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Recent years have seen the Israeli state investing considerable efforts in the alleviation of unprecedentedly high inter-regional inequalities. Improved transportation networks intended to better connect peripheral residents to centrally located opportunities have been at the heart of this policy known as ‘periphery cancellation’. In this article, we study strategies deployed by young peripherals as they engage with the statist call for enhanced mobility between regions. Drawing on qualitative research conducted at ‘A Center for the Young’ in a small town in the predominantly rural Upper Galilee, we examine the extent to which young adults negotiate the recent state-led mobility turn. Taking a critical nobilities approach, we argue that statist aspirations of mobilizing peripherals to central hubs collide with socio-spatial constraints faced by many young residents. The official call for mobility is frequently met by a sense of spatial (im)mobility articulated by young agents who deploy instead alternative strategies to achieve socio-spatial mobility. Termed refusal, circulation, and refuge, these strategies draw on notions of peripheral stagnation, attributed to both state policies that have long marginalized the area as well as rooted conventions about the social and cultural inertia of peripheral residents. These strategies, we contend, widen existing inequalities between central haves and peripheral have nots while solidifying a sense of socio-spatial disenfranchisement among many of its young inhabitants.  相似文献   

In Sri Lanka, gender and national identities intersect to shape people's mobility and security in the context of conflict. This article aims to illustrate the gendered processes of identity construction in the context of competing militarised nationalisms. We contend that a feminist approach is crucial, and that gender analysis alone is insufficient. Gender cannot be considered analytically independent from nationalism or ethno‐national identities because competing Tamil and Sinhala nationalist discourses produce particular gender identities and relations. Fraught and cross‐cutting relations of gender, nation, class and location shape people's movement, safety and potential for displacement. In the conflict‐ridden areas of Sri Lanka's North and East during 1999–2000, we set out to examine relations of gender and nation within the context of conflict. Our specific aim in this article is to analyse the ways in which certain identities are performed, on one hand, and subverted through premeditated performances of national identity on the other hand. We examine these processes at three sites—shrines, roads and people's bodies. Each is a strategic site of security/insecurity, depending on one's gender and ethno‐national identity, as well as geographical location.  相似文献   

The book under review here,which is a continuation of Sabine Dabringhaus's last book,Geschichte Chinas:1279-1949 (History of China:1279-i949,Munich:Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag,2009),does not aim to simply describe modern China nor to provide a simple list of historical events,rather,it aims to provide an understanding of China in the twentieth century.Dabringhaus ingeniously incorporates this "huge challenge" within a framework that distinguishes ten "distinctive periods" within the time span of the book,and addresses "aspects of continuity," including "the connection of the Chinese system of government to the ideological beliefs of China,its dominating leadership of political elites,and its nationwide bureaucratic control" (p.9).  相似文献   

Verglichen mit vielen anderen, auch europ?ischen L?ndern, existiert in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland seit vielen Jahren ein ausgeklügeltes und komplexes System der Raumordung. Seit den ersten Anf?ngen hat sich viel ver?ndert. DIPL.-GEOGR. UTE C. BAUER sprach mit PROF. DR. DIETRICH FüRST, früher Professor für Landesplanung und Regionalforschung an der Universit?t Hannover, über den Wandel, den die Raumordnung in den letzten Jahrzehnten durchgemacht hat. Als Experte für Regionalentwicklung und -?konomie erl?utert er die wichtigsten Tendenzen und Aufgaben, denen sich die Disziplin heute stellen mu?.  相似文献   

