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In the sixteenth century, two Italian humanists, Paolo Giovio and Giovanni Bernardino Bonifacio, included in their imprese (personalised emblems) a portrayal of a beaver gnawing off its testicles. Since the impresa was intended to express something distinctive about its bearer, their choice of the beaver suggests that they conceived of their own masculinity in ways that seem counterintuitive. The present essay traces the story of the beaver's sacrifice to Antiquity, both classical and early Christian, and surveys the diverse interpretations of it up through the early-modern period. It details the wide constellation of meanings attached to the beaver in influential compendia of knowledge written around the time that Giovio and Bonifacio flourished, including Conrad Gesner's History of Quadrupeds and Pierio Valeriano's Hieroglyphica. Finally, it assesses how the appropriation of the beaver may have made particular sense, for different reasons, to Giovio and to Bonifacio. While these cases exemplify how animals served as enabling devices for portraying one's masculinity, the appropriation of the beaver in particular challenges historians today to reconsider what constituted acceptable masculine performance in early-modern Europe. It also serves as a caution against attributing a constant gendered meaning to even the most quintessentially male of organs.  相似文献   

论马王堆出土《地形图》之九嶷山图及其技术传承   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文在前人已有研究基础上,运用现代地图技术进行比较研究,探讨马王堆汉墓出土《地形图》中九嶷山地形图之精确性。进而,基于对道教《五岳真形图》的地图学研究,证明《地形图》之九嶷山图所代表的制图技术,乃在《五岳真形图》中得到了继承,尽管古代的地形图技术在这种秘传的道符经书中受到了神学泡沫的淹没。  相似文献   

在前辈学人研究的基础上,根据美国国会图书馆所藏《松江府海塘图》和乾隆《太镇海塘纪略》中所附地图的比对,可知两图所载各县海塘长度的差异主要是由各自丈量尺度的不同造成。加之镇洋北岸海塘长度以及两图所示地域范围的差别,可以判定美国国会图书馆所藏的《松江府海塘图》绘制于乾隆十七年,该图更名为《乾隆松太海塘图》较为合适。《乾隆松太海塘图》是清代江南海塘的通塘体系形成之前最完整的一幅海塘图,图中所画内容反映了官方绘制江南海塘图"兵农并重"的特殊要求,是同类海塘图中的珍品。  相似文献   

Historians have pointed out that the Dutch played a key role in Europe’s Military Revolution. Neither the Dutch role as the foremost international arms traders of the seventeenth century nor the significance of Dutch officers in seventeenth-century militaries has been very much studied. This essay suggests that the Dutch were rather more influential in Russia’s adoption of some of the key innovations of the Military Revolution than the historiography of late Muscovy has acknowledged. It does this by investigating the importance for Russia’ military modernization of a Dutch officers’ clan, that of the van Bockhovens. They provide a telling case study of the extent of this Dutch influence.

*?*?*  相似文献   

明清丝绸之路哈密—吐鲁番段存在一条自哈密西南沙尔湖转西北至鄯善进而抵达吐鲁番的“沙尔湖路”,它与“黑风川道”“小南路”等传统路线均不同。利用《蒙古山水地图》等文献,可对沙尔湖路具体行经进行考证复原。该路沿线地形平坦,有泉水与植被,在明廷与吐鲁番、清廷与准噶尔在哈密的政治和军事对峙阶段曾广泛使用,后因泉湖干涸、气候炎热而中断。  相似文献   

《易笺》认为《周易》是一部专言人事的书,并非卜筮之书,肯定《河图》是作《易》的本源,上古即有,并非宋人伪作,指出《易》学研究中重理轻象、或重象轻理的思想都有不对,反映了作者朴素唯物的认识方法,客观科学的图说见解,以及辩证统一的理象观点,值得研究与弘扬。  相似文献   

“经世”意识与南宋川陕边防史地类文献   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南宋时期,川陕地区战略地位突出。为了给边疆防御提供借鉴,川陕边防史地类文献大量涌现,探讨川陕地区历史与地理之风日益兴起。本文在梳理南宋川陕边防史地类文献具体情况的基础上,总结出其强烈的经世思想、重视地图的作用、突出的地理学成就等特点。  相似文献   

