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Canada is currently involved in renegotiating its tariffs in the present discussions on the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (gatt). Although official policy seems to be cast in terms of sectoral tariff cuts, reflecting Canada's trading strengths and weaknesses, there has been strong advocacy by some economists that Canada should enter free-trade agreements with the United States or preferably on a multilateral basis (Daly and Globerman, 1976; Economic Council of Canada, 1975; Wonnacott, 1975). The recent books advocating free trade are persuasive in mood and argument but their authors follow "the established orthodoxy of most economists in this country over the past two decades: foreign investment is, of itself, not a problem except to the jaundiced eye of the (nationalist) beholder. The tariff is the real villain … There are no problems, in this view that a good dose of free trade and free capital markets will not cure" (Rotstein, 1972, 2). So, we are faced with a paradox: on the one hand some economists, including those working for the Economic Council, are strongly committed to the argument that free trade will lead to manufacturing success for Canada while on the other hand the nation is experiencing its worst negative balance for secondary manufactured goods. Canada's trading partners have indicated increasingly that Canada does not produce finished goods of the type they require at attractive prices. This anti-export syndrome is a product of the high exchange value of the Canadian dollar (till early 1977) and the high basic cost of Canadian goods.  相似文献   

The interaction between railway development and agricultural expansion is a salient feature of the post-emancipation Russian economy. The railway network's growth allowed the Empire's agricultural core to shift southeastward and facilitated rapid growth in grain exports. Exports rose initially through the Baltic ports and later through the ports of the Black and Azov seas. A limited degree of regional specialization emerged, but governmental constraints and overall economic immaturity hampered further economic development.  相似文献   

基于信息权力论视角,智慧城市的建设可以理解为面向信息权力争夺的城市竞争力提升战略。本文将信息权力分解为信息生产、信息获取和信息控制三个权力维度,并对其测算方法进行了讨论和定义;在此基础上,对我国现有23个"智慧城市"的信息权力进行了测度,并将之与城市竞争力评价结果进行了比较。分析结论显示,我国城市信息权力个体差异明显,尤其表现在信息生产和信息控制方面;城市信息权力和城市竞争力之间的多种组合类型,亦可为进一步的智慧城市建设因地制宜提供借鉴。根据分析结论,特别强调对于信息权力培育的重视,以及信息生产、信息获取和信息控制能力三者的协调发展。  相似文献   

不同国家在政治体制、经济发展水平、社会文化习俗等方面存在巨大差异,使得中国境外经贸合作区嵌入东道国时产生了制度和文化方面的冲突,出现“水土不服”的窘境,因此境外经贸合作区如何克服文化差异以更好地融入东道国成为研究的科学问题。本文以中埃·泰达苏伊士经贸合作区为例,基于文化尊重、融合和创新等原则,从物质文化、行为文化、制度文化和精神文化四方面探讨合作区的文化适应性。研究发现:①合作区的文化适应性不能一概而论,需要先识别文化类型,再明确各类文化的属性与特征,最后选择恰当的文化适应路径。合作区在物质文化、行为文化、制度文化和精神文化方面的有效适应,可以凝聚成推动其嵌入东道国“土壤”的文化合力,为合作区可持续、高质量发展提供动力。②中埃·泰达苏伊士经贸合作区遵循求同尊异、创新融合的理念,在文化适应性方面取得良好的效果,但也存在属地化管理困难、制度文化有待优化等问题。  相似文献   

The authors describe a complex of social, economic, and environmental problems on the Valaam Archipelago, associated with pollution of Lake Ladoga, heavy tourist pressure, and deteriorating residential/economic infrastructure for the small permanent population. The islands are known as the site of the architecturally and historically unique Monastery of the Transfiguration, situated on the main island of Valaam—now in disrepair from negligence, heavy visitor pressure, and use as residential quarters for all but a few permanent island residents. The option of resettling this population to the mainland is weighed against its comprehensive development as a historical and tourist center. translated by H. L. Haslett, Leamington Spa, UK from: Izvestiya Vsesoyuznogo Geograficheskogo Obshchestva, 1991, No. 1, pp. 98-103.  相似文献   

近年来,层出不穷的旅游乱象给整个旅游行业带来了极其负面的影响,使我国旅游行业遭受到了社会公众强加的污名。因此,如何避免旅游污名化现象的加剧以及如何对已被污名的旅游业进行去污名化,已成为我国旅游界亟待解决的课题。当前学术界关于旅游污名的重视远远不够,研究十分匮乏。本文对旅游污名研究进展进行了系统述评,将旅游污名划分为基于人地关系的旅游地方污名、基于群体关系的旅游者污名以及基于人际关系的旅游职业污名。在此基础上,指出应加强旅游污名的形成机制与综合治理研究、使用流动性方式开展旅游污名研究等方向。本文为理解及解决旅游污名问题提供可行的理论指导,对旅游研究及旅游发展均大有裨益。  相似文献   

