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This paper describes the difficulties the author encountered when applying for a visa to attend WAC-5 in Washington, DC. The first response he met was that he could not be granted a visa because he was ‘going abroad for the first time’. He did not give up, however, and was supported by Joan Gero, Claire Smith and Heather Burke, who all wrote to the Embassy. In the end, the visa was issued—and he was allowed to go abroad for the first time.
Resumen Este artículo describe las dificultades que tuvo el autor a la hora de solicitar un visado para asistir al WAC-5 en Washington, DC. La primera respuesta que le dieron es que no podían concederle un visado porque era la primera vez que iba a viajar al extranjero. Sin embargo, no se dio por vencido, obteniendo el apoyo de Joan Gero, Claire Smith y Heather Burke, que escribieron a la Embajada. Finalmente, el visado fue concedido—y se le permitió viajar al extranjero por primera vez.

Résumé Cet article décrit les difficultés rencontrées par l’auteur lorsqu’il a demandé un visa afin de participer au CMA-5 à Washington, DC. La première réponse qu’il a obtenue est qu’il ne pouvait pas obtenir de visa comme c’était la première fois qu’il voyageait à l’étranger. Il a insisté et a aussi obtenu le support de Joan Gero, Claire Smith et Heather Burke qui ont tous écrit à l’ambassade. à la fin, il a pu obtenir son visa ce qui lui a permis de voyager à l’étranger pour la première fois.

Arwa Badran 《Archaeologies》2007,3(2):207-209
This paper describes the experience of Jordanian student who is studying for a PhD degree in Museum Studies in the UK. She outlines the difficulties that she has met in getting a visa to travel to conferences and feels that the difficulty of obtaining a visa has impacted upon her development as a scholar. One outcome is that she ignored so many conferences and calls for papers because she knew that she could not get a visa in time to attend. She questions why the process of applying for a visa has to be so difficult.  相似文献   

Palestinians are subject to special difficulties when applying for a visa: the ban imposed by the Israeli military authorities on Palestinians entering Israel and traveling via Bin Gurion airport is compounded by the obligation of Palestinians who need to travel abroad to fly via Queen Alia International Airport in Amman. Since September 11th the author and many of his colleagues have experienced overwhelming difficulties in securing visas to travel abroad to attend the smallest activity. Harsh and restrictive visa policies are playing into the hands of extremists on both sides. It is the responsibility of colleagues in countries that are implementing these restrictions to pressure their governments to change those policies.  相似文献   

Visas are an important means for countries to regulate the potential access of non-nationals to their territory. Past datasets and quantitative research on visas have focused on visa waivers, ignoring the fact that visas, where demanded, can vary greatly by cost. This paper presents a novel dataset based on a manual collection of visa costs for travel between a global set of country pairs in seven different categories (tourist, work, student, family reunification, business, transit, and other). Our analyses reveal a strong global visa cost divide that exposes the injustice in the right to travel for people located in different areas of the world. Whereas Europeans usually hardly have to work at all for travel permits, visa costs often amount to several weeks of mean income in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. The result is a fundamentally paradoxical situation: The richer a country, the less its citizens pay for visas to go abroad (both in absolute terms and relative to their income). Poisson pseudo-maximum likelihood regression analyses reveal that a variety of factors influence the costs of visas between countries: reciprocal treatment, processing costs, historical-cultural ties, geographic proximity and regional, religious, economic, and political discrimination. This confirms the important role of visa costs as a tool for states to control population movements and simultaneously position themselves in international relations.  相似文献   

In the West Bank, hundreds of non-Palestinian women who are married to Palestinian men have recently been issued shortened visas with tightened restrictions. This means they are often prevented from working, their mobilities are severely reduced and they are placed in extremely precarious bureaucratic and procedural positions. The research in this article draws from fieldwork interviews with women affected by such restrictions to show how politically induced precarities produce gendered effects towards specific ends of the occupation of Palestine. We thus frame a discussion of the women’s experiences of visa regulations through precarity before giving an account of the profound effects on women’s roles in family and political life. We then broaden the focus to consider Israel’s occupation of Palestine and the demographic implications of the gendered effects of visa precarity. In doing so we make the argument that Israel’s spousal visa regulations contribute to the (re)production of uneven gender relations and the demographic objective of emptying out the West Bank.  相似文献   

This paper describes the difficulties the author had in obtaining twice a UK visa from the British Consulate in Paris. She was once refused an academic visitor visa despite an invitation to conduct research for two years at the Department of Archaeology, University of Cambridge. Then, the following year, she was denied again a short visit to attend a conference at the Department of Museum Studies, Leicester University.  相似文献   

