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The imperial honours system, David Cannadine has argued, was a means for binding together ‘the British proconsular elite’ and ‘indigenous colonial elites’ throughout the settler colonies and dominions of the British Empire (Cannadine, David. Ornamentalism: How the British Saw Their Empire. London: Penguin, 2002). Yet in settler colonies like Australia and New Zealand indigenous populations were marginalised and often disregarded, and it was local white elites who became knights of St Michael and St George, the Bath and the British Empire. Focusing on Australia and New Zealand, this article explores the complex relationships Aboriginal and Māori leaders have had with honours during the twentieth century. Building upon Cannadine's analysis, I examine the ways in which indigenous leaders navigated the political complexities involved in the offer of an honour, and how their acceptance of awards was received by others, shedding light on how honours systems intersected with post-war struggles for indigenous rights in the former dominions.  相似文献   

The Third Race     

Qualitative, quantitative and distributional aspects of the overall results from archaeological surveillance of the routes before and during construction of the M4 and M5 motorways in Wiltshire, Gloucestershire and Somerset are discussed. By comparing the data from the M4 and M5, and from the M40 in Oxfordshire too, some elements of numerical consistency are adduced for which explanations are sought rather than provided. An implication is that, despite the circumstances of their recovery, archaeological data from motorways are, in bulk, not without significance for the lowland English landscape.  相似文献   

李世安 《史学集刊》2001,(3):50-54,90
美国虽然标榜言论自由,但是却对黑人和其他少数民族进行种族诽谤。美国在法律上禁止种族诽谤,各州还制定了各种各样的反诽谤刑事法案,但是在20世纪70年代以前这些法案并设有得到很好的执行。白人种族主义者利用言论自由的宪法权利,为种族诽谤的罪行开脱。民权运动胜利后,美国的反诽谤刑事法令开始得到一定程度上的执行。但是由于存在根深蒂固的种族歧视,美国要彻底消灭种族诽谤,仍然任重道远。  相似文献   

商族是一个古老的民族,具有悠久的历史。史载殷先世事迹曰:“殷契,母曰简狄,有娥氏之女,为帝喾次妃。三人行浴,见玄鸟堕其卵,简狄取吞之,因孕生契。契长而佐禹治水有功。帝舜乃命契日:‘百姓不亲,五品不训,汝为司徒而敬敷五教,五教在宽。’  相似文献   

This article seeks to explore the evolution of a race relationspolicy in the first period of the Wilson government. It is arguedthat Wilson adopted a triple approach. This included the followingcomponents: a tightening of immigration control to satisfy seniorfigures in his government who had been badly shaken by the Smerhwickelection result; a commitment to outlaw racial incitement which,it was hoped, would influence favourably Commonwealth and widerworld opinion; the introduction of race relations machineryto promote integration and reconciliation, advocated both bymore progressive elements in his own party and in the widerpolitical world. In 1965 he attempted to ensure that all theseapproaches were kept in balance and that the issue of race,rising up the political agenda in the early 1960s, ceased tocreate the prospect of dangerous disagreements with his mainpolitical opponents. In the short term he overcame a range ofchallenges and secured a political agenda in which issues concerningimmigration became less confrontational. After marginalizationof immigration issues in the 1966 election Jenkins had spaceto pursue the more liberal aspects of the policy. The exodusof East African Asians, together with Enoch Powell's determinationto use the lessons of Smethwick to exploit differences withthe Conservative leadership, ensured that Wilson's success was,however, short-lived.  相似文献   

The considerable international literature on Christian missions and gender has rarely focused on missionary masculinity, or on the relationship between missionary homoeroticism and the defence of the rights of the colonised. This paper argues that homoeroticism played a part in the humanitarianism of Gilbert White who, from 1900 to 1915, was Anglican Bishop of Carpentaria in northern Australia, a heavily male frontier where inter‐racial tension and violence were common. White's attraction to the Aboriginal male body indirectly assisted all Aborigines by drawing attention to the ill effects of colonisation but his ambivalence to the female body left him uninterested in the plight of Aboriginal women, who suffered ‘extraordinary brutality’ on the frontier.  相似文献   

Focusing on three riots of the World War II era – those of Beaumont (Texas), Detroit, and New York's Harlem – this essay examines the rumours that sparked these disturbances to uncover the gendered ideologies that underlie racial violence. In these rumour narratives, women appear as either rape victims or tortured mothers, while men appear as either depraved rapists or noble protectors. The deployment of these images helped forge a defensive collective identity that facilitated the outbreak of violence. Because racial and gender ideologies were intimately linked, the author argues, race riots must be analysed through the lens of gender in order to be fully understood.  相似文献   

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