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永乐《女真译语》(以下简称《译语》),指永乐《华夷译语》中的《女真馆杂字·来文》。女真馆,是明四夷馆中分设的八个馆之一。《女真馆·杂字》部分,分为19门类,共收词917条;其《来文》部分汰其重复,共集78通。《译语》不同抄本很多,流传至今各抄本中,主要有三种本子,即柏林本、东洋文库本和内藤湖南本。本文就《译语》中的词汇特征方面的若干问题略陈管见,以就正于方家。一《译语》的渊源《评语》虽然编纂于明代,但它的内容和一些编写特征中流露着比明代更早的一些因素和成分。在《译语)}女真字中,仍保留着原始真字,即学…  相似文献   

《朝鲜馆译语》为《华夷译语》的一种,成书于十六世纪中叶,系明代鸿胪寺所辑,曾用于明末鸿胪寺朝鲜通事之培养。清代虽也设"朝鲜译学"、"韩语学堂"培养朝鲜通事,但并未使用《朝鲜馆译语》。"朝鲜译学"所用教材为高级朝鲜通事自行编撰的汉、满、朝三种语言互译教程,"韩语学堂"所用教材为朝文版《通文馆志》。  相似文献   

李忠辉 《文献》2018,(6):47-59
《朝鲜馆译语》为《华夷译语》的一种,成书于十六世纪中叶,系明代鸿胪寺所辑,曾用于明末鸿胪寺朝鲜通事之培养。清代虽也设"朝鲜译学"、"韩语学堂"培养朝鲜通事,但并未使用《朝鲜馆译语》。"朝鲜译学"所用教材为高级朝鲜通事自行编撰的汉、满、朝三种语言互译教程,"韩语学堂"所用教材为朝文版《通文馆志》。  相似文献   

清乾隆皇帝敕编的五种"西洋馆译语"分别为汉语与法、德、葡、意及拉丁语的对译字书。前四种书题中的国名均采用拉丁语而非本土语言,与其他"华夷译语"类字书习惯不同,这是因为"西洋馆译语"的编者系来华的传教士,而拉丁正是当时传教士的通用语言。最后一种《拉氐诺话》中的"拉氐诺"来自Latina的中性形式Latinum。  相似文献   

四夷馆是我国历史上最早为培养翻译人员而设立的专门机构。主要负责翻译朝贡国家往来文书 ,并教习周边民族、国家的语言文字。四夷馆在明永乐五年 (1 40 7)初设时 ,分为鞑靼、女真、西番、西天、回回、百夷、高昌、缅甸等八馆 ,后正德六年 (1 51 1 )增设八百馆 ;万历七年 (1 579)增设暹罗馆 ,计为十馆。《华夷译语》是四夷馆十馆为教习诸番语言文字而编撰的诸番语言和汉语对译教科书一、对四夷馆的研究日本学者研究有关明四夷馆的建置、沿革等方面的论文很少 ,对明代四夷馆的教学体制、四夷馆翻译人员在中原与周边民族、国家的交往中所起的…  相似文献   

双山 《满族研究》2012,(1):97-98
满语书面语lorin的词义为"骡子",该词主要出现在清代编纂的《御制增订清文鉴》、《五体清文鉴》等辞书和现代满-通古斯语族个别语言材料里,但在清代第一部大型满汉对照词典《大清全书》和明代四夷馆在永乐年间编的《华夷译语》中的《女真馆杂字、来文》(简称《女真译语》)以及我国境内满通古斯语族多数语言口语材料中都未找到。由此可见,该词很可能为一个古老的词语。  相似文献   

明代用汉字记写蒙古语的《华夷译语》史海钩沉■文/李志跃明初南京出版的“蒙汉词典”———《华夷译语》公元1368年,明太祖朱元璋力克群雄,终于在南京登上了皇帝宝座。这位放牛娃出身的皇帝,深知大明江山来之不易,时常思考为什么曾经盛极一时的元朝会被推翻?如...  相似文献   

乾隆朝诏开的续文献通考馆和三通馆是为纂修“清六通”而设立的官方修史机构,稳定健全的馆职体系是续文献通考馆和三通馆纂修工作顺利展开的必要保障。根据“清六通”书前的《职名表》并结合其他档案文献不仅可以对续文献通考馆和三通馆的馆职体系有更加全面的认识,对各馆职的具体职掌亦能有更加细致的考察。总裁、纂修及各类勤务人员各司其职,通力合作,为完成“清六通”的纂修作出各自的贡献。  相似文献   

