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Recent claims of 21st century global convergence and the ‘rise of the South’ suggest a profound and ongoing redrawing of the global map of development and inequality. This article synthesizes shifting geographies of development across economic, social and environmental dimensions, and considers their implications for the ‘where’ of development. Some convergence in aggregate development indicators for the global North and South during this century challenge, now more than ever, the North–South binary underlying international development. Yet convergence claims do not adequately capture change in a world where development inequalities are profound. Between‐country inequalities remain vast, while within‐country inequalities are growing in many cases. Particular attention is given here to exploring the implications of such shifting geographies, and what those mean for the spatial nomenclature and reference of development. This article concludes by arguing for the need, now more than ever, to go beyond international development considered as rich North/poor South, and to move towards a more holistic global development — where the global South remains a key, although not exclusive, focus.  相似文献   

For many Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development countries, workplace pensions have been an important mechanism for supplementing state‐sponsored social security. Notwithstanding significant differences between developed economies in the significance attached to workplace pensions, provision has been typically encouraged through preferential tax policies on benefits and compensation packages. If relevant for the baby‐boom generation, it is doubtful that these arrangements will be as important for future generations. As state‐sponsored social security has been discounted in terms of promised value and entitlement, traditional workplace pensions have been closing and replaced by retirement saving instruments that are neither as lucrative nor as dependable. Retrenchment in workplace pensions has prompted governments to consider and, in some cases, develop different types of retirement savings institutions. This paper charts the decline of traditional workplace pensions, the apparent inadequacy of alternatives such as money‐purchase (defined contribution) schemes, and the rise of what are referred to as ‘public utilities’: government sponsored savings institutions designed to compensate for the decline (in coverage and promised value) of workplace pensions albeit at a more modest level than that associated with traditional defined benefit schemes. Reference is made to the experience of the USA, the UK, and Australia with passing comments of related developments in Germany and continental Europe. It is argued that the rise of public utilities in this domain is indicative of the transformation of corporate capitalism over the past 25 years and the realisation that the costs of neoliberalism may be so significant that governments have to take responsibility, once again, for underwriting retirement welfare.  相似文献   

GeologicalProspectingReadytoEnterthe21stCenturyDONGDUNAMGYIBeforethe1950s,therewasnomapoftibetinitstruesense.Thisremotepartof...  相似文献   

中日两国有着两千多年友好交往的历史,1972年中日恢复邦交正常化以来的30年间,发展是主流,从文化渊源上,日本是中国文化的最大受益国,然而,文化上的诸多貌似相同的因素,孕育了本质上的诸多不同之处,成为两国间产生摩擦的文化原因。二十一世纪的中日关系,定会坚定不移地向前发展,但是,一波三折地前行,似乎是中日关系发展的一种宿命,发展中日友好关系,符合两国人民的共同利益,只要日本正视并反省侵略战争的历史,以真诚的态度友好相处,中日两国友好关系的发展前景是无限美好的。  相似文献   

AstheexecutiveeditoroftheEnglisheditionofChina'sTibet,I'lltakeyoutoTibetbeginningwiththisissue.Tibetisalandfeaturingalonghistory,uniquelandscape,colorfulfolklore,andbrilliantculture.Itswinter,whichbeginsinOctober,isdrybutrefreshing.Theskyisunusuallyblue.Underthewarmsunshine,thereareoldpeoplewhoaretakingritualwalksaroundholymountainsandholylakeswhilespinningprayerwheels,childrenwhoareplayinggamesaroundhouses,sheepandcowswhograzeleisurelyinthepastureland,dogswhorunwildlyinthefields,and....Att…  相似文献   

Industrial policy is back at the centre stage of policy debate, while the world is undergoing dramatic transformations. This article contributes to the debate by developing a new theory of industrial policy, incorporating some issues that have been neglected so far and taking into account the recent changes in economic reality. The authors explore how the incorporation of some of the neglected issues — commitments under uncertainty, learning in production, macroeconomic management (especially demand management), and conflict management — changes the theory. They then examine how the theory of industrial policy should be modified in light of recent changes in economic reality: the rise of the global value chain, financialization and new imperialism. This contribution aims at promoting a pragmatic approach to industrial policy and pointing to new areas for policy intervention in a changing world.  相似文献   

Fiftyyearsago,theQamdoPrefecture,likeotherpartsofTibet,followedthesystemofseparatetemporalandreligiousadministration.Imperialistforceswererampantthere,andforeignplunderingoflocalresourceswasaseriousproblemconfrontingtheregion.Suchasituationlasteduntilin1950,whenQamdowasliberatedbythePLA,andreturnedtotheembraceofthemotherland.Overthepast5oyears,theprefecturehasfollowedthesocialistsystem,andhasmadeimpressiveachievements.RlCHHOMELANo,LocatedineasternTibet,theQamdoPrefecture,tuckedawayinth…  相似文献   

