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一、屯垦的发端及其形式 屯垦是按一定编制组织人力进行规模不等的垦殖。它导源于春秋时代齐相管仲首倡的“寓兵于农”的主张。秦始皇兵统六国后,采取“逐戎狄,徙谪实之”的办法、把属于赵、齐、楚、卫等国的罪犯,先后7次迁徙到河套以北和南方的象郡、桂林、南海诸郡,屯垦实边,就地建立了粮饷基地。这种军屯,实为军管下的犯屯。主父偃称赞  相似文献   

有些野生动物的影像真是令人难以抗拒,例如全身湿透的老虎、打盹的北极熊、受惊的犰狳、喙如彩虹的角嘴海雀。还有一些画面,起初能把人吓得往后退缩,然后又会让人好奇地把身子往前倾,想要一探究竟,例如让人误以为是外星战士降临地球的甲虫的特写画面,或者是大白鲨,它似乎要把一切的一切全都撕裂。每一幅画面都很吸引人。拍摄野生动物需要深厚的才华、素养和耐心,  相似文献   

阿零 《神州》2005,(12)
性格有趣的藏野驴是国家一级保护动物。它们十分漂亮,体态健美,肩部至尾根有较窄的黑褐色脊纹,背部是深棕色,腹部及四肢却是悦目的白色。它们生活在3000米以上的高原宽谷、盆地和山地中,不怕人,特别喜欢和汽车赛跑。  相似文献   

埃塞俄比亚西门山区中的一只狮尾狒,反映了非洲各种生不逢时的野生动物前途未卜的命运。虽然埃塞俄比亚战争的结束使它们获得了暂时的安全,但这些完全依赖高山草场而生存的狮尾狒又面临着农地扩张,气候变化等长期威胁。  相似文献   

芬兰 库赫莫 芬兰与俄罗斯交界处的偏远森林中,脚步稳健的棕熊正跟妈妈打闹。整个欧洲范围内,大型熊类与其他野生动物的数量正逐渐回升。 法国 勃朗峰 绝境归来的北山羊(左上)身影在勃朗峰和冰川湖的衬托下显得无比渺小。19世纪。北山羊的数量下降到不足百头,现在,由于人为大力复育。又回升至4万头。  相似文献   

在美国各地,普通人家的后院、车库和客厅里,人们的床上、卫生间和地下室中,被当做宠物驯养的野生动物与它们的主人共同生活着。研究者认为,美国家庭收养的禽兽数量比栖居在该国所有动物园里的还多。珍奇宠物贸易是一项日进斗金的产业,但引来了从动物福利倡导者到野生动物保护者的一致抨击。他们说,把圈养条件下繁殖的野生动物带回家中不仅危险,而且残忍,理应被归为犯罪。然而这个问题远不是黑白分明那么简单。  相似文献   

美国国家地理学会的数位知名摄影师为了寻找和记录地球上的野性大地,历时数十年,奔波于世界的每个角落,终于完整地拍摄和记录下了这些世界上仅存的伊甸园,并将照片结集成册,推出了《野性大地》一书。本书将珍贵奇异的野生动物和人迹罕至的自然景观结合起来,用丰富而详实的文字和图片为读者展现出了一幅野生动物和野生地带的奇美画卷。  相似文献   

对于世人来说,位于澳洲中部的北领地是天赐的自然秘境。撒野澳洲,探索在庄严的艾雅斯巨石、静观沙漠中繁星满天的夜空、在不毛和葱郁杂糅的沙漠公园里寻找雀鸟蜥蜴的踪迹;或是徜徉在沙漠小镇品异样的浪漫……这些无可置疑构成了澳洲最富野性和本真的探秘之旅。  相似文献   


李海 《文物世界》2012,(3):53-57
楞严寺之名,源于佛教典籍《楞严经》。我国的佛寺中以楞严寺命名者寥寥,主要有辽宁营口楞严寺、广东湛江楞严寺、浙江嘉兴楞严寺、四川中都楞严寺、黑龙江克东楞严寺、台湾南投楞严寺等几座。而左云县楞严寺则是山西境内唯一以楞严寺命名的佛寺。  相似文献   

