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清宫廷画家郎世宁   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郎世宁(1688—1766年),意大利耶稣会士,历奉中国清代康熙、雍正、乾隆三朝的宫廷画家;在中西文化交流史上是一位具有代表性的历史人物,在中国绘画史上是一位独树一帜並具有卓越贡献的艺术大师。今年,当郎世宁诞辰三百周年之际,回顾他在清宫五十余年的艺术生涯,追踪他的绘画业绩和辉煌成就,使更多的人们了解、熟悉监爱戴他的作品,当  相似文献   

意大利画家郎世宁在清朝宫廷中绘制了大量作品,题材多为纪实性绘画、人物肖像、动物和植物,风俗类绘画几乎未见。本文专门对收藏于美国斯坦福大学艺术博物馆中的《羊城夜市图》轴一画,从绘画风格到内容做了分析,认为此图毫无疑问应当是郎世宁的作品,并且对画作的名称提出了看法,认为是画家对东方太平盛世的描绘。  相似文献   

通景画是乾隆朝中西艺术交流的顶峰,但直到近年才有人开始对其进行深入的研究。耶稣会士、意大利画家郎世宁在完善这些非同寻常的作品中起了至关重要的作用,尤其是将中国传统绘画母题、审美趣味与欧洲富有纪念性的奇幻绘画相结合。尽管郎世宁在通景画创作方面享有盛誉,但并非所有的通景画都是由其独立完成,其中许多是由他的学生创作,但这些人的生平却鲜为人知。  相似文献   

陆霄虹 《东南文化》2002,(12):70-75
意大利人郎世宁于公元1688年(清.康熙二十七年)7月19日出生在米兰,原名朱塞佩·伽斯底里奥内(GiuseppeCastiglione)。19岁时他加入了热那亚耶稣会,不久即运用他的艺术才华为该市修道院内小教堂绘了两幅宗教画,展露了他的艺术才华。当时欧洲的知识分子对中国文化极为向往,年甫弱冠的郎世宁就请求该会派他前往中国。1715年7月,作为一名传教士,郎世宁抵达中国,11月得到了康  相似文献   

虽然西夏时期的文化在当时并不是很发达,但其表现出来的绘画艺术却相当突出,出现了很多著名绘画艺术家,绘画风格也与传统有所不同。例如战争的出现,使西夏本民族与中原地区的艺术文化相互碰撞而产生了与众不同、新颖独特的绘画艺术风格,使两者的艺术文化不再单一化、封闭化,融合之后的西夏文化变得越来越精彩。本文主要从绘画艺术的发展、形成原因、特征以及艺术价值等方面对西夏的绘画艺术风格进行了解析。  相似文献   

曹天成 《故宫博物院院刊》2012,(3):89-99,161,162
本文在以表格形式梳理清代意大利来华耶稣会士画家郎世宁与其十位中国合作者的工作内容、时间之外,简要探讨了他与其中几位合作者之间的微妙关系,这不仅可从一个侧面展现出郎世宁在华期间的工作、生活以及交游情况,同时也有助于我们客观看待和把握其在皇帝眼中的地位及在中国的整体处境。  相似文献   

郎世宁(1688—1766年)是一位在清朝宫廷中供职的欧洲传教士画家,自康熙五十四年(1715年)来到中国后,就再也没有回到自己的祖国意大利去。他死后葬于北京阜成门外的传教士墓地内。郎世宁在中国的宫廷中为皇帝画了数量很多的作品,按照乾隆、嘉庆时人胡敬所著的《国朝院画录》一书中的记载,收入《石渠宝笈·初编·续编·三编》的郎世宁的作品共计56件(其中包括合笔的2件),手卷、立轴、册页均有,数量仅  相似文献   

正晚清民国时期,传教士带来的西方绘画对中国传统绘画造成了一定的影响,形成了"西画东渐"的历史浪潮。流畅地道的墨线,一丝不苟的层层晕染,外加无法效仿的颜色运用,中西合璧,焕然一新的作品打开了中国绘画史的新篇章。在意大利画家郎世宁的"新体画"影响下,诞生了一批绘画巨匠,马晋就是其一。他们使用中国传统的笔墨颜料,纸本或绢本,却采用西方绘画技法,如明暗法、透视法,兼用传统中国绘画的线条塑形手段,诞生了一系列中西融合魅力四射的绘画作品。  相似文献   

孙颖 《东方收藏》2022,(4):45-47
我国素来以“礼仪之邦”而闻名,文化的交融推动了我国与外界的交流。在各种文化交流中,宗教文化在中国的传播和交融尤为明显。中国绘画与宗教文化的融合在各个历史朝代中都呈现出不同的特点。本文在分析中国绘画与宗教文化发展关系的基础之上,旨在探究南北朝至宋代这一时期,于宗教绘画方面具有代表性的画家及其作品的艺术风格。  相似文献   

中西艺术交流中的郎世宁   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱塞佩·迦斯底里奥内(Giuseppe CaBtiglione)汉名郎世宁,意大利米兰人,于公元1715年(清·康熙五十四年)从海路来到中国南方的城市广州,开始了他在中国长达五十年的艺术生涯。今年的7月19日(公历)恰逢郎世宁诞生三百周年,特作此文,以为纪念。 公元十五世纪,欧洲各主要国家先后由  相似文献   

Through the discussion of a problem posed around 1639 by Bernard Frenicle de Bessy, its solution and the replies of his correspondents, we shall describe several overlapping registers of Frenicle's exprience: an experimentation on numbers partly borrowed from the natural sciences, the demands of a collective practice cemented together by problems and their explicit construction, a personal training in attention and savoir-faire. All these come together in Frenicle's efforts to contest the supremacy of algebraic analysis and in the modes of conviction which are at the base of his work. In return, this account of a mathematical and collective experiment allows us to appreciate the difficulties for Frenicle in transmitting his results and for his historians in reconstructing his activity.  相似文献   

