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三明市方志委根据三明实际,和市场需求,开发方志资源副产品。在编撰《福建省志&;#183;闽江志(三明部分)》的基础上,编辑《闽江之源话三溪》一书,共12万字,纳人“三明市情资料丛书”部分。该书记述了闽江源头沙溪、金溪、尤溪流域的自然环境、交通、水利水电、旅游及沿河重  相似文献   

柳亚子先生在《南社纪略》等书中,多次提到“荃蕙化茅,不乏旧侣,最所痛心。”这“荃蕙化茅”出于屈原的《离骚》。“荃”和“蕙”都是香草,茅则是茅草,比喻好人变成了坏蛋。柳亚子先生用来指某些南社社员动摇变节,成为了汉奸国贼,其中汪精卫属于变节分子中的代表人物。早年柳亚子对汪精卫十分钦佩、推崇,引为南社的骄傲,后来对他则痛心、痛骂到痛疾深恶。柳亚子对汪精卫等人的爱憎,决不是由于私恩或者私怨,完全是出于国家和民族的大义:  相似文献   

蒋介石对汪精卫投敌迟未公开定性与表态之原因探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张生  柴林 《抗日战争研究》2003,3(2):190-207
1938年,汪精卫等人出走河内,发表《艳电》,公开投靠日本。全国各界对此极表愤慨,纷纷发表谴责电。而国民党总裁蒋介石却在全国讨汪声浪和汪精卫等人的一再挑衅面前,选择沉默和克制,直到1939年10月1日,才公开表明严厉谴责的态度。本认为,蒋所以如此,主要有3个方面的考虑:一是在日本加强引诱、而国民党内形势不明的形势下,保持国民党内的团结,避免为渊驱鱼,为丛驱雀;二是在地方实力派地位举足轻重的背景下,争取龙云等地方实力派继续留在抗战阵营中,避免其他实力派效仿的多米诺骨牌效应;三是出于当时对中国极其不利的国际形势的考虑,避免落入日本期望的国际社会孤立国民政府的圈套。蒋的克制和忍耐,收到了使汪精卫自暴其汉奸嘴脸等一系列效果,对坚持技战起到了正面效果,也因此显示了蒋介石和汪精卫之间的本质区别。  相似文献   

卢沟桥事变爆发前,基于对中日双方力量对比悬殊的认识,在“和…‘战”问题上,作为南京国民政府行政院长的汪精卫对抵抗日本的侵略始终缺乏信心,“一面抵抗,一面交涉”是其基本立场。本认为,在长城抗战失利之前,尽管汪精卫主张“抵抗”与“交涉”并重,但他更强调“抵抗”的重要性;此后的汪精卫不仅很少提到“抵抗”,就连理直气壮的“交涉”也从未出现。一味的妥协退让成为其对日态度的基本特征。  相似文献   

2017年3月,我们从自治区地方志编纂委员会手中接过河畔村,作为"访惠聚"驻村工作点,从此,河畔村成为我们的"家".在我们的心目中,河畔的山水是我们赖以生存的根基,土地是给予我们衣食住行的源泉.为此,我们对土地、山河和庄稼给予了百般的呵护.在与村民长期打交道中,我们建立了深厚的感情,亲如一家,对他们始终怀有崇敬之情.  相似文献   

芦红娟 《神州》2011,(30):100-101
《黑暗之心》是约瑟夫·康拉德最重要、最优秀的小说之一。小说主人公库尔茨往往被看做欧洲殖民者的化身,本文从身份角度出发,认为库尔茨一方面由于缺乏进入欧洲白人主流社会的金钱和名望,不被主流社会接纳;来到非洲腹地后又一味征服掠夺,无法融入非洲黑人世界,从而成为两个世界间的"边缘人"。  相似文献   

弹丸之地素来充满惊人之举。食色性也,威书大王深谙人之大欲,将香港性情展现得淋漓尽致。他是如此坦荡,又不乏自知。  相似文献   

芥川龙之介与《聊斋志异》——关于《落头之谈》   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
《落头之谈》是芥川龙之介从中国古典小说《聊斋志异》中的《诸城某甲》中取材而创作的短篇小说。芥川龙之介是一位“没有谈话的题材就不写作”的作家,而且他认为“重要的不是发现题材而是找出题材的意义”。因此,本文通过两篇作品的比较研究,阐述芥川龙之介的创作手法和创作技巧,分析他借用题材所要表达的主要内容和目的。  相似文献   

