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张宏林 《收藏家》2010,(4):85-86
推荐词:浙江铜镜收藏家。其青瓷、青铜器、书画、瓷器等涉猎极广,但铜镜收藏水平最高。唐勤彪,1961年6月出生,浙江省绍兴县平水镇昌峰村人。幼失慈父,家境贫寒,迫于生计,稍长即学技艺、闯四方。人到中年,略有建树,创办绍兴恒济典当行,任董事长。同时,从事市政工程建设,任项目经理。为道桥工程师。其于上世纪的90年代初始涉收藏。现有上至商周、下达民国的各类文物艺  相似文献   

李辉英,满族作家,他一生的创作以地域而论可以分为两个时期,即大陆时期和香港时期。他的小说作品大都以反映抗战题材为主,他还有大量散创作.以及一些创作技巧等方面的论。  相似文献   

赵逵夫 《文献》2002,(3):124-140
《楚辞疏》的作者陆时雍,是明代末年思想比较深刻、有一定独立见解的学者和诗论家.他的《楚辞疏》论诗谈艺,多所会心,是明代楚辞学著作中有特色的注本.  相似文献   

Attention is drawn to the neuronal inclusion bodies in Parkinsonism and the dementia described by F. Lewy in 1910, resulting in his eponym, as well as to his academic career and participation in two world wars on opposite sides.  相似文献   

李峻岫 《文献》2002,(1):36-53
石介(1005-1045)字守道,一字公操,兖州奉符(今山东泰安)人.北宋仁宗天圣八年(1030)进士,历郓州观察推官、南京留守推官、镇南军掌书记、嘉州军事推官.以内外艰去官,躬耕讲学于徂徕山下,世称徂徕先生.  相似文献   

方建新 《文献》2005,(2):92-107
在中国古代藏书发展史上,宋代是一个具有里程碑式意义的阶段.在这一时期,正式形成了官方藏书、私家藏书、寺观藏书、书院藏书四大系统.宋代藏书业的发展,也极大地促进了目录学的发展,不但具有国家图书馆性质的馆阁经常组织一些著名学者和馆阁成员为馆阁和皇家藏书进行整理编目,而且,很多藏书家也编撰了为数不少的私家藏书目录①,给后世留下了晁公武<郡斋读书志>、陈振孙<直斋书录解题>(为行文方便,下文或将晁、陈二书简称为<读书志>、<书录解题>或<晁志>、<陈录>)、尤袤<遂初堂书目>三大私家藏书目录,成为了解、研究宋代及宋代以前图书典籍的重要书目工具书.  相似文献   

中国企业界投资收藏极富成就者之一。2009年收藏重心转向古代宫廷书画与清代官窑瓷器、文玩杂项。尤其从海外高额竞拍入藏《石渠宝笈》著录过的宫廷书画引人瞩目。  相似文献   

蔡东洲 《文献》2004,(4):244-260
1996年,五座安丙家族墓在四川省华蓥市发现,引起了中国考古界和宋史界的广泛关注.安丙家族是南宋巴蜀地区的名门望族之一,在安丙及其弟安涣、子安癸仲领导参与平定吴曦叛宋降金的"武兴之乱"后,安氏家族更是扬名天下.  相似文献   

杨冬梅 《收藏家》2010,(4):39-42
《杨慎书法册》,册长38、宽28厘米,画心长32.5、宽23.5厘米,共九开,册页的封面和封底为蓝色封皮,题签为《杨升庵先生真迹》,现藏济南市博物馆。杨慎,字用修,号升庵,新都(今属四川)人。明弘治元年(1488年)生于京城,正德六年(1511年),在他  相似文献   


