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奎子 《风景名胜》2013,(1):134-141,14
你向往过北国苍茫大地,千里冰封,万里雪飘的美景吗?你想象过山林小木屋积压着厚厚白雪的童话国度吗?你想不想在寒冬雪夜,坐在温暖的炕头,嗑着瓜子和好友唠唠嗑?那就带上她去北方吧,去领略银妆素裹的仙镜,去感受童话般的冬天,去体验冰火两重天的温泉,去堆雪人,打雪仗,坐雪橇,品尝东北的绝美佳肴,马上行动起来,奔赴北国开始冰雪之约……  相似文献   

1914年,蒋介石曾经有过一次鲜为人知的东北之行。抗战胜利后,蒋介石在复员整军会议上的演讲中说:"记得我在民国三年到东北去考察的时候……我在日本人的掩护招待之下,在东北的满洲里、哈尔滨、长春等地,住了三个月。"那么他当年为什么要到东北,在东北又做了些什么,于他的人生又有什么作用,以至让他在事过30年后还念念不忘呢?  相似文献   

1914年,蒋介石曾有过一次鲜为人知的东北之行。抗战胜利后,蒋介石在复员整军会议上的演讲中说:"记得我在民国三年到东北去考察的时候……我在日本人的掩护招待之下,在东北的满洲里、哈尔滨、长春等地,住了三个月。"那么他当年为什么要到东北,在东北又做了些什么,于他的人生又有什么作用,以致让他在事过30年后还念念不忘呢?受命1913年,孙中山发动了反对袁世凯的"二次革命",终因力量悬殊以致革命失败,孙中山、黄兴、  相似文献   

<正>哈尔滨这座历经百年的年轻城市,在它暂短的发展历程中建有许多样式丰富,具有浓郁欧洲风格的宗教建筑以及气宇轩昂的中国寺庙。这些具有代表性、典型性的宗教建筑遗产,蕴含着很高的文物价值,已成为哈尔滨这座年轻城市独具魅力的城市景观和文化象征,同时也在宣传哈尔滨,发展哈尔  相似文献   

寒江 《旅游纵览》2016,(10):94-97
正离开美丽的黑河,继续在路上,向北极进发。总有人爱说,最美的风景在路上,一点儿也没错,大美黑龙江不再羞涩,肆无忌惮地向人们展示着壮美。美丽舒适的塔河位于大兴安岭中心地带的塔河县,应该比黑龙江许多平原地区的县城要富裕一些,从街面上那些光鲜的建筑上就可以看得出来。  相似文献   

Narrativism as a theory of historical depiction intuitively opens the question: what is left of reality when it is poured through the filter of language structures? And, extended a little bit further, questions arise: What is responsible for the final shape of a historical depiction? Is it experience or language? What is affecting what? Narrativism typically accuses language units of transforming experience in a specific way. However, even in asking these questions, the problem of the separation of experience from language and language from experience remains. In this article, I address this issue using Gadamer's hermeneutical frame. Wherever philosophical tradition insists on the separation of certain positions, Gadamer tries to show their ontological connections. For Gadamer, understanding is a basic ontological structure, within which both sides of a dialogue affect and constitute each other. In Gadamerian hermeneutical ontology, there is no “starting point” or first responsible position. In the understanding, dialogue has the permanently moving character of a play, where separate positions are erased. This Gadamerian view can also be applied to the question of language and experience and their mutual connection in depicting any experience via language. In Gadamer's example of the work of art, the original subject matter (Urbild) is articulated through its depiction. The subject matter dictates possible ways of depicting, which in turn dictate the final shape of depiction. In this article, I discuss Gadamer's term “articulation of the world,” by which he means a function of language. Articulation is simply a transformation of shapeless matter into a shape, and in our case it is a transformation of an experience into a language depiction. I show that the Gadamerian approach to language and experience can offer an interesting perspective on the issues discussed in reaction to narrativist philosophy of history.  相似文献   

The chronically mentally disabled (CMD) are seriously disadvantaged in the housing market by reason of disability and low socio-economic status. In many North American cities, the CMD are among the groups most vulnerable to homeiessness. Little attention has been paid to the housing situation and residential history of the CMD despite their supposed effects on coping ability and community tenure. This analysis of the residential experience of CMD clients in Hamilton, Ontario, is part of a larger study examining the factors affecting coping and satisfaction among the CMD in the community. The ghettoization of clients into board and care homes in the inner city is replicated in Hamilton. Serious disadvantage in the housing market is confirmed; clients frequently have to accept unsatisfactory living conditions despite repeated efforts to achieve improvements. In terms of residential mobility, two groups of clients are identified: the highly mobile and the more stable. The strongest predictors of mobility, education, and preference for independent living imply the effects of housing expectations and the difficulties associated with congregate living situations. Strong association is shown between housing satisfaction and composite indices of client coping in the community. Les clients psychiatriques (CP) ont des problèmes sérieux de logement pour des raisons d'incapacité et de statut inférieur au rang socio-économique. Dans plusieurs cités Nord-américaines, les CP sont parmi fes groupes les plus vulnérables dêtres sans logis. ll y a un manque d'égards envers les CP vis-à-vis la crise du logement et du dossier résidential, malgré leurs efforts prétendus de se débrouiller et de demeurer dans la communauté. Cette analyse d'expérience résidentielle de CP à Hamilton, Ontario, fait partie d'une plus grande étude qui examine les raisons qui influent sur la qualité de la vie parmi les CP de la communauté. Le phénomene de l'amalgamation des clients dans des pensions de famille au centre-ville est reproduit à Hamilton. Les problèmes sérieux de logement sont confirmés; les clients doivent souvent accepter des conditions de vie peu satisfaisantes, malgré les efforts répétés pour les améliorer. Au point de vue de la mobilité résidentielle deux groupes sont identifiés: les plus mobiles et les plus stables. fa plus grande correspondance de mobilité, d'éucation et de préférence pour la vie indé-pendante, donne à entendre fes effets d'espérance de logement et les difficultés associees avec une vie en groupes. ll y a une forte association entre la satisfaction du logement et les indices composés du client qui se débrouille dans la communauté.  相似文献   

