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耿栋 《旅游》2012,(4):76-81
开车行驶在也许是百年前外国探险家进入青藏高原走过的路,眼前的一切并没有让我感到惊叹不已。一百多年来,青藏高原已经发生了巨大的变化,野牦牛、野驴和羚羊踏出来的道路已经变成了宽敞的公路或者砂石路,抑或是窄小的摩托车道,沿着这样的路我们可以深入到更深更远的无人区,那里曾经是生活在青藏高原的精灵们的家园。  相似文献   

田间 《旅游纵览》2009,(4):81-81
<正>我却吻到了老农妇三个老外一边喝酒一边吹牛,美国人说:我们国家的火车最快,开起来后,路两旁的电线杆看上去就像篱笆一样。法国人说:我们国家的火车才叫快,开起来后要赶紧向铁轨上泼水,否则铁轨就会融化。英国人站了起来:那算什么,有一次我在国内旅行,老婆送我上车,我从车里探出头  相似文献   

The discovery at Mainz by Franĉois Dolbeau of a new collection of sermons of Augustine has enabled us to study, in far greater detail, the attitude of Augustine to the reform of the cult of the martyrs between 391 and 404. This study aims to understand Augustine's insistence on the need to imitate the martyrs against the background of his views on grace and the relation of such views to the growing differentiation of the Christian community. It also attempts to do justice to the views of those he criticized: others regarded the triumph of the martyrs over pain and death as a unique manifestation of the power of God, in which believers participated, not through imitation but through celebrations reminiscent of the joy of pagan festivals. In this debate, Augustine by no means had the last word. The article attempts to show the continuing tension between notions of the saints as imitable and inimitable figures in the early medieval period, and more briefly, by implication, in all later centuries.  相似文献   

刘兆元 《民俗研究》2001,(1):190-191
江苏近海及扬子江内,盛产河豚鱼,其血液、肝脏、性腺、泪腺中均有剧毒,人若误吃了它,很快神经麻醉,窒息而死。民间有“吃了海豚肉,神仙也难救”,“吃了河豚籽,仙丹难挡死”之谚,谈豚色变。只有那些生活十分绝望的人用吃河豚来自杀,这叫“拚死吃海豚”。然而扬子江上的渔民及两岸的民众,明知河豚有毒,却把它当成是“天下第一鲜”,  相似文献   

丁生金  王振光 《攀登》2001,20(6):79-81
西部大开发是对西部深层次的开发,它不仅涉及经济因素,也涉及非经济因素。在非经济因素中,思想认识、政治意识、法制意识对西部大开发有着特别重要的影响。所以,我们应当不断提高人们的思想认识、政治意识和法制意识,为西部大开发的顺利进行营造一个良好的发展环境。  相似文献   

年逾花甲的退休教师王功学这回也学年轻人"潮"了一把。偕同夫人,开着时尚的城市越野车东风日产逍客,取道险峻的湘鄂西公路,一路发现芙蓉镇、探秘土家族。来看看他们的逍遥之旅吧。  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to give an account of hope as it was understood by Józef Tischner a public intellectual and a prominent chaplain of the Polish Solidarity movement, which led to the fall of communism in Eastern Europe in 1989. The idea of hope was one of the basic ideas of the Solidarity movement, around which the daily experiences of its members were organized. The author thus offers insight into the intellectual history of the Eastern European dissidence movement of the 1970s and 1980s. Referring to Tischner’s biography she describes some of the ways in which Western ideas crossed the Iron Courtain. Using the example of Tischner’s dialogue with, and critique of, Thomism, she explains how dissidents’ interest in phenomenology interacted with the heritage of European thought. The author shows that despite Tischner’s distancing himself from Aquinas’ thought, he remained under Aquinas’ influence, and his own ideas were not as different and incompatible with Thomism as is often believed. Given the rising interest in the question of the relation between hope and democracy today, the question of the meaning of hope is pending.  相似文献   

In 1210, thanks to increased contacts between Jewish communities in western Europe and in the eastern Mediterranean in the wake of the crusades, Jonathan ha-Kohen, head of the yeshivah of Lunel and leading Jewish Provençal sage of his time, set sail for Alexandria, from where he proceeded on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. A year later, a group of sages from northern France and England arrived in Marseille, en route to Palestine. A number of scholars have investigated the messianic aspects of this second wave of immigration, called the “‘ aliyah of the three hundred rabbis”. This article, however, seeks to examine the messianic aspects of the earlier journey, undertaken by Jonathan ha-Kohen and his followers, within their local Provençal context.  相似文献   

2003年5月8-10日,德国亚洲问题研究所同《中国季刊》社和悉尼技术大学国际研究所合作,由大众汽车基金会资助,在汉堡发起了一次研讨会,评议中国西部战略的起因、内容和潜在影响,强调省和地方的作用。42位学者出席了会议,提交了论文和资料。议题不仅涉及贫困、基础设施落后和少数民族管理这些党和国家显然关心的问题,还涉及西部的新定义,西部各地区内在的社会经济多样性,各省和地方之间广泛的不同的互动关系以及由此而产生的怀疑、抗拒、追随和狂热。以下论文摘要选自《中国季刊》2004年178期。  相似文献   

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