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Examinations of rock art typically focus on acts of creation and compositional meaning, with little attention paid to the position of these created places in the palimpsest of history. As these sites endure, their recognition and importance within subsequent social developments, including memory and oral tradition, are both invented and reinvented as descendant populations become established or as new populations move in displacing or replacing the makers. This paper examines the ways in which oral histories of historic and contemporary First Nations populations in northwestern Ontario, Canada, challenge standard understandings of rock-art in the region, taking these sites out of the maker/meaning context and placing them within a framework of user/caretaker. The results of this contextual shift contest notions of applied cultural affiliation and traditional ownership, resulting in a perspective that reveals a transgenerational and transcultural endurance of these places in the contemporary social memory of these Indigenous communities.  相似文献   

Pangle and Ahrensdorf's Justice Among Nations: On the Moral Basis of Power and Peace has become one of the classic studies of international political thought. The account Pangle and Ahrensdorf provide of the Socratics resembles in places the concerns of constructivists, even though they never discuss the international relations theory of constructivism. With this in mind, I argue that their account enables one to glimpse what a Socratic teaching of constructivism might look like. What comes to the surface is that Socratic constructivism shares with contemporary constructivism a concern with rhetoric and the role of ideas, norms, and rules in international politics while nonetheless expressing reservations over the goals of general enlightenment and emancipation that some contemporary constructivists espouse. Instead, Socratic constructivism urges the practice of generosity in the realm of politics, whether domestic or international. This emphasis rests on the Socratic understanding of human nature and suggests that contemporary constructivists tend to expect too much from the human condition. As such, Socratic constructivism seeks to moderate the desire for enlightenment and emancipation through a respect for what is salutary within the moral, religious, and political identities of particular communities.  相似文献   

六十年代中日民间贸易述略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
60年代 ,中日之间建立了友好贸易和备忘录贸易两条民间贸易渠道。友好贸易 ,是中方出于中日友好的诚意 ,与承认政治三原则、主张中日友好的日本企业的贸易 ;备忘录贸易 ,是中日之间以备忘录的形式发展起来的贸易。友好贸易和备忘录贸易推动了 60年代中日民间贸易的进一步发展 ,有力地促进了中日关系的早日正常化 ,在中日关系史上具有极为重要的意义  相似文献   

土族民间有许多精通土族民居文化这门艺术的木匠,在他们娴熟的技艺下,一座座被当地老乡称之为“大房”的民居就盖了出来。“大房”的种类因地域的差别其分类方法略有不同。有的地方分四种之多,有的地方却只有  相似文献   

2002年6月19至20日,由澳门基金会、澳门理工学院、中国社会科学院世界文明比较研究中心和《史学理论研究》杂志编辑部在澳门共同举办了主题为“澳门与其他东、西文化交汇点:比较与探究”国际研讨会。来自中国两岸四地(内地、澳门、香港和台湾)以及加拿大和德国的学者四十余人参加了这次研讨会。  相似文献   

A Comparative Analysis of Farmland Preservation Programmes in North America   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During the last two decades, in Canada and the United States, provincial and state governments have responded to the issue of farmland preservation with a variety of measures. These are examined within the context of political and social acceptability, cost of implementation, and impact. A typology of generic farmland protection strategies is developed to classify the state and provincial responses, with consideration given to the relative effectiveness of each. Of the four distinct policy approaches that emerge, the comprehensive-mandatory programmes are considered to promise the greatest success.
Au cows des deux dernières décennies, au Canada et dans les États-Unis, les gouvernements des provinces et des états ont adopté des politiques tres variées afin de preserver le territoire agricole. Ces politiques sont analysees dans le lut de determiner si leur mise en oeuvre est acceptable au point de vue politique et social et d'Cvaluer leur coût aussi que leur efficacité. Une typologie des strategies de conservation bade sur leurs caracteristiques génériques sert à classifier les diverses politiques, notamment eu égard à leur efficacité relative. Des quatre approches de politique qui ressortent de cette étude, celle basée sur des programmes obligatoires et globaux semble la plus prometteuse.  相似文献   

Over recent decades. "community" has been a powerful theme in social policy development not only in the United States but elsewhere in North America and Europe as well. Existing analyses of the concept, however, tended to approach it more from philosophical and sociological perspectives than from the standpoint of policy analysis. This article examines the uses of community as a policy instrument, considering its diverse applications us policy objective, policy means, and policy rhetoric. A cross-section of major community-oriented policies in the United States and Quebec is analyzed, providing a basis file policy-level, regime-level, and political culture comparison. Identifying the key components that community policies may incorporate, we propose a schema for systematically describing deferent types of interventions. Finally. we review the difficulties encountered in implementing policies with a community orientation and the need to avoid simplistic judgments of success and failure.  相似文献   

This research examines the link between the encroachment upon personal security and political participation among women in Lebanon and Morocco. Analyses are performed on the Status of Women in the Middle East and North Africa Survey conducted by the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) from August 2009 to June 2010. Results indicate a strong link between perceptions of personal security in both public and private spheres, and the propensity to vote. The results show that not feeling free to leave the home and experiencing regular sexual harassment in the public sphere curtail women's likelihood to vote. These findings have profound implications for shaping policies as they apply to women in the transitioning Middle East.  相似文献   

In discussions concerning American Indians/First Nations and the practice of archaeology in North America, the issues are typically presented in a polarized fashion with American Indians/First Nations on one side and archaeologists on the other. Frequently the literature discusses how archaeologists should modify their practice in response to the needs of American Indian communities. Very little of the literature looks at the roles and challenges faced by American Indians who choose to pursue archaeology. This paper addresses this latter issue by examining my own work among First Nations communities in Ontario, Canada. Through the lens of ‘lived experience’, I will examine the interplay of identity, personal and communal histories, and the contemporary situation of my self and the First Nations communities I worked with, looking at how having ‘insider’ knowledge can be both useful and a handicap in fieldwork.  相似文献   

军民指挥使司是明代创制的兼管军民的特殊行政建置,而其建置标准学界认知多有不同。本文认为民户是军民指挥使司建立的关键要素,并利用大量的明代文献材料,证实了军民指挥使司直接或间接的辖有相当数量的编户齐民。而集中分布在北边一线的实土卫所并未建立起军民共管的军民卫所体制,进一步印证了民户对军民指挥使司建立的重要意义。这决定了军民指挥使司具有"军"与"民"的两面性特征,游走于都司与布政司两套管理系统之间。  相似文献   

The present study comparatively analyses local and supra-local strategies for sustainable development of multifunctional fen landscapes in Germany (five strategies), the Netherlands (six strategies) and the UK (seven strategies)—thereby filling a gap in the existing academic literature. Fen landscapes have a peat soil which may be irreversibly lost once decomposed. These landscapes are currently under pressure due to drainage and land-use changes. A variety of strategies is applied and no particular type of strategy dominates in efforts to achieve sustainability. Such variety may be explained by differences in national policy contexts, decision-making and designing traditions, and, views on urgency and priorities of sustainability issues. Yet, the landscapes of our research focus exist in the organized mutual context of the European Union. Our study provides essential characteristics of steering interventions, to be considered by European policy-makers, when supporting initiatives for sustainable development of these landscapes. These include: focus on slowing down peat loss by reserving about 20–30% of an area for rewetting and/or nature conservation; development of a long-term vision; facilitation of a fair, transparent, inclusive and careful negotiation process on goals, means and sacrifices.  相似文献   

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