基于多源数据的兰州市主城区城市职住空间关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王录仓  常飞 《人文地理》2020,35(3):65-75
随着中国经济转轨和社会转型,“职住分离”日趋严重,导致城市出现了一系列问题,急需对新的职住关系进行检视。职住关系研究的难点在于如何有效地锁定居住地、工作地,以及居民如何在居住地-工作地之间位移、居住-就业的空间匹配关系。论文以百度POI大数据和热力图为支撑,辅助问卷调查,结合兰州市土地利用现状图,综合应用职住比模型和最近距离等分析方法,多尺度刻画了兰州市主城区的职住关系。结果表明:在城区尺度上,兰州市职住关系总体处于平衡状态,职住平衡型占99.40%,居住倾向型和就业倾向型分别仅占0.12%和0.48%。从城市核心区到边缘区,职住失衡逐渐加重。职住平衡更多地体现在单位型社区上,失衡主要由商业型社区引致。在街道尺度上,职住关系差异明显,绝大多数街道处于职住平衡状态。城市核心区街道以“就业倾向型”为主;边缘区街道表现为“居住倾向型”。  相似文献   

为了科学分析汉阳陵东阙门西壁黑色颜料的组成和进一步探讨汉代皇陵颜料的使用状况,采用超景深显微观察、扫描电镜能谱(SEM-EDS)以及面扫描技术、X射线衍射(XRD)等测试方法,结合文献资料进行了科学分析鉴定与深入探讨。结果表明该黑色成分是氧化铜,应是原先含铜的蓝绿色颜料经过火烧氧化后所造成,属后呈现色彩。这一结果为后续彩绘类文物颜料鉴定提供科学思维,即不仅使用现代分析测试手段分析鉴定当前状态下的颜料种类,还应结合文物所处的环境变化,科学系统地指明其色彩呈现形式。另外,实验中使用的扫描电镜能谱面扫描技术可清楚确认颜料颗粒的分布情况,在微观分析颜料颗粒方面具有不可比拟的优越性。  相似文献   

天水放马滩1号秦墓出土的年代为战国时期的木板地图,可以提供重要的历史文化信息,对于中国古代地图史、测量学史和地理学研究的进步各有重要意义,从中我们也可以发现反映生态环境面貌的内容。放马滩地图突出显示"材"及其"大"中"小"以及是否已"刊"等,都应理解为林业史料。有关秦人先祖"养育草木"的历史记忆,说明林业在秦早期经济形式中也曾经具有相当重要的地位。关于某种"材"运程若干"里",以及如何"道最"等与运输方式有关的信息,乃至"闭"的设置等,均体现林区交通开发的记录和导引的图示。  相似文献   


Few maps mirror the history of the twentieth century as closely as the International Map of the World (IMW). A proposal for a map of the entire globe on a scale of 1:1 million, using standard conventional signs, was presented at the Fifth International Geographical Congress in Berne in 1891 by the German geographer Albrecht Penck. More than two decades later, the final specification was finally published shortly before the outbreak of the First World War, a crisis that brought a halt to the international collaboration on which the project depended. The IMW’s fortunes waxed and waned over the next three decades, necessitating a major review of its continuing value after the Second World War. A new IMW Executive Commission under the chairmanship of John Kirtland Wright, Director of the American Geographical Society, was established at the 1949 Lisbon conference of the International Geographical Union. Drawing on Wright’s correspondence in the AGS archives, this paper examines the debates between the national cartographic agencies and related societies involved in the future of the IMW, with particular reference to the transfer of the project’s Central Bureau from the British Ordnance Survey in Southampton to the United Nations in New York in the early 1950s. This discussion, which focused mainly on the need to combine the IMW with an internationalized version of the US-dominated 1:1 million World Aeronautical Chart, reveals the on-going tensions between the ideals of scientific internationalism embodied in the IMW’s original proposal and the harsh realities of national self-interest in the early years of the Cold War.  相似文献   

康熙末年至雍正年间,黄河河患中心从江南段向其上游的河南段推移,康熙末年、雍正初年的几任河臣均把治河重点放在河南段。河患中心的转移和治河重心的变化推动了雍正年间河政管理制度的改革,实现了江南黄河、豫东(河南、山东)黄河的分治。雍正二年至八年(1724-1730年)间,先后担任副总河和河东河道总督的嵇曾筠在河南推行以开挖引...  相似文献   

A sample of the Vinland Map remaining from the radiocarbon dating was analysed with the purpose of identifying the post‐1950 contaminant and establishing other evidence on the material composition, identity and condition. The analyses revealed that the parchment originates from a bovid and contains hair remnants. The fibre structure was in poor condition, with fragmented collagen fibres and a low hydrothermal stability. Greenish and reddish particles were observed on the parchment. The greenish particles were identified as basic copper(II) chloride, most probably atacamite, and the reddish particles as rust; that is, various iron(III) oxides. The extracted modern contaminant was identified as being naturally produced glycerol monostearate.  相似文献   