《Acta Archaeologica》2010,81(1):160-160

R. W. CASTEEL 《Archaeometry》1974,16(2):238-243
This paper presents a method for dealing with unpaired skeletal elements in order to approach the questions of (1) how many animals are represented in an assemblage; and (2) how large these individuals were. The method is designed for use with fish remains and can easily be extended to paired elements. It is shown how the interplay between the data appropriate to the solution of both problems may be compared in order to provide a method of verification of the results arrived at by standard methods of assessment of the minimum number of individuals.  相似文献   

For some 15 years the authenticity of a group of small pottery pieces, claimed to have originated in the Hui Hsien area of China, has been the subject of academic discussion and some dissension. The thermolumines-cent dating of 22 such pieces from 4 independent collections is reported following a review of archaeological evidence for the origin of the material and of scientific investigations that have previously been made in investigation of its authenticity. It is concluded that all the pieces are of modern origin and not some 2300 years old as their stylistic forms might suggest.  相似文献   

Summary. This study, based on evidence from archaeological surveys and excavations in southern Greece, demonstrates two major shifts in the subsistence economy during the Neolithic. In the EN and MN periods the presence of large villages in locations near reliable water-sources and permanently moist or seasonally flooded soils of high and sustained productivity illustrates a village farming economy concentrating on arable agriculture. The first economic shift occurred in the late MN-LN with occupation of highland caves and islands, indicating increased sheep/goat pastoralism, fishing, and perhaps hunting, with a reduced number of farming villages present in the plains. The second shift took place in the FN-EBA, when a dispersal of agricultural settlements into dry upland regions indicates expanding plough agriculture and pastoralism, important factors contributing to the development of the flourishing EBA economy. The expansion of settlement was most marked in southeastern Greece, and it is suggested here that the extensive grazing areas provided by the open vegetation and mountainous terrain of this dry region, and its relative scarcity of well-watered fertile lowlands, may have stimulated the LN-FN expansion of pastoralism.  相似文献   

<正>The infrared camera is a curious object for the animals of Changtang.Often covered in camouflage or army green,it looks very"professional".But once I saw the photos they took,I knew the camouflage did not work at all.Most animals could see the cameras without any problem.Some of them showed various degrees of interest in the cameras,while others acted indifferently.To tell the truth,it is not easy to hide something in Changtang.  相似文献   

This essay takes its point of departure from the emergence of the concept of presence in the field of history and theory. The essay suggests that the emergence of presence is related to the events of September 11 and signals a weariness of the postmodern condition and a longing for the real. Advocates of presence, the essay argues, have stressed how the material traces of the past move us in the present, and in doing so have played down the problematic relationship between past experience and historical representation, which was a concern of the linguistic turn. The essay argues that this interest in the trace points to a shift away from the meaning‐making of symbolic practices and toward the moment when the master signifier enables (symbolic) meaning to occur. This indicates that there is a desire for the real at play in the move toward presence. Through an analysis of Eelco Runia's concept of presence, the essay argues that this desire for the real is related to a repression of Darwin's evolutionary framework, which has been considered bad taste in the social sciences and humanities since the end of the Second World War.  相似文献   

The authors quantitatively analyze the effect of railroad construction on agricultural land values in the often overlooked, agriculturally oriented, trans-Mississippi West. This region is unique in American history in that, at the end of the nineteenth century, the railroad itself preceded widespread settlement. Using a hedonic model, they show that railroad transport increased agricultural land values in this region by more than 20 percent, which had a larger impact than recent studies have found for other regions. Moreover, the authors found that the addition of a railroad to a county significantly increased its growth in land values. This finding is contrary to that of existing studies. Finally, the authors show statistically that the railroad and land values were not endogenously determined, lending credibility to the causality of the results presented in their hedonic and growth models. These results indicate a valuable alternative approach to use in the historical analysis of transportation infrastructure and its impact on land prices.  相似文献   

InJuly1957,thereactionary"fourriversandsixmountainranges"movementdemandedthe14thDalaiLamaexerciseruleoverallTibetanareasinChina.Rightatterthat,ringleadersofthemovementgatheredinZhegutang,Shannan,organizingrebeltroopscalledthe"religionprotectionarmy"whichstagedharassingactivitiesinareasoutsideLhasa.InDecember1958,therebelarmyseizedallweaponsandmunitionsinNamlingandplottedtomovethe14thDalaiLamatoanewareaandchallengethePLAtroopsStationedinLhasa.OnMarch10,1959,takingadvantageofthe14thDalai…  相似文献   

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