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Women graduate students in geography programs in US universities face a variety of constraints and opportunities as they work towards advanced degrees and struggle to find a place for themselves in academia. The themes discussed in this paper concern understanding and challenging power relationships, networking, developing communication skills and effective mentoring. The paper concludes with suggestions for positive action and change.  相似文献   

Partnership is currently the focus of much work within higher education and advocated as an important process to address a range of higher education goals. In this paper, we propose the term inclusive partnership to conceptualise a non-selective staff–student relationship. While recognising the challenges of inclusive partnership working for institutions, staff and students, this paper outlines the opportunities it offers and provides detailed case studies of inclusive partnerships within the geography curriculum. We conclude with some guiding principles to inform the development of inclusive partnerships in a range of settings.  相似文献   

This article uses findings from a project on engagement with graduate outcomes across higher education institutions in New Zealand to produce a toolkit for implementing graduate attributes in geography curricula. Key facets include strong leadership; academic developers to facilitate conversations about graduate attributes and teaching towards them; ownership of the process by the teachers; the development of a contextualized set of graduate attributes for the geography degree; curriculum mapping to promote alignment between graduate attributes, learning outcomes and assessment tasks; incorporating high-impact educational experiences and signature pedagogies to foster graduate attributes; the use of evaluative data to inform continual enhancements; and allowing at least five years for curriculum renewal to occur.  相似文献   

Graduate attributes are a framework of skills, attitudes, values and knowledge that graduates should develop by the end of their degree programmes. Adopting a largely qualitative approach and using semi-structured interviews, this paper outlines students’ experiences at a national undergraduate research conference over three years and evidences the graduate attributes developed. The students demonstrated intellectual autonomy, repurposing their work for presentation to a multidisciplinary audience through conversation with and benchmarking against peers. They gained confidence in expressing their identity as researchers and moved towards self-authorship, consciously balancing the contextual nature of their disciplinary knowledge with intra-personally grounded goals and values.  相似文献   

The PhD forms a watershed period where candidates' professional identities are formed, and their career aspirations and expectations are developed. Yet little is known about Australian geography doctoral students' career aspirations and expectations. Drawing on findings from a 2016 survey of those students, the paper establishes that while a majority of students aspire to work in academia, many also feel quite pessimistic about their prospects of being able to do so. The paper argues that the uncertainty and anxiety that many Australian geography doctoral students feel about their future careers is the product of a wider cultural shift that is occurring in relation to the purpose of the research doctorate. Geographers need to critically engage with these changes and the academic subjectivities they are producing to ensure that, as a discipline, geography continues to make a positive contribution to the careers of the individuals who undertake these degrees.  相似文献   

In this study, we assess whether students and their faculty mentors in a Research Experience for Undergraduates program have similar perceptions about the relative importance of different outcomes of their study abroad experience. Results of a Q-analysis reveal a significant difference of opinion between the students and the faculty mentors. It is argued that the faculty mentors need to spend more time in the field with their students and recognize that undergraduate research provides students with skills and a confidence to conduct research in the future, rather than personal and professional development, and the ability to think like a scientist.  相似文献   

South Africa's higher education system has undergone significant change since the end of apartheid. A central theme in the debates on higher education transformation has been the tension between the global imperatives of development and the need for universities to respond to the legacy of apartheid. This paper explores this tension by considering recent changes in geographical teaching and research. The paper argues that many of the tensions evident in higher education between the global and the local, which are as yet unresolved, find expression within South African geographical scholarship.  相似文献   

Earth Science and Geography teacher preparation has developed to some degree along different lines, despite sharing many of the same issues, especially with regard to challenges in teacher education. The conference “International Perspectives on Geography and Earth Science Teacher Education 2016” wanted to bring together educators from both sciences from around the world together to move the debate about these challenges forward. From the research presentations and the discussion during and after the conference, several issues emerged: (1) the importance of the two subjects not losing sight of each other; (2) the need to overcome language barriers; (3) the question of standards/objectives for geography teacher education (e.g. with regard to teachers’ (P)CK); (4) media used in teacher education (including ways to improve them); (5) ways to improve learners’ geography and earth science content knowledge; and (6) strategies to increase teachers’ professionalism. We already suggest some specific steps teacher educators in the two fields can take to improve teacher education. Yet, it also became clear that more research and strengthening international collaborations are needed, as well as better communication of the results of these efforts to practitioners.  相似文献   

This article offers an overview of visual methodology and its applications to geography in higher education. Drawings from an undergraduate mapping and map analysis course are used to concurrently highlight and deconstruct students' sense of place in the context of teaching and learning. As a pedagogical research tool, visual methods nurture self-reflection in learners, inform curriculum and instruction for diverse classrooms, and support the construction of meanings in geography.  相似文献   

For over a century, The Times Atlas of the World has been a trusted and valued guide to study of the world's geography. For eighty of these 100 years, production of this work has been carried out in Scotland, following in the tradition of Scottish cartographic publishing. In relation to other work on the history of the atlas, and the history of geographical publishing in Scotland, this paper examines the development of the Times Atlas from its first edition in 1895 and considers the challenges posed to atlas production and publishing by the digital age.  相似文献   