2002年2月,吉林省吉林市人民政府办公厅、市地方志办公室联合开办了《吉林市情》网站,将现代科技成果和手段引入政府工作和地情咨询中,更好地为社会经济发展和化建设服务。  相似文献   

王鹏 《炎黄春秋》2005,(5):54-57
194JD年1月4日,由上海开往香港的“胡佛总统号”响起了长长的汽笛,庞大的船体缓缓离开码头。船上有两位非同寻常的乘客,他们是汪精卫叛国团伙中的“首义”人员高宗武、陶希圣。当客轮驶入公海后,他们的神色开始缓和了。随即,他们通过船上的无线电台给在上海的汪精卫发去了电报:“……际此意去迥异之时,未得先生之许可,遽尔引离,但至此时止,我等对于一党的秘密,决不向外宣泄……”汪精卫在上海愚园路官邸收到高、陶在公海发来的电报后,不禁大惊失色.沮丧十分。然而,1月22日《大公报》香港版全文披露了汪日密约,震惊中外。此“惊险”一幕,前后曲折。  相似文献   

王鉴为明末清初的四王之一,一生致力于宋元诸家的临仿创承。由于王鉴的家世及他在明末清初的特殊环境中所处的位置,以及其处于董其昌和王原祁、王翚之间的特殊地位,绘画的价值取向对四王风格的整体构成,占有十分重要的地位。  相似文献   

王稼祥的党际外交思想述论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王稼祥是一位杰出的外交家,在党际外交方面贡献突出,思想丰富,主要包括党际外交的前提条件、基础、原则和目的等重要内容。其党际外交思想对党际外交理论和国际共运的发展都做出了重要的贡献。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,中国大陆整理和出版了大量关于汪精卫及汪伪政权的研究资料,同时一批具有较高学术水平的汪精卫生平传记陆续问世,另外在北京还召开了两次以汪精卫和汪伪政权为主题的学术会议,这些都推动了汪精卫及汪伪政权研究的良性发展.近30年来,中国大陆学者对汪精卫的方方面面都展开了研究,取得了丰硕的成果.从学者们发表的有关论文及论著来看,对汪精卫的研究主要集中在辛亥革命时期的汪精卫、大革命时期的汪精卫、汪精卫叛国投敌的原因、汪精卫的人际关系、汪精卫的政治思想等几个热点问题.学者们就这些问题展开了热烈的讨论,发表了大量研究成果,澄清了一些模糊认识,修正了不少学术观点.然而,在中国大陆的汪精卫研究中,也存在着一些突出问题和薄弱环节.要解决好这些问题,就需要众多学者的共同努力和有关方面的大力支持.  相似文献   

Samples of guanaco bone from an archaeological site in the Pampas of Argentina have been analysed to understand the diagenetic profile of the bone assemblages that characterized the taphonomic history of the site. Two archaeological occupations of Paso Otero 1 were investigated, encompassing similar landscape settings, climates, and depositional environments. The time span is a c. 2000 year period from c. 4800 to 2800 years . A total of 30 bone samples taken from both occupations were used to provide a preliminary characterization of the diagenetic pathways at the site. The parameters investigated provide a comprehensive account of how both mineral (hydroxyapatite) and bone protein (collagen) have been altered. In order to compare the two bone assemblages in terms of their diagenetic parameters, multivariate analyses were conducted. Results indicate two different diagenetic profiles in the site, % N being one of the variables that accounts for most of the variation in Paso Otero 1. The diagenetic analyses indicate that protein is less preserved in the bone assemblage from the middle stable landscape. Alternative interpretations of the diagenetic profiles are discussed in light of the taphonomic history of the site, and palaeoenvironmental information of the region. One hypothesis stresses the importance of the role of climate in defining the different diagenetic pathways, and the other the continued action of the combined diagenetic factors along time as the main explanation for the variability in the state of preservation of the bones in Paso Otero 1.  相似文献   

