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The Library of Congress. The Services and Collections of the Map Division. By Walter W. Ristow. Washington, D.C. 1951. 22 p. Ill.

Paolo Revelli. Il Genovese. Genova. 1951. 273 p. Tabs.

Ermanno Armao. In giro per il Mar Egeo con Vincenzo Coronelli. Note di topologia, toponomastica E storia medieval. Florence. VIII + 426 p. Ill. 1951.

G. V. Yanikov. Velikaya Severnaya Ekspeditsiya (= The Great Northern Expedition). Moskva. 164 p. Maps.

A. V. Efimov. Iz istorii velikikh Russkikh geograficheskikh otkrytiy (= From the history of the great Russian geographical discoveries). Moskva. 1949. 150 p. Illustr. By the same author: Iz istorii velikikh Russkikh geograficheskikh otkrytiy v Severnom Ledovitom i Tikhom okeanakh XVII—pervaya polovina XVIII v. (= Great Russian geographical discoveries on the Northern and Pacific Oceans in the 17th and the first half of the 18th century). Moskva 1950. 318 p. Maps.

Kniga Bol'shomu Chertezhu. Podgotovka k pechati i redakciya K. N. Serbinoy. Moskva‐Leningrad. 1950. 229 p.  相似文献   

Adding to the scholarship on early modern friendships, this article examines the friendship between the puritan preacher Thomas Gataker and the nonconformist cleric William Bradshaw. Despite their divergent careers and their distinct roles in puritan historiography, Gataker and Bradshaw shared an enduring affection and common concerns, with both men writing on the nature of magistracy, the international Protestant community, and the promotion of unity within the godly community. Outliving Bradshaw by thirty-six years, Gataker eventually turned to print to memorialize their friendship and to address wrongs inflicted on Bradshaw and his reputation. Gataker’s interventions included polemical pieces in the 1640s and a notable contribution to seventeenth-century biography or life writing. As in other early modern friendships, Gataker acted from a deep affection and a desire to protect his friend’s legacy, yet inseparable from these motives was his intent to edify the godly.  相似文献   

A. H. 《考古杂志》2013,170(1):106-109
The Bordesley Abbey Project has widened its horizons as it has developed, linking the core excavation of the abbey church with archaeological fieldwork, both in the outer court and beyond the precinct boundary on the abbey's granges, and with architectural and documentary research. Exceptional preservation is the key to Bordesley's importance—the survival of its precinct as a complete set of earthworks and of the unusually deep and complex stratification, yielding data and artefacts which are both very rich and extensive, and very well stratified, within a finely divided chronology. This review is a preliminary attempt to integrate the different elements, and to highlight the potential of the data now and for the future.  相似文献   

一美国历史学家威廉·麦克尼尔 ① 所著《西方的兴起———人类共同体史》② 是一部在西方史学界影响巨大 ,并具有承先启后作用的“整体世界史”(worldhistory)著作。可以称之为“世界史”的著作有数种。一是在统一的体例下 ,由多位专家合作编撰的国别史、地区史与断代史的多卷本总集 ,如《剑桥世界史》系列、苏联科学院主编的《世界通史》等。也有一些是简明概要的世界史读物或教科书。另一类则是由对世界整体历史有独到研究思考的学者 ,在对世界史各领域研究学术成果的基础上所撰写的体现了那个时代重要的思想、学派的世界历…  相似文献   


Tracing the relationship between P.H. [Patrick Henry] Pearse (1879–1916) and Thomas MacDonagh (1878–1916), this essay explores the impact their friendship had on their careers as writers and critics. Their work together in St Enda’s, the school for boys founded by Pearse in 1908, provides a significant context for this exploration. There, while working with MacDonagh, Pearse made drama an important part of school life and started writing plays for public performance. Meanwhile, their collaboration in putting together the St. Enda’s school journal, An Macaomh (1909–1913), helped to hone MacDonagh’s skills as a literary critic and to prepare for his later editorial role at the Irish Review (1911–1914). Attention then turns to how MacDonagh’s views on Irish literature and his translations from Old Irish influenced his friend’s development as both a critic and poet. Paticular consideration is paid to “Mise Éire”, one of Pearse’s best-known poems. Finally, similarities are considered between MacDonagh and the hero of The Wandering Hawk (1915–1916), Pearse’s unfinished, English-language, school story for children. Taken together, these various investigations reveal that, despite differing temperaments and at times divergent approaches to Irish writing, Pearse and MacDonagh enjoyed a mutually stimulating friendship that impacted positively on their literary careers.  相似文献   

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