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这是一个伟大的母性群体。国难当头,她们"位卑未敢忘忧国"。她们送子参军、送夫支前,缝军衣、做军鞋、抬担架、推小车,舍生忘死救伤员,不遗余力抚养革命后代。她们用满腔赤诚演绎了一段段感人至深的支前故事,她们用鲜血和乳汁谱写了一曲曲动人的军民颂歌。她们是普通平凡的劳动妇女,她们是中国女性的代表,她们是人民军队坚实的后盾。  相似文献   

有一位诗人曾经说过,我们赞美女性,她们象盛开的鲜花,给世界带来美丽和芬芳;她们象灿烂的阳光,给人间带来生机和希望。她们是一首写不完的长诗,情意绵绵,韵味悠扬;她们是一支唱不尽的长曲,感人心脾,余音绕梁。  相似文献   

生活在世界屋脊上的藏族妇女和天下诸族女性一样,自从她们来到了人间,天生就有一种强烈的爱美之心。可是,高原刺骨的寒气、弥漫的风沙等大自然合力摧打着她们那鲜花般娇嫩的面容,往往使她们未老先衰,春色过早地从她们的脸上大  相似文献   

生活在世界屋脊上的藏族妇女和天下诸族女性一样,自从她们来到了人间,天生就有一种强烈的爱美之心。可是,高原刺骨的寒气、弥漫的风沙等大自然合力摧打着她们那鲜花般娇嫩的面容,往往使她们未老先衰,春色过早地从她们的脸上大步退去。即使是这样,她们也在这恶劣的生活环境中就地取材,制作和使用独具特色的美容护肤品来留住她们的青春。  相似文献   

黄海霞 《神州》2010,(5):28-30
她们中大多数是北漂族中较为底层的一群,她们都来自全国各地,更多的是来自偏远贫困的山区、农村,她们都带着最纯朴的乡音走出来,带着一个走出大山,或是脱离贫困、安家城市的青春梦想,在城市的缝隙中负重、努力、坚持。我们该怎么称呼她们呢?“来京务工人员”?“打工妹”?事实上,这就是她们身份最为确切的定义。  相似文献   

吴旭  张海泉 《神州》2008,(8):51-52
古有花木兰替父从军,今有众姐妹驰骋沙场。保家卫国,建设新中国的道路上从来就不缺少女兵们的身影。硝烟弥漫的战场上,她们顶着炮火抢救伤员,扛起钢枪,英勇杀敌;和平建设时期,她们保卫和平,尽职尽责;训练场上,她们努力拼搏,为国争光。她们为中国军队的历史增添了浓墨重彩的一笔。她们向世人展现出中国女兵的独特风采。巾帼不让须眉,在未来的挑战中,中国女兵定会创造出更多的丰功伟绩。  相似文献   

你如果是个外地旅行者,途经平坝、安顺、镇宁一带,会见到穿着青、蓝、绿各式大襟长衫的妇女。她们的长衫镶着宽边,腰中系着宽宽的丝带;头上梳着凤头 ,上插玉簪或几样银器;脚上着的是尖部上翘的鞋。如果你问她们是哪一族人,她们会理直气壮的告诉你,她们是汉族;问她们的衣着,她们会异口同声地说是祖辈传下来的,她们就是这里的屯堡人。她们的衣着打扮,仍然保存着明朝初年江南的妇女装束。在距离江南几千里之遥的贵州,又相隔600多年后的今天,仍然能看到活生生的当年江南民风民俗,这不能不是一个奇特的现象。(一)屯堡人的来…  相似文献   

有这样一群风华正茂的女子,她们本可以在大都市过舒适的生活,享受美丽人生的惬意,可是记者职业的特殊性决定了她们必须奔赴烽火弥漫的战场。她们出生入死,克服重重困难,将第一手的战地报道公之于众,让世人了解战争的惨烈和生命的脆弱。  相似文献   

在这儿,我不想用“人妖”一词,我更欣赏英文对这个群体的称渭——shemale,叫她们“饰妹”。因为无论是否主动改变自己的性别,她们都和普通人一样.渴望爱与被爱。她们告诉自己:“我接受,我是女人。”  相似文献   

