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爽人的秋风吹起来了,树上的果子甜起来了;早地里的包谷熟了,水田里的稻谷黄了,包谷稀饭吃不完了,阿傈僳吃白米饭了;爷爷收的鸡蛋无处装了,奶奶喂的肥猪关不下了,阿爹打来的兽皮无处挂了,阿妈挖来的药材装不下了;阿哥的新猎枪买回来了,阿姐的新裙子穿起来了;阿弟的收录机唱起来了,阿妹的手提琴拉起来了……党的新政策最合心了,阿傈僳的日子乐起来了!党的新政策最合心了(僳傈族)@李伍久~~  相似文献   

过去这些年,经济学的主流的确是更多地注重了效率而忽视了公平;更多地关注了改革方向的正确却忽视了过程的公正;更多地关注了民营资本的利益却忽视了更广大的民众的利益;更多地重视了市场化却忽视了民主化,或者说更多注重了经济变革却忽视了政治体制的变革  相似文献   

林美  路威平 《神州》2013,(2):103-103
[题记]:在高校学生管理工作的过程中,我发现,作为教育对象的大学生物质富裕的多了,精神富裕的少了;玩世不恭的多了,彬彬有礼的少了;混沌人世的多了,引领社会的少了;而作为教育工作者的教师们忙科研的多了,忙学生的少了;忙论文的多了,忙备课的少了;受学生指责的多了,受学生尊敬的少了……  相似文献   

陈洪澜 《史学月刊》2001,1(5):21-27
20世纪的科技发展,更新了史学家的史学观念,提升了历史学的科学性;扩大了历史学的研究领域,丰富了研究内容;引进了其他学科的研究方法,发展了史学方法论;开辟厂新的史学信息来源,增加了新的史料类型;改善了研究手段,繁荣了历史学的表现形式在20世纪科技发展的影响下,中国历史学获得了整体性的进步,不仅使历史学的学科性质发生了质的飞跃,而且也提升了历史学的价值与功能。  相似文献   

周密 《神州》2008,(2):92-97
"春天到了,百花竞放,西花厅的海棠花又盛开了,看花的主人已经走了,走了十二年了,离开了我们,他不再回来了。你不是喜欢海棠花吗?解放初期,你偶然看到这个海棠花盛开的院落,就爱上了海棠花,也就爱上了这个院落,选定这个院落,到这个盛开着海棠花的院落来居住。你住了二十六年了,我比你住得还长,现在已经是三十八年了。"  相似文献   

十三岁了,我拥有了一个自己的天空。我已不再天真,什么都变了,爱好变了,性情变了,思想也变了……  相似文献   

正春天,从遥远的地方走来了。她来到了梨树身边,用手指轻轻一点,一道白光闪过,梨树笑了,从他的树梢上开出了一朵朵洁白的梨花。她来到了草地上,坐了下来,对着小草吹了一口仙气,小草他脱掉了枯黄的大衣,穿上了嫩绿的春装,变得生机勃勃。  相似文献   

史念海教授是我国杰出的历史地理学家。他在将近 70年的学术生涯中 ,坚持“为世所用”的原则 ,努力从事中国历史地理学研究 ,并取得了重大的成就。他对中国历史地理学史进行了深入研究 ;发掘了中国历史地理学的社会功能 ;提出了文献记载与实地考察相结合的研究方法 ;促进了沿革地理学的发展 ;树立了黄河流域环境变迁研究的丰碑 ;开辟了历史农业地理研究的新领域 ;揭示了人口稠密地区形成和演变的内在机制 ;奠定了历史军事地理研究的基础 ;提高了历史文化地理研究的层次 ;对历史民族地理进行了独到的研究 ;对历史上的交通问题进行了系统探索 ;对陕西历史地理的研究取得了丰硕的成果 ;创立了中国古都学 ;阐明了地方志的价值 ;丰富了历史地图学的内容 ;创办了中国历史地理学的定期刊物 ;培养了历史地理学的研究队伍  相似文献   