The moment that Lord Curzon was passed over and Stanley Baldwin succeeded Andrew Bonar Law as prime minister in 1923 is generally regarded as a turning point in British political history. From this time it appeared that members of the house of lords were barred from leading political parties and becoming prime minister. In an age of mass democracy it was deemed unacceptable for the premier to reside in an unelected and largely emasculated chamber. This understanding is seemingly confirmed by the career of the Conservative politician, Douglas Hogg, 1st Viscount Hailsham. Notwithstanding a late entry into political life, he was regarded as a potential successor to Baldwin. His acceptance of a peerage to become lord chancellor in 1928 has been seen as the moment when Hailsham's claims to lead the Conservative party ended. But although Hailsham never became Conservative leader, his experience undermines the suggestion that peers were unable to lead political parties in inter‐war Britain. Despite his position in the Lords, his chances of succeeding Baldwin never vanished. The crisis in Baldwin's leadership after the loss of the 1929 general election and the lack of a suitable successor in the Commons created the circumstances in which leadership from the Lords by a man of Hailsham's ability could be contemplated. Hailsham's continuing prominence within the Conservative ranks and specifically his contributions to the party during the years 1929–31, together with the thoughts of high‐ranking Conservative contemporaries, make it clear that he very nearly emerged as Baldwin's successor at this time.  相似文献   

A reassessment of the literary and aesthetic value of his Chronicle, undertaken in the course of preparing a new edition of that work, shows Jordan Fantosme to be vastly different from the feeble versifier, unable even to dispense accurately the twelve syllables of an Alexandrine line, he has sometimes been taken for. He is a highly competent and innovating prosodist and a talented story-teller quite capable of inventing or manipulating episodes for stylistic reasons, as is shown by reference to three of the vivid historical vignettes for which the Chronicle is frequently and somewhat misleadingly praised. It is suggested that historians should show caution before accepting as factually true incidents detailed by Jordan Fantosme which are not supported from other sources.  相似文献   

Abstract. In this article I examine the coherence of ‘liberal nationalism’, namely, the attempt to combine liberal and nationalist ideas. Attempts have been made to marry these ideas because of the belief that nationalism has continuing influence and importance for the achievement of liberal objectives, such as respect for identity, democracy and justice. Two central ideas in liberalism are the idea of self‐respect as a primary good and the idea of critical reflectiveness. A central idea in nationalism is the idea of the importance of the nation as a community. If critically reflective individuals are to possess self‐respect then, I argue, the value of membership of particular national communities needs to be argued for against criticism. By rejecting an appeal to universal principles, however, nationalists are unable to provide a reasoned defence of the importance of particular national communities, and therefore unable to satisfy the liberal commitment to self‐respect resulting from critical reflection on membership of a national community. The particularism of nationalism, indeed, pulls against the universalism of liberalism so that ‘liberal nationalism’ constitutes an incoherent construct.  相似文献   

This paper explores the ‘strengthening’ of UK borders through the privatisation of border controls. It looks at the consequences of shifting activities relating to the management of visa applications from the state to the private sector (transnational corporations), and explores the implications this has in terms of human rights and entitlements.  相似文献   

A reassessment of the literary and aesthetic value of his Chronicle, undertaken in the course of preparing a new edition of that work, shows Jordan Fantosme to be vastly different from the feeble versifier, unable even to dispense accurately the twelve syllables of an Alexandrine line, he has sometimes been taken for. He is a highly competent and innovating prosodist and a talented story-teller quite capable of inventing or manipulating episodes for stylistic reasons, as is shown by reference to three of the vivid historical vignettes for which the Chronicle is frequently and somewhat misleadingly praised. It is suggested that historians should show caution before accepting as factually true incidents detailed by Jordan Fantosme which are not supported from other sources.  相似文献   

The Working Holiday Maker visa encourages young people from 44 nations to live and work for up to three years in Australia, contributing immensely to the temporary migrant workforce in regional areas. However, the conditions they experience while completing 88 days of mandatory ‘farm work’ to apply for visa extensions often place them in vulnerable situations and states of immobility that are counter to the perception of backpackers as mobile. Types of accommodation specifically for temporary migrant farm workers are known as working hostels and in some cases the ways in which they are administered have perpetuated the precarious and immobile situations in which backpackers find themselves. This article explores the lived experiences of backpackers who have undertaken farm work in the Bundaberg region, a new ‘hot spot’ for seasonal migrant labour. Drawing on ethnographic observations and interviews with 35 working holiday makers, the article advances the suggestion that recent shifts in hostelling accommodation practices and increased competition for agricultural jobs in the region place individuals in increasingly precarious states of immobility.  相似文献   

