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Local communities are not the homogenous entities, unanimously opposed to industrial development, that academic and popular literature often portray them to be. In this paper, I discuss my research in New Caledonian villages near a potential mining project. I analyse the diversity of individuals' responses to industrial activities, the intra‐community conflicts that this development triggered or exacerbated, and the discourses that people implemented to support their positions. Specifically, people's statements — and, presumably, beliefs — about dangers from ecological damage and ancestral anger reflected their expectations of the project's consequences for their sub‐group's social status. I argue that, through their interactions with the mining company, what many if not most of these villagers primarily sought was respect of their social positions and control of their own destinies. They especially aspired to determine what happened to their land, the source of their identity and dignity.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of spatial planning as a policy framework for managing rural housing within an integrated territorial development strategy. The paper focuses on the Republic of Ireland, which provides a useful case for analysing spatial planning and rural housing relationships, due to the State's recent shift towards spatial planning (formalized with the publication of the Irish National Spatial Strategy), as well as the level of housing construction that has been observed in an increasingly post-productivist countryside (triggered by counter-urbanization flows, increased affluence and demands for second holiday homes, etc.). The paper reviews all policy instruments that have been used to manage rural housing at various scales (from national strategies to local level development plans). It is argued that while spatial planning adopts an integrative vocabulary, as policy moves down the spatial scale hierarchy, multi-dimensional spatial goals are implemented through traditional, narrow land-use regulation. This often leads to rural housing being addressed in isolation from its wider social and economic context, disconnecting housing from wider rural community issues and ultimately failing to deliver a coordinated and coherent spatial policy for managing rural settlements.  相似文献   

This paper discusses missionization in New Zealand and Australia during the nineteenth century. Despite sharing aspects of colonial history and a geographical proximity in the South Pacific, the development of missions in both countries was disparate, leading to two very different types of missions, types I have identified as the “household” mission in New Zealand and the “institutional” mission in Australia. In both types common themes can be found, concerned with the “civilizing mission,” domesticity, and gender roles. These two types of missions were replicated in other parts of the globe, such as North America and the Pacific.  相似文献   

The objective is to explain why the total value of foreign direct investment (FDI) from the Republic of Korea (hereafter ‘Korea’) remains small in Australia. Internationalisation of Korean production has proceeded rapidly since 1987 following changes in both the domestic and international business environments. Total outgoing FDI increased from US$ 356 million in 1987 to US$ 1,600 million in 1990. Australia, in comparison, received a cumulative FDI of only US$ 128 million in 1990. In terms of Korean FDI, Australia is a marginal location. Low FDI from Korea occurred despite being given priority status by Austrade in 1990 as a source for overseas capital and both countries being in each others top ten export destinations since 1989. Australia as a host nation for Korean corporations (chaebols) is discussed within Edgington's (1988) and Porters (1985) theoretical frameworks which consider overseas investment strategies.  相似文献   

<正>"旅途"这两个字,包含着多么奇异、动人和美妙诱人的意义呵!而这个旅途本身,又是多么美妙呵……——果戈里每次准备外出旅游,我们总会萌发一种心动,特别是这次到反季节的南半球一游。当我们纵横漫游在广袤、空旷的南太平洋大陆上,没有想到:这里会有那么多历史的故事,那么多美丽的诗篇;那么多可爱的动物,那么多珍贵的花卉;那么多难忘的小镇,那么多美丽的名胜;那么多秀丽的峡谷,那么多险峻的峰峦……国内正值草长莺飞、万木葱茏的烟花三月,而当我们乘飞机降落在澳大利亚墨尔本的国际机场时,这已是烂  相似文献   

<正>"千帆之都"奥克兰结束澳大利亚墨尔本行程后的第三天早上,我们从墨尔本国际机场乘班机飞往新西兰奥克兰。在地图上看,从墨尔本到奥克兰并不远,大约2300多千米,飞行3个小时。走出机场,奥克兰的天更晴,海更蓝,空气更清新,街道更干静,仿佛进入了一片田园牧歌般的净土。从机场乘坐面包车进入奥克兰市区,沿途导游的介绍让我们耳目一新。  相似文献   

