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王秦丰 《攀登》2006,25(1):13-16
“知”、“言”、“行”既是认识论中认识与实践关系的具体化,也是中国传统文化对认识与实践关系的经典表述。领导干部作为在社会中发挥重要作用的群体,要努力培养读书学习的习惯,认真提高讲话文稿的质量,正确对待本职工作的实绩,在更高的层面实现“知”、“言”、“行”的有机统一,履行好党和人民赋予的重大责任。  相似文献   

王兆远 《攀登》2005,24(2):29-31
发展是当代世界的两大主题之一。邓小平生前最后20多年考虑最多、做得最多的一件事,就是中国的发展问题,曾多次强调“发展是硬道理”。他精心规划用100年左右的时间,分“三步走”,基本实现我国现代化,实现共同富裕,争取到21世纪中叶达到中等发达国家水平。  相似文献   

仁青加 《攀登》2006,25(1):5-6
科学发展观和和谐社会建设是制定和实施“十一五”规划的根本指导思想。在“十一五”期间,加快青海省经济社会发展必须坚持以下六个理念:一是坚持以人为本的理念,二是坚持发展是硬道理的理念,三是坚持效率优先的理念,四是坚持优先发展工业的理念,五是坚持农业是基础的理念,六是坚持就业是民生之本的理念。  相似文献   

陈志强 《史学集刊》2006,4(1):45-52
历史研究者的立场和观察问题的角度常常决定其对史料的选取、考证、解读和运用,进而影响其对历史问题作出的判断。6世纪拜占廷作家普罗柯比关于“查士丁尼瘟疫”的史料长期没有得到学术界应有的注意,相关研究的结论也大不相同。究其原因在于,过去人们大多以为“人力”胜于“天力”,关注的重点在当时的皇帝查士丁尼一世推行的内外政策上,而没有注意到这些史料记述的历史事件的重要性。目前,“查士丁尼瘟疫”作为地中海世界第一次“黑死病”的史实基本上无人质疑。但是,由于学者们研究的视角和出发点不同,这次瘟疫造成的严重后果似乎还没有引起史学界应有的注意。  相似文献   

黎虎 《史学集刊》2006,(4):13-21
在论证魏晋南北朝时期“吏户”问题时,论者提出了一系列相关说法,例如一经为吏,便“世代为吏”,因而“吏户”具有“世袭性”;“吏户”必须解除“吏名”或“吏籍”才能获得解脱而上升成为“民户”(平民);“吏”经常遭受长官的鞭打、虐待,表明“吏”的身份十分卑贱;“吏户”的数量非常多,如东晋时仅“司徒吏”就有二十余万等等。这些说法并不符合客观历史实际,有的是曲解史料。由此可见用“吏户”论的观点是难以解释魏晋南北朝时期的相关文献记载的,它几乎与这个时期的相关史料相互矛盾,无法自圆其说。原因就在于“吏户”论并非客观存在的历史实际的真实反映。  相似文献   

任克鹃 《攀登》2007,26(1):155-158
电视新闻工作者坚持“三贴近”原则是践行马克思主义的新闻观和“三个代表”重要思想的具体表现,能够使电视新闻节目更具针对性和实效性,更具吸引力、说服力和感染力。  相似文献   

孙翠萍  刘潇敏 《攀登》2006,25(5):25-28
党的“八大”是我们党的历史上召开的一次最成功的全国代表大会之一,它首次向全党和全国人民展示并指明了一系列建设、巩固和发展社会主义的战略决策、战略方针及原则,即党的“八大”路线。毛泽东对“八大”最重要的历史性贡献是:为制定一条符合中国实际并反映社会经济发展规律及代表全国人民利益的路线,提出了明确的指导思想,总结了根本的历史经验,概括了科学的基本理论。当今中国的发展路线及发展方向,正是党的“八大”发展路线及发展方向的继续、延伸、发展和丰富。  相似文献   

寇婧 《攀登》2006,25(1):118-120
“9.11”恐怖事件后,美国的国家战略发生转移,制定了“先发制人”的军事战略,推行反恐战争。这既是对现存国际法律秩序的挑战,也对当代国际关系产生了极大的冲击和影响。  相似文献   