This essay traces the early history of the genre of the empire map in China, examines twelfth-century steles and printed maps of the Chinese territories, and analyses contemporary viewings and readings of maps in this genre. It argues that such maps reached a much broader readership of literate elites over the course of the Song Dynasty (960–1279) and acquired new political significance as maps became powerful symbols in debates concerning the pros and cons of negotiated peace.  相似文献   

日本元禄十二年(1699年)刻本《事林广记》乙集卷一、卷二这二卷图文是被忽视了的宋金交聘文献。它的撰者为南宋出使金朝的使节,且卷一和卷二并不出自同一人之手。卷一和卷二的撰成时间分别限定为1182-1211年、1166-1198年。元人对这二卷内容进行了实用性的改造,使之出现了"不应有"的内容。这二卷内容除了提供给我们交聘行走线路、馆驿、驿程等信息外,还提供了金朝部分宫殿布局、城市风貌、社会生活、军事、地名等内容,应该引起足够的关注。  相似文献   

本文就南宋赵彦卫的学术笔记《云麓漫钞》中的一则有关隋大兴城唐长安城的记录———转抄自北宋吕大防所作有关《长安图》的题记———重新作了标点,并在前人研究的基础上尽量校正了今本《云麓漫钞》文字上的脱误之处,使之成为隋唐长安城研究的可用史料,还进一步指出根据《云麓漫钞》复原吕大防题记是可行的。  相似文献   


The 1:1 million Map of Hispanic America, compiled at the American Geographical Society's New York headquarters between the First and Second World Wars, has been seen as a landmark in twentieth-century cartography. In this essay we re-evaluate the Hispanic Map as a technical and scholarly project and re-assess its wider significance for the history of twentieth-century topographic mapping in the light of the cultural and political factors that shaped its development. When finally completed in 1945, the Hispanic Map was rightly judged an unsurpassed scientific achievement and a major work of art. But it was already out of date, superseded by newer cartographic technologies, particularly aerial survey and reconnaissance, that had removed the need for the kind of meticulous and painstaking compilation that the Hispanic Map exemplified.  相似文献   

我国古代的地方志   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李传永 《人文地理》1995,10(4):46-51
本文论述了我国地方志的起源和性质,认为地方志是记述一定地域内自然与社会,历史与现状科学的资料性的独特的文字载体,具有其他文献不可代替的功用,并将它归纳为政府主修和私人著述两类,还提出了我国地方志发展所经历的主要阶段。  相似文献   

Meret Petrzilka, Die Karten von Laurent Fries von 1530 und 1531 und ihre Vorlage, die ‘Carta Marina’ aus dent Jahre 1516 von Martin Waldseemüller. Dissertation der philosophische Fakultāt II der Universität Zurich, Zurich 1968/69. pp. 170, illustrations and maps.

Werner Becker, Vom alten Bild der Weltalte Landkarten und Stadtansichten. Leipzig, Verlag Koehler &; Amelang, 1969. pp. 268.

Schöne alte Karten. Mappe mit 24 Kartenfaksimilen. Leipzig, V.E.B. Hermann Haack, 1970.

Fritz Bonisch, Genauigkeitsuntersuchungen am Oederschen Kartenwerk von Kursachsen. In: Abhandlungen der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig, Philosophisch‐Historische Klasse, vol. 61, no. 3. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 1970.

Old maps in Japan. Compiled by M. Nanba, N. Muroga and K. Unno. English translation by Hirochimi Takeda and Peter Anton. Osaka, Sogensha, 1971, pp. 160, with 93 maps in full colour + 4 foldings, 37 x 26 cm. U.S. $ 55.  相似文献   


The study of the history of cartography in the United States has been profoundly shaped by the peculiar American institution sometimes known as the ‘treasure house’. These libraries, located in major metropolitan areas and at prestigious universities, were created through the philanthropy of businessmen of local and national significance, most of whom also collected maps and books. The collecting patterns of these philanthropists and the institutions they helped to found emphasized materials (including maps) relating to American history and culture before 1800. This emphasis on pre-nineteenth century holdings tended to marginalize the historical study of most post-1800 cartography in the United States until the middle of the twentieth century. At the same time, as a case study of Chicago’s Newberry Library shows, the development of these collections was flavoured by the civic and regional pride of their host communities and the aspirations to be regional, national and global metropolises.  相似文献   

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