明四夷馆“女真馆”和朝鲜司译院“女真语学”均为教习女真语言文字并负责翻译女真文书的“译学”机构。四夷馆和司译院培养的通汉语和女真语言文字的翻译人才,在明朝、朝鲜与女真的交涉中起到了重要的语言媒介作用。自正统年间开始,部分地区的女真人与明朝交往时,往来文书改用蒙古语,以致出现了明朝四夷馆鞑靼馆代译女真文书的现象。同样,朝鲜司译院给女真部的文书也以女真和蒙古两种文字进行翻译。  相似文献   

澳大利亚·康丹(Panielkane)著印度安那大学印行康丹又译康德良,澳大利亚墨尔本大学教授。所著本书,原名《TheSino-JurchenVocabularyofthe Bureau Ofinterpreters》1989年初版。距今已七年,但我国知此书者,尚不多,故列入(新书开架)。《女真译语研究》,其研究之重点,并非永乐《女真译语》,乃会同馆无女真字只用汉语标音之女真语。会同馆《女真译语》与老满文时间相近,在研究满语上有更大的参考价值。而且过去研究女真语言、文字者,重点都放在永乐《女真译…  相似文献   


Bilbao has become a role model for the regeneration of declining urban and industrial regions. The debate on the so-called Bilbao effect showed that rundown industrial cities and regions might profit from culture-based development strategies, even if successful urban regeneration cannot be induced by only one flagship project without an appropriate local and regional context. Based on the comparative analysis of six, in general recently founded, museums in five countries (Guggenheim Museum Bilbao; Louvre in Lens; Centre Pompidou in Metz; Istanbul Modern Art Museum; Museum Folkwang in Essen; Museum of Natural History in Florence), the authors of this special issue discuss the role of these museums in building the image and the attractiveness of their local and regional environment, the cross-fertilization of ideas and the integration of a region in global circuits and networks. Museums can play an important role in building up “social capital”, creating networks between different professionals, groups, sectors and segments of society, bridging diverse social backgrounds, lowering coordinating costs for individuals and businesses, and increasing the capacity of firms to reconnect.  相似文献   

本文作者联系多年的翻译教学实践,分两部分对日本文学作品翻译中的再创作问题,结合具体译例进行了分析,据此论述了利用比较法在美学、修辞、句法等方面进行词语推敲所具有的重要作用和意义。  相似文献   

Summary: The results to date of a programme of research into the metallurgy of the Wilburton hoards of the British Late Bronze Age are described and some interpretations presented. Possible origins for the metal are discussed. the associated technical advances are discussed and an attempt is made to provide a realistic metallurgical context for the hoards.
I would like to thank the British Museum, London; the National Museum of Wales, Cardiff; Cambridge Museum of Archaeology and Ethnography; Museum of London; Winchester City Museums; Somerset County Museum, Taunton; Dorset County Museum, Dorchester; Exeter City Museums; Plymouth City Museums; Royal Institution of Cornwall, Truro; Musée des Antiquités Nationales, St.-Germain-en-Laye and Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte, West Berlin for permission to take samples for analysis.
A special acknowledgement must be made to Miss E. Owles and the Moyses Hall Museum, Bury St. Edmunds for immense assistance given in the study of the Isleham hoard.
I would also like to thank Mr. D. Britton, Mr. R. Bradley and Mr. S. Needham for several useful discussions, Mr. A. McKnight for photography and Dr. M. Leese, British Museum Research Laboratory, for statistical calculations. Mr. A. McKnight for photography, Dr. M. Leese, British Museum Research Laboratory, for statistical calculations and Dr. N. H. Gale, Department of Geology and Mineralogy, University of Oxford for lead isotope analyses.  相似文献   

葛金根 《收藏家》2010,(2):31-36
自东汉“白马驮经”佛教从西域天竺传入中国,经长期弘传,逐步成为我国影响最大,传播最广泛的宗教。佛教的传入与迅速流布,最初是以“设像传道”为基本手段的,让人顶礼膜拜的佛教造像,便于系念观想的佛教绘画一一应运而生。故佛教在中国又被称为“像教”,反映了许多人是通过“像”来接受并认识佛教的。  相似文献   