乐彤 《旅游纵览》2012,(9):102-105
<正>随着摄影技术和设备的发展,女性有了一种表达自己情感、观念的新工具。当女性鼓足勇气从镜头前走向镜头后,女性的作品通过摄影审视着她们周围的世界和她们自己,映现出她们的成就、挫折、她们对社会问题的态度,以及她们为谋求与男性的平等而作的种种努力。摄影的发展为女性提供了良好的平台,让她们更好地寻找并发现了自己独特的说话方式。两年一届的会员作品展是中国女摄影家协会会员创作成果最为重要的展现,在一定程度上代表了中国女性摄影创作的整体水平。第五届中国女摄影家协会会员作品展共展出120幅摄影作品,它们是从  相似文献   

Reform from above: the politics of participation in the oil monarchies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The oil monarchies of the Middle East have usually been portrayed as patriarchal autocracies dominated by traditional tribal families who have come to encompass the modern states, its institutions and economy. The focus of much discussion about these states since the oil boom of the 1970s has been that oil income has provided their tribal elites with an economic boom and an ability to use 'rent' as their primary tool for the pacification of their citizens and for resisting demands for reform. In the light of significant political changes and reforms introduced in the oil monarchies since the late 1990s, it is time to reevaluate our assessment of the oil monarchies' ability to change, to adapt. Empirical data not only supports the view that the oil monarchies are introducing reforms, albeit at a varied speed, but that it is the elites themselves who are emerging as the greatest agents for change.  相似文献   

Soaring oil prices since the early 2000s have led to a historic transformation of wealth from consuming regions to major oil exporters. In recent years many of these exporters have set up oil funds to utilize their massive and growing oil revenues. These funds are divided into two categories—stabilizing and saving. Their large investments in western markets have raised concerns that they might be driven by political and strategic interests rather than commercial ones. This article examines oil funds in the Persian Gulf, Norway and Russia. It discusses US and European proposals to regulate oil funds' investments. The article examines the International Monetary Fund's efforts to forge a consensus on a ‘code of conduct’ that would guide the relationship between oil funds and the recipient markets. The analysis argues against excessive regulation.  相似文献   

Much of the literature examining the effects of oil shocks asks the question “What is an oil shock?” and has concluded that oil‐price increases are asymmetric in their effects on the U.S. economy. That is, sharp increases in oil prices affect economic activity adversely, but sharp decreases in oil prices have no effect. We reconsider the directional symmetry of oil‐price shocks by addressing the question “Where is an oil shock?” the answer to which reveals a great deal of spatial/directional asymmetry across states. Although most states have typical responses to oil‐price shocks—they are affected by positive shocks only—the rest experience either negative shocks only (five states), both positive and negative shocks (five states), or neither shock (five states).  相似文献   

Pitch compounds are frequently identified inside archaeological ceramic vessels. As their presence might affect the permeation of oil or wine into the ceramic fabric, experiments were conducted in which the diffusion of lipids or polyphenols into pitched and non-pitched modern vessels was followed by chemical analysis. Results show that the polyphenols of wine can intrude into the ceramics even through a pitch layer. Consequently, the absence of polyphenols in archaeological sherds is not due to their inability to reach the ceramic matrix under the pitch layer. By contrast, a pitch layer is quite effective to avoid oil intrusion into the ceramic matrix. Thus, it seems logical that oil amphorae would have been coated with pitch at the inside prior to use. Experiments in which the pitched ceramic was simultaneously exposed to oil and wine, show that the wine makes the pitch more permeable for the lipid compounds. These experimental data are confronted with residue analysis results obtained on amphorae fragments excavated in Sagalassos, Turkey. Pitch and oil were frequently found together. Based on a polyphenol test, indications for wine storage could only be obtained for two vessels. Against this background, the possible uses of the Sagalassos amphorae are discussed, and the traditional association of pine pitch with wine storage in archaeological amphorae is critically assessed.  相似文献   