时空间行为调查的回顾与未来展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着理论与方法体系不断完善,时空间行为研究近年来越来越重视实践应用导向,同时也面临构建解释时空间行为的一般理论的使命,对研究数据提出了新的要求.本文回顾时空间行为调查的进展,认为时空间行为调查在方法上与移动定位技术的结合日益密切,数据质量得到较大提升;在内容上越来越重视个体行为的能动性以及行为的社会、环境意义.在此基础...  相似文献   

国内区域贸易、国际贸易与国家竞争力   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
周怀峰 《人文地理》2005,20(1):86-89
大国国内区域贸易与国际贸易关系主要表现在两个方面:一是国内区域贸易与国际贸易存在一定程度上的相互替代的关系;二是国内区域贸易与国际贸易存在相互促进的关系,发展国内区域贸易能提升大国在国际经济中的竞争力。  相似文献   

To date, no satisfactory account of the connection between natural‐scientific and historical explanation has been given, and philosophers seem to have largely given up on the problem. This paper is an attempt to resolve this old issue and to sort out and clarify some areas of historical explanation by developing and applying a method that will be called “pragmatic explication” involving the construction of definitions that are justified on pragmatic grounds. Explanations in general can be divided into “dynamic” and “static” explanations, which are those that essentially require relations across time and those that do not, respectively. The problem of assimilating historical explanations concerns dynamic explanation, so a general analysis of dynamic explanation that captures both the structure of natural‐scientific and historical explanation is offered. This is done in three stages: In the first stage, pragmatic explication is introduced and compared to other philosophical methods of explication. In the second stage pragmatic explication is used to tie together a series of definitions that are introduced in order to establish an account of explanation. This involves an investigation of the conditions that play the role in historiography that laws and statistical regularities play in the natural sciences. The essay argues that in the natural sciences, as well as in history, the model of explanation presented represents the aims and overarching structure of actual causal explanations offered in those disciplines. In the third stage the system arrived at in the preceding stage is filled in with conditions available to and relevant for historical inquiry. Further, the nature and treatment of causes in history and everyday life are explored and related to the system being proposed. This in turn makes room for a view connecting aspects of historical explanation and what we generally take to be causal relations.  相似文献   

健康城市化:新的发展理念及其政策含义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈明星  叶超 《人文地理》2011,26(2):56-61
我国城市化已进入一个新阶段,高速推进的城市化面临许多突出问题。在研究和政策方面也陷入困境,对未来城市化发展取向和道路认识不一。本文提出健康城市化的发展理念。它有3个理论来源:健康观的演变与系统健康科学的兴起,发展观的演变与人类发展指数评价,人地关系演变与可持续发展理论。在归纳其对健康城市化的启示的基础上,界定了健康城市化的概念,明确提出三个内涵:人的发展、城乡互动、资源环境,并与传统城市化进行比较。相应的政策含义是:资源环境是城市化的基础,城乡协调和互动是城市化的关键环节,"人的发展"是城市化的出发点与最终目标。  相似文献   

Continuing debates over the role of interpretation in history and social science have recently been linked to a program to develop a cultural sociology, as distinct from a sociology of culture. Apart from a defense of the importance of culture and meaning, this effort aims to develop a form of “interpretive explanation,” though not simply by following Max Weber's similar project from nearly one hundred years ago. The book under review looks at different “epistemic modes” that aim to produce social knowledge, in order to show how interpretive explanation can combine the best of all the modes. Unfortunately, the book is beset by numerous theoretical problems, including a problematical understanding of the relations of fact and theory, hasty criticisms of examples of the different modes, and a reliance on metaphors that makes it impossible to do justice to the issues. The project of what I would call a “thick explanation” is worthwhile, but will have to be pursued in a more nuanced and careful way.  相似文献   

The current Chairman of the Editorial Board of Voprosy geografii [Problems of Geography], a respected Soviet periodical whose issues are devoted to special themes, surveys the publication's early history and future challenges. Analyzed are changes over the years in the journal's content, structure, duration of publication schedule, and frequency. Not only are volumes now smaller and published less frequently than before, but many contain articles which appear to be too small adequately to address their topics. Measures to address these problems and to increase the circulation in order to produce greater profitability are described, as are themes of forthcoming issues (translated by Jay K. Mitchell, PlanEcon, Inc., Washington, DC 20005).  相似文献   

This paper assesses the prospects for Soviet gas exports to Western Europe, analyzing both supply (domestic) factors, such as gas production, consumption, and transportation, and demand (foreign) factors such as gas demand and market share. This is done using a network allocation model of the Soviet gas pipeline network (for 1985, 1990, and 1995) and a country-by-country analysis of the gas market in Western Europe. In general, the outlook for increased gas exports to Western Europe, at least to the turn of the century, is rather bleak. This is mainly due to a relatively slower rate of growth of gas demand in Western Europe than projected earlier, coupled with overcontracting of gas supplies, because the USSR has enormous gas reserves, ample production, and no major pipeline bottlenecks restricting export volumes. Its huge pipeline construction program allows both domestic consumption and exports to be comfortably accommodated  相似文献   

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