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朱克 《攀登》1996,(Z1)
党的基层组织是党的全部工作的基础。加强和改进党的农牧区基层组织建设,对于落实党在农牧区的各项方针政策、促进农牧区的改革和发展具有十分重要的意义。因此,在建立社会主义市场经济体制的新形势下,只有适应新的时代要求不断加强和改进党的农牧区基层组织建设,才能切实增强党在农牧区工作中的凝聚力、吸引力和战斗力,全面推进并实现农村社会主义现代化建设事业。 一、要切实提高对新形势下加强党的基层组织建设重要性的认识。必须增强党在基层的执政意识,坚持“党要管党”的原则,从工作安排、领导力量分布、督促检查等方面重视党的农村基层组织建设,克服“经济发展是硬指标、党的建设是软任  相似文献   

党的十五大和十五届三中全会强调指出,要从多方面采取措施,加大扶贫攻坚力度,到本世纪末.基本解决农牧区贫困人口的温饱问题,这是党中央、国务院既定的战略目标。青海是一个经济、社会发展滞后的地区,农牧民贫困问题尤为突出,到本世纪末基本解决农牧民温饱问题,时间紧迫,任务艰巨,意义重大。认真研究探索治穷致富的措施和途径,采取更加科学有效的对策,尽快解决贫困地区群众温饱问题,是青海经济和社会发展面临的一项十分紧迫的任务。一、青海农牧区贫困现状、特征及其成因青海农牧区的贫困有几个突出特点:1、贫困面广量大。截…  相似文献   

西藏农村土地制度改革的实践与探索——以曲水县农村改革试验区为例徐伍达在《中国藏学》2019年第4期上发表文章,曲水县作为西藏唯一的国家级农村改革试点县,率先完成土地承包经营权确权登记颁证工作,开展农村土地制度改革、农民住房财产权抵押贷款、农村集体产权制度改革、农村集体林权制度改革等试点工作,同时因地制宜和有针对性地解决改革过程中遇到的实际具体问题,为西藏农牧区改革积累了宝贵经验。农村土地制度改革的制度创新和制度供给,促进了西藏农牧区资源要素的流动,激发了广大农牧民的积极性和创造性,为乡村振兴提供了强大动力。  相似文献   

青海大部分地区是农牧区,农牧区小康社会的建设事关全省全局和西部地区总体发展。我们必须清醒地 面对农牧区小康建设的薄弱环节,并采取有效政策措施,积极治理,才能加快全省全面建设小康社会的步伐。  相似文献   

农牧区单身汉现象的出现及其数量的剧增是影响当下农牧区经济社会发展的制约因素之一,应该引起社会各界高度重视。就海北地区存在此方面的问题,本文从社会学视角出发,试图分析农牧区单身汉的类型及形成原因力图提出相关对策和建议。  相似文献   

邓本太 《攀登》2006,25(2):1-4
建设社会主义新农村是党中央在我国加快社会主义现代化和小康社会建设进程中作出的重大战略决策。当前,青海省要集中解决农牧民生产生活中最迫切需要解决的实际问题,这就是落实好统筹城乡发展工作,提高农牧民生活质量,深化农牧区改革,加强基层组织建设。  相似文献   

马杰 《攀登》2006,25(6):113-116
建设社会主义新农村新牧区,是现阶段海西州“三农”工作的总目标和长期任务。目前要着力采取八项措施:以村镇规划为龙头,认真做好新农村新牧区建设总体规划;实施“六大工程”,加速新农村新牧区村镇基础设施建设和社会事业发展;实施“转变、拓展、提升”三大战略,加速农牧业增产增效和农牧民增收;加大政策扶持和资金投入力度,增强农牧区发展的动力;进一步做好项目工作,为推动新农村新牧区经济快速发展打好基础;加速农牧民技能培训,造就一批有文化、懂技术、会经营的社会主义新型农牧民;全面深化农村牧区改革,增强新农村新牧区发展的动力和活力;切实尊重和突出农牧民的主体地位,从根本上转变农牧民传统的生产、生活方式和价值观念。  相似文献   

薛建玲 《攀登》2005,24(6):118-121
发展农牧区义务教育是提高农牧民素质的基础性工作,是提高全民族素质、实现全面小康社会的重要保证。青海省农牧区自然环境恶劣,农牧民思想观念保守、落后,加之《义务教育法》执行力度不够,义务教育投入不足,使得青海省农牧区九年制义务教育工作与国家义务教育的目标要求存在一定的差距。为此,统一思想,提高认识,规范教育投入保障机制,实现教育资金的逐年增长,并加大《义务教育法》的执法力度,力促“普九”工作目标在农牧区如期实现,对于青海省而言,具有特殊的重要意义。  相似文献   

晓何 《文史精华》2007,(12):4-12
王震将军曾率大军解放新疆,随之在新疆进行了大规模的农牧区改革,恢复和发展生产。然而时隔两年,在新疆取得巨大成就的情况下,王震突然受到严厉的批判并被撤职,更有流言称之为"新疆一霸"。他迫不得已离开了苦心经营的新疆,随之当地的建设也受到了极大影响。这其中的来龙去脉、是非曲直,《王震与新疆牧区改革风波》一文作了披露。  相似文献   