What makes a book political? This essay takes up this question through analysis of a small network of grassroots publishing projects. In doing so, I suggest that the materiality and mobility of a book can be just as, if not more, significant than its content when considering its political character. Specifically, I examine the interconnected trajectories of a cluster of books published since 2010 that participate in conversations about migration, work, and popular politics in Argentina and Bolivia. By zooming in on two very distinct contexts of book culture (Buenos Aires and La Paz) and especially the connections and tensions that emerge between them, I seek to account for some of the heterogeneous contemporary formations of what Ángel Rama called the ‘lettered city’ in Latin America. As I focus on grassroots publishing projects, I shift my attention away from the usual spaces of book culture, allowing other marginal circuits of production, circulation, and consumption to appear. Combining ethnographic narrative with textual analysis, this essay develops the double concept of political articulation (as expression and connection) to offer a transdisciplinary exploration of how movement is shaping the print book – materially and politically – in Latin America today.  相似文献   

The explosive growth of tourism in China since the 1980s has generated attendant interest in tourism research in the country, among researchers both in the mainland and outside. The dialogue between the two communities (domestic and international researchers) is also growing, but is as yet still limited, with insufficient contributions from Chinese mainland tourism researchers to the international academic world. China provides a rich field for examining the cultural, social and institutional context in which tourism develops. Recent studies of village-based community tourism development in China, with an emphasis on institutional perspectives, provide some insight on the dynamic and complex changes of rural communities along with tourism development. In general, these papers show that village participation in decision making is growing, although examples of disempowerment are as rife as those of growing empowerment. Contested resources are one of the most influential factors in this struggle, along with the rapid growth of tourism that the country has experienced since the 1980s. The papers in this special collection also demonstrate the distinct character of domestic tourism research in China, which engages the rich body of literature published in Chinese, but is generally less connected to broader international debates in the predominantly Anglo-American English publishing realm.  相似文献   

Geography has long been seen as having a central role in education for sustainable development, and yet the degree to which a geographical education translates to personal capacities for action has been questioned. Having struggled for some years to engage Outdoor Adventure Education students with physical geography science-based knowledge of the environment, we trialled a pedagogical shift to emphasize a relational, self-in-environment consciousness developed through autoethnography. We recount this experience to suggest that a similar approach may have potential to connect geography students’ cognitive knowledge of societies and environments with personal identities and capacities for action.  相似文献   


Hans-George Gadamer’s dialectic of enlightenment is my point of reference. I mean to recover and revise Gadamer’s thought by shifting it from a philosophical to a philological perspective. From the living example of certain individuals, I propose a model of humanist inquiry that seems to me worth preserving and emulating, particularly now when educational policy is reinvesting so heavily in the technical expertise offered by the STEM disciplines (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics).  相似文献   

吴汉全 《安徽史学》2007,1(6):114-125
高一涵研究近年来已取得重要成果,发表的论文对高一涵的启蒙思想、五四时期的政治思想、自由主义理念、人权思想、与五四运动的关系、与李大钊的关系等作了有价值的探讨.今后一个时期,高一涵研究应着重在高一涵政治思想研究、生平和活动研究、在五四时期的历史地位的研究、政治学思想研究、与五四时期历史人物关系的研究、与五四时期期刊关系的研究等六个具体领域下工夫.深化高一涵研究,使高一涵研究成为一个比较成熟的研究领域,必须注重学术研究资料的积累和搜集、研究观念的提升、研究视野的扩大、研究方法的更新、研究队伍的建设等,这是高一涵研究今后的努力方向.  相似文献   

This paper examines the pedagogical and practical challenges associated with teaching historical geography, and archival research specifically, in the context of the undergraduate field trip. In so doing, it draws upon students' own reflections on the experience of conducting archival research during a field trip to New York City and presents the results of an international survey of academics' views as to the current problems and future possibilities associated with the teaching of historical geography and the implications of these perspectives for future curriculum design.  相似文献   

This paper charts the changing female representation in the higher education of geography, connecting it with the faltering development of feminist geography in Hungary. The transition from socialism to capitalism has compounded gender inequalities while many of the relevant statistical data display gender blindness. Gender issues fail to form a coherent part of national political debates while women's opportunities in Hungarian higher education and research have only recently been examined. Constraints on issues of equal opportunities within Hungarian geography are discussed.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代中期以来,中国出版业经历着从计划经济向社会主义市场经济转变的历史性进程。从1993年开始到1998年,出版业改革的主线是由“规模数量为主要特征向以优质高效为主要特征”的“阶段性转移”;从1998年开始到2002年,集团化发展成为出版业改革的主题;从2003年开始,企业化转制成为出版业改革与发展的方向和主线。十多年来,出版业的政策走向反映了中共中央、国务院对出版工作的高度重视和大力支持,反映了出版业逐渐加快了产业化、市场化、国际化进程,反映了出版业改革不断深化的脉络。  相似文献   

建国之初,中央政府确定了中国图书出版业的计划管理体制,全面确立并构建了计划经济下图书出版业成长的基本框架;“文化大革命”的10年动乱,使图书出版事业受到了极大的破坏和摧残。改革开放以后,为适应社会主义市场经济发展的要求,我国政府逐步推行了出版管理体制和经营体制的改革,在一定程度上增强了出版单位自主经营和自我发展能力。同时,出版单位也普遍建立了以提高出版物质量为中心的多种形式的目标责任制。出版机构虽然经历了由机关而事业单位、由事业单位而事业单位企业化管理,进而初步融入市场经济的发展进程,但从总体上来看,出版业仍是属于特殊监管下的行业。随着我国社会主义市场经济的发展,面对各种挑战和问题,深化图书出版监管的改革势在必行。  相似文献   

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