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This paper takes a comparative look at urban geography in the German- and English-speaking academic communities, based on a critical reflection of publication activities, sub-disciplinary discourses and conceptual developments. It is argued that Anglophone discourses tend to embed urban research into a broad range of conceptual and theoretical frameworks, whereas many writings in German-speaking urban geography are committed to pursuing empirical studies and applied research, thereby producing planning studies and policy recommendations; only recently, studies inspired by the cultural turn have evolved that are also addressing urban topics. In both language communities, a certain body of geographical work can be detected that deals with core urban themes without evolving from a distinct ‘urban geography’ community. In this context, a mutual trans-national dialogue between cultural, social and urban geographies is considered helpful for better linking the two different language and academic communities. Accordingly, the paper provides suggestions on how to reconceptualize urban geography at the intersections of recent debates in both language contexts by highlighting specific theoretical approaches, policy linkages and methodologies.  相似文献   

Within Britain, geography as a discipline has been criticized recently for failing either to add to or teach knowledge about the world at large. Instead it has concentrated first at university and then in schools on spatial social science, with examples drawn overwhelmingly from the white Western world. The recent history of geography is reviewed to see why this should be the case. The end of regional integration, the end of the idiographic, and the divorce of physical and human geography are lamented. The ignorance of current students regarding world affairs is demonstrated. Wider influences on these trends such as the end of empire are discussed. The plight of other academic attempts to understand overseas cultures, such as area studies, is also examined. The paper concludes that for the sake of our social responsibility to education in its broadest sense, as much as for the sake of our disciplinary vested interests, we have to reinvest in integrating physical and human geography in regional settings, as our part of academe's response to the threat to area studies.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the place of geography in England in the 1940s in relation to debates over reconstruction. It focuses on the ways in which a particular sense of geographical citizenship was promoted around questions of landscape and the visual. The paper addresses the aesthetic geographies developed in relation to debates on planning and preservation, and shows how they embodied a particular social aesthetic. The relational definition of citizenship in contrast to an “anti-citizenship” is discussed in connection with legislative moves for national parks and open-air recreation. The place of physical geography as a cultural practice is addressed in relation to issues of coastal survey and field study. The paper concludes by connecting these geographical imaginations into broader movements for visual education and the promotion of principles of design in modern life.  相似文献   

国内外女性主义地理学研究述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
后现代思潮背景下,性别研究在人文科学领域越来越重要。性别不只是关于个体身份的自然属性,更是一种映射社会变革、社会不平等和反抗特权的社会关系。本文梳理国内外女性主义研究的相关文献,具体从女性主义地理学理论渊源、西方女性主义地理学和中国本土女性主义地理学等三方面对女性主义地理研究进行综述。较之于国外同行,国内女性主义地理学研究仍显单薄,多数是采借和沿袭西方的相关理论进而通过特定案例加以印证(佐证),某种意义上是对西方同行的回应性研究。未来的我国女性主义地理研究,需要关注三个问题:从我国传统文化女性发展理论中吸取营养;聚焦女性日常生活世界领域的实践逻辑;女性作为能动者的个体和自组织的集体智慧需要引起注意。  相似文献   

本文从城市社会地理学的社会-生活空间质量观的视角、结合国外相关研究文献,首次系统地分析了国外对空间剥夺以及城市社区资源剥夺研究的现状、内容,及其所涉及的相关学科以及在此基础上所形成的研究理念、流派、原理与方法。总结了这一研究命题对城市管理、城市规划、社区规划与商娱场所空间布局的指导意义,以期为国内的相关研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

In geography and environmental studies, the subjective and objective are often pitted one against the other, and we are often required to divorce the personal and anecdotal from our formal production of knowledge. I question the sense of this practice. First, I examine a method of self-exploration, known as memory work. I then describe how this method can be used in teaching and research to help us explore how we make and give meaning to place. Beyond these concerns, I also discuss some of the links between memory work and the conception of subjectivity and place in geography and environmental studies. Finally, I comment on how both memory and the language in which we couch our experiences are central concerns for geographers and environmental scholars wishing to effect social change.  相似文献   

Geography: a different sort of discipline?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Debate continues about the inter-relationships between human and physical geography and their different research and publication practices. Relatively little data about these are available, however. Using an analysis of all publications submitted by UK geographers to the 2001 Research Assessment Exercise, this paper identifies a substantial difference between human and physical geographers in their publication strategies. Most physical geographers place their research papers in specialized inter-disciplinary journals and make relatively little use of geography outlets: most human geographers, on the other hand, publish in geography journals. Comparisons with other disciplines – in the earth and environmental and social sciences respectively – also identify differences between geographers and their peers. The overall conclusion is that, with regard to research and publication at least, UK geography cannot be presented as a single academic community with strong internal ties, but rather as a conglomerate of separate communities writing for different audiences.  相似文献   