张箭 《安徽史学》2001,(2):79-85
葡萄牙人开辟成功欧印新航路已经整整500年了。一些学者认为,“开辟”或“发现”新航路只是欧洲人的片面观点。本文辨析和研讨对这一命题的各种怀疑和否定,指出,腓尼基人曾环航非洲不可信;进行探航没有返回不知所终便不足为凭;没有阿拉伯水手的领航达·伽玛等仍能航速印度;此前已有的航路只把莫桑比克中部以北的非亚地区联系起来;在迪亚士探航前,无法排除非洲如托勒密所说延伸到南极的可能性;虽然希罗多德等猜测过大西洋与印度洋相通,但也需要航海探险去开辟和证实;远洋探航当时是很艰难危险的创造性的工作。  相似文献   

This article, based on case studies of plan 'construction' in the 1980s for large scale residential development near Bristol, England and in Poitiers, France, argues that the form and content of these local land use plans were the product of the coordinative planning strategy adopted. This strategy embodied assumptions about implementation and established relationships between development interests and the plan 'constructors' during the process of plan preparation. These relationships in turn were a consequence of the contrasting powers and resources available to local government to ensure the implementation of local land use plans.  相似文献   

Both Australia and New Zealand, in addition to engaging with the US executive branch, also protect and advance their bilateral relationship by engaging with the US Congress. Since 1987, Australia has pursued congressional outreach, or diplomatic lobbying, to protect and advance its security and trade interests. As a result, Australia has won both security and trade benefits. New Zealand's congressional outreach, on the other hand, has had a more challenging task of improving bilateral relations due, in part, to US objections to New Zealand's anti-nuclear policy. This article extends existing research on Australian and New Zealand congressional outreach, develops a framework for examining embassy-based congressional outreach and, through comparative analysis of Australian and New Zealand congressional outreach, gives greater insight into the nature and character of their efforts on Capitol Hill.  相似文献   

The fundamental basis for territorial political representation is the presumption that people share greater common interests with others in closer geographic proximity than with people farther away. This principle is found in U.S. legal requirements that districts for the House of Representatives and state legislatures should not needlessly divide “communities of interest” and should be “reasonably compact.” We propose a new objective standard to evaluate spatial fairness of redistricting plans: the extent to which a delineation minimizes total distance between all pairs of people assigned to the same district. To date, the legal standard of compactness has primarily been thought of in terms of the shapes of political districts, but boundary shape may have little correspondence with how populations are actually clustered and dispersed. Inter‐person separation, by contrast, provides a direct, intuitive metric for evaluating the congruence of districting plans with the territorial basis of political representation. To operationalize an inter‐person separation standard, we propose a model and present a heuristic method for delineating comparator districting schemes. We apply the standard to the current U.S. Congressional Districts in the states of Arizona and North Carolina to demonstrate how inter‐person separation could be used to develop and vet future redistricting plans.  相似文献   


A failed attempt to produce a Management Manual for World Heritage Archaeological Sites and Monuments brought together a body of experts in 2002 at Ma'agan, Israel. This paper aims to make the general recommendations of the Ma'agan meeting more widely known among those concerned with the management of archaeological sites. The paper summarizes the outcomes of the meeting, including ideas on the structure of a management plan, the planning process, team building and public participation, site significance, conservation, monitoring, maintenance, presentation and interpretation, tourism and action plans; and includes a select bibliography.  相似文献   

It has been claimed that Australian and New Zealand voters have followed parallel paths since the Second World War. A comparison of the patterns of net vote movement at contemporaneous Australian and New Zealand elections since 1965 reveals that most have not been alike, although there were some remarkably similar patterns in the 1970s. Most Australian elections have been dominated by movement to the Opposition, but this is not true of New Zealand elections. At New Zealand elections, movements to minor parties have been as common.  相似文献   

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