Jan Swammerdam was one of the first scientists to do biological research on the basis of physico-theology. He was a very religious man and thought that by studying the secrets of nature he could best serve the Almighty God. He saw his life's work in demostrating the importance of God in the world of the smallest animals. The most important works of Swammerdam refer to the world of the insects and other lower animals, which he called the ?legions of the God of Israel”?, through which God tells mankind to recognize their sins, to desist from them and to honour him with greater humility. ?The miracles of nature”? he said ?are an open bible, which everywhere points to God as its eternal origin.”? This is one of the reasons for the title of the work Biblia naturae. It was Swammerdam's declared aim to demonstrate that the insects were no less perfect than the higher animals. Therefore, he tried to refute all three arguments used by his contemporaries to show up the difference between the higher animals and the insects: 1. insects were believed to have no inner anatomy; 2. they were thought to originate by spontanous generation; 3. development occurred through ?metamorphosis”?. Swammerdam succeeded in refuting all three arguments by exact studies of the nature and development of the insects. Most important for him was his aim to demonstrate that even the structure and the development of the smallest of animals demonstrate that they could only be made by God himself. Science as God's worship must be strictly objective, he said, because only than could one understand the laws of nature and in this way the real nature of God himself.  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung  相似文献   

Verglichen mit vielen anderen, auch europ?ischen L?ndern, existiert in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland seit vielen Jahren ein ausgeklügeltes und komplexes System der Raumordung. Seit den ersten Anf?ngen hat sich viel ver?ndert. DIPL.-GEOGR. UTE C. BAUER sprach mit PROF. DR. DIETRICH FüRST, früher Professor für Landesplanung und Regionalforschung an der Universit?t Hannover, über den Wandel, den die Raumordnung in den letzten Jahrzehnten durchgemacht hat. Als Experte für Regionalentwicklung und -?konomie erl?utert er die wichtigsten Tendenzen und Aufgaben, denen sich die Disziplin heute stellen mu?.  相似文献   


Building on the recent interest among labor geographers for workers’ ability to strategize around their mobility, and tourism researchers’ longstanding examination of mobile tourism workers, this paper explores the mobility agency of differently positioned hospitality workers. The findings suggest that workers are not always ‘strategic’ in relation to labor mobility, and that labor mobility and career paths must be recognized as fragmented, happenstance and erratic. Furthermore, this article argues for an approach to the study of mobile tourism workers that takes the relational as well as temporal aspects into account. This endeavor is in particular guided by the notion of stories-so-far and the understanding of people as both being and becoming. The empirical basis of this paper consists of 22 interviews with hospitality workers in four hotel workplaces in Sweden; the luxury city hotel, the suburban chain hotel, the city chain hotel and the seasonal hotel. Ultimately, I suggest that the multifaceted complex of considerations which workers negotiate, could be conceptualized as the relational spaces of labor (im)mobility.  相似文献   

The study focuses on the development of pharmacopoeas during the early modern time. First, the >Nouvo Receptario< of 1499 came out in Florence as the first printed pharmacopoea of a north‐Italian town, edited by the guild of medicins and apothercaries. Following trading routes the idea of >pharmacopoea< arrived in Nuremberg, where the counsil of the town asked the humanist Valerius Cordus to prepare such a book. Printed in 1546, it quickly became the standard in preparing medicines for other towns in southern Germany. At Augsburg, a wealthy and powerful town, the physicians wrote their own pharmacopoea which was printed in 1564. The comparison of the three pharmacopoeas shows that its printing depended on the social stucture and the financial aspects of each town. But even if the apothecaries, the doctors or the mayors were trained in the humanistic tradtion, the materia medica still continued in the arabic tradition, i.e. the old drugs and preparations remained in these pharmacopoeas, probably for financial reasons.  相似文献   

Drawing upon Robyn Longhurst's recent research on the embodied experiences of pregnant women in public places and her own empirical research on agoraphobia (fear and avoidance of social space), the author investigates the commonalities and possible synergies between the phenomenology of these two apparently disparate conditions. She argues that both pregnancy and agoraphobia might usefully be understood in terms of an experiential intensification of the problems associated with maintaining a stable self-identity by women in contemporary Western society. In both cases, subjects experience a heightened awareness of socially problematic aspects of womanhood and raised sensitivity to the feeling of being 'out of place' in the social sphere.  相似文献   


First, how does Haggai “construct” the temple, i.e. what view does he hold of it, its function and its significance? The answer here is that, whatever the Second Temple actually was, Haggai does not construct it as a place of sacrifice, a house of prayer, a location of the presence of God, a pivot of the economic system of Judah, a focus of ethnic identity, etc., but as a treasury. It must be rebuilt because it is a shame (not “glory") for Yahweh not to have a “house” in which treasures of silver and gold belonging to him can be stored and exhibited (2,7–9). And this temple must be rebuilt quickly because of the imminent political‐military upheaval ("shaking") of the earth that will result in booty in large quantities arriving in Jerusalem.