流动儿童正在成为一个重要的研究主题和现实话题,但对其地方感学界缺乏关注。本文以上海市主要服务流动儿童的X社区儿童服务中心为例,综合运用感知地图、深度访谈和参与式观察等质性研究方法,探究流动儿童地方感的特征与形成机制。流动儿童地方感存在社区与上海、市区与郊区和对地方的态度三个维度的差异;流动儿童对家的认知包括认同、迷失和流动三种,流动儿童地方感是基于亲人、朋友和其他社会网络所建立的,涉及多地方的,不断发展变化的积极地方感;流动儿童地方感的形成受到社会环境和自然环境的共同影响,受政府权力影响的X中心、家庭和学校,以及智能设备和自然环境是五个直接影响流动儿童地方感的因素,流动儿童的主观能动性也会重塑其地方感。从地理视角研究流动儿童具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。  相似文献   

中国政治地理学研究展望   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
相对于人文地理学的其他几个主要分支学科而言,政治地理学在中国发展缓慢。本文认为这主要不是由于中国缺乏政治地理研究的素材,也不单纯是由于中国缺乏研究政治的环境。从学科的角度看,有四个方面的原因束缚了政治地理学在中国的发展:地理学分析尺度的下移、建设性实证研究的缺乏、相关学科理论支持不足和地理学本身"远离政治"的惯性影响。本文在粗略梳理了西方政治地理学发展脉络的基础上,通过对比分析,提出了中国政治地理学发展的三个方向:城市政治地理、地方政治地理和新地缘政治学,期待中国政治地理多尺度、多样化的实证研究尽快展开。  相似文献   

当代国外对城市生活空间评价与社区规划的研究   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:12  
西方发达国家20世纪70年代以后陆续进入后工业化阶段,城市的空间问题主要涉及到社会空间方面。地理学对其研究的核心是在探讨城市社会-生活空间结构的基础上,准确地理解、判识生活空间的质量与类型,并通过规划制定出社会-生活区域治理对策,以提高城市空间(社区)的生活质量为最终目的。对以上命题的探索涉及到当代社会地理学、城市地理学以及在此基础上产生的城市社会地理学前沿性研究。本文从综合理念与研究模式的角度,概括当代西方国家地理学对其的探索现状、研究内容、运用的方法论以及代表成果类型。  相似文献   

地方感是人文地理学人文社会转向的一个重要研究领域,国外已经构建了比较完善的地方感框架,国内对地方感的研究也日益兴盛。论文在文献回顾的基础上,阐述了地方感的维度及层次划分,分析了地方感的形成机理及影响因素,总结了地方感的研究方法和研究对象,同时指出我国的地方感进一步研究在理论建构上应加强地方感的维度、尺度、层次和过程的类型化研究,学科视角上应将地方感引入管理学、社会学和心理学等相关学科,研究方法上应突出可视化的表达和混合方法,研究对象和案例地的选择上应进一步扩大研究案例和研究主体,在大量实证研究基础上构建中国特色的地方感研究理论与方法体系。  相似文献   

地方感指人与地方的情感关联,是地理学特别是人文主义地理学的关键概念。快速城镇化使得“地方”剧变,地方感也变得复杂多样,多元主体的地方感形成机制值得探讨。本文基于人文主义地理学视角,选取江苏省如皋市东大街为典型案例,通过实地调研,运用半结构化访谈等方法,将不同主体的地方感归纳为三类:根植型、创造型和关怀型。老年原住民形成了根植型地方感,其重点在血缘联结、归属感、身份认同;沿街商户生成了创造型地方感,主要涉及美学、经验与私人空间等;虽从地方抽离但仍与地方保持着积极情感纽带的“乡邻”们则形成了关怀型地方感,主要涉及关注、社会互动、熟悉等。借助案例剖析和质性研究方法,本文对地方感多元类型和形成机制的深入探讨将有助于理解地方感的多态性和分异性。  相似文献   

Recent commentary on future research directions for legal geography highlights the need for studies that are historically grounded and focused on human–environment interactions in rural settings. As a current, controversial land use in Australia, unconventional gas (UG) development provides an ideal lens through which researchers can investigate these themes. Utilising emerging international literature and current Australian examples, this paper surveys major trends in the Australian literature relating to UG, before exploring some of the ways in which Australian legal geographers might contribute constructively to community debates around this resource. Seeking to encourage further analysis, this paper contributes to this developing literature by focusing on two key areas: the various legal actors involved in UG development in Australia (including their regulatory choices, spatial interpretations, expertise, and influence) and the implications for legal geography where attempts are made to establish ‘social licence’ through contractual arrangements between industry and individual landholders. This article also delves into the place of Indigenous Australians in relation to UG extraction and the questions this resource raises about land use conflicts in Australia more generally – offering suggestions for comparative international studies and further critique at the domestic level.  相似文献   

