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The “field trip” is a key pedagogical tool within geographical education to encourage deep learning, though they are increasingly difficult to implement due to reduced budgets, safety concerns and increasing class sizes. We incorporated three field-learning activities into a large introductory module. A traditional staff-led trip was the most effective activity in terms of enjoyment, knowledge, and deep thinking and awareness. Self-paced field activities and video podcasts had less pedagogical value, though can still support lectures and the staff-led field trip. An integrated approach will best maximize deep learning opportunities.  相似文献   

This study compares the field experience and development of sense of place (in this case, human attributed meanings and attachments to the field area) in geoscience students on three separate course sections of a six-day introductory geological mapping field trip. Students stayed in a small farm station within their 4 km2 field area, worked in groups of three or four, and produced an individual final assessment. Findings from student interviews and pre-post surveys indicated that there were no significant differences in perceptions of the field trip purpose or sense of place between field trip sections, despite differences in instructor pedagogy and sense of place, as well as varied weather conditions. There were significant increases in student sense of place on all field trips, in contrast with previous work on a “roadside” (regional, multi-site) field trip where no significant change in sense of place occurred. In-field observations and instructor interviews identified key characteristics that supported similar sense of place and experiences on all trips: (1) consistent intended learning outcomes, (2) a carefully selected and immersive field area valued by instructors, and (3) an assessment connected to the landscape/field area with flexibility in its implementation, especially when faced with adverse weather conditions.  相似文献   

张玮  冯健 《人文地理》2021,36(5):53-62
手机移动地图作为一种新兴的地图形式近年来迅速发展并对居民出行特征产生了深远的影响。本文通过问卷与访谈相结合的方式进行了相关定性定量分析,研究了当前居民对移动地图的使用情况、不同人群对移动地图的使用差异及移动地图的使用对居民出行特征的直接影响,并且进一步探究了其背后的机理模型。一方面移动地图对出行的直接影响造成了信息化时代下居民出行的新特征。另一方面不同年龄,性别,教育,区域的居民对移动地图的使用存在差异,而这种差异或放大或削弱了个人属性对出行特征的影响,从而间接作用于出行特征,改变了传统出行模式。最终,本文讨论了目前移动地图存在的问题及其在未来对城市交通的影响并提出了相应意见建议。  相似文献   

This paper examines the pedagogical and practical challenges associated with teaching historical geography, and archival research specifically, in the context of the undergraduate field trip. In so doing, it draws upon students' own reflections on the experience of conducting archival research during a field trip to New York City and presents the results of an international survey of academics' views as to the current problems and future possibilities associated with the teaching of historical geography and the implications of these perspectives for future curriculum design.  相似文献   

Field trips have become less common due to issues including budget constraints and large class sizes. Research suggests that virtual field trips can substitute for field visits, but the role of webcams has not been evaluated. To investigate the potential for webcams to substitute for field trips, participants viewed urban and physical landscapes either in-person or by webcam. Differences in landscape interpretation responses between webcam viewers and field trip participants were often statistically insignificant, suggesting that webcams hold potential as substitutes for field trips. However, upon reflection, field trip participants valued their experience, while webcam participants had mixed views.  相似文献   

Development studies employs theories, tools and methods often found in geography, including the international field trip to a “developing” country. In 2013 and 2014, I led a two-week trip to Ethiopia. To better comprehend the effects of “the field” on students’ learning, I introduced an assessed reflexive field diary to understand what the field trip experience teaches students about themselves and their relationship to the field. In this paper, I present critical reflections on “the field” that speak to a provocative concept – “the tropics”. These reflections illuminate prevailing challenges in the study and practice of development and suggest a way forward.  相似文献   

Absolute dating using luminescence methods is widely applicable in geology, geomorphology, palaeogeography and in archaeology in establishing ages of sediments and archaeological artefacts. By creating absolute time scales for different events in the history of Earth scientists are able to reconstruct changes in climate and environment in the past, and the history of colonization and development of culture.  相似文献   

This article examines the epistemic practices of interpretive field geomorphology—that is, the in-the-moment act of “seeing the landscape” geomorphologically. Drawing on the philosophical works of Wittgenstein and Merleau-Ponty, it aims to bring to light the complex, multi-dimensional, knowledge-producing process of field observation and interpretation. Methodologically the study is based on geomorphologists' accounts of their fieldwork, gathered through questionnaire and interviews. By paying attention to what geomorphologists say they are doing in the field, interpretive field geomorphology is articulated as a combined cognitive, social, embodied, and affective experience through which understanding is arrived at. The paper thus sheds light on one part of what Brierley et al. call “the dark art” of geomorphological interpretation, and draws out implications in terms of researcher positionality, researcher training, and offering an epistemic justification for field-based pedagogies.  相似文献   