韩云霞 《攀登》2009,28(3):131-132
“广播电视村村通”工程是农牧区广播电视事业发展的载体,是解决边远山区农牧民群众看不到电视、听不到广播难题的“民心工程”。要因地制宜,探索建立农牧区广播电视公共服务体系,搞好“广播电视村村通”工程建设。  相似文献   

In this article it is argued that conventional agro-ecological and organizational concepts used in pastoral development are strongly biased towards the formulation and enforcement of norms. This leads development experts to attempts to control pastoralists and their herds. The policies and development interventions based on these assumptions have been largely unsuccessful. As a consequence attention for dryland areas and pastoral development has declined among researchers and development agencies. An important reason for this failure is the fundamental misfit between these normative concepts and the reality of dryland ecosystems and pastoral society. In order to show this, an alternative view on rangeland ecology and pastoral society is presented, supported by a case study of Fulbe pastoral society in dryland Central Mali. The authors argue that approaches to pastoral development must be revised in the direction of the dynamics inherent in the pastoral way of life.  相似文献   

Environmental influences on pastoral conflict in the Horn of Africa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《Political Geography》2007,26(6):716-735
This paper seeks to discern the influence of environmental variability on pastoral conflict in the Horn of Africa. While the literature on environmental factors in civil wars is rich in empirical research and explanatory power, the dearth of data is an obstacle to the study of other important forms of violence such as pastoral conflict. If environmental factors are associated with pastoral conflict then what are they, and can they be used as early warning indicators to prevent its escalation or mitigate its effects? These questions are increasingly important given the expected impact of climate change on pastoral societies worldwide. To help answer these questions we draw on data collected by field monitors with the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development's (IGAD) Conflict Early Warning and Response Network (CEWARN) and environmental data for the same region. Field monitors collect incident and situation reports from more than two dozen areas of reporting along the borders of Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda collectively known at the Karamoja Cluster. We compare these conflict data with three environmental indicators: precipitation, vegetation and forage. Preliminary statistical analyses of the data suggest that aggravating behavior, along with a reduction in peace initiatives and reciprocal exchanges, is associated with an escalation in pastoral conflict, particularly when coupled with an increase in vegetation that may provide cover for organized raids. We therefore recommend that conflict early warning systems integrate both response options and salient environmental indicators into their analyses to better deal with the complexity of the relationships between pastoral conflict and the environment in an era of climate change.  相似文献   

Farmer–herder conflicts in Africa are often presented as being driven by ‘environmental scarcity’. Political ecologists, however, argue that these conflicts should be analysed within a broader historical and policy context. This article presents a case study of a local conflict in the Kilosa District in Tanzania that tragically culminated in the killing of thirty‐eight farmers on 8 December 2000. To understand the conflict, the authors argue that it is necessary to study the history of villagization and land use in the District, as well as national land tenure and pastoral policies. Attempts at agricultural modernization have fostered an anti‐pastoral environment in Tanzania. The government aim is to confine livestock keeping to ‘pastoral villages’, but these villages lack sufficient pastures and water supplies, leading herders to search for such resources elsewhere. Pastoral access to wetlands is decreasing due to expansion of cultivated areas and the promotion of agriculture. The main tool that pastoralists still possess to counteract this trend is their ability to bribe officials. But corruption further undermines people's trust in authorities and in the willingness of these authorities to prevent conflicts. This leads actors to try to solve problems through other means, notably violence.  相似文献   

The Gobi Gurvansaikhan National Park was established in south central Mongolia in 1993 and is used by over 1100 families with pastoralism as their main means of livelihood. Research conducted in 1998–2000 to analyse grazing management problems identified a number of issues and concerns, including a significant increase in the number of herders and the size of the herd; variations in herd size reflecting differences in wealth; problems with marketing of livestock or livestock products; declining stock movements because of transportation costs and loss of water sources; and significant competition and conflicts for grazing areas. The socio‐economic problems associated with Mongolia's transition to a market system, coupled with the expansion of protected areas, mean that herders have to adapt to both the current economic system and changes in land use. Although some aspects of the development of the park can be seen as a positive influence on maintaining pastoral livelihoods in this area, the national goal of protecting 30 per cent of the country, doubling the area of Mongolia currently under protected area status, could have negative effects on pastoral livelihoods, unless ministry officials, protected area administrators and pastoralists can work effectively to solve resource problems.  相似文献   

