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张春艳 《黑龙江史志》2014,(20):136-137
大数据背景下党校图书馆网络用户群体协作发展,是图书馆未来的发展方向,而党校图书馆网络用户群体协作发展相对于全国性的图书馆联盟更利于操作。本文根据黑龙江党校系统文献信息资源需求调研分析,介绍了党校图书馆文献信息需求及共建共享的现状,分析了党校图书馆联盟建设存在的主要任务,协作发展建设面临的问题及可持续发展的主要因素等。  相似文献   

胡玲 《黑龙江史志》2013,(17):199+202
党校图书馆开展知识服务,是满足读者信息需求个性化、专业化、知识化的必然选择。文章阐述了党校图书馆开展知识服务的必要性,指出制约党校图书馆开展知识服务的主要因素,并结合实际对党校图书馆开展知识服务的模式作出选择。  相似文献   

图书馆导读服务的作用就是要培养广大读者学习兴趣,引导读者正确地使用图书馆的文献资源,使图书馆的文献资源最大化地为社会服务。以黑龙江省委党校图书馆为例,在现有数字化建设已有一定的技术基础,馆藏有基本的数字化电子资源,还有整合后的网络资源等情况下,根据读者信息服务已走向深层次、个性化的特点,从个性化导读的内涵,以党校教育为特色的个性化导读的具体内容,数字时代党校图书馆个性化信息服务新模式探讨等四个方面进行了论述。  相似文献   

基层党校图书馆的数字化信息资源建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李秀东 《攀登》2005,24(5):152-154
电子出版物的兴起,使党校图书馆的馆藏范围扩展到了电子出版领域;因特网的发展和数字化社会科学文献信息量的日益增多,使数字化馆藏建设成为党校图书馆信息资源建设的重要内容.本文就当前基层党校图书馆数字化信息资源建设谈一些粗浅认识.  相似文献   

随着科技的不断发展,社会进入了信息时代,党校图书馆也不再是传统的封闭式图书馆,逐步成为信息网络的一个点,成为了新的网络信息资源。然而,思想观念的落后,服务意识落后以及数据库的不完善都在不同程度地阻碍着党校图书馆在网络环境下的发展。本文通过对党校图书馆结构及藏书质量、发展模式等方面在网络环境下受到的影响,对党校图书馆在网络环境下的发展策略进行研究。  相似文献   

大数据时代下,信息形态已然发生了质的飞越,而党校图书馆的馆藏资源、读者基数、服务模式也发生着较大变化,对图书馆员的工作也提出了更高的要求,因而当前党校图书馆应正视这些变化,与时俱进,充分应用大数据的核心优势,收集整合、分析有效数据,增强智能化服务,发展个性化的图书馆服务,实现党校图书馆的服务创新,不断完善服务水平,为广大党校教职工及学员提供更优质更高层次的服务,以提升党校图书馆的竞争力。  相似文献   

党校图书馆信息服务工作之我见   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李桂荣  安秀荣  赵立鸣 《攀登》2006,25(4):162-163
随着信息时代的到来,党校教育的整体信息需求同教职员工的个性化信息需求都呈现出一定的特点,其馆藏、服务方式和内容等各方面也具有鲜明的党校特色。这些都要求党校的图书管理人员必须以读者的需求为本,结合党校图书馆服务对象的信息需求特征,做好信息资源建设工作。  相似文献   

党校图书馆是联系党校和党员干部的桥梁和纽带,是党政干部教育、教学和科研的学术资料中心和信息中心。充分发挥党校图书馆的作用是加强党校这个培养党员干部的理论阵地的重要保证。面对日益发展的社会环境和媒介技术,传统的党校图书馆还能否满足当代读者的需求,他们对于图书馆又有何需求与建议?对着这些问题的思考笔者完成了本此研究。  相似文献   

"十三五"时期是全面建成小康社会的决胜阶段,也是党校事业发展的关键时期,更是党校图书馆事业全面转型发展的重要机遇期。怎样抓住这个战略机遇期,更好地发挥党校图书馆的功能,是党校图书馆人面临的重大课题。本文阐述了党校图书馆的作用,分析了党校图书馆发展中存在的主要问题,并就党校图书馆如何转型发展进行了思考。  相似文献   

网络环境下,个性化信息服务己成为图书馆服务一种新型服务内容.本文通过对图书馆个性化信息服务概念的分析,指出了党校图书馆开展个性化知识服务的必要性,并对实现用户个性化服务需求的途径进行了探讨.  相似文献   

The author, an exponent of the Soviet landscape school, proceeds from the assumption that the earth's natural environment is organized in terms of natural complexes that need to be identified and delimited. Landscape geographers have thus far focused on terrestrial landscapes, which occupy only 29% of the earth's surface. There is equal need for analysis of natural aquatic complexes, accounting for the remaining 71%. Aquatic complexes cannot be characterized only in terms of the sea surface; they must be analyzed in terms of the underlying water masses and their physical-chemical characteristics and organisms. Geographers working in this new branch of natural geography would require appropriate training.  相似文献   

