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As far as China-US relations are concerned,the Tibet issue is one of those that appeared only in the past 100 years.It has never been an essential one in China-US relations.However,from the day that the People's Republic of China (PRC) was established,the Tibet issue turned out to be a long-term factor which has exerted an influence on the relations between the two countries over an extended period of time.  相似文献   

Since the Yuan Dynasty, Tibet has been formally part of the territory of China. By keeping abreast with developments in the hinterland, Tibet has maintained close relations with other provinces in China and kept up to date. Mutual interactions were frequent i.e. Tibetans presented tributes to the central government and vice versa, the central governments bestowed largess on Tibetans. The largess included Buddhist statues, porcelains, silks, satins, and fabulous jade ornaments. In book entitled "Memoir of Qing Taizhong", it was recorded that Emperor Shunzhi had once given the Fifth Dalai Lama an agate cup, two crystal cups, six jade cups, and one jade kettle.  相似文献   

Urban construction in Tibet is, in essence, an issue of economics and culture. It is also part of the lifeline of devel-opment. It is my view that tourism is the linchpin of regional development.Tibet is richly endowed with tourist resources, endowed with the mysticism of Tibetan Buddhism and folklore. Development of tourism calls for corre-  相似文献   

Tibetan Go has an age-old history, and there are many books devoted to its skills. A studyof these books show that many in Tibet favor the Mimang Go board, a high-grade chessboard that was admired by the government officials, noblemen and men of letters inancient Tibet. But such a chessboard only occurred in literature, until one was unearthedlast year from the Ruins of Qambamiqugling Palace (where Songtsan Gambo was born) to the northof Gyimashiang Village, Mezhoigungka County.NAMES. …  相似文献   

News in Brief     
正Tibet Starts Constructing the First Overmillion-kilowatt Hydropower Station The first hydropower station with an installed capacity beyond one million kilowatts in Tibet,the Suwalong hydropower station has been fully put under construction.Located on the boundary of the Jinsha River between Tibet and Sichuan,the station will be dammed in the end of 2017  相似文献   

Tibetan Station for Earthquake Surveillance Tibet has set up an earthquake surveillance station in Nagqu,recognized as the highest such station in the world.The station is already in operation,with a full daily roster of staff. With a total of nine surveillance points feeding information into one databank,the station provides an earthquake watch for north Tibet, centered on Nygqu and reaching a radius of 250 kilometres.  相似文献   

The visit of our delegation to Tibet was, indeed, an eye-opener. Ours was one of the first political delegations fromIndia to visit the Tibet autonomous region in many decades. The economic development that we could see in the capital city of Lhasa as well as in the other urban and rural areas clearly showed that compared to Nepal, Bhutan or other Indian Himalayan areas, the Tibet region is witness to unprecedented economic and other consequent social  相似文献   

During the historic process that Tibet became an inalienable part of China,the Ming dynasty was one of the important phases.The central government of the Ming dynasty,especially Emperors Hongwu and Yongle paid significant attention to governing Tibet.They not only inherited the Yuan dynasty?s rights in Tibet,but also made some adjustments.  相似文献   

The Tea-Horse Trade Route reminds one of the trading routes from Tibet to Yunnan and Sichuan that has enjoyed a long history. Tea-Horse Trade Route The Tea-Horse Trade Route between the hinterland and Tibet evolved from the Tang-Tubo Silk Road.Actually,the trade ties between the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the hinterland began much earlier than the Tang Dynasty.During the Sui Dynasty,the emperor issued an edict for expanded trade ties with various states in the Western Regions.  相似文献   

正China's Tibet has a border with Nepal.There is an old history that,despite of the towering Himalayas and challenging geographical state,Nepaiese traders have reached Lhasa.King Songstan Gampo of Tubo Kingdom married Princess Bhrikuti of Nepal,Nepali artist Arniko Shakya's Art exhibition and Lhasa's Barkor Market are the chapters that acquaint Nepal in Tibet.  相似文献   