抗战胜利之际,蒋介石发表了著名的《抗战胜利告全国军民和世界人士书》广播讲话,该讲话的主旨长期以来被广泛地理解为“以德报怨”,并被视为战后国民党对日政策的基本方针。更有不少人把战后中国宽大地遣返日本战俘与侨民、不参加占领日本本土、放弃对日战争索赔要求以及日本天皇制得以保留等都归于“以德报怨”政策的内涵。本文通过对以上四个方面的考察,所得结论是:宽大并迅速地遣返日本战俘与侨民,虽然也体现了中华民族宽以待人的民族品格,但它与蒋介石反共的战略以及美国根除日本在华影响的既定政策有着更为密切的关联,不能简单地理解为“以德报怨”;关于战后日本天皇制的保留问题,蒋介石的态度仅仅是“要日本人民自己决定”,更为重要的是,天皇制的最后命运完全是美国占领当局决定的,与蒋的态度并没有直接的关系;关于中国放弃占领日本本土,这主要是蒋介石出于战后国内政治斗争的现实考虑所做的决定;至于战争赔偿问题,从积极争取到最后的被迫放弃,是既受制于美国政策又无奈地屈于日本压力的结果,很难说是“以德报怨”。总之,将“以德报怨”视为指导战后国民党对日政策的基本理念并无足够的说服力。  相似文献   

198 1年 6月 ,中共十一届六中全会通过的《关于建国以来党的若干历史问题的决议》 (以下简称《历史决议》) ,在简述“文化大革命”的历史过程时指出是“党的‘九大’使‘文化大革命’的错误理论和实践合法化” ,[1 ] 胡绳主编的《中国共产党的七十年》和众多的中华人民共和国史论著、教材等也都引用了这一说法。① 《历史决议》同时指出 :“一九六六年五月中央政治局扩大会议和同年八月八届十一中全会的召开 ,是‘文化大革命’全面发动的标志。”[1 ] 学术界普遍赞同这一判断。196 6年 5月和 8月 ,党的领导人通过召开中央政治局扩大会议和中…  相似文献   

论隋唐宋元时期宁绍地区水利建设及其兴废   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宁绍地区的水利建设,隋唐以前主要以拦蓄为主,偏重于利用洼地兴建湖陂,用以蓄淡御咸,抗洪抗旱;隋唐以后,侧重于外阻内泄水利工程的建设。随着该地区人口的日益增加,需要更多的粮食,引起了对耕地的强烈需求,但是,湖陂围垦的原因并不仅仅是社会发展、人口增加造成的,同时也与该地区水利形势变化密切相关。  相似文献   

Once confined to paper, national cartographic projects increasingly play out through spatial data infrastructures such as software programs and smartphones. Across the Global South, foreign donor-funded digital platforms emphasize transparency, accountability and data sharing while echoing colonial projects that consolidated state-based territorial knowledge. This article brings political geography scholarship on state and counter-mapping together with new work on the political ecology of data to highlight a contemporary dimension of territorialization, one in which state actors seek to consolidate and authorize national geospatial information onto digital platforms. We call attention to the role of data infrastructures in contemporary resource control, arguing that territorializing data both extends state territorialization onto digital platforms and, paradoxically, provides new avenues for non-state actors to claim land. Drawing on interviews, document review, and long-term fieldwork, we compare the origins, institutionalization and realization of Indonesia and Myanmar's ‘One Map’ projects. Both projects aimed to create a government-managed online spatial data platform, building on national mapping and management traditions while responding to new international incentives, such as climate change mitigation in Indonesia and good democratic governance in Myanmar. While both projects encountered technical difficulties and evolved during implementation, different national histories and political trajectories resulted in the embrace and expansion of the program in Indonesia but reluctant participation and eventual crisis in Myanmar. Together, these cases show how spatial data infrastructures can both extend state control over space and offer opportunities for contesting or reimagining land and nation, even as such infrastructures remain embedded in local power relations.  相似文献   

"Documenting Cultural and Historical Memory: Oral History inthe National Park Service" provides an overview and assessmentof the current state of oral history projects and programs withinthe National Park Service. Oral history has long been a particularlyvaluable resource and tool for the Park Service in preservingcultural and historical memory. Its rangers, interpreters, historians,archaeologists, ethnographers, and cultural landscape specialistsuse oral history to document the history of individual parks,as well as the events and people the parks commemorate. Theyuse oral history to create interpretive exhibits, movies, andvideos and to record perspectives on major events, figures,and movements. The Service initiates and manages a large numberof unique and significant oral history projects and programs. However, too often the value of its oral history projects andcollections has been diminished because of funding shortages,poor equipment, insufficient training, inadequate preservationmeasures, or other problems.  相似文献   