The chronological sequence of a major reference site for Neolithic periods in southeastern Europe and the Aegean, Dikili Tash (Macedonia, Greece), has been reassessed by TL. Baked adobe material samples extracted from domestic ovens, directly associated with specific occupational levels, have been studied. The fine‐grain technique has been used for equivalent dose determination. K, U and Th contents and the equilibrium state of U‐series have been measured by low‐background gamma spectroscopy. Since the archaeological levels were already partly excavated, the environmental dose‐rate was evaluated by a reconstruction technique combining laboratory analysis and on‐site measurements. The TL results (weighted average of multiple age determination, oven 400, middle of the Dikili Tash I (DT‐I) phase, 5500 ± 320 bc ; oven 600, end of DT‐I, 4920 ± 310 bc ; house 3, DT‐II, 4260 ± 280 bc ; house 4, DT‐II, 4510 ± 410 bc ) are in general agreement with the timeframe deduced from previous radiocarbon dates. This convergence strengthens the settlement's chronology, established now by independent dating methods.  相似文献   

none 《Northern history》2013,50(1):159-162

The management of the large estates of the bishopric of Durham and the dean and chapter of the cathedral is examined, in particular with regard to agricultural improvement, and compared with the practice of some large secular landowners in the county. The ecclesiastical authorities did not farm any of their land themselves, but let it to a variety of tenants, important and small. The system of ecclesiastical leases is examined. Leaseholders enjoyed lower rents than most tenants of secular landowners, and a very high degree of security. The terms of the leases hardly changed over the century, and gave little scope for influence over the way the land was farmed. It was possible to abate renewal fines as a reward for improvements made by tenants. This was done, but not systematically. But the system cannot be described as a barrier to progress, as was sometimes charged. Leaseholders could make improvements, and profit at least as well as secular tenants. In the management of urban and industrial property, where the bishopric and the cathedral chapter could act and benefit directly, greater energy was shown.  相似文献   

《Northern history》2013,50(1):71-81

The publication of many of the original returns of the 1851 Census of Religious Worship opens up new potentialities for research, especially when these are studied alongside other sources that illuminate variegated local patterns of religious activity. In 1851, in Yorkshire nearly two thirds of places of worship had been built or opened in the preceding half century, producing a religious climate that was highly competitive and pluralistic. The Census reveals the decline of Quakerism, the rapid growth of Roman Catholicism, and the partial recovery of the Church of England. Methodism was already entrenched almost everywhere in Yorkshire — in rural as well as urban areas — although the Wesleyan schism of 1850 led to significant short-term disruption in some districts. Case studies of the subdistricts of Huddersfield, Grassington and Easingwold illustrate the highly varied nature of local developments, contingent on factors of geography and personality. It is argued that the Census provides evidence of rechristianization, quite as much as secularization, and that long-term decline in English religious practice should neither be predated nor perceived as inevitable.  相似文献   

我国最早向西方“佛朗机”学习的人──汪鋐传略考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文简要介绍了汪 的生平传略,并认为他是中国最早率军抗击西方葡萄牙殖民者“佛朗机”入侵的要臣,也是引进西方先进武器:“佛朗机铳”并进行大规模推广使用的第一人。  相似文献   

The Lv family tombs in Lantian, Shaanxi Province are one of the most important archaeological sites of China in recent years, providing numerous objects and a wealth of information for the study of the history of the Northern Song dynasty. There were a large number of exquisite cultural relics unearthed from the tombs, including one porcelain box containing white powder, which was identified as women's makeup. The phase composition, microstructure, thermal properties and characteristics of the trace elements in the unearthed white cosmetic powder were comprehensively analysed by X‐ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), differential scanning calorimetry – thermogravimetry (DSC–TG), Fourier transform infrared (FT–IR) microscopy and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP–AES). The white makeup powder was determined to be a product made from high‐quality freshwater pearls. These results, for the first time, showed evidence that freshwater pearl powder was used as a cosmetic in ancient China using archaeological objects, providing scientific evidence and new clues to enrich and expand research into the ancient Chinese cosmetic materials.  相似文献   

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