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《Modern Italy》2013,18(1)

初来乍到,观海天一色就像美国人的一天离不开飞驰的车轮,塞班的一天离不开蔚蓝的大海.我们开着吉普车行驶在塞班的公路上,道路两旁满是油绿的凤凰树、椰子树.据说在二战期间,塞班岛被日军轰炸得寸草不生,日本战败后,美军用飞机播撒种子,经过约60年的时间,岛上才又生机盎然起来.随着坡度越来越接近海平面,眼前突然出现一片蔚蓝,深蓝色的海配以淡蓝色的天,海天相接,点缀着形状各异的白云.我坐在副驾驶上,开一罐冰芒果汁,看着窗外的景色,享受这在路上的生活.  相似文献   

The14thDalaiLamaDaizinGyaco,overjoyedatreceivinghisNobelPrizeinNorway,cuppedhishandsinfrontwithmixedfeelingastowhomheshouldthank-BuddhaortheWest.Thathappenedinthelate1980s,atimefi11edwithsurprisingchangesintheworld:theonceformidablesuperpowepetheUSSRedisi…  相似文献   

Let's Not!     
Armand finds that Anuchin painted an overly dark picture of the future of geography in the Soviet Union. The issue of a unified geography versus two or more geographies is regarded by Armand as a fruitless terminological argument. He holds that geographers can make their research count increasingly in national planning by making more use of mathematical apparatus, familiarizing themselves with related technical disciplines, and by being bolder in making practical recommendations to policy makers.  相似文献   

ICAHM redivivus!     

The measures employed in a current Siberian rock art conservation project are briefly described; and preliminary results are examined. The future development of the project is considered, and specific noninterventionist methods are suggested in an effort to contain contamination of the rock art, and so to avoid the destruction of its remaining research potential. The main site among the series of sites being discussed has suffered extensive damage from rock art recorders, as well as intentional vandalism by residents of the district's villages. In view of the steepness of most of the sites, access modifications are considered to be the most effective measures of alleviating anthropic damage. A number of less serious threats can be mitigated by fairly simple measures of altering the conditions threatening the rock art. Such measures of minimal intervention are listed. Although the paper deals with a particular region, climate, demography and geology, the underlying management philosophy may be much more widely applicable.  相似文献   

Companies' community involvement turns out to be spatially relevant and–in many cases–to be focused on the near surroundings of the place of business. Some companies strategically align their involvement in order to systematically address local challenges. The essay at hand addresses the subject of corporate social responsibility from a local development perspective. Using the example of two family-owned enterprises based in Duisburg, Haniel and Grillo, it illustrates how socially committed companies can get involved with their local community by acting as good neighbours. Furthermore, it argues that socially committed companies can function as producers of space concerning matters of urban and local development. The specific local settings as well as the economic conditions of the local community serve as an explanatory background of the companies' involvement. The cases presented in this paper prove the firms' specific knowledge of local development needs and possibilities. This makes them qualified partners for local government actors and civil society actors. Thus, in the future, it is worth addressing corporate local responsibility from a governance point of view both in theory and in practice.  相似文献   

星球旋转 闪电跳跃,云霓舒卷 原子舞动 我们也随之起舞 从呱呱坠地后第一次踢腿,到人生最后一曲华尔兹,我们总是随内在的韵律和外在的乐声起舞.早在文字出现之前,人类就把舞蹈当作语言了.在以色列北部发现的一块3400年前的陶板上,就有男子手持鲁特琴跳舞的图像.  相似文献   

正Hello, Wuhan!In the news for days on end,Health workers across the land Hurry to you by the thousands,To share your pains And care for your wounds.Day and night they fight—The angels in white Fill your moat with blood running high;  相似文献   

A new sensitivity to the significance of historical experience has developed since the 2007 financial crisis. There are three possible ways of drawing on the past: as a source of advice on policies, of patterns of past evolution, of multiple possibilities. The best way of thinking about history is as a way of testing conventional hypotheses – particularly when those hypotheses are being used to create market opportunities (by making for false confidence; but also by engendering exaggerated despair).  相似文献   

Joe Brown先生是Edaw设计公司的行政总裁,作为一家总部设在美国的景观设计与城市规划设计公司,Edaw曾经参与洛杉矶、亚特兰大、盐湖城以及北京等奥运会的场地设计工作,据他所称,伦敦将为2012年奥运会斥资182亿美元,大部分的奥运场馆将建设在伦敦东区(主要是指HACKNEY、NEWHAM以及TOMER HAMLETS这三个区)的下利河古(Lowerleavalley)。  相似文献   

<正> 从瑞士的铁力士雪山下来,导游说下一站就是瑞士湖边小城卢塞恩。这立即让我想起来,有人形容卢塞恩"如诗如画",有人形容她"浪漫风雅",有人形容她"纯美宁静",而法国著名作家大仲马  相似文献   

不知情的人,永远不会觉得Hip这个词可以和伦敦搭上关系。对于刻板、循规蹈矩的伦敦人来说,只要一踏进这家酒店,骨子中的性感就会彻底被撩拨起来,这就是Sanderson。 1981年,世界上第一家精品酒店在伦敦出现,这间由国际知名设计师Nausea Hamper设计的Blakes酒店在伦敦的南辛顿开业,从此,行宫在全世界范围内遭遇革命。  相似文献   

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