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Economic geography is in a state of flux. This paper argues that there is a need to develop a relevant and theoretically informed economic geography. Some of the more difficult challenges facing both teachers and students are outlined, and the author describes how such difficulties have been tackled through an Enterprise in Higher Education initiative centering on innovative assessment procedures for group research projects. The project is evaluated in terms of potential gains to both staff and students.  相似文献   

Mark Melton published some important papers in the late 1950s that have had a significant influence upon the subsequent development of geomorphology. Two of these papers were published in the same journal in the same year, and have a similar number of total citations, and these are compared in this study. Although both papers present novel empirical findings and discuss innovative conceptual frameworks, the extent and manner to which they have been used within geography and geology differs quite markedly. This reveals marked differences in the conceptual frameworks and research priorities of the two groups of scientists, which may help explain why geomorphology has proceeded differently on the two sides of the Atlantic since the quantitative revolution.  相似文献   

The system of fixed book prices whereby publishers set the price customers pay at the bookstore is very common in Europe and, according to the European Parliament, it is a means of unique cultural importance. For this reason, it is considered to more than outweigh any negative effects on the economic efficiency of such regulations. The main conclusion of this article, however, is that it is quite hard to find convincing evidence, either theoretical or empirical, that fixed book pricing is better, even as a cultural means, than free book pricing.  相似文献   

王开队 《安徽史学》2011,(5):111-116
在区域史的学术语境下,现代历史地理学对于当前淮河流域史研究具有一定的启示。首先表现在学术理念上,动态时空理念有助于对历史时期淮河流域空间范围的把握,借鉴人地关系、关怀现实这些理念,不仅可以对历史时期淮河流域复杂的人地关系进行学术层面的探讨与研究,同时,对于当前淮河流域的社会经济发展和环境改善也具有现实意义。其次表现在治学方法上,空间要素的分析、综合、比较有助于揭示淮河流域作为一个独立历史地理单元存在的事实,而文献记载与野外考察相结合的方法则可以加深研究者对淮河流域历史与现实的理解。  相似文献   

Three realizations about developing an intercultural code of ethics for WAC that may be useful to the next series of discussions.
Résumé Trois réflexions au sujet d'un développement des valeurs inter-culturelles pour le CMA qui pourront servir aux séries des discussions qui suivent.

Resumen Tres reflexiones acerca de desarrollar un código de ética intercultural para WAC que pueda ser útil para la próxima serie de discusiones.


In this article the author suggests that the time has come to revise ideas on Tudor Green ware. He puts forward the suggestion that there was no such thing as a Tudor Green industry, and that it would be more appropriate to group together comparable ceramics from this region under the term Southern Whiteware.  相似文献   


Cardiovascular diseases increase with the age of the individual and as the world's population will have an increasing number of aged members by the year 2000, these diseases deserve special attention. The present state of our knowledge is reviewed, and the author concludes that there is only a single motto for the future: Prevention.  相似文献   

关于中国会展旅游的思考   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
应丽君 《旅游科学》2003,(1):10-12,20
本文通过对“金属旅游”的思考,提出了会展旅游是我国新型的旅游产品的观点,阐述了我国会展旅游产品的性质和特点,以期能为我国旅游企业和会展企业进一步开发和经营会展旅游产品提供有益参考。  相似文献   

Suganami, Hidemi, On the Causes of War
Kagan, Donald, On the Origins of War and the Preservation of Peace  相似文献   

Ian Lilley 《Archaeologies》2007,3(3):446-448
Mindful of the need to be productive, Ian was caught a bit off-guard by some basic differences of opinion that emerged, specifically concerning WAC’s responsibility to intervene in situations of human rights issues that concern cultural heritage. His own assumptions about the similarity of perspectives on this issue that he expected to find among WAC colleagues were discomforted and challenged by this. Upon reflection, he better understands the historical and contemporary reasons for these differences and took this to be a good lesson in unsettling our assumptions, which is probably what WAC is all about.
Résumé Conscient de la nécessité d'être productif, Ian s’est senti un peu pris au dépourvu par l’expression de points de vue largement différents, notamment au sujet de la responsabilité du CMA d'intervenir dans des situations touchant à l’héritage culturel et impliquant la question des Droits de l'Homme. L’idée qu’il se faisait d’une probable convergence d’opinion sur ce sujet parmi les collègues du CMA s’est ainsi trouvée largement mise en doute et fragilisée par ces désaccords. A la réflexion, il comprend mieux les fondements historiques et contemporains à l’origine de ces différences et considère qu’il s’agit d’une bonne expérience incitant à déconstruire nos hypothèses, en accord sans doute avec un certain esprit du CMA.

Resumen Preocupadp por la necesidad de ser productivo, Ian fue tomado por sorpresa por algunas diferencias de opiniones que surgieron, especificamente en relación a la responsabilidad del WAC de intervenir en situaciones de los derechos humanos en el tema del patrimonio cultural. Sus propias suposiciones acerca de la similitud de perspectivas que esperaba encontrar en colegas del CAM en este tema ,fueron incomodadas y cuestionadas por esto. Despues de reflexionar sobre el asunto, él comprende mejor las razones históricas y contemporáneas de esas diferencias y considera que es ésta una buena lección para desestabilizar nuestras suposiciones, algo que probablemente sea de lo que se trata el WAC.

This article examines critically the application of the developmental state concept to China. A conjuncture of specific political, socio‐economic and institutional processes, both internal and external, undermines the case for China as a developmental state. Against a back‐drop of intensifying global economic competition, intense rivalry between local economic actors for markets, resources and foreign investment not only produces contradictory developmental outcomes but also undermines the political and administrative capacity for fundamental social and economic transformation. The Chinese state is best understood as polymorphous, assuming multiple, complex forms and behaviours across time and space, and defying reduction to a unitary actor.  相似文献   

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