人生被一串的希望支配着,希望成全了人生。因为一个人有希望,生命就有了交代,活着才觉得有意义,才感到有趣味;希望如一颗太阳,有了它就有了光,有了光就有了热,有了热才能发出活泼的生机;希望又如一泓溪水,流到了河,流到了江,  相似文献   

刘玉鹏 《神州》2013,(4):229-231
越南现行宪法对革新开放产生了深远的影响:该宪法进一步改善了越南的国家形象,为越南全方位走向世界架设了极其重要的桥梁;该宪法为建立新的经济模式奠定了法律基础;该宪法为越共长期执政提供了法律依据,为越南政治社会稳定提供了可靠保障;该宪法调动了越南人民建设国家的积极性,为经济社会发展提供了强大动力;新宪法强调了反对贪腐的重要性,为越南未来的稳定繁荣提供了不可或缺的法律保障。  相似文献   

The author views British Columbia as a typical newly developed industrial region of the advanced capitalist countries, in which stress is placed on the development of raw materials and semi-finished goods for the export market. The region's transportation, electric power, metallurgical and forest industries are reviewed in detail. High labor productivity and advanced technology are found to be typical of the development of British Columbia, whose experience is found applicable to parts of Siberia.  相似文献   

A number of settlement systems in Astrakhan' Oblast are defined on the basis of technological, administrative and service linkages within the North Caspian fishery industry. The industry is broken down into four successive stages in the production cycle: (1) fish harvesting; (2) primary processing and (3) production of semifinished products; (4) canning and caviar production. The settlement systems of the fish industry are characterized in terms of the significance of each production stage in the total output and in terms of the types of linkages in the production and distribution process (linkages within settlement systems, between systems, and shipments outside the oblast). Five systems are distinguished within Astrakhan' Oblast, each focused on a major processing center. The linkages are mapped, and the parameters of the systems are presented in a table.  相似文献   

为探索嘉峪关魏晋墓壁画色彩的保护,把魏晋墓18座已发掘墓葬中现阶段能参观的4座砖壁画墓划分为未开发组、研究性半开放组和完全性开放组进行研究。结果发现砖壁画色彩褪变的主要原因是游客参观时呼出的二氧化碳气体、水汽及人体产生的未知名气体等因素的影响,且水汽是最大的媒体介质。从而提出了进一步加强砖壁画保护措施。  相似文献   

为探究乾隆时期清宫内檐装修用掐丝珐琅与铜鎏金构件制造的传统工艺及其科学性,本研究采用金相显微观察、扫描电镜能谱分析等方法,对故宫符望阁建筑内檐装修用掐丝珐琅和铜鎏金构件的金属部分进行了分析.实验结果显示,掐丝珐琅构件的金属部分使用纯铜材料焊接而成,所用焊料为不同配比的Cu-Zn-Sn合金,而铜鎏金构件使用黄铜材料铸造而成,并在表面錾刻出纹饰,这两类构件金属部分表面都曾进行过传统鎏金处理.依据以上分析总结出的这两类构件的制造方法与流程,与文献或相关研究记录的清代传统技术相符,还可为进一步的保护工作提供一手的资料与重要的依据.  相似文献   

This article examines how, in a global strategic context presided by the rise of Asia and the US rebalance towards that region, Europeans are contributing to transatlantic burden‐sharing—whether individually or through the EU/NATO. As Asian powers reach westward and the US shifts its strategic priorities eastward, classical geostrategic delimitations become gradually tenuous. Particularly important are the ‘middle spaces’ of the Indian Ocean, central Asia and the Arctic, in that they constitute the main avenues of communication between the Asia–Pacific and the European neighbourhood. The article seeks to understand how evolving geostrategic dynamics in Europe, the ‘middle spaces’ and the Asia–Pacific relate to each other, and how they might impinge on discussions on transatlantic burden‐sharing. It is argued that the ability of Europeans to contribute to a more equitable transatlantic burden‐sharing revolves around two main tenets. First, by engaging in the ‘middle spaces’, Europe's key powers and institutions are helping to underpin a balance of power in these regions. Second, by stepping up their diplomatic and economic role in the Asia–Pacific, strengthening their security ties to (US) regional allies and maintaining an EU‐wide arms embargo on China, Europeans are broadly complementing US efforts in that key region. There are a number of factors that stand in the way of a meaningful European engagement in the ‘middle spaces’ and the Asia–Pacific, including divergent security priorities among Europeans, the impact of budgetary austerity on European defence capabilities and a tendency to confine foreign policy to the immediate neighbourhood. The article discusses the implications of those obstacles and outlines some ways in which they might be overcome.  相似文献   