In the international context it has been argued that institutional reform to leadership in local government can improve the sector in terms of both its democratic legitimacy and its operational efficiency. In Australia, despite two decades of far-reaching reform processes across state government jurisdictions, focused heavily on structural change, local government still faces daunting problems, yet the potential of reform to political leadership as a method of alleviating these problems has not been fully explored. This paper thus examines the applicability of alternative leadership models to Australian local government, in particular the elected executive model which characterises some American and European local government systems. We argue that the introduction of elected executives could prove problematic in terms of accountability and representation in Australian local government.  相似文献   

论文探讨了进入21世纪以来,欧洲华人社团呈现出的三个并行不悖的双向发展趋势:地缘性社团以原居地或住在地为基础双向延伸、业缘性社团结构类别与社会影响力双向拓展以及政治类社团宗旨的双向分化。提出了进一步深思的问题,一是华人社会的组织化构建渠道多元化。多元化路径寻求有效的社会粘合剂,是当今海外华人社团发展的普遍趋势,也与当今国际社会多元组织架构发展的大趋势相互吻合。二是华人群体的体制化诉求意识显性化,包括政党路径、利益集团抗争、法律维权、街头游行示威等。三是华人群体的族群性联合依然主流化。仍然以"同为中国人"的纵向族群性联合为号召,其所显现的依然是华人移民族群潜意识中根深蒂固的自成一体的共性,真正与当地其他各民族人士结为命运共同体,进入超越族群边界的组织化建构,还只停留于个体化的呼吁和努力之中。  相似文献   

关于影响21世纪中国史学发展的几个问题   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
积极的百年总结,健康的学术批评,严谨的学风建设,是影响21世纪中国史学发展面貌的几个重要问题,需要史学工作者认真思考和探讨。大家对这些问题在认识上的提高和实践上的改进,必将有力地促进21世纪中国史学的发展和进步。  相似文献   

CHENOPODIUMQUINOA:Super-NutritiousFoodforthe21stCenturyZHANGYONGQING&DOQUNGChenopodiumquinoa,whichPlateau,SouthAmerica,fortho...  相似文献   

This paper assesses remarkable and far-reaching changes under way as China enters the 21st century. Among the most significant are the rapid decline in fertility and birth rates, leading to a slowdown in the rate of population growth and a reduction in the growth rate of the labor force. This occurs against the backdrop of continuing structural shift in the economy from a rural-based economy to one increasingly urban-based with growing employment in manufacturing and services. Oshima's conceptual framework for the demographic and industrial transition in Asia is invoked to help explain conditions of change in China. Urbanization proceeds in parallel with these economic changes, and a key feature of transition will be the growth of cities and towns of all sizes. The regional pattern of urbanization will proceed at different rates, with coastal regions advancing most rapidly owing to stronger linkages to the global economy. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: J11, O10, O18. 3 figures, 6 tables, 36 references.  相似文献   

This article tracks how the US is adapting its public diplomacy architecture to suit the needs of the information age. The areas of public diplomacy used to influence foreign target audiences are media diplomacy, public information, internal broadcasting, education and cultural programs, and political action. The agencies involved are the State Department, the International Broadcasting Bureau and the National Endowment for Democracy. Key features are the use being made of the Internet as a major tool for information dissemination and interactive communication between US public diplomacy practitioners and their target publics and the 'deep coalitions' being fostered with civil society actors to shape the norms and values of the post Cold War. This strategy is described by Arquilla and Ronfeldt as 'noopolitik' as opposed to state-centred realpolitik. Noopolitik emphasises the shaping and sharing of ideas, values, norms, laws, and ethics though soft power and is recognised by its authors as being very similar to the academic school of constructivism.  相似文献   

知己知彼,百战不殆   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
《史学理论研究》在1992年第4期刊登了我的一篇短文:“牢固地建立史学理论这门学科”,文中探讨了三个问题:第一,能否说史学理论这门学科已经牢固地建立起来了?我提出三个标准,现在看来,有的已经达到,有的基本上达到,有的尚需努力才能达到。第二,下一步需要做什么?我认为首先应巩固阵地,不要让已经取得的成就丢失掉。第三,如何正确地贯彻执行邓小平同志的三句话:“思想更解放一点,胆子更大一点,步子更快一点”?我认为在这些方面,编辑同仁做得很好,成绩不小,值得庆贺。1994年第4期又刊出我的“当代中国史学的成就与困惑”长文,该文试图总结197…  相似文献   

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