<正>Editor's Introduction:Lama Mani is the oldest folk storytelling performance art in Tibet.It has long been popular in Lhasa,Shigatse,and Lhoka.Unfortunately,however,as Tibet modernizes,the slow-pacedLama Mani storytelling seems to be fading away from the mainstream.For an important branch of Lama Mani,Lhasa Lama Mani,now there is only one performer left.He is Trinley,the subject of this story.  相似文献   

Tibet is well known around the world today. The Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) is one of China's five ethnic minorities' autonomous regions. However, to some in the West, Tibet's political position seems open to dispute.It is obviously that no one can reach a proper understanding of this issue without consulting history. In ancient times, Tibet was a vague geographical concept to Western world, but it did witness competition between the great powers in modern times. Originally the so-called "Great Game" brought Russian and British monk-spies and, eventually, the British Indian army, into Lhasa. Then, during World War II, the US established the famous air transport  相似文献   

mChod-rten is a unique form of Stupa in Tibetan Buddhism. Tibetan Buddhists have long believed that building mChod-rtens is a way to accumulate virtues and merits, so both religious and secular people value them. Therefore, Tibet has become one of the most densely located areas of Stupas in the world, mChodrtens, varied in size and form, are found everywhere in Tibetan-inhabited regions. This distinct type of Stupa is not only an object of worship, or a peculiar form of architecture, but also a building with deep symbolic significance in Tibetan Buddhism, thus it is called Tibetan Stupa.  相似文献   

Librarianship in Tibet has changed gradually through the years. Its development has been closely tied to the movement of history, economics, and culture in Tibet. There are many issues that have become obstacles in the development of Tibetan libraries. Foremost among these issues is the shortage of professionally trained librarians. This paper discusses the history of Tibetan libraries, and explores the situation of the library and information science (LIS) profession in Tibet. Finally, through analysis of current situations and problems, this paper discusses a model of a library training program at the Tibet library to provide variety and appropriate continuing education for librarians in Tibet.  相似文献   

The world knows China is building a railway from Qinghai to Tibet, a project that began in the early days of this new century. The Tibetans hail it as a golden bridge. How much progress has been made in this regard? Beginning with this issue, we will devote some space to this subject.  相似文献   

TO probe a newway for Tibetanstudies to pro ceed in thefuture, the InternationalRelations College of PekingUniversity and China's Tibet jointly staged a Symposiumon International Relations and the "Tibetan Issue" on September 10, 2000. The Symposium discussed three topics.SINO-US TIES AND "TIBETAN ISSUE"During the discussion on the "Tibetan issue in international relations", scholars concentrated on the "Tibetanissue" in the Sino-Indian and Sino-US relations. MaWeiguang, fo…  相似文献   

<正>Ancient Tubo-Nepal Road, namely, the ancient road from Lhasa in Tibet to Kathmandu in Nepal, is one of the crucial main roads connecting Tibet and inner China with Nepal, India and Central Asia and it is also a pivotal part of the Silk Road. Since its initiation, it not only has generated huge political, economic, social and cultural impact on Tibet but also has greatly influenced the communication between  相似文献   

Since the Yuan Dynasty, Tibet has been formally part of the territory of China. By keeping abreast with developments in the hinterland, Tibet has maintained close relations with other provinces in China and kept up to date. Mutual interactions were frequent i.e. Tibetans presented tributes to the central government and vice versa, the central governments bestowed largess on Tibetans. The largess included Buddhist statues, porcelains, silks, satins, and fabulous jade ornaments. In book entitled “Memoir of...  相似文献   

Last 19 Impoverished Areas in Tibet Rise out of Poverty Authorities in the Tibet Autonomous Region announced on Dec.23 that the last 19 impoverished areas now meet a series of delisting requirements and have removed from the poverty list.This means that all counties and county-level districts in the Tibet Autonomous Region have been lifted out of poverty and the region has eliminated absolute impoverishment.  相似文献   

Ethnic Tibetans are one of the 56 ethnic groups in China and have a long history of relations with other ethnic groups. In recent decades, in combination with scholars in the fields of history, ethnography, anthropology, archeology, philology, ethno-genetics, folk culture, and religious studies, Tibetan studies has become a major discipline that explains much about the ancient peoples of the Tibetan Plateau. In this  相似文献   

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