要组成部分。它们在染疫病人救治、防疫力量动员、防疫知识整合和普及等方面发挥着独特的媒介作用,是相关人、事、物实现链接和互动的一种重要途径,是人们积极主动地应对疫病、控制疫情、维护生命健康的一种"原动力"。相较于其他常见防疫举措,防疫方书深度参与到多种疫情防控实践中,实际构成了一种自发性、分散性、非制度性的疫病应对机制,具有成本低廉、传导性强、覆盖面广、溢出效应大等特征。  相似文献   

保甲制是清王朝实施乡村社会控制的主要制度 ,但在乡土社会权力制约下 ,国家政权向乡村社会的延伸屡受挫抑。围绕着乡村权力格局 ,国家与社会之间的复杂关系及其权力力量变动 ,不仅构成了“政治近代化”过程中乡村权力结构的历史前提 ,而且也是我们认识近代中国社会的一个新视角  相似文献   

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