Second, is there anything in the text of the book that undermines this “construction” of the temple? Yes, there is an underlying conflict in the text (amounting to a deconstruction) over the issue of honour Yahweh is dishonoured by the ruined state of the temple, but it is not the rebuilding of the temple that will bring him honour. Further, the designation of the Judaeans and the “work of their hands” as “unclean” (2,14) deconstructs the text's placing responsibility for the rebuilding in their hands. Further still, the sudden narrowing of focus to Zerubbabel in the closing verses of the book (2,20–23), and the unprepared designation of him as an eschatological king, deconstructs the prophecy's professed concern with the temple.

Third, can these deconstructionists be deployed in the service of a reconstruction? Here I use the axiom that texts exist in order to repress social conflicts. Yes, we can first reconstitute the social reality implied by the text: from the deconstruction over the issue of honour we can reconstruct the conflict between enthusiasts for temple rebuilding and resisters. From the deconstruction over cleanness and uncleanness we can reconstruct the conflict between the leadership and the proletariat. From the deconstruction regarding Zerubbabel we can reconstruct the political conflict over the governorship.

And yes, we can secondly “construct” the social reality created by the reading of the text today. Here we can see how the reading of the text by biblical scholars functions as a repression of conflicts of interest and ideology among different groups of readers, and how the deconstructability of the text can serve to bring such conflict to consciousness.  相似文献   


Die Wörter in Deut 26,5 werden in der Pæsach Haggada transitiv verstanden. Für unsere gewöhnliche intransitive Lesung gibt es keine klaren Belege vor der Zeit Ibn Ezras. Es ist schwierig, eìne Situation in der Geschichte Israels zu finden, wo die intransitive Lesung verständlich ist Hier prüfe ich, das Problem umzukehren. Von der Hypothese ausgehend, daß die transitive Lesung die primäre ist suche ich die Voraussetzungen für die Entstehung der intransitiven Lesung.  相似文献   

This article explores the many more-than-human actors involved in crafting migrant (im)mobility across the Alps and the racialised (re)production of the borderscape as what I call a whitescape. Using cycling and hiking as embodied and mobile methodologies of encounter it examines the entanglement of landscapes, terrains, gradients, weather, water, and forests, alongside transport and tourist infrastructures: roads, railways, tunnels, bus routes, ski slopes, golf courses, hiking trails and cycling tracks in shaping how illegalised migrants encounter the Alpine Susa Valley/Hautes-Alpes border routes and how these ecologies are made political. Drawing on the work of Juanita Sundberg the article makes the case for posthumanism and political ecology in the study of borderscapes and illegalised migrant (im)mobility, while being sensitive to the racist dynamics of the nature/culture divide present in much posthumanist and political ecology scholarship. Therefore, while the article makes space for the role of more-than-human actors in borderscapes it also highlights the racialising work of these more-than-human entanglements in the following ways: through perpetuating dualist ontologies of nature/culture or nature/human from which illegalised migrants are linked to the natural, read pre-modern, world; and through producing illegalised migrants as ‘bodies-out-of-place’ in a political ecology that is concomitantly (re)produced as a whitescape.  相似文献   

Standort - Im Alter nimmt das Quartier aufgrund geringerer Aktionsradien an Bedeutung zu. Der Beitrag befasst sich mit der Frage, welche Besonderheiten sich bei Senioren-Haushalten im Hinblick auf...  相似文献   

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