It is widely perceived that the degradation of China’s rangelands has accelerated since the introduction of rural reforms in the late 1970s. The popular explanation for this phenomenon has been that a ‘tragedy of the commons’ exists, as privately‐owned livestock are being grazed on ‘common’ land. Since the passing of the Rangeland Law in 1985, Chinese pastoral tenure policy has emphasized the establishment of individual household tenure as a necessary condition for improving incentives for sustainable rangeland management. Yet household tenure has yet to be effectively established in many pastoral regions. The first objective of this article is to describe pastoral tenure arrangements in northern Xinjiang‐Uygur Autonomous Region. Its second objective is to explain pastoral tenure arrangements, particularly the observed persistence of collective action. It is argued that there is no ‘tragedy of the commons’ and that it is characteristics of rangeland resources and the social environment that give rise to the particular types of institutional arrangements found.  相似文献   

Under the socialist regime that prevailed until the start of the 1990s, Mongolia made great progress in improving human development indicators, and poverty was virtually unknown. Political and economic transition in the 1990s ushered in a rapid rise in asset and income inequality, and at least a third of the population has been living in poverty since 1995. Many workers made redundant from uneconomic state‐owned enterprises were absorbed into the extensive livestock sector in rural areas and by the growing informal economy in urban areas. The livestock sector grew dramatically, with herders accounting for over a third of the total population and half of the active labour force by the late 1990s. Three consecutive years of drought and harsh winters in 1999–2002 then drastically reduced the national herd. These trends are viewed against a backdrop of relative neglect of the livestock sector in development priorities and a concomitant decline in agricultural productivity. Pressures on common pasture have mounted, and conflict over grazing is becoming endemic. In such a context, sustainable management of Mongolia's pastoral commons should be central to the country's economic development agenda in general, and to its poverty reduction strategy in particular. This article draws on the findings of a country‐wide participatory poverty assessment conducted in 2000. Blending quantitative and qualitative data, these findings help to bring into sharper relief the broad outlines of an integrated approach to building secure and sustainable livelihoods both on and off the pastoral commons.  相似文献   


In this article, the author studies the question how pastoral metaphors shape or construct the argumentative development and the internal structure of the Oracle against Babylon (Jer 50–51). Methodologically, the article draws on the insights provided by the cognitive linguistic approach to metaphor stating that metaphor is not merely a literary ornament, but rather a fundamental way in which people think. On the basis of these insights, the pastoral metaphors occurring in Jer 50,6–7; 8; 11–13; 17–18; 19–20; 44–45 and 51,38–40 are subjected to close scrutiny. It is shown that these metaphors display a strong internal development, challenging the view that the Oracle is an ongoing repetition of the same ideas. Moreover, the pastoral metaphors occur at structurally important positions in the Oracle, thus contributing to its overall architecture, and they provide important thematic links to other crucial texts in the book, e.g. Jer 25. Finally, the close analysis of the pastoral metaphors in Jer 50–51 has shed a new light on a number of the text's interpretational problems, for which new solutions were consequently proposed.  相似文献   

By the seventh century the church of the early medieval west was extremely richly endowed. This endowment went hand in hand with the increase in the number of clergy and monks, and with the pastoral and liturgical demands made on the church. Because of its pastoral and religious obligations, it should not be seen simply as a section of the elite. In order to understand the socio-economic role of the church in the early Middle Ages it is useful, instead, to draw on the anthropological model of the ‘temple society’.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to understand the conditions of possibility of “sanctuary” – the claiming of a “sacred” space of (humanitarian) exception - in the midst of civil war. Sanctuary codifies an exceptional space where sovereign and pastoral registers of power converge into a form of “pastoral sovereignty” that can temporarily “interrupt” the law of violence of sovereign power. In civil war this can enable civilians to be saved and protected from killings and suffering. However, this pastoral sovereignty is precarious as it depends on the belligerents' good will and tacit authorization: this is what we call the predicament of pastoral sovereignty. Using the case study of Church sanctuary in Sri Lanka's civil war, this paper explores how this predicament of pastoral sovereignty comes into effect in moments of acute crisis. Throughout Sri Lanka's brutal civil war, Catholic priests provided “sanctuary” to Tamil civilians in the form of territorial sanctuary (Church compounds), bodily sanctuary (the priests' bodies providing protection), and numerous other humanitarian activities. Our ethnographic material illustrates the force and fragility of the Church's claims to pastoral sovereignty and its sanctuary practices and provides detailed accounts of numerous constellations. The paper thereby raises fundamental questions about the ontology of sovereignty and its operability in moments of humanitarian crisis.  相似文献   

以整个欧亚草原为视角,对比资料相对丰富且具有代表性的内蒙古东南部、萨彦-阿尔泰地区和黑海北岸三个地区畜牧向游牧转变期的材料,对早期游牧起源问题提出自己的一些看法。研究表明,公元前8世纪以前这三个地区都存在自身特色明显、畜牧业发达的遗存,但其中只有萨彦-阿尔泰地区可能已经转变成游牧经济,而内蒙古东南部和黑海地区在同时期可能还没有进入真正的游牧社会。欧亚草原地区各地早期游牧的起源不是同步的,也不是一条直线发展的,最早的游牧很有可能出现在远离发达农业文明且畜牧业发达的草原地带,而与发达农业文明毗邻且与之关系密切的地区游牧则产生的晚一些。  相似文献   

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