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In this paper we address problems regarding the applicability of themathematical statements in a recent paper in this journal by Tellier and Vertefeuille (1995). These problems have a serious impact on the conclusions drawn in the work.  相似文献   

This paper derives a simple mathematical model of spatial learning and choice by integrating several psychological theories, whose features accord with the results of empirical investigation in a previous paper [2]. A sample of homogeneous decision-makers are assumed to make a succession of selections from a given set of initially unknown spatial alternatives (for example, a set of shopping places for a good). The decision-makers pass through two states of “recognition” and “discrimination” learning, before reaching an equilibrium state. In the equilibrium state, decision-makers have sufficiently learned the attributes of the alternatives so that satisfactory choices are always made. These assumptions permit the derivation of mathematical expressions to answer two questions: first, what proportion of decision-makers will be in the equilibrium state after any given time interval, and second, what proportion of decision-makers will choose any designated spatial alternative after the same time interval. In the second case, the proportion of decision-makers choosing an alternative is predicted from the individuals' perceptions of the attributes of the alternatives. The paper concludes with an evaluation of the model and suggestions for its testing and further development.  相似文献   


North-West England was the site of Britain's first canal and of one of the last true canal warehouses. The Duke's Warehouse in the Castlefield Canal Basin in Manchester was the first canal warehouse to have the classic design features of internal canal arms, multi-storeys, split level loading, terracing and water powered hoists, and was built between 1769 and 1771. The Great Northern Warehouse, in the centre of Manchester, was the last of the monumental road, rail and canal interchanges to be built in the Victorian period. Finished in 1898, it marked the close of the canal warehouse tradition and the beginning of motorised road transport storage. Between the two buildings were nearly 130 years of innovation and change. With at least 58 surviving canal warehouses across the region, from Kendal in the north to Bunbury in the south, North-West England contains one of the largest, and most important, groups of canal warehouses in Europe (Figures 1 and 2). As general purpose redistribution centres they were a vital element in feeding the rapidly growing industrial urban populations of the region. Furthermore, their design influenced the building of the first railway warehouses, and later the textile warehouse, and although the canals were superseded by the railway, the canal warehouse remained an important element of the transport economy until the arrival of road haulage in the 1920s. This paper is based upon research undertaken by the author in 2000 and 2001 as part of the Tameside Archaeological Survey. This is a landscape archaeology project funded by Tameside MBC and undertaken on their behalf by the University of Manchester Archaeological Unit.  相似文献   

Abstract Choice model construction is usually based on information about a number of separate choice situations, for which all relevant quantities are known. This paper concerns the case where only higher level, aggregate information is available about the choice results and the prevailing conditions. We demonstrate the applicability of a generic inverse parameter estimation method in estimating a model for grocery store choice. We also propose some enhancements to standard spatial choice models and demonstrate their applicability.  相似文献   

Spatial choice, a voluntary form of allocation of consumers to central services, is usually conceived as affected by two factors, distance and attraction. Although usually regarded as exogenous, attraction is in turn affected by the level of use a service receives, and thus by spatial choice. This paper explores the system defined by these relationships, largely by simulation. Proposals are made concerning the initiation and perturbation of the system, and attempts are made to generalize the results. Although it is difficult to connect form with process in such a system, it is possible to identify the factors responsible for system stability.  相似文献   