The richness of the burials in Grave Circle B at Mycenae, Greece indicates that the 35 people interred there held elite status during their lifetimes 3500 years ago. It has been speculated that the groups of burials represent different dynasties or branches of the same family. To test this hypothesis, we carried out an exhaustive ancient DNA (aDNA) study of 22 of the skeletons. We were unable to identify nuclear aDNA in any specimen, but we obtained authentic mitochondrial aDNA sequences for four individuals. The results were compared with facial reconstructions and interpreted within the archaeological context represented by the organisation of the graves and the positions of the burials within the graves. We conclude that the contemporaneous male Γ55 and female Γ58 skeletons, which both possess the UK mitochondrial haplogroup, were brother and sister. The implication is that Γ58 was buried in Grave Circle B not because of a marital connection but because she held a position of authority by right of birth. The results illustrate the difficulty in using aDNA to study kinship relationships between archaeological specimens, but also show that aDNA can advance understanding of kinship when used to test hypotheses constructed from other evidence.  相似文献   


In spite of the fact that from a theological point of view disobedience can sometimes be positive, in the preachers’ sermons to the people (ad populum), disobedience is always a strongly condemned sin. We focus on the sermones vulgares of Jacques de Vitry and on collections of exempla. In order to analyse the forms of reluctance and contestation to the norms proclaimed by the sermons, we evaluate the steps of this resistance ranging from lack of attention and disrespect to criticism and even hostility. Nevertheless, sometimes one must recognize that it is the preacher’s incompetence that leads to the failure of his pastoral care, for example when the preacher prepares unclear sermons (like Jacques de Vitry when he was a beginner) or is unable to tell a story or to make himself heard. It is even worse when the preacher conveys bad opinions. However, the biggest trouble comes when inattentive and disrespectful listeners are able to interrupt the preacher to contest any inconsistencies in the sermon or mistakes in the doctrine. When the sermon has no effect on the audience, it has clearly failed to get its message across. The preacher can also face competition from singers, jugglers and dancers who can distract the audience from the sermon.  相似文献   

Our objective is twofold. First, we show why there is a spatialquestion in economic theory – why a free competitive marketis unable to cope with agglomeration and regional imbalancein the absence of market distortions. Second, using a new andsimple model, we review what has been accomplished in economictheory during the 1990s when due allowance is given to increasingreturns, while market structure is given by monopolistic competition.  相似文献   

明人汪瑗撰《楚辞集解》,在屈辞训诂、考据研究领域取得了卓著成就。他在训诂字词、考辨名物时,既博采众长择善而从并予以新的阐发,又不囿成见冲决旧说提出新论,对学界产生重要影响。他还否定了“《九章》俱作于放逐江南时”的旧说,并对《九章》各篇的具体创作背景、写作时代诸问题进行详细考辨,发明新意,推动《九章》研究的纵深发展。  相似文献   

汪精卫死前曾留下《最后之心情》一。在该中,他竭力为自己投日卖国辩解,至死不忘反苏防共,乞求国人同情宽恕于他.叮嘱亲信务必实现宁渝合流。但历史是无情的,汪精卫的汉奸罪名是洗涮不掉的;  相似文献   

Traditionally, most of the pickers used in the crab processing industry of rural Eastern Carolina have been women from the local area, both black and white, while the managerial staff has comprised white women related through kinship to the white, male crab house owners. In recent years, however, this recruitment strategy has changed. Following the lead of the regional poultry industry, the crab houses are now bringing in Mexican workers under the H2-B visa program. Unlike many of the Mexican migrant workers coming into the USA, the crab labor force is made up of women, about half of whom are married with children. This article provides a case study of the ensuing dual labor structure within the crab processing industry. Utilizing in-depth interviews with the employers and employees of the Luther Lewis and Son crab house, the authors ask: What are the contours of inclusiveness and exclusiveness within and without the crab house?  相似文献   

Since the 1960s the analysis of small-scale surface processes has been the dominant approach in geomorphology, the previous focus on regional-scale landscape evolution having been largely abandoned as a result of the lack of knowledge of processes and process rates at the relevant temporal and spatial scales. It has recently been acknowledged that small-scale, surface process geomorphology alone is unable to provide an understanding of long-term landscape development, both because of the significance of tectonics, and because of the important role of contingency at the large temporal and spatial scales involved. But the major advances in geochronological techniques and numerical modelling of landscape evolution that are now revolutionizing our understanding of long-standing questions of landscape evolution have been largely developed and applied by researchers from outside the traditional geomorphology community. As a result, two distinct communities of researchers have emerged concerned with different scales of landform analysis, but the progress of geomorphology will be best served by greater interaction between them.  相似文献   

This article explores the political, as opposed to the philosophical, impact of Leo Strauss’s exile in America on his thought. After a consideration of anti-Semitism and the importance Strauss attached to being a Jew, I argue that the fact that in America he no longer wrote in his Muttersprache but in English was central to his becoming a political theorist rather than a philosopher. Whereas as a philosopher he was unable to speak to the demos, as a political theorist what he needed was a group of “rhetors” who would carry a particular message to the demos.  相似文献   

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