1977年6—7月,邹逸麟先生随谭其骧先生在郑州、荥阳、安阳、浚县、滑县、濮阳、大名、邯郸、新乡、延津、开封、徐州作黄河古道考察。其间,邹逸麟先生撰考察日记,记述每日行程、见闻与思考。这份日记对于见证谭先生一行对黄河古道的考察,了解历史地理学者如何增加各自对黄河变迁的感性认识,有重要的学术意义。  相似文献   

Higher education commentators have become concerned about how learning and teaching praxis across the sector may unwittingly advantage White British (WB) compared to Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) students. Adopting critical race theory, this article explores these issues in relation to field teaching in geography and related subjects. It reports on primary data collected from students about to attend their first residential field trip. The research shows that WB and BME students approach their first field trip with diverse geographical experiences. The findings indicate a need to reflect critically on our fieldwork routines in order to promote inclusivity in field learning.  相似文献   

The geochemical and sedimentological compositions of mud brick from a feature called the Square Enclosure in the eastern desert necropolis of the ancient town site of El Hibeh, Egypt, were investigated along with surface sediments from the local Nile floodplain for the purpose of establishing possible sources of the mud brick. Geochemical examination was undertaken with a portable EDXRF spectrometer; a field portable sedimentological laboratory was used to collect grain size, mineralogy, and strength analysis data. Results of the analyses produced evidence of work organization relating to the construction of the Square Enclosure. This discovery is the first archaeological evidence of work organization from the mud brick of ancient Egyptian structures and provides a valuable contribution to our knowledge of ancient Egyptian work organizational practices.  相似文献   

As geographers we are used to researching and teaching about those other than ourselves and it is timely to turn our gaze on the social and spatial practices of our own teaching spaces. One particular teaching space is the overnight geography field trip, a context in which geography fieldwork is ostensibly the main focus for two or more consecutive days. Teaching spaces such as classrooms and field trips, like all social spaces, are imbued with spoken and unspoken assumptions about sexuality, gender and 'race'. Geography field trips are one site in which to examine how social space is constituted via spoken and unspoken assumptions and how these assumptions shape field trip participants' understandings of themselves within these spaces. Simultaneously, field trips offer a site for the consideration of the socio-spatial relations of the reproduction of contemporary geographic knowledge. This article is one response to what Jon Binnie identified as an urgent need for geographers to understand how geography is being taught. Although sleeping arrangements are 'not formally notified' as part of fieldwork activity, the author demonstrates how sleeping arrangements conveyed important messages about sexuality, gender and cultural practices during seven overnight field trips held by two universities and two high schools in New Zealand. The concern is how apparently mundane arrangements such as the organisation of sleeping might reveal the ongoing hegemonic social and spatial relations of teaching and learning geography, as these are shaped by sexuality, gender and 'race', so that we might be better informed to challenge and change these practices.  相似文献   

张修桂先生是中国历史地貌学的开创者和中国历史自然地理学的奠基人之一。他以现代地貌学理论为指导,综合利用多源数据,辅以实地考察,深入解读有关环境变迁的历史文献,为历史地貌学创建了一套独特的研究方法、研究范式与话语体系。他对长江中下游河床地貌演变的研究,自成一体,兼具中国特色,其成果堪称中国历史地貌学的扛鼎之作。有关海河形成、黄河下游变迁、长江中下游湖泊演变及上海成陆的研究在谭其骧先生的基础上,又提出诸多见解。这些研究贯穿古今,促进并深化了我国历史地貌学的发展,是现代地理学与历史地理学的有机结合的典范,也是历史地理学科经世致用的具体体现。他还参与我国现存最早最精美汉代地图的复原和研究,为古地图的拼复提供了关键论证,确保了对该图最大限度的正确复原。他关于古地图的研究和应用亦为地图内史与外史研究奠定了一定基础。  相似文献   

A comparative analysis of soils and vegetation in the Thar desert of India and the Kara Kum of Soviet Central Asia. Loams and clays found widely in the Kara Kum are absent in the Thar, which contains a distinctive calcareous layer known as kankar. In terms of vegetation, the mes-quite savanna of northwest India represents a transition zone from desert to true savanna similar to the sahel between the Sahara and the Sudan in Africa. Detailed data are given on air and soil temperatures and humidity and the development of the biomass in the Thar, based on 1963 field work.  相似文献   

