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Research on coalitions in the policy process has found evidence of both short-term and long-term coalitions. Two possible methodological reasons for the varied results are that (1) there has been little systematic longitudinal research on the topic, and (2) most scholars have not distinguished situations where fundamental versus secondary interests are at stake. This article addresses both points by first applying the Advocacy Coalition Framework (ACF), which distinguishes fundamental from secondary beliefs/interests, and then performing a quantitative analysis of the content of organizations' testimonies regarding automotive pollution control over 26 years. Consistent with the ACF, we find that coalitions of interest groups, legislators, local governments, and agencies are relatively stable over time, despite two potentially disruptive events—the 1973–74 Oil Embargo and the 1980 Elections. On the other hand, there is little support for the ACF's hypothesis that broader beliefs will be more stable than narrower secondary beliefs. Our systematic methodology also enables us to separate the general pattern of stability from interesting exceptions of instability.  相似文献   

Department of the Interior (DOI) administrative appeals involving Native American lands and resources were studied to find out whether these cases or their outcomes had changed during the "self-determination" era of US. Indian policy. This policy's stated intention has been greater Native American control of lands and resources, but in the DOI arena this research indicates the opposite as a policy outcome  相似文献   

The industrial structures of Quebec and Ontario differ, with labour-intensive industries prevalent in Quebec, capital-intensive in Ontario. Existing explanations of this structural divergence are complemented by a trade theory interpretation based on the Heckscher-Ohlin hypothesis. Analysis based on the twenty major industrial categories of the sic yields insignificant results, but when resource and market-oriented industries are excluded, significant results are obtained. Trade between Quebec and Ontario also conforms with the theory. The results suggest that it is to Quebec's advantage to continue trading freely with the rest of Canada.
Les structures industrielles au Quebec et en Ontario sont differentes: les industries de main d'truvre predominent au Quebec et celles capital eleve predominent en Ontario. Aux explications actuelles de cette divergence structurelle s'ajoute celle d'une theorie des echanges basee sur I'hypothese HeckscherOhlin. Une analyse basee sur les vingt premieres categories du recensement industriel rev& des resultats peu probants. On obtient cependant des resultats significatifs lorsque I'on exclue de cette analyse les industries dont la localisation est liee aux marches ou a la prksence de tessources naturelles. Le commerce entre le Quebec et I'Ontario est aussi en accord avec cette theorie. Ces resultats suggerent qu'il est avantageux pour le Quebec de poursuivre une politique de libre echange avec la reste du Canada.  相似文献   

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