The present study paints the intellectual environment in which Ferdinand de Saussure developed his ideas about language and linguistics during the fin de siècle. It sketches his dissatisfaction with that environment to the extent that it touched on linguistics, and shows the new course he was trying to steer on the basis of ideas that seemed to open new and exciting perspectives, even though they were still vaguely defined. As Saussure himself was extremely reticent about his sources and intellectual pedigree, his stance in the lively European cultural context in which he lived can only be established through textual critique and conjecture. On this basis, it is concluded that Saussure, though relatively uninformed about its historical roots, essentially aimed at integrating the rationalist tradition current in the sciences in his day into a new, ‘scientific’ general theory of language. In this, he was heavily indebted to a few predecessors, such as the French philosopher-psychologist Victor Egger, and particularly to the French psychologist, historian and philosopher Hippolyte Taine, who was a major cultural influence in nineteenth-century France, though now largely forgotten. The present study thus supports Hans Aarsleff's analysis, where, for the first time, Taine's influence is emphasised, and rejects John Joseph's contention that Taine had no influence and that, instead, Saussure was influenced mainly by the romanticist Adolphe Pictet. Saussure abhorred Pictet's method of etymologising, which predated the Young Grammarian school, central to Saussure's linguistic education. The issue has implications for the positioning of Saussure in the history of linguistics. Is he part of the non-analytical, romanticist and experience-based European strand of thought that is found in art and postmodernist philosophy and is sometimes called structuralism, or is he a representative of the short-lived European branch of specifically linguistic structuralism, which was rationalist in outlook, more science-oriented and more formalist, but lost out to American structuralism? The latter seems to be the case, though phenomenology, postmodernism and art have lately claimed Saussure as an icon.  相似文献   

郑振铎是我国著名的作家、文学评论家、文学史家、文献学家、考古学、翻译家,新文化和新文学运动的倡导者之一。1957年4、5月,郑振铎任文化部副部长时,曾率队赴甘肃考察,就甘肃的文物考古工作、古建筑保护,敦煌石窟的保护和敦煌学研究等,提出了很好的意见与建议,后来的研究者对此关注不多。本文利用近年刊布的郑振铎日记及有关信件、档案,将其钩沉,挖掘其重要价值及意义。  相似文献   

Vanne Goodall, ed. The Quest for Man. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1975. 240 pp. Illustrations, bibliography and index. $17.50.  相似文献   

韦述及其《两京新记》   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
荣新江  王静 《文献》2004,8(2):31-48
中国历史发展到隋唐,进入了一个繁盛时期,都城制度也为之一新,步人中国都市史的集大成阶段.承继自隋的唐代洛阳、长安作为东、西两京,规划设计相似,在天宝以前,由于统治阶级在两地之间往来不断,使得两者经济、人文都极盛一时.这两座城市的坊里、宅第、风俗、人物以及与之相关的社会情状,都值得我们探寻.  相似文献   

Francis Korn. Elementary Structures Reconsidered: Levi‐Strauss on Kinship. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1973. xv + 168 pp. Figures, tables, appendix, bibliography, name index, and subject index. $8.50.  相似文献   

刘荣华 《收藏家》2008,(2):23-28
我国已有数千年的藏书历史,而私人藏书一直是藏书文化中的主流。自南宋移都临安,江浙地区成为全国的政治重心和经济枢纽,经济的繁荣和生活的富庶也为藏书业的发展提供了坚实的物质基础,特别到了明清时期,江浙一带形成了庞大的藏书家群体,陆心源就是这些私人藏书家中的杰出代表,他为保存我国的珍贵典籍作出了不朽的贡献。  相似文献   

李仲公其人其事   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
李仲公,贵阳人,早年毕业于京师国立法政专门学堂,1914年与李大钊一道留学日本早稻田大学,回国后任众议院首席秘书,参与《晨钟报》的创办,参加反袁、护法、护国运动。1924年在上海加入国民党。北伐战争初期,担任国民党中央执行委员会书记长、国民革命军总司令部秘书长处处长等职。南京国民政府成立后,担任国民政府交通部次长、军事委员会秘书处长、内政部禁烟委员会主任委员、立法院立法委员等职。中华人民共和国成立后,担任国务院参事、政协全国文史资料研究委员会委员等职。译著有《日本帝国主义的满蒙观与我们的驳议》、《烟禁问题》、《更生庐杂咏》等著作,系国民党军政要员中有名的诗人、书法家。  相似文献   

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