Scholars in Disability history and Disability studies have produced a substantive corpus of works in the last two decades. The range of topics represent the diverse nature of this field. This essay is intended as an introductory historiography, and thus presents only a narrow sampling of books. It includes general works in both Disability history and Disability studies, focusing primarily on three topics in Disability history: representation, science/technology/eugenics, and memoirs.  相似文献   

Aggregate trip behavior to planned suburban shopping centers is studied in terms of changes in trip distance and shopping time within a framework of trip frequency, center scale, and consumer mobility. Such changes are expressed by a second-order differential equation. The assumed shopping strategy is that consumers accelerate the shopping trip cycle by minimizing trip distances. This can be solved to provide theoretical norms to assess against an exploratory data set compiled from 2,810 surveys undertaken in 1980/82 and 1988/89 over a range of centers. The analysis shows a significant relationship between the gravity coefficient and trip frequency. The samples are tested for periodicity using Fourier analysis. The results show that “small” centers are more likely to exhibit periodic behavior. “Large” centers do not follow this hypothesis. Both the gravity coefficient and trip frequency are shown to be quadratic functions of center size. The nonlinearity may be introduced by the agglomeration of shopping opportunities at larger centers. A critical value for “small-” and “large-”center behavior is determined from the minimum points of these distributions. A second equation from classical diffusion analysis is tested for “large” center behavior, where consumers accelerate spatial choice through a time minimization strategy. The results suggest that this strategy occurs at the midrange specialty center during the afternoon of the pre-Christmas rush rather than at large regional centers. The empirical characteristics of the three types of trip behavior are summarized.  相似文献   

The desert zone of the Soviet Union is assuming an increasingly important role as a source of mineral resources, especially oil and gas, and as a region of stock herding, including the valuable karakul sheep. Lack of water and shifting sand are the principal development obstacles. An interagency research council under the Academy of Sciences USSR and the present specialized desert journal were established in 1967 to coordinate Soviet desert research and publish its basic results.  相似文献   

This introductory article offers an overview of debates about genocide and settler colonialism in Canada. The argument is presented that Canada, although a marginal case to genocide studies, provides important insights and challenging questions, particularly with respect to the need to decolonize the field of genocide studies.  相似文献   

This article explores how new technologies – such as drones and satellites – are incorporated into disaster management and questions the implications for power relations between disaster authorities and subjects. This is a critical area of research, as the proliferation of aerial and networked technologies has made their use in disaster management and response more common. Although concerns have been raised about the potential use of aerial and networked technologies in the surveillance and spatial discipline of populations by commercial and government actors, few have considered the implications for disaster management. In response, this article turns to geographical literature on necropower, verticality, and planetary spatialities to analyse technological innovations in responses to desert locust upsurges in Kenya. Drawing from qualitative research carried out between February 2020 and January 2021, we explain how desert locust control operations have shifted from horizontal to vertical to networked and planetary in nature through experimentation with new technologies over the past century. We argue that aerial and networked technologies have led to a volumetric shift in desert locust management and response, giving remote and increasingly automated actors who operate ‘above’ greater power over the life and death of populations ‘below’. In making this argument, we adopt a more-than-human perspective to account for how nonhuman entities and lifeforms shape and are subjected to necropolitical disaster management and responses. We conclude by reflecting on what this analytical approach has to offer the study of vertical and volumetric geographies.  相似文献   

Dendrochronological methods can be applied to the reconstruction of different types of environmental events such as climate changes, fires, glacier movements, floods, earthquakes, volcano activity. In the field of geomorphology dendrochronology is increasingly frequently used for the absolute dating of different types of mass-movements (rock falls, landslides and debris flows, etc.). Trees growing on slopes transformed by mass-movements are tilted and wounded while their stems and root systems are exposed or buried under sediment. These events are recorded in wood anatomy as eccentric growth, reaction wood, scar overgrowth by callous tissue, changes in cell size or adventitious root production. Dating changes in wood anatomy allows to date and precisely reconstruct the spatial and temporal occurrence of mass-movements with at least one year resolution. The paper provides a review of existing dendrochronological tools used in geomorphology and also an example of the application of eccentric tree-growth to reconstruct landsliding. Using tree-ring eccentricity allows to (1) obtain a dynamic depiction of slopes, (2) study landslide activity, not only contemporary, but also in the last tens of hundreds of years (depending on the stand age).  相似文献   

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