"三个代表"重要思想的形成经历了一个长时期的酝酿过程,体现了江泽民准确把握当今世界发展趋势和我国社会发生的一系列变化的战略智慧,是科学总结我们党80年奋斗、特别是20多年改革开放实践经验的必然结论,是深刻思考世界上一些政党兴衰和我们党执政面临的严峻挑战的思想结晶,是创造性地继承和发展马列主义、毛泽东思想、特别是邓小平理论的最新成果。  相似文献   

五代十国时期,天下四分五裂、战乱频仍,依照何种正统观念撰述这一时期的历史成为史家争论的焦点。在宋至清长达900余年的时段内,大致有五种不同看法:其一,以五代相续为正统,代表史书有范质《五代通录》、王溥《五代会要》、薛居正监修《五代史》及欧阳修《五代史记》;其二,以梁为伪,五代史应作四代史,虽未有代表性史书问世,然有相关议论如李昉《历代年号》、张燧“朱温不宜入正统”论、宋实颖《黜朱梁纪年论》、华湛恩《〈五代春秋志疑〉自序》;其三,以五代为闰统或无统,代表作有王皞《唐余录》和朱熹《资治通鉴纲目》的五代部分;其四,以南唐承唐为正统,代表作为陆游《南唐书》、陈霆《唐余纪传》;其五,以南唐继后唐为正统,代表作为吴非《三唐传国编年》、陈鳣《续唐书》与华长卿《唐宋阳秋》。五种撰史理念,各有依据,传授、疆域、姓氏、道义等诸种因素相杂其间,既展现了传统史学精神的延续不绝和古代学者对于正义矢志不渝的追求,也凸显出正统观之多样化在推动史学发展中的重要作用。  相似文献   


Spectroscopic provenance analysis of Hungarian amber artifacts has shown that nearly all of them are of Baltic amber or succinite, which occurs naturally only in northern Europe. The present paper explores the question whether these beads were made in northern Europe and imported into Hungary as finished products, or were made in Hungary from imported raw material.

To this end, 659 extant amber beads of the Bronze Age of Hungary are divided into 17 types by shape and dimensions. The significance of the typology is borne out by striking diachronical patterns: e.g., flattened globular beads (Group III) are virtually limited to the Middle Bronze Age, while truncated bi-conical beads (Group IX) are essentially exclusive to the Late Bronze Age. By comparing Hungarian bead forms of a given period with those of countries to the north, including Denmark and the Baltic States, the classification offers a means by which imported beads may be distinguished from locally made beads.  相似文献   

Observations of auroral radio absorption made in Finland over the years 1972–1983 have been compiled for use in absorption predictions. The data are presented as values of Q(1), the probability of at least 1 dB absorption being recorded by a 30 MHz riometer, and the results are compared with the predictions of an existing model regarding the latitudinal variation, the influence of solar and magnetic activity indices, and the pattern of daily variation. New formulae for basing absorption predictions on the Ap index are proposed.  相似文献   

祁冰 《江汉考古》2020,(1):74-80
李家崖文化典型器类与晚商早期商式铜、陶器的共存关系表明,李家崖文化的年代上限应为殷墟一期,该文化早期与朱开沟文化晚期部分器物形制接近,也表明两种文化之间年代紧密衔接。李家崖文化晚期出现的弧裆鬲与仿铜风格的鬲、鼎分属先周文化和殷商文化因素,据此可推定李家崖文化的年代下限为西周早期,相关文献中关于"鬼方"等北方部族的描述也与上述认识契合。  相似文献   

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