Although Torsten Hägerstrand is not known primarily as a landscape geographer, he made significant contributions to the understanding of landscape in Swedish geography. This paper argues that Hägerstrand examined the importance of representation for the understanding of landscape as place and territory, which is a key ingredient in current engagements with landscape within (Nordic) geography and the broader European political context. The current debate on landscape, however, reaches beyond Hägerstrand's rather “scientistic” approach and brings out a stronger sense of the cultural, social and political powers conveyed by landscape and representation. We show that this is made explicit in recent scholarly work on the so‐called substantive landscape. The paper also provides an introduction to the essays of this theme issue, which reflects a selection of the landscape research presented at the Inaugural Meeting of Nordic Geographers at Lund, Sweden, in May 2005.  相似文献   

Questioning Québec through social geography In the early 1960s, two revolutions were underway: the quiet revolution in Québec and the quantitative revolution in geography. Apparently unrelated, these episodes of change probably shared common underlying values associated with modernity. Since then, the transformations experienced in Québec have been interpreted in a multitude of ways, including geographical considerations. Research careers, mine included, have been shaped by this undertaking. All along, I have found that social geography, with the capacity it has to reinvent itself, has helped making sense of this turbulent environment. In the 1970s, exploring the structural dynamics of Canada's social space helped in figuring out the place occupied by Québec in this ensemble. Then, analyzing the historical relationships between cosmopolitan Montréal and provincial Québec City suggested that the oxymoron ‘quiet revolution’ stood for a central process in the cultural dynamics of Québec's social space, where new ideas arriving through Montréal are sifted and institutionalized by the state in Québec City. Nevertheless, Québec City is also capable of initiating progressive urban movements, as illustrated by the odyssey of the Rassemblement populaire de Québec, documented through participant observation. Such urban movements may affect the urban fabric but, as intense and creative social networks, they may affect even more their interacting members, as it seems to have been the case with regard to rapidly evolving gender relations during the last decades. All in all, after more than four decades, I keep the conviction that a practice of social geography that is open to various theories and methods is capable of producing liberating knowledge.  相似文献   

Examining Gender and Community Through Critical Pedagogy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A growing body of literature in critical geography challenges authoritative approaches to the production (and consumption) of knowledge in higher education. Feminist perspectives have contributed to this literature by emphasising the multiple and often conflicting voices of subjects, including those within the classroom. This paper draws from critical and feminist pedagogy in geography to examine student engagement with gender issues in the community. The case study for this analysis is a project in which students volunteer at community organisations and construct their own knowledges of social and political issues.  相似文献   

乡愁涉及空间和地方,且与人之情感密切关联,故关于乡愁的研究与地理学密切相关。文化的重要功能之一就是指引人们的空间实践。文化地理学的任务之一则是从文化上理解和评判空间和地方的现象。本文分析立场是人文主义地理学,以及由之派生的道德地理学。本文从空间和地方两个维度分析乡愁的背后的道德,并列举了较为成功的乡愁实践案例。归纳出的结论有三:第一,乡愁的道德具有大小、距离、移动性的空间维度。第二,乡愁的道德具有身体层面、经验层面和社会建构层面的地方性质。第三,无论是空间道德评价还是地方道德评价,都在回答对自己、对他者、对自然的态度,在评判留住乡愁的空间规划实践是否"合理"。本文最后提出了文化地理学关于乡愁空间道德和地方道德的分析框架,以供读者讨论。  相似文献   

旅游小企业与旅游地社会文化变迁:阳朔西街案例   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
保继刚  邱继勤 《人文地理》2006,21(2):1-4,54
本文以阳朔西街的旅游小企业为例对旅游小企业与旅游地社会文化变迁的关系进行了具体分析。论文首先研究了西街旅游业发展以后产生的种种社会文化变迁的现象,在此基础上分析了西街的旅游小企业在旅游地的社会文化变迁中所发挥的作用:西街旅游小企业的经营内容之一就是中西方文化的交流;旅游小企业的从业人员成为社区社会文化变迁的先锋人群;西街旅游小企业是当地居民与外来游客进行交流或沟通的一个平台。最终文章得出旅游小企业的存在直接促进或加速了社区的这种社会文化变迁的研究结论。  相似文献   

金融地理学的研究日益受到关注,其中地理学和经济学领域的学者参与最多。但不同的学科渊源和研究传统,使两者在研究领域、研究方法方面各有特点,差异明显。自理论渊源看,地理学的研究始于20世纪70年代的马克思主义地理学,而经济学的研究可追溯到古典区位论和循环累积因果论。地理学的研究,注重探讨区位和地方对金融交易和金融运行的影响,受政治经济学传统和文化转向的影响,特别关注金融系统发展的不平等效应和金融空间中的社会、文化因素;经济学研究主要致力于探讨货币和金融系统对区域发展影响的非中性,特别关注地理距离对信用获得的影响。地理学的研究定性研究较多,并擅长借鉴其他学科的理论和方法;经济学的研究专注简化,以计量分析为主。新出现的金融化经济体系或金融主导的增长体系迫切需要经济地理学开展研究。相互借鉴和整合可推动金融地理学的发展。  相似文献   

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