This article draws on French and British archival sources to rethink the history of Britain's 1918--1920 occupation of the Caucasus. The extant historiography casts London as eager to reinvigorate the region's oil exports in order to buoy its own supplies, but this article suggests that various elements within and close to the British administration sought to obstruct oil exports. Preventing Caucasus oil from reaching global markets seems to have helped parts of the British administration reach their aims during negotiations with the French government and Royal Dutch Shell. It also improved the viability of the Anglo-Persian Oil Company by denying valuable oil supplies to rival firms. Acknowledging the British oil interests that steered state policies during this period allows a richer story to unfold, one that demonstrates how imperial power in the wake of the Great War could be brought to serve the aims of, and even adopt the methods of, transnational oil companies operating in an emerging global fuel market.  相似文献   

The oil monarchies of the Persian Gulf region have typically been portrayed as patriarchal autocracies characterized by traditional tribal rule that have taken on the characteristics of a modern state. The historical debate on these rentier states has centred on how their substantial oil income since the 1970s has allowed them to pacify their citizenry from making demands for enfranchisement. Power was thus firmly able to rest with the elites. Since the end of the Cold War, winds of change flamed the desire for reform and the late 1990s saw significant political changes. The empirical data indicates that this pace has increased, albeit at differential speeds, within the context of the post‐9/11 war on terror. Interestingly, this has been the case despite turmoil in Iraq and a shift to the right in Iranian politics. The fundamental drivers of reform in the Arab oil monarchies continue to be the ruling elites themselves, however. The character of the reforms does appear to be mainly liberalizing rather than democratizing, but developments in some oil monarchies suggest that this process can be viewed as an early or intermediate stage of a wider enfranchisement of civil society.  相似文献   

The production of oil and wine was an important aspect of the ancient Mediterranean economy. Among the material remains related to the production of these substances, installations used for their production provide evidence that is still unexploited. Although archaeological studies have been carried out on these installations, problems can arise in the identification of their function, as wine and oil production structures can be similar and the archaeological traces insufficient to establish which substance was produced.  相似文献   

Panda politics     
This article argues that China's agreement in 2012 to loan Canada two panda bears is emblematic of animals’ simultaneous material‐symbolic inclusion and exclusion in contemporary politics. Employing a material focus, this article draws a connection between the panda gift and the promise to which it is attached: a promise of material flows; of Chinese access to Canadian resources, especially; and controversially, tar sands oil. Common to geographical flows of both pandas and oil is a devaluation of nonhuman life. In one flow, two pandas cross the Pacific for a decade of captivity at the Toronto and Calgary Zoos, where visitors will pay to view the permanently visible pandas. In the other instance, oil will be shipped across the same ocean, oil whose production comes at great cost to wildlife, including caribou, birds, and fish, and whose spill at any point along its journey to China would devastate marine and terrestrial wildlife populations. Stark power imbalances between species are at the heart of both of these flows and their material consequences. This article argues that, in emphasizing what the pandas symbolize, the extent to which their own and others’ lives are materially affected is elided.  相似文献   

西藏壁画表面大多刷有保护涂层。据记载,其材质主要是桐油、牛胶或清漆等。但目前,对该涂层材质科学的研究却较少,不利于后期保护修复。为配合拉卜楞寺壁画保护修复项目,本研究以衰减全反射红外光谱法(ATR-FTIR)、核磁共振氢谱法(~1H-NMR)、热裂解-气相色谱-质谱联用(Py-GC-MS)技术等分析手段,对甘肃夏河拉卜楞寺弥勒佛殿、时轮学院主殿壁画的涂层进行了分析。结果表明,两处佛殿壁画涂层可确定是一种干性油,种类与桐油较接近。但由于西藏壁画在材料和工艺上的独特性,材料老化等因素,拉卜楞寺壁画涂层在组成和结构上,与现代桐油有一定差别,表现出一定的丰富性和复杂性。后期修复,可采用性质与西藏传统涂层材料接近的干性油,例如桐油,作为新的壁画表面涂层材料。  相似文献   

The article briefly considers the question of conservation and oil displacement in recent years. It then focuses on the problem of petroleum supplies, on the factors affecting their expansion, and on Soviet efforts and plans in the field. Investment growth in the oil industry and its regional allocation in the 1980s and beyond are examined. The nature and thrust of the exploratory effort, its relationship to the new reserve classifications, and to prospects for the Soviet oil industry are analyzed. Finally, the causes of the current rebound in output and Soviet plans for field development are assessed.  相似文献   

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