目次一阎家岗遗址及动物骨骼圈状堆积的概况二国外旧石器时代居址材料与阎家岗遗址的比较三对动物骨骼圈状堆积的分析我国北方的旧石器时代遗址以洞穴遗址为主,许多遗址堆积巨厚,文化遗迹丰富,可以确定为古人类的居址。相对而言,旷野遗址的发现就少了许多,其中能被确定为人类居址的更是少之又少。进入旧石器时代晚期,由于人类适应自然的能力增强,过去很少发现旷野居址的俄罗斯、乌克兰等地,也大量涌现出各种类型的居址。但是与俄罗斯接邻的我国北方地区却几乎没有发现旷野居址。1982年开始发掘的哈尔滨阎家岗遗址,发现了两处由动物骨骼围成的圈状堆积,发掘者遂将该遗迹定为古人类营地遗址。这一重大发现受到了学术界的普遍关注,有赞成的,也有质疑的。赞同者主要从埋藏学的角度来支持他们的观点。不少学者在有关文  相似文献   

Experience and History: Phenomenological Perspectives on the Historical World presents the summa of David Carr's phenomenological approach to history. I acknowledge the value of this perspective, but I find it doubtful that a phenomenological account can replace the paradigms of memory and representation against which Carr pits it. The concept of historicity is, rather, complementary in that it alerts us to the prethematic presence of history. Phenomenologically, Carr's attempt to tie history closely to experience runs into problems as it is based on a questionable use of Husserl's notion of retention and risks blurring the distinct temporality of history. At the same time, the central concepts of Carr's approach, both experience and narrative, could be deployed in further ways. As literary scholars have come to emphasize, narrative triggers experiences in its readers. Thus, even if it is impossible to recreate the experiences of historical protagonists, narrative lends itself to giving readers a sense of the experiential dimension of the past. In this sense, narrative is not only a medium of representation, but also a means of presence.  相似文献   

While the migration of Africans is an age-old phenomenon, the most documented aspect has been rural-urban migration. Better life chances in the urban areas, compared with the rural areas compel the young and energetic rural people to migrate to the cities even if their chances of finding decent jobs are slim. In recent times, however, deteriorating national socio-economic and political conditions have made living conditions in African towns and cities as precarious as is in the countryside, and consequently the migrants' dream of better lives in the cities most often proves to be a mirage. These conditions and the increasing desire to make better lives for themselves have precipitated international migration among Africans. This paper argues that the unprecedented international migration among Africans should be seen as an extension of the rural-urban migration in quest for better opportunities. A sample of 149 Ghanaian immigrants in the Greater Toronto area was surveyed through a questionnaire. It appears that for most of them, their arrival in Canada has completed a series of step-wise moves which may have started from their home towns via the regional cities to the national capital and across the borders to a number of countries before arriving in Canada. The paper demonstrates, among other things, that stepwise migration characterizes the Ghanaian migration experience at both local and international levels. Bien que la migration des Africains soit un phénomène ancien, l'aspect le plus documenté a été la migration rurale-urbaine. Les meilleures chances de vie dans les régions urbaines, comparées avec régions rurales incitent les jeunes personnes énergiques des milieux ruraux à migrer aux villes, même s'il y a peu de chances que ces personnes trouvent des emplois de qualité. Ces dernières années, cependant, la dégradation des conditions socio-économiques et politiques nationales ont rendu les conditions de vie de villages et des grandes villes africaines aussi précaires qu'à la campagne, et par conséquent, le rêve d'une meilleure vie s'avére, la plupart du temps, un mirage. Ces condiitions et le désir grandissant d'une vie meilleure ont accéléré la migration internationale chez les Africains. Cet article soutient que la migration internationale sans précédent chez les Africains devrait être vue comme un prolongement de la migration rurale-urbaine en quête des meilleures chances. On a fait une enquête d'un échantillon de 149 immigrés Ghanéens dans la région de Toronto par questionnaire. II semble que, pour la plupart d'entre eux, leur arrivée au Canada ait terminé une série de mouvements graduels: de leurs villes natales via les villes régionales à la capitale nationale et, à travers les frontières, à beaucoup d'autres pays avant d'arriver au Canada. L'article démontre, entre autres choses, que la migration graduelle caractérise l'expérience au niveaux local et international.  相似文献   

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