The Eora Aboriginal People are the original inhabitants of the Sydney region [in NSW, Australia]. There are an estimated 2, 000 Aboriginal rock engravings in Sydney. Some museums in Sydney now acknowledge the traditional Aboriginal owners and use Eora words to name their exhibitions. These include: Ngaramang bayumi – music & dance (Powerhouse Museum); Merana Eora Nora – first people (Australian National Maritime Museum); Yiribana (Art Gallery of New South Wales); and Cadi Eora Birrung: Under the Sydney Stars (Sydney Observatory). The Aboriginal history of Sydney, however, is only told at the Museum of Sydney with installations, videos and spoken exhibits about Eora, the indigenous peoples of Sydney. This paper reviews the Eora Aboriginal exhibits at the Museum of Sydney. It questions whether visitors to Sydney learn about Bennelong and Pemulwuy, two key Aboriginal figures in the the early European settlement around Sydney Harbour. Sydney Aboriginal Discoveries on their Dreamtime cruise of Sydney Harbour provide another interpretation of Eora history and culture. The paper suggests the Eora heritage of Sydney should be more widely interpreted in Museums, National Parks and other public venues to rightfully acknowledge this Aboriginal history.  相似文献   

Museums occupy many roles which are influenced by wider circumstances and changing conditions. This study deals with the case of Singapore’s Asian Civilisations Museum and the manner in which it is used to promote nation building in a multi‐ethnic and relatively newly independent state. In addition, it serves a political purpose and acts as an economic resource. The Asian Civilisations Museum illustrates some of the recent trends affecting the museum sector as a whole and also the particular challenges facing such institutions in a country like Singapore with its many distinctive qualities.  相似文献   

Villages of relocated buildings now constitute a phenomenon of the world’s repertoire of heritage. They go by a multitude of names depending on particular inflection: open air museum, folk museum, living history museum, heritage village, museum village and so forth. 1 [1] On the range of villages, see Thompson, ‘The Social Significance of Folk Museums’; Marshall, ‘Folklife and the Rise of American Folk Museums’; Leon and Piatt, ‘Living History Museums’; Shafernich, ‘On‐site Museums, Open‐air Museums, Museum Villages and Living History Museums’; Moolman, ‘Site Museums’; de Jong, ‘Approaches and Concepts’; Chappell, ‘Open‐air Museums’; Corbin, ‘Representations of an Imagined Past’. This paper reviews the context of the form of the genre’s manifestation in Australia, where it is often known as the ‘pioneer village’. They are the fruit of a populist vision of national history which celebrates white rural settlement as its central theme. In practice, the villages manifest a deep commitment to collecting and saving old buildings as the meaningful construction of a favourite historical identity. But the generation that established Australia’s villages has been overtaken. Today, the intersection of museum villages with the managerialist pressures of local economy enhancement and modern professional standards of heritage management challenge most villages’ survival.  相似文献   

WAMPAR: Berichte über die alte Kultur eines Stammes in Papua Neu Guinea. By Hans Fischer. Publications of the Über-See Museum of Bremen. Series G, Volume 2. Bremen, Museum Publishing House, 1978. Pp. viii + 350.  相似文献   

BETWEEN 2005 AND 2007, a large Anglo-Saxon cemetery was excavated at Street House, near Loftus in Cleveland in north-eastern England. The site was discovered during a programme of research into late-prehistoric settlement in the area and hosts a range of monuments dating from 3000 bc to ad 650. In the context of the conversion period, the Anglo-Saxon cemetery is of significant interest due to a range of reused prehistoric and Romano-British objects found as gravegoods. By ad 650, when some of the objects were buried, they were already antiques, and some may have been at least 250 years old when deposited. During the conversion period, furnished burial was a diminishing rite and the placement of objects within the grave may therefore have held a greater significance. This study considers reused artefacts recovered from conversion -period cemeteries. At a time when a number of cemeteries were being founded in relation to earlier monuments, some contained burials that reused artefacts and jewellery of prehistoric and Romano-British date. There is a compelling pattern for this practice at Street House, but this phenomenon also occurred at other sites of a similar date.  相似文献   

This article examines the Confederate Memorial Literary Society (CMLS), an organization of elite white women in Richmond, Virginia who founded the Confederate Museum in the 1890s. Faced with the plunder of Civil War relics and cultural homogenization on northern terms, the CMLS founded the Confederate Museum to document and defend the Confederate cause and to uphold the antebellum mores that the New South's business ethos threatened to erode. In the end, however, the museum's version of the Lost Cause served the New South. By focusing on military sacrifice, the Confederate Museum aided the process of sectional reconciliation. By depicting slavery as benevolent, the museum's exhibits reinforced the notion that Jim Crow was a just and effective means of managing postwar southern society. Lastly, by glorifying the common soldier and portraying the South as "solid," the museum promoted obedience to the mandates of industrial capitalism. Thus, the Confederate Museum both critiqued and eased the economic transformations of the New South.  相似文献   

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