章士钊是近世文章家中的“逻辑派”。因其在西方受过系统的逻辑学训练,衡政论文,悉用逻辑,一些在清末民初思想家、政治家那里司空见惯的政制思想表达,在他那里常常见着基于逻辑的修正。他提出的有关国会“院制”设计、政党与政党内阁建构、“通立法行政之邮”及政治宽容的制度规范等贯穿了西方近代政制思想内在逻辑的主张,以及所界定的诸如“共和”、“内阁”、“政党”及“革命党”等政治概念,对辛亥前后亟于建设现代国家却时常感到无所适从的国人,作了良好的思想启蒙。由于形式逻辑本身的局限,而西方新理论、新方法又接踵而至,加上政治家不按游戏规则出牌,章氏归国后的政治建白,大多不为当道采纳。章氏抱负虽高,最终也只能成为悲剧性的历史人物。  相似文献   

The Swedish-Finnish Nobel laureate Ragnar Granit, born 100 years ago, is commemorated in a brief article by one of his former PhD students and collaborators. After a short account of Granit's life and scientific career, special attention is given to Granit's role as a teacher in research training and his published thoughts on this matter, partly reflecting Granit's own experience as a "postdoc" in the laboratory of Sherrington (Oxford). The article includes personal recollections of how it was to work together with Granit in his laboratory.  相似文献   

G.I. Rossolimo was attracted to neurology as a medical student in the late nineteenth century and remained affiliated with Moscow University most of his life. His training included psychiatry, neuropathology, and laboratory research in his postgraduate years. The domain of his neurological clinical interests was vast. His most enduring efforts were directed toward neurological illnesses and developmental delay. He established a children's institute for neurology and psychology that was the first of its kind in Russia. In addition he developed a neuropsychologic examination for assessing cognitive function. His sustained interests were pursued during and after revolutionary changes in his government.  相似文献   

The Swedish-Finnish Nobel laureate Ragnar Granit, born 100 years ago, is commemorated in a brief article by one of his former PhD students and collaborators. After a short account of Granit’s life and scientific career, special attention is given to Granit’s role as a teacher in research training and his published thoughts on this matter, partly reflecting Granit’s own experience as a “postdoc’‘ in the laboratory of Sherrington (Oxford). The article includes personal recollections of how it was to work together with Granit in his laboratory.  相似文献   

The final volume of the Polyglot Bible, edited by Benito Arias Montano and printed in Antwerp by Christophe Plantin, was published in 1571–1572. Forming part of the Bible's Apparatus, the volume contains a number of essays, illustrations and maps by Montano relating to questions raised by the biblical text. Montano's maps were a product of his philological training in Oriental languages and exegesis, his profound interest in antiquarianism and geography and his practice of visualizing and tabulating knowledge. He designed his maps both as study aids and as devotional‐meditative devices. Moreover, the maps reflect his wider philosophical outlook, according to which Holy Scripture contains the foundations of all natural philosophy. Montano's case encourages us to re‐examine early modern Geographia sacra in the light of the broader scholarly trends of the period.  相似文献   

Does the Structure of an Urban System Affect Income Disparities?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this paper I analyze the impact of basic training and specialized training on the distribution of skill, income disparity, social welfare, and on the structure of a decentralized specialized city system. This is done in a spatial general-equilibrium model of a closed economy producing a single consumption good. The economy is populated with a continuum of unskilled labor with potential heterogeneous ability. The only consumption good can be produced by specialized technology or by general technology. Specialized technology requires specialized training that enables each worker to transform his potential ability into productivity. General technology requires basic training that enables all workers, independent of their potential ability, to produce the good at a constant marginal product. In this framework I show that such an equilibrium exists uniquely and is efficient. Then I characterize the conditions that lead to a different distribution of skills, a different system of cities, and generate income disparity endogenously. Thus, the paper presents a link among income disparities, social welfare, and the structure of an urban system that is new to this literature.  相似文献   

《学衡》是二、三十年代化保守主义的代表性刊物,是世界范围内反现代化思潮在中国的具体表现。代表人物大都在欧美受过系统的专业训练,学贯中西。这里重点探讨《学衡》的灵魂人物吴宓对刊物的实际投入,以显示其信念的执着。  相似文献   

The work of Eugene Romer, founder of Polish geography, was framed by his involvement in the national cause. The Atlas of Poland, a key tool in his political activism, was completed during the First World War under the uncertain circumstances prevailing on the Eastern Front. It focused more on the issue of unification than on boundaries. Skilled in physical geography, Romer made use of a cartographical technique rarely applied to ethnographical maps, that of isopleths. In this article, we address the reasons for this daring innovation and consider Romer’s training in the Austrian and German schools of cartography before examining the reception of the atlas by geographers from the different academic backgrounds.  相似文献   

In the late nineteenth century, Qajar Iran, like its neighbor the Ottoman Empire, faced the dual challenges of colonialism and modernity. This paper considers the role of art education and art production in its response to these forces, focusing on the leading court painter of the late Qajar period, Mirza Muhammad Ghaffari, Kamal al-Mulk (1848–1941), whose career bridged the late Qajar period and the early twentieth century. Early in his career, Ghaffari was recognized as the leading exponent of academic painting, yet by the constitutional period his art had evolved into a style representing contemporary Persian life, a style which was informed by nationalistic discourses current in intellectual and political circles. This paper's consideration of the evolution of his style from a European modernism to an authentic Iranian modernism includes Ghaffari's training as a painter, the role of photography in the development of his style, his travel to Europe, and parallels with the art and career of the Ottoman painter Osman Hamdi.  相似文献   

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