Public management and policy scholars have empirically demonstrated that in complex policy arenas, governments depend on the collaboration of policy actors outside their direct control to produce needed goods and services. Government‐sponsored shared‐cost programs are one of the premier mechanisms to foster such cooperation, yet little is known about the inner patterns of participation in such programs and whether they are conditional on specific resource needs that partners may have. In this article, I study the participation of organizations in projects seeking funds from the Cooperative Funding Initiative, a program sponsored by the Southwest Florida Water Management District that finances projects dealing with the management of water resources. Through the estimation of a series of Exponential Random Graph Models in the networks that form when organizations participate in projects (two‐mode networks), I show that centralization around popular organizations results in greater bridging network capital, which facilitates the flow of nonoverlapping information from project to project. I analyze the implications of these findings and discuss how the formation of these bridging structures may enhance the capacity of the program to find innovative solutions to the problems the projects are designed to deal with.  相似文献   

The Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) administers and partially funds investment projects designed to improve economic conditions in the Appalachian region, an area of persistent poverty and reduced economic opportunity in the eastern United States in and around the Appalachian mountains. Previous research on the effectiveness of ARC programs is mixed. We analyze the impact of ARC investment projects related to expanding sewerage and waste water treatment on dwelling characteristics. Results from a difference‐in‐differences model using a quasi‐experimental approach show that ARC investment projects improved access to running water, and increased sewer hookups and indoor bathrooms in dwellings.  相似文献   

Research findings aye useful in interpreting the widely misunderstood services of public welfare departments to the public. This article describes three research projects that were conducted and publicized by a state welfare department primarily to clarify public understanding of welfare programs. The three projects examined the characteristics of a special allowance given families to purchase school clothing for their children, the rate of turnover of Aid to Families with Dependent Children cases, and the numbers of and reasons for public employees receiving assistance from a state welfare department. Strategies for dealing with the media in interpreting public welfare programs are also suggested.  相似文献   

The eighth and ninth centuries witnessed the foundation of many new bishoprics in the territories on the fringes of the Carolingian Empire. Saxony was one such region. This article seeks to understand the political status of these new bishoprics during the first century of their existence, from their foundation to the end of Carolingian rule in east Francia (805–911). The religious history of the Saxon province, and the Carolingians' lack of interest in this region after its forcible conversion, had a significant effect on the status of its bishoprics during the ninth and early tenth centuries. This study assesses the evidence for both the land-holdings of this new episcopal church and the activities of its bishops, and concludes by arguing for the distinctive position of the Saxon bishoprics within the Frankish and east Frankish churches of this period.  相似文献   

This paper examines long-term water and resource management in Saskatchewan. Agriculture has long sustained Saskatchewan's economy, but the province experienced a resource boom in oil and potash in the 2008–2015 time period. What potential water-related risks are posed by oil and potash? And is the province able to balance the short-term economic gains of these developments with the long-term goal of water security? The research is based on interviews with policy elites in the province of Saskatchewan and argues that four factors explain why the government continues to favour industry over water security: low-issue salience, economic and political interest, ideology, and political culture.  相似文献   

Based on household food security surveys conducted in Ethiopia, this study seeks to understand the roles and limitations of income transfer projects as determinants of households’ food security. By covering the Food-For-Work Programs (FFWPs) and the Productive Safety Net Programs (PSNPs), the study shows that these programs served as temporary safety nets for food availability, but they were limited in boosting the dietary diversity of households and their coping strategies. Households which participated in the programs increased their supply of food as a temporary buffer to seasonal asset depletion. However, participation in the programs was marred by inclusion error (food-secure households were included) and exclusion error (food-insecure households were excluded). Income transfer projects alone were not robust determinants of household food security. Rather, socio-demographic variables of education and family size as well as agricultural input of land size were found to be significant in accounting for changes in households’ food security. The programs in the research sites were funded through foreign aid, and the findings of the study imply the need to reexamine the approaches adopted by bilateral donors in allocating aid to Ethiopia. At the same time the study underscores the need to improve domestic policy framework in terms of engendering rural local institutional participation in project management.  相似文献   

湖南“156项工程”项目的落地,经历了一个复杂的过程。首先是对项目地址进行科学而严格的筛选,地址确定以后,进入项目建设阶段。“156项工程”项目的建设资金由国家提供,项目设计图纸的核心部分由苏联提供,项目施工在苏联专家指导下由中国承建单位负责。竣工以后,项目必须经过严格验收方可投产。“156项工程”项目投产所需的劳动力,主要来自老技术工人、新招工人,还有少数大中专院校和技校毕业生。投产中的技术问题在苏联专家指导下解决,投产后均取得了良好效益。在“156项工程”项目的建设过程中形成了科学精神、自主创新精神、协作精神、艰苦奋斗精神,这笔精神财富值得深入总结并传承。  相似文献   

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