In a spatial context, flexible substitution patterns play an important role when modeling individual choice behavior. Issues of correlation may arise if two or more alternatives of a selected choice set share characteristics that cannot be observed by a modeler. Multivariate extreme value (MEV) models provide the possibility to relax the property of constant substitution imposed by the multinomial logit (MNL) model through its independence of irrelevant alternatives (IIA) property. Existing approaches in school network planning often do not account for substitution patterns, nor do they take free school choice into consideration. In this article, we briefly operationalize a closed‐form discrete choice model (generalized nested logit [GNL] model) from utility maximization to account for spatial correlation. Moreover, we show that very simple and restrictive models are usually not adequate in a spatial choice context. In contrast, the GNL is still computationally convenient and obtains a very flexible structure of substitution patterns among choice alternatives. Roughly speaking, this flexibility is achieved by allocating alternatives that are located close to each other into nests. A given alternative may belong to several nests. Therefore, we specify a more general discrete choice model. Furthermore, the data and the model specification for the school choice problem are presented. The analysis of free school choice in the city of Dresden, Germany, confirms the influence of most of the exogenous variables reported in the literature. The estimation results generally indicate the applicability of MEV models in a spatial context and the importance of spatial correlation in school choice modeling. Therefore, we suggest the use of more flexible and complex models than standard logit models in particular. En un contexto espacial, los patrones sustitución flexible juegan un papel importante en el modelamiento del comportamiento de las decisiones individuales. Varios problemas de correlación pueden presentarse si dos o más alternativas de elección comparten características no observables por el modelador. Los modelos de valor extremo (multivariate extreme value‐MEV) ofrecen la posibilidad de relajar la propiedad de sustitución constante (constant substitution) presente en los modelos logit multinomiales (multinomial logit‐MNL), a través de su propiedad de independencia de alternativas irrelevantes (Independence of irrelevant alternatives property ‐IIA). A menudo, los enfoques existentes en la planificación de redes escolares no toman en consideración los patrones de sustitución y de libre elección de escuela. En este artículo, los autores presentan brevemente el funcionamiento de un modelo de elección discreta (discrete choice model) para la maximización de utilidad o modelo logit anidado generalizado (generalized nested logit model‐GNL) para dar cuenta de la autocorrelación espacial. Los autores sostienen que modelos demasiado simples y restrictivos no suelen ser adecuados en un contexto de elección espacial. En contraste el modelo GNL es conveniente en términos de su computación y obtiene una estructura muy flexible de los patrones de sustitución entre las alternativas de elección. En términos generales, esta flexibilidad se logra mediante la asignación (o anidación) de las alternativas cercanas en el espacio (una alternativa puede pertenecer a varios nidos). Por lo tanto, los autores presentan un modelo de elección discreta más general. El estudio presenta además datos y la especificación del modelo para un caso de elección de escuela concreto: el análisis de libre elección de escuela en la ciudad de Dresden, Alemania. El análisis confirma la influencia de la mayoría de las variables exógenas presentes en la literatura. Los resultados de la estimación demuestran en términos generales la aplicabilidad de los modelos MEV en un contexto espacial y la importancia de la autocorrelación espacial en el modelado de elección de escuela. Los autores concluyen sugiriendo el uso de modelos más flexibles y complejos que los modelos utilizados habitualmente, en particular los modelos logit estándar. 从空间视角看,灵活的替代模式在个人行为选择建模中发挥着重要作用。当存在两个或两个以上备选方案集具有共性且无法被建模者观察到时,就可能出现相关性问题。多元极值模型(MEV)通过不相关的替代属性(IIA)实现了对多元logit模型(MNL)中常数限制的松弛替代。现有校园网络规划方法通常无法解释替代模式,而且没有考虑到自由择校因素。本文简要地建立一个封闭离散选择模型(广义嵌套(GNL)模型),从效用最大化角度来解释空间相关性。此外分析还表明,非常简单的约束模型通常不具有足够的空间选择情境。相比之下,GNL模型计算便捷,且可以在各选择方案中获得非常灵活的替代模式。大致而言,这种灵活性大体是通过与住处位置距离上彼此靠近的替代选择分配而获得,一个给定的选择可能属于不同的住处。因此,我们给出了一个更一般的离散选择模型。此外,还给出了针对择校问题的数据和模型设定。基于德国德累斯顿市自由择校分析,证实了已有研究中多数外生变量的影响。估计结果证实了MEV模型在空间分析中的适用性以及择校模型中空间相关的重要性,并建议使用更加灵活和复杂的模型而不是标准的logit模型。  相似文献   

This article compares European and Middle Eastern anti-Semitism in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. From the 1870s through the 1930s, in parallel fashion anti-Semitism became a mobilizing, all-embracing ideology in Europe, while the Arab world witnessed an eruption of anticolonial and nationalist sentiment, often directed against the Zionist project. Arab anti-Semitism featured the irrational and fantastic qualities of its European counterpart, but it took form against the reality of the Zionist project. The article draws a distinction between the realms of systemic intolerance, aggravated by socio-economic crisis, and political strife, driven by discrete events and policies. Its main sources are fin-de-siècle European anti-Semites' writings on Zionism, which are shown to be fundamentally different from the anti-Zionist rhetoric emanating from the Middle East at that time.  相似文献   

Hugh Strelton and Lionel Orchard, Public Goods, Public Enterprise and Public Choice: Theoretical Foundations of the Contemporary Attack on Government .  相似文献   

The dominance of rational choice-inspired models of policy development, implementation, and evaluation has grown dramatically over the years as a challenge to traditional, pluralist politics. In this article, we analyze the theoretical foundations of the rational choice perspective and its criticism of pluralist politics. We explore the values inherent in the rational choice perspective and suggest that they feed into growing public cynicism about government and lead to a conservative policy agenda of less government. We then develop an unusual argument that the very tools of rational choice analysis and its values actually produce far more government involvement than expected. by examining school voucher programs. We conclude by making a case for pluralist politics as a more appropriate means for addressing the concerns of classical liberals and others about excessive government intrusion.  相似文献   

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