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徐昕 《风景名胜》2014,(1):172-173
正带团的时候,我也常常会给客人们"加点",只是心境会大不相同。有人说,导游不都喜欢"加点"吗?因为"加点"有外快可赚啊!确实,"加点"曾经是导游收入的一项重要来源,但是在这背后,也有很多外人所不知道的故事。带爸妈出门旅行,他们最担心的就是我在设定的计划之外给他们"加点"。比如有一次我们在重庆,最后一天订的是中午的航班,十一点出发去机场。爸妈本想在酒店休整半天的,但是吃完早餐后,我觉得上午这两个小时也不能浪费了,便临时起意,带他们去坐长江索道。爸妈勉为其难地跟我坐完  相似文献   

maltose  卢超 《风景名胜》2011,(1):66-66
“不是每个人都有条件去环游地球、去海底旅行,宥于时间、经济等方面的原因,很多英雄壮举式的旅行都只能是遥不可及的梦想。但应该感谢自然或历史给我们国家的馈赠,它给我们留下了许多旅行之地。”  相似文献   

1954 年,鲁尼和杰克在伦敦街头闲逛,两人边走边抽着烟。这时突然下起雨,雨水落在鲁尼的烟头上,把烟淋熄了。他躲到房檐下重新点了烟,随口说道 :"要是能有雨天抽烟的工具该多好,这样烟就不会被浇灭了。"说者无心听者有意,杰克大叫起来 :"要是我们能发明一种可以在雨天抽烟的工具,那一定能赚不少钱!"两人一拍即合,开始研究起来,可试了许多办法都不成功。那天又下了雨,两人见外面的人都撑着伞,突发其想 :"要是能给烟也配上伞,问题不就解决了?"  相似文献   

正我有一个很"特别"的同学,他个子不高但很胖,一看就知道他是有力气的男孩。他最大的特点就是爱大笑。他遇到什么事都要大笑一下,哪怕是最老掉牙的笑话,他一样会狂笑不止。我想:如果给他听一个十分好笑的笑话,他估计要笑个十天十夜。记得有一次,我们在华必和吃饭,准备吃完饭后去上课,可突然旁边传来"砰"的一声响,我们还没反应过来发生了什么的时候,他便开始大笑起来,口中还未吃完的饭粒,全像机关枪一样射向我和我的碗里,自己也被噎着了,但他还在那傻笑。直到他爸爸拍了他一下,他才勉勉强强地收回笑容。另外,他的手脚也很不老实,总是闲不住。每次放学  相似文献   

我是一名刚刚毕业的高中生,可以说我的高中生活是"两耳不闻窗外事,一心只读圣贤书"。就算在平时的休息时间里,我也不愿关注纷繁复杂的国内外热点事件。但是,高考之后的漫长假期给了我充裕的思考时间,尤其在一段时间的旅行后,我逐渐意识到,在这个时代里我不可能和社会脱节,就算是像斯诺登泄密这一国际事件,也影响了我们的日常生活。  相似文献   

旅行永远是那么美好,而镜头里的旅行生活往往更是值得让自己留恋和回忆,当我们的旅行越来越丰富之后,镜头中的世界也变得更加奇妙。旅行的片段可以被无限放大,让我们的记忆更加深刻。  相似文献   

那年我29岁,人生好像到了一个重要关卡,必须作出个生死了断.我正纠结在生活意义的瓶颈里.我尝试去重新认识自己,也期待可以有重新的开始.年底,我与同样迷茫的丈夫一起辞去工作,准备到外面走走.我们希望以摄影换住宿的方式,给当地人拍摄家庭写真,换取住宿,竟然也顺利在美国转了一固.历经三个月时间,我们完成了自驾一万六干公里、穿越18个城市、游走9个国家公园、拜访并记录16个当地家庭的旅行,安全回来了.  相似文献   

Vihike 《中国国家旅游》2012,(10):164-165
Travel light,是当下逐渐流行起来的一种轻松的旅行方式。Coco Chanel曾经说:“只要四双鞋,我就能环游世界。”筛选最轻便实用的旅行装束,可以给行李和自身体轻松,心情也更能解去束缚。  相似文献   

<正>竺可桢对中国数千年气候变化进行了清晰的解答,对比一下欧洲史,我们也可以从中世纪欧洲的纷争中找到相应的证据。当我们把视野转向整个地球的气候史时,好莱坞倒可以给我们提供一些线索。  相似文献   

<正>我们脚下的土地中,隐藏着怎样绚烂的景观?人类在地下创造了怎样的奇迹?《旅游纵览》介绍过很多旅行专题,从"追寻最美星空"到"沙漠探险体验",从"坏天气好风景"到"鼻尖上的好空气",从"约会湿地候鸟"到"与非洲野生动物交朋友",涉及生态旅游领域的诸多方面,却从来没有以杂志里的某一个栏目名称命题作文过。本期,编辑们直接从"深度涉足"这四个字中找到策划灵感。深度涉足,直观的字面解释就是在纵向的深度上去发掘旅行的目的地。也许喜爱旅行的你早已尝试了种种有关挑战高空、深海、远山、丛林的冒险,乘热气  相似文献   