废科举后清末乡村学务中的权势转移   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
沈洁 《史学月刊》2004,(9):98-108
科考废止,学堂制度植入乡村社会,引发了乡村社会内部权力格局的变动。依据科举制度安身立命或完成上升性社会流动的原既得利益群体,遭遇到不同程度的困厄命运。与此同时,随着学务权在地方行政系统中重要性的日益显著,造成了新的权力资源在国家一社会以及乡村精英内部各派势力之间的重新分配。过渡时代的乡村权力网络、不同群体以兴办学务为契机分别置身其中,分享权力又相互争夺对权力的主导权。他们之间的这种矛盾关系,又并非处在一种简单的“新”、“旧”对立或现代与传统的对立当中。掩映于简单对立之下,实为地方权力资源因地域、时势等条件的差异在不同利益群体间的重新配置。学务场域内权力关系的变动折射出过渡时期乡村社会内部复杂的权力格局。  相似文献   

孙萍 《神州》2011,(3X):74-75
自学能力的培养对学生获得知识、获得其它能力的发展有促进和加速作用。在中学阶段培养学生英语自学能力是非常重要的,这需要教师在教学过程中对学生进行有计划、分层次的训练,激发学生的求知欲,使自学成为他们内在的需要,使学生从苦学到乐学,从学会到会学,他们才能真正获得适应社会需要的学习能力。  相似文献   

黄汉江 《神州》2011,(3X):48-50
农村中学外语教学在新课程中将面临一系列新的挑战,如何认识与应对这些挑战,走出应试教学的阴影,适应课改新形势的发展需要,全面推行素质教育,大面积提高农村中学英语教学质量,有若干问题需要思考与解决。  相似文献   

Stuart Nagel's scholarship often focused on how technology shaped policy. This link constantly evolves as political activists seek new advantages. The Internet has greatly altered today's activism by sharply reducing information costs. This transformation is well illustrated in school politics and tax avoidance. Disgruntled parents no longer need to fight the education establishment directly—non-public school alternatives such as home schooling are now far easier thanks to the Net. The Net has also greatly facilitated tax avoidance by "democratizing" offshore banking. These options now constrain Washington and thus restore a degree of limited government once almost unthinkable.  相似文献   

本文以史前陶器为例,拓展了陶器研究中的新视野:指出陶器并非只是生活用品或文化序列的标志物,它与自然环境、经济方式、社会组织、意识形态等方面均有着密切的关系。而要真正全面了解陶器所潜藏的各种古代文化信息,就必须首先寻找获取信息的新途径。就史前陶器而言,传统的地层学、类型学方法已不能满足考古学发展的新要求,而自然科学技术、考古统计学、民族考古学、实验考古学则是有效地获得材料的主要途径。从某种意义上说,考古方法体系的陈旧比考古理论的滞后更加不利于中国考古学的健康发展。  相似文献   

Models representing the assimilation of post-Second World War immigrants to North America use the academic achievement of children of first-generation immigrants as a benchmark of social mobility. Filipino youths in Canada fall short of this benchmark – they neither meet nor exceed their parents’ academic achievements. While concern with outcomes is a useful starting point, I suggest that there is a need to interrogate how and where students are produced as different. To do this, I attend to the geographies in the narratives of youths gathered from Filipino high school students in Vancouver (unceded Coast Salish Territories). I examine how they negotiate the spaces of transnational migration, their lives as students and spaces where their educational trajectories are deferred and delayed. I argue that the geographies of transnational migration and family should be held together with spaces of the school and education when considering academic outcomes.  相似文献   

The 1990s witnessed growing attention to the adoption of choice-based school reforms, particularly charter schooling and school vouchers. Although researchers have approached the school choice debate from theoretical, normative, and empirical directions, little attention has been paid to examining how teachers view school choice or what factors shape their attitudes. This oversight is significant because teachers can impact the success of school choice experiments in many ways, such as through their willingness to launch and staff schools of choice, adopt new practices developed in schools of choice, and support choice-based reform efforts in their unions and communities. Using a survey of Arizona and Nevada teachers, we find that White, experienced, unionized, Democratic educators and those working in a "positive" school environment are less supportive of school choice. Arizona teachers, who live in close approximation of a free market for education, are particularly hostile to choice, but teachers who have had personal contact with a charter school are more supportive. The results indicate that the success of school choice will likely be influenced by the characteristics of the teacher workforce and teachers' familiarity with competition.  相似文献   

The education sector has virtually disappeared from the Congolese state budget since the mid‐1980s. Yet schools have both managed to survive on school fees and to reproduce the public education sector, even though complete privatization would have been a realistic option. In this article, the authors understand this engagement with the state whilst simultaneously bending its rules as a negotiation strategy for better terms of inclusion in the state system. Different state actors cultivate their ‘own’ practical versions of official rules. In this way, they create space to respond to parents’ demand for education, to increase the number of teachers and their salaries far beyond what would otherwise have been possible, and to reproduce the system over time. One may wonder, however, whether the resilience of the sector in the face of the implosion of the state budget does not come at the price of building a more inclusive and higher quality education system.  相似文献   

媒体知情权是指公民通过媒体了解知道公共事务,特别是有关国家政务信息,以及与自己利益和兴趣有关的各类社会信息的权利。公民隐私权是指公民对以自己纯个人的生活秘密和个人生活自由为内容,禁止他人干涉的一种人身权利。媒体的知情权与公民的隐私权具有天然的抗争性,如何平衡两者之间的冲突,既保护好媒体的知情权,又不伤害公民的隐私权,成为需要进一步探讨和研究的新课题。  相似文献   

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