基于低碳旅游的旅游业碳排放测度方法研讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
谢园方  赵媛 《人文地理》2012,26(1):147-151
随着低碳理念的出现和发展,低碳旅游已经成为旅游业发展的共同方向。测算旅游业碳排放是低碳旅游发展的关键步骤,但国内关于旅游业碳排放测度的研究仍处于起步阶段。本文基于国内外相关文献研究,将目前国外旅游业碳排放测度研究分为旅游产业碳排放测度和旅游地碳排放测度两大类,并分别结合国外研究案例对这两大类碳排放测度方法进行总结和分析。最后分析了国际经验对我国旅游业碳排放测度的适用性,并针对我国旅游业碳排放研究现状进行了思考。  相似文献   

In order to explore the possibility that intramolecular differences in the δ13C value of bone collagen can provide useful infomation for isotopic dietary analysis, a method for reliably measuring the δ13C value of the peptide-bonded carboxyl carbons in collagen was developed and applied to a wide range of modem and ancient species, including humans. Carboxyl carbons were selectively removed as CO2 by decarboxylation of collagen hydrolysates with ninhydrin (2,2-dihydroxy-l,3-indanedione). Carboxyl carbons were usually isotopically heavier than the total carbon in the collagen, with differences ranging from -0.9 to 4.0%c. Animals at higher trophic levels and with more positive δ15N values usually had smaller differences than the lower animals while humans had the largest range, reflecting their larger range of diets.  相似文献   

韩元军  吴普 《人文地理》2016,31(4):127-134
本文借鉴"旅游消费剥离系数"概念构建了京津冀地区旅游业碳排放量的计算方法,并对京津冀三省份的旅游碳排放指标进行了比较分析。研究表明:2010-2012年京津冀地区的旅游碳排放总量持续攀升,从591.018万吨增加到696.3万吨,而旅游者的人均碳排放总量持续递减;2010-2012年北京市旅游业碳排放总量均排名首位,河北省始终最低,但是增长势头迅猛;从人均总量对比情况看,2010-2012年河北旅游业碳排放人均总量在京津冀中最低,同时,北京人均总量却是最高的,2010-2012年京津冀地区中只有北京的人均总量逐年下降,天津旅游业碳排放量人均总量呈现倒U型变化特征,而河北呈现持续上升特征。未来京津冀地区需要从节能减排行动纲要制定、企业节能技术创新等方面推进旅游节能减排工作。  相似文献   

This study examines the feasibility of using oxygen isotope analysis of tooth carbonate to identify immigrants from the New Kingdom site of Tombos in Nubia (n = 30). In comparison with published data, the results (δ18Oca,VSMOW = 31.4‰) imply a substantial presence of immigrants. However, further analysis of these data strongly suggests the need to consider hydrological and cultural factors such as the contribution of aquifer waters to the Nile, use of groundwater sources, and differences in handling and storage of water. The carbon isotope analysis, in conjunction with published 87Sr/86Sr data, provides additional support for the presence of immigrants at Tombos.  相似文献   

This study explores the potential of carbon and oxygen isotope data from human enamel carbonate (n = 50) to contribute to mobility studies in the Caribbean. Most oxygen and carbon isotope results display limited variation, with substantial overlap between islands. However, a few individuals from El Chorro de Maíta, Cuba possess relatively low δ18O and high δ13C. Two of these individuals were previously identified as possible non‐Antillean immigrants on the basis of strontium isotopes, and bioarchaeological and mortuary evidence. The carbon and oxygen isotope results provide additional evidence supporting the proposed non‐local origins of these individuals and contribute to explorations of their potential natal origins.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of stable isotopic analyses conducted upon animal and human bones recovered from Yarnton, Oxfordshire. Spanning the Neolithic to Saxon periods, it is in many ways a typical site, but is unusual in that a small Middle Iron Age cemetery was discovered.
All of the data presented here lie within the expected isotopic ranges for the European Holocene, although both faunal and animal δ15N values are higher than is commonly found. The faunal data show the expected pattern for the animals studied (horse, cattle, sheep/goat, pig and dog), with pigs being more omnivorous than ruminants, and dogs eating an isotopically similar diet to humans. The animals' diets had higher δ15N values during the Roman period as compared to the Iron Age, although it is unclear if this reflects an environmental change or alteration in animal management practices. Despite the site's riverine location, there is no isotopic evidence for fish consumption. No distinctions were found based on gender or burial position within the Iron Age cemetery. Age-based distinctions were found in δ13C values, although these cannot be fully explained. As expected, infants have a higher nitrogen isotopic value than other individuals, reflecting the consumption of their mother's milk.  相似文献   

We characterize the evolution of U.S. carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions using an index number decomposition technique which partitions the 1963–2008 growth of states’ energy‐related CO2 into changes in five driving factors: the emission intensity of energy use, the energy intensity of economic activity, the composition of states’ output, per capita income and population. Compositional change and declining energy intensity attenuate emissions growth, but their impacts are offset by increasing population and income. Despite absolute interstate divergence in both emissions and their precursors, states’ emission‐ and energy intensities—and ultimately, CO2—appear to be stochastically converging. We assess the implications of these trends using a novel vector autoregression (VAR) emission forecasting technique based on our index numbers. The resulting emission projections are comparable to, but generally exceed, those forecast by the 2010 EIA